Easy Beef Jerky Made In The Oven

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Thanks now I want beef jerky

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/notyouravrgd 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
I've made a couple beef jerky videos before but both of those have used my electric smoker to get that sort of wood smoke flavor today I'm gonna be showing you an easy way to make beef jerky in the oven and still get some smoky flavor [Music] before we get to the actual cut of beef we're going to be using need to make the marinade that's going to go on these beef jerky pieces I'm doing it in this large bowl because we're just gonna put the cut strips of meat in here once our marinade is ready and we've sliced up the beef so we're starting with a third of a cup of apple cider vinegar you could use red wine vinegar if you wanted to third of a cup of Worcestershire sauce third of a cup of soy sauce a tablespoon of cracked black pepper a tablespoon of red pepper flakes a teaspoon of granulated garlic 1/2 a teaspoon of kosher salt and for that smoke flavor we're gonna be using some liquid smoke today liquid smoke comes in several different flavors I'm gonna be using Mesquite today now I'm gonna be putting 1 teaspoon of liquid smoke in here if you like a smokier flavor add more but it is pretty powerful now we're just going to give this a nice mix all right we're gonna set this aside and move on to our beef all right so what I'm working with today is some top round this is one piece of it I have several pieces of it but I'm just going to show you this first piece that I'm going to cut on camera this has been in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to firm up its gonna make it a lot easier to slice as thin as you want I like my pieces not super thin and I like to trim a lot of the fat off now I've had a lot of comments on some of my beef jerky videos about leaving the fat on especially for people who are used to eating something called biltong I've never had biltong but it looks really interesting I believe it's a South African snack it's used also in Australia New Zealand I've had a lot of comments from those areas about it and I do want to try making that but this is a sort of a traditional beef jerky and this cut is top round which a lot of times you'll see sold as London broil so I've removed a lot of the fat here and I'm just gonna start slicing it now the choice is across the grain with the grain across the grain will give you a tender bite when you pull on it at with the grain you're gonna have a little bit more of a pull it's up to you I'm just actually gonna slice this straight across here trying to keep it as squared up as possible we're just gonna start at the end here the first cut is always a little difficult especially when it's been in the freezer and you can see we have this extra little piece here that I'm just going to go ahead and cut off here and we'll just cut that separately with the other pieces so now I have my piece squared up here and I'm just gonna go slowly here this is a little too thin for the way I like it so they're gonna be a little thicker pieces and know the knife is not dull this is almost frozen as soon as you get into the meat you feel the resistance released that outer part is almost flash-frozen I'm going for anywhere from an eighth of an inch to a quarter inch thick on these pieces I'm gonna go ahead and finish slicing this up and the rest of it I'll bring you back when we're ready to marinate it all right so what I have here is just a little under 4 pounds of sliced top round now a couple pieces I did leave some fat in I know a lot of people in comments said leave the fat I can leave the fat because I'm not preserving this this is going to be eaten within a couple three days and I store it in the refrigerator if I was taking this to a level of dryness where I wanted to preserve it where it can sit out just in a jar on the counter or something like that fat is the first thing that will go rancid it will turn bad so that's why you try and remove as much fat as you can when you're gonna be making this for preservation in the American jerky style so now we're just gonna get this in the marinade got our bowl of marinade here I'm just gonna start putting the pieces in we're gonna give them a good mix with our hands if you want to put them in a ziplock bag you can that's really easy to marinade them put them in the refrigerator and I'm just gonna work the marinade over these pieces I want to get everybody to have a good coating here the beef is still very very cold from being in the freezer and this is going to go in the refrigerator for an hour I said this was gonna be a short process and I wasn't kidding now if you really wanted to give this a lot more flavor leave it overnight leave it six or eight hours but you're gonna get a lot of flavor in here just in the hour [Music] alright this is gonna go in the refrigerator I'll see you in about an hour all right so our beef jerky has been marinating for an hour that's all and as I said before you can marinate it much longer but this is sort of the quick and easy version of beef jerky made in the oven so here are several pieces of it there are a lot more still in the bowl but I just want to show you what you need to do here which is dry it off a little bit just want to take off some of that excess moisture not all of it the rest is going to dry out in the oven and just turn it over you get some of the excess off the other side you can see we still have a lot of those nice red pepper flakes and cracked black pepper on the surface alright I'm gonna go ahead and finish drying off the rest of this and I'll bring you back when we're ready to get it on the trays alright our top round slices are dried off not completely there's gonna be a little bit of moisture on them that's fine we just wanted to get the excess off so what I'm gonna do now is transfer them to these baking racks that are resting in a tray and the tray is there just to catch drippings if you don't have something like this you could actually do it straight on the oven rack just make sure it's clean clean those racks first and then on the very bottom rack at the base of your oven line that with foil or a large pan to catch any drippings you can also do it straight on a baking sheet like the one that's under here just in a couple hours into this you're gonna want to turn them over this way you don't need to turn them because there's gonna be air circulating around all sides so I'm just gonna start placing my strips on here and any little ones just kind of tuck to the edge there but really you want to try and keep them from overlapping if they touch a little bit that's fine they're gonna shrink up quite a bit [Music] move on to our next tray [Music] I may have to do some creative cramming on this one with the amount left we'll have to see or could just save the rest freeze it thought out make jerky later again if some of them touch that's not a problem they're gonna shrink and open up space here got a little bit left over that's okay I'm gonna save that I'll make a batch of jerky a little bit later today let's get these in the oven all right our oven is preheating to 160 degrees [Music] these are probably gonna take somewhere between 3-4 hours but we'll check in about an hour all right it's been an hour let's have a look at our beef jerky alright let's see how we're looking here now one difference between this and using the smoker is you would have had a darker color already because you'd be having smoke rolling over this but it is looking good here starting to get shrinkage the first a little bit on the edges it's still gonna have at least two more hours to go there's like I said this is probably gonna be a three or four hour process but it smells great right now so we're going to close it up let it keep going all right we are three hours in let's see how we're looking oh look at that there we go we are getting that real jerky sort of color here look at that and see that and see that still very very very flexible we want to get that dried out more so I'm guessing another hour it's probably gonna take us to where I would want this jerky you may want it drier and you can take it longer it's completely edible right now in fact if you notice on the bottom shelf there's a missing piece I took a taste it's really good so all right this is going to go back in another hour we'll check it and we'll probably be pretty close to how I like it to be done all right we're at just about four and a half hours I let it run just a little bit longer when I checked it for just a little bit less than I wanted so let's see how we're doing now oh look at that nice color this is what I'm looking for right here let's see let me grab this piece back here look at that this is what I'm looking for right here I like just that little bit of flex in there if you're doing it out on the smoker you're going to get a lot more airflow you're going to get a little bit more of a drying action in this short amount of time but in the oven you get a little less airflow unless you're running convection I didn't run convection in my oven today but that is just what I'm looking for so let's get these out of here and have a taste and here we go beef jerky a nice little assortment on the cutting board got to tell you this just smells amazing I told you I cheated and took a little taste earlier it just like I I love beef jerky I've loved it since I was a kid it was always a treat to me when my parents would buy beef jerky in the store and now I can make it myself let's have a taste nice this piece right here this one has some fat in it I can tell just from right on the backside here so normally I wouldn't do this with fat there were a few pieces that I decided to let go through with the fat I know it's going to taste good but let's see if you can't use a smoker outside and you want that smoke flavor using liquid smoke is fine if you have no other option and you want that smoke flavor don't hesitate to use it don't let anyone tell you you can't use liquid smoke if you want that flavor in beef jerky or in anything a teaspoon of it in this marinade gives perfect smoke flavor the total time in the oven was about four and a half hours at about a hundred and sixty degrees your oven may be different ovens can range by 30 degrees member they don't just stay at a temperature they go up and then they turn off and they come and when they're below it then they go back up so you're not going to have a stable 160 degrees all the time that's okay the key is giving it that sort of low and slow time here now this is only a four and a half hour drying process if you want this dryer if that's the way you like your jerky you're probably going to go six or seven hours I doubt you're gonna have to go much longer than that if you use a thinner cut it's gonna dry much quicker I like mine cut about eighth to a quarter inch and so I like that little bit of Bend in it especially when I'm doing it inside in the oven and it just is amazing and if you're planning to make beef jerky like I am NOT for preserving it you don't have to use top round or I of round you can use sirloin you can use a tri-tip try some different meats see what works well for you the key is if you're making it without the idea of preserving it you're gonna want to store it in the refrigerator if it makes it that long so if you have friends coming over you have a party and you want to give them a real treat go ahead use the oven get some good beef some liquid smoke a great marinade make some beef jerky it will be the hit of the party and it just is not going to last very long [Music]
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 1,429,969
Rating: 4.9215279 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, snack food, beef jerky
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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