World's Easiest Beef Jerky! No Jerky Gun? No Smoker? No Dehydrator? No Problem!

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Maybe I have a different view but I always thought there was a significantly larger chance for contamination with ground beef? Agree? Want to change my mind? Because I'll admit that does look tasty when it's done - and might satisfy my guilty pleasure of those cheap shitty little round jerky diskys from liquor stores!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bdemented 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2014 🗫︎ replies

i used a jerky gun ONCE (it came with my ronco $18 dehydrator)

in all honesty, i didnt care much for the texture it created (using the exact same recipe as i usually do)

the only reason i tried it... saw a guy on youtube years back use a "jerky cannon".... put his tray on a spinner, and squeezed it from the center going outwards in 1 long strip

plus.. i had it.. i would never buy it

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2014 🗫︎ replies

I've had it a couple times. Not made, just have had. I wasn't a fan of the texture.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Efflux 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2014 🗫︎ replies

I find it to be a convenient way to use my ground beef.

I buy my meat in bulk to save on the price, but that means it always comes with a part of not so lean meat. I have the butcher remove it, then remove most of the fat and turn that to ground meat for me.

(Final product being > 95% lean ground beef)

Since I have started selling some of my jerky, I end up with far more ground meat than I could reasonably use in everyday cooking (around 1/4 of the total meat bought ends up ground)

I ended up getting Cabela's Jerky Blaster, which lets me make quick work of turning it into jerky sticks.

I dry it in my dehydrator at 150F for around 6 hours. Here's what the final product looks like Imgur

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Oogie-Boogie 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2014 🗫︎ replies

I got one for christmas and never touched the thing. The whole concept is bizarre to me. Why do you need a gun an ground meat when you can do it perfect without grinding or a gun? The only thing i can think is that it would be soft, but i always slice against the grain and i want my jerky to be somewhat firm at least.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mrpoopsalot 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2014 🗫︎ replies
hi everybody this Larry at Brandon Minnesota you're hungry for beef jerky right but you don't have a dehydrator no problem you don't have a jerky gun no problem you don't have a smoker no problem I am going to show you the absolutely easiest way to make beef jerky or if you got venison ground venison venison jerky it doesn't get any simpler than this I have been making jerky and beef sticks and smoking fish and doing this kind of stuff for years and years and I have got to say when it boils down to it the best recipe I have found and I have tried many many many of them commercial and regular recipes geyser clump with I keep coming back to nesco who makes dehydrators come up with this years ago jerky spice and they've got some different varieties this is just the original they have a variety pack you can get teriyaki and Cajun and all kinds up and it's all over there in almost every place that's got any of jerky supply I mean you know ground beef we stuff you up bleep arms and and I think even Walmart's got on some of your big box stores you can find this jerky spice anywhere but let me tell you it is so awesome and I'll tell you why they nailed it when they made this spice the flavor is phenomenal now that it comes with the cure but and it's reasonable but what's really great about it is it comes with powdered liquid smoke in it so it's already got the smoke flavor and everything it is phenomenal well I'm going to show you this simple way I'm going to make what's called jerky chips these little round chips that are so cool to make and I'm going to show you what I'm going to do want to take a scissors we're going to cut these open and I got the pure in one pack and the spice and another and I'm going to dump men together and this bowl okay see that and I'm going to mix it up this is the jerky and the cure turkey spice and accurate what I mean okay what I'm going to do is what I like to do is I like to put a little water with it just a little bit to help it dissolve a little bit Marco oh maybe about a tablespoon brother that really helps to dissolve it good to care and the spice and then I love to me tonight yup I got a pound of beef here okay I'm going to put that in there and I'm going to dump this in I'm gonna mere massage it and good when I do get it all mixed up I'll be back okay I got that jerky mix mixed into this hamburger really well just massage it with your hands real well mix it up because when you got that little bowl the spices up take a little meat and stick it back in there and clean every little drop those in to get all that goodness mix it up really thoroughly till it's nice color away take this bowl put it in the fridge for an hour least a minimum hour just let this set for a few hours that'd be better and overnight would even be better you cover with some saran wrap and do it in the morning but I know you're hungry for some jerky jerky and you don't want to wait okay so let's put it in there for an hour and bring it out now I'm going to share this really cool next step we're going to do okay okay it's been an hour now and this is firmed up a little bit got a little darker it's a lot of fun begins we're going to have some fun now we're going to make what you call I call them jerky chips little round disks they're really cool and here's what you want to get you want to get pick up here's a plastic bag standard sandwich bag and I cut both sides here with a scissors so it opens up and what we want to do is take this jerky or not jerky with hamburger that's going to be jerky and I'm going to make a ball I'm going to make a ball up about not the size of a golf ball but a little smaller about that size we're going to place it on there we're going to fold this over here okay and then what we're going to do grab something from my hands real quick what's really cool is we go to the Walmart paint department you'll get a couple of these free they're sticklers for the paint or if you have a couple rulers around a row or an old beat-up of wooden real what you want is that about that eighth inch thick stuff that's what that's what we're on we're going to put this on either side of this okay and we're going to take a rolling pin now what we're going to do is going to kind of flatten this out by hand first and then we're going to take a rolling pin and if you don't have a rolling pin go ahead and use you know a can or something like that you know a pizza cannon or something like that and we're going to take these out and what's so cool about this is these you roll this mop here so easy see and I'm going to lay all these on a little sheet here a little of like a little of order what I want to say a little rack I'll get it Bobby okay I just rolled out another one here now get my rack here I could I have that and this peels off so easy out of these bag and just put them on these racks okay and I'm going to fill up a couple racks use up and tell I got it all done and what's really cool is if you want to really can't kick this up a little bit you want a little hotter sprinkle it with some red pepper flakes or I might even put some cracked black pepper on some a matter of fact I will little graph and you have some ground black black pepper here and I'm going to put that on these couple right here and then so it sticks good just kind of Pat them in a little bit that's assumed now you got peppered ones be really cool I'm going to fill up my rack up right up with maybe a couple racks when I'm done here and when I get ready to put them in the oven I'll be back okay I got all these rolls out now you can see what I got just one pound so a lot of lot of jerky okay remember now you can do this with elk moves bear venison any of that kind of stuff but also turkey ground turkey ground chicken the whole thing here you're going to put it in a knock I'm going to put it in an oven most of them is I'm going to you and put it in a Louis setting about 170 and I'm going to crack the door and stick like a little pencil or something just to crack the door open and in an hour it's done as far as being the one over 160 170 is you're going to be fine as far as any Salmonella or any you never have to worry about the nice thing about doing it this way too is you can cook it I would check it in two hours then you can get it to the tenderness you want some little I want mine I call it tender bite where I can eat it enjoy it it's like jerky but it's not so top I got a chew and chew and chew and chew that's what's nice about this you can do it to your save but yet you can get it to the right what do I want to say dryness the way that you want it so I'm going to put this in the oven I'm going to put my oven goes down to 170 mm said I 170 and I'll pop it out in two hours and show you what it looks like I'll be back there okay everybody it's just been about two hours and this stuff is just about how we like it I took a piece already have and just it rips just nice like that we like it it's easy to eat mm-hmm very good but it's not so hard you want to make a dryer let it go longer here is the key remember you can do this with beef venison elk moose bear do it with chicken ground chicken do with ground turkey you can make your own turkey turkey and you're going to like this is so simple because you don't it like I said at jerky spice of some of the most fantastic seasoning by it it's everywhere I'll put a link in the in the bottom here well the video you can see what it looks like remember there's a store locator if I'm on I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about to stuff but it is incredible you got to get some this is a super easy way to make jerky at home no jerky gun no smoker oh hi droopy hydrator none the holeshot and your eagle i hope you enjoy this make this you're going to love it as Larry I'm branding Minnesota cow
Channel: Larry & Eyvonne Hall
Views: 1,080,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make Jerky, Beef Jerky, Turkey Jerky, Venison Jerky, Oven Beef Jerky, Easy Beef Jerky, Easiest Beef Jerky, Make Jerky, Make Venison Jerky Elk Jerky, Bear Jerky
Id: nIOkRWgjUgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2013
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