How to Smoke Beef Jerky: Insights and Methods from Professional PitMasters #Jerky #smokehousebayou

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[Music] hey guys it's Brian I'm coming at you from smokehouse Bayou international headquarters here at Ocean Springs it's early in the morning it's about 6:20 I need another cup of coffee but hey what I want you to do is we're going to shoot a video today about how we make smoke us by UB turkey our online orders have have exploded we've shipped jerky to all 50 states and our YouTube channels growing and look we just like sharing how we do things with you and when you get that bag of smoke house by you you'll know exactly how it was made and I think that's special to people you know it gives them insight into the the item that they're enjoying into this case the beef jerky they're enjoying so anyway stay tuned I'm gonna grab a cup of coffee we'll be right back and we're gonna smoke some jerky tonight and have a good time [Music] cast iron [Music] smoked cast-iron hi guys when you're making world-class beef jerky it comes down to a few things your marinade your meat and your smoking method or dehydration method or whatever book we're smoking jerky here at smokehouse Bayou and so look I'm going to go over one of our basic marinades that we use on our smoked jerky I'll give you the ingredients obviously there on the bag of our jerky as well I'm not gonna get into our exact recipe but I can tell you this you know cayenne pepper garlic powder and brown sugar kind of make the world go round in the south because you've got that balance of sweet and heat and hey we just like garlic down here okay so anyway those are three staples of our ingredients also salt and sugar and I want to teach you something about jerky bacon okay I was at a USDA facility in Ohio this is probably about two years ago and the guy that owned the facility he asked me he said what's the water activity in your jerky and I'll explain what that means okay water activity is if you think about it when we're dehydrating the meat or we're smoking the meat to make the meat shelf stable where it is actually considered jerky okay you have to reduce the water activity to a specific level and I'll get into all those numbers or whatever I guess I will in this story just a little bit but you're reducing the water activity which is part of the process of making itself stable and making it actually jerky so the guy says to me says what is your water activity in your jerky and I said 0.68 and he laughed and said you mean 0.86 which means he thought it had a higher water content and I said not according to Mississippi State and then he cement there's no way that you're what activities that low and your jerky is that tender and so he had a machine there where they can actually grind the jerky up and do a quick test and test the water activity and on his machine and came back to point six nine which is really close to what I had told him and he was just blown away so this is the most tender jerky I've ever had and I can't believe the water activities so much lower in my jerky in other words it wasn't just shelf-stable it was table stable that jerky you could just set it on the table for 30 days and then still be good okay so the ability to get your water activity very low and still have tender turkey is hinging on a couple of things and we're going it's might be jerky 101 but we probably gonna get a little jerky 201 or 301 in this but when you when you smoke the jerky if you want tender jerky we go with a thicker cut meat okay you're gonna you're gonna cut it about a quarter inch or a little thicker to begin with and then also you need to use enough salts or salt and sugars be it brown sugar or just regular white sugar cane sugar what happens there is when you use that in your marinades it or in your seasonings it competes for the water it draws the water out of the meat okay and so you don't have to make super tough crispy you know some people like that kind of jerk you know I'm not knocking it but you don't have to make that super crispy thin jerky that's really hard after three pieces your mouth I always say my jaw steps are sore you know from eating that jerky to get the low water content or activity so it'll be shelf-stable you don't have to do that you can go with a thicker cut of meat but you're gonna need to use enough salt and sugars in your marinade for that to happen okay we do that here we use enough I always tell people you know you might have a great marinade or a great seasoning but don't be scared of don't be scared to use enough of it okay and so that's very important anyway I'm gonna go over the basis of our or one of our marinades here and you can try this at home you can check the different amounts just to make it to your taste okay so you're tasting I know in different parts of the country they're just not used to the flavor explosion that we have down here in the south and there's a lot of times it's like wow this is so flavorful and that's what we want to do with our jerky it doesn't take any talent for me to just make such a spicy jerky that you can't eat it right but when you try our jerky I want you to be able to taste all the different ingredients in it and I think that's one thing that is a characteristic of world-class jerky you enjoy it more so anyway I have seven ingredients that we use in the in the jerky marinade or in this particular jerky marinade and they're very very basic I told you we started out with garlic powder that's what I have here and obviously I'm making enough marinade to do I think you'd probably marinate about 72 pounds of meat okay because our marinade mixture is four pounds of meat to every 1 pound of marinade now look don't get caught up on the word marinade a lot of times people say well that's a liquid you're exactly right I just have always missed it there called it marinade even though it's all you know it's not liquids that we're using but what what you'll find later in the video you'll see that as we as the meat is tumbling into the end of the seasoning it all becomes a liquid anyway and so I'm just always referred to it as manually so if you want to leave a comment correct to me that's okay it's no big deal you know it's kind of like when you know you're doing something wrong but you keep doing it anyway are you saying something wrong look you gotta put you got to use enough salt and so we put a good amount salt in there alright this is gonna be this is actually about seven pounds of brown sugar I'm just gonna dump that straight in there a little bit of black pepper only good about balance of that in there so you can think about that an ounce of black pepper and enough to marinate 72 pounds of meat that's not a whole lot of black pepper a little bit of cayenne I said to garlic the Cayenne and the and the brown sugar make a good balance but look I think it's the Scoville units or whatever and peppers is how they measure peppers the swing on cayenne pepper is like twenty-two thousand to forty four thousand anywhere in there is acceptable or whatever and so you can imagine that's quite a swing so if you if you're making if you make some marinade or some seasoning and you've got it on the lower end twenty twenty five thousand scovilles or twenty to twenty-five thousand Scoville and then the next batch you get is 44 there's really no way of knowing until you use it but you can tell it sometimes that's why there's a variation in the in the spice level I guess when you're using cayenne we're gonna use some sugar now obviously got all these measurements and then we use memorized because we've done thousands of smokes with it and then the last thing I'm going to use and I'm so pretty that sneeze or whatever is our cure in salt okay and on this amount of marinade to do this much meat I've only only used about three ounces of this it doesn't need any more but hey if you're a jerky maker out there you want to learn about jerky we talked about the water content or the water activity of them in the meat that's one part of shelf stability the second would be the type of bag that you bag your jerky in okay the third would be an oxygen absorber that you put in that bag that would reduce the oxygen like water oxygen or not your friends when you're trying to make shelf-stable meat okay and then the fourth thing would be a curing salt or some sort of preservative or whatever okay a lot of jerky say they don't use that build simple bar though they will use a celery powder or something instead of that we use this excuse me we use this pink curing salt and it works very well for us and it's something you can find online or you can also find it at Academy Sports I mean we buy a lot of it from Academy because it's right here local so those things help your jerk this is what I tell you those four things right there will help your jerky from growing a beard you don't want to look in a bag and see a beard on your jerky okay and if you do those four things right your jerky won't grow a beard in that important machine every month we don't like our jerk you don't wear no fancy jerky yeah we've had clean face jerky for years we don't hold their beards on our jerk you know just remember that all right so we've got our marinade mixed up now I'm just going to hand mix it and then we're going to throw it on time roll and let him tumbling for a little bit then the next step is getting the meat right and getting these two together so stay tuned all right we got the marinade off of the timer on the tumbler so it's all mixed up well right now and ready to be put with this meat but look when we first started you know just like you home we hand sliced all of our I browned that's the cut that we use we hand sliced all of that to make the jerky then we moved on to a crank slicer and I'm going to put a car to appear on this video that has another video that shows that device and something we picked up at Academy Sports it's a game winner I think is the name of the product and basically you just drop the meat through there crank the thing and it creates some great jerky slices for you which it would man we sliced thousands of pounds through those things and it worked very well I think it was $99 best nine dollars we spend a long time and we got that then we went to a big commercial slicer that you know a big ten thousand dollar slicer that we would cut all the raw jerky or roundup to make jerky meat then we'd have to tear that thing down completely clean it to the eighth degree so we could use it when it came off the smoker to cut the the cooked side of or the cooked meat you know in that tearing down processing cleaning process you'll see that slicer in a bit you know it was just a big long drawn-out thing and so finally in searchin around we found a meat supplier a USDA supplier greater Omaha and basically we purchased our meat already sliced is crosscut creates a very good product for us we're super happy to have it is quite a bit more of a per pound to get that labor already done for you but man it drastically reduces the amount of time we have to slice and then just the major cleanup that comes that and so when we started getting the median already sliced that saved me complete afternoons of time so I'm very very happy that we've made that change and Michelle is gonna come and show you kind of how the process works with how the meat comes in and what we do from there so check this out that's not a knife hey guys Brian told you about how we get the median this is what it looks like when we get it comes in these bumps like this they're ten pound packs [Music] they're perfectly pre sliced meat and we love it we just like to separate them so then it gets the marinade gets on all sides of the meat it's not one big clump as that doesn't work well I don't want you separate them and we're adding marinade as we go or seasoning as we go how long will they be tumbling to make sure that that marinade is good in that meat there we like to tumble it about 45 minutes to an hour I prefer an hour just to make sure it's all coated really well it's good and liquidy and just makes for a better product well then one thing about that tumbler tell them about the vacuum capacity yes little vacuum somewhat for vacuum seal it and it cuts down where we used to do this in bugs I think they're called and we had to let the meat sit for two days to marinate and this we can do two days worth of work in an hour so that has saved us a lot of time there saves a lot of times there's a lot of Labor we're having to wash all those loads we'd have like 30 lugs in the cooler and man just did imagine taking the meat out and then having to wash all that so from being able to go from the tumbler directly to the smoker that saved us a ton of time all right so y'all can see that shale is just going to separate like she said about 40 pounds of meat and with that we're gonna use 10 pounds of our seasoning and that's our ratio and anyway then we'll put it on the tumbler let Tyrone do his thing yeah and then you know be going to the smoker Thank You Sal I love that's what I was like sailors July Alicia low all right after we get to meet in the tumbler Shayla is going to turn it on and she's going to create a vacuum which opens up the pores of the meat and it gets the marinade into the meat like it would be if it was sitting there for a couple of days now after the vacuum is set we start the tumbling process which ensures that all of the meat is thoroughly seasoned hey guys while we're uh we're gonna be loading the smoker here in just a little bit and we're gonna go ahead and put some wood in the water look we buy a lot of our wood from Academy I know I've mentioned Academy multiple times in this video I need to start getting paid from those guys but look we buy this B&B they sell a good variety and today we're gonna be smoking with Pacala we're gonna do our smoking gun so I'm gonna go ahead and grab you see they cut these pieces where they fit real good in our smoker I'm gonna go ahead and grab a few pieces we like to soak it in water for about 20 or 30 minutes while we're loading the smoker so we've always run out here and do this before we start loading let's go back inside [Music] [Music] okay hey we got the jerky off the tumbler now we're going to take and dump it in this busboy and load the smoker and this jerky has been tumbling for about 50 minutes and so like we explained she's got the vacuum tumbler the the 50 minute tumble is about equivalent to two days being in the in the marinade so we're not going to sit here and make you watch us unload the whole thing but we're gonna load a little bit of this turkey and talk for just a second here one star on the bottom can we go up with it we're using a southern pride 500 which is one of the best restaurant smokers it is a rotisserie homolog smoker and we're smoking this with pecan wood today but hey no soul no sawdust here no smoke generators into a smokehouse this thing is a for putting a propane assistant whole log smoker and it smokes as good as any smoker in the world so we're really excited to have this and it'll hold about 60 pounds at one time and it takes us about 30 minutes to get to smoker loaded so we're going to keep doing Misha Lila's a lot faster than I am Miss shameless you don't mind telling you that I talk a lot once he orders the line so anyway that's exactly right and look this is the whole idea of this video we want y'all to see the behind the scenes exactly what's going on so when you get your bag of smoke cops by you you can see how I was doing we don't farm our jerky out for other people to make and put our name on it you looking at who makes it's made with love wanna buy you buy this tooth right here soon anyway she's already cracking the whip all right we've got the smoker loaded let's get this puppy fired up baby put the little advice for me please will do going to cut the propane on two logs in at a time and this is again this economy proper humidity is vital in the smoking process now we're gonna set the smoker to 190 hey guys we're back this burgers been going about three hours at 190 I'm gonna check it now and see if it's ready to ramp up what's that like your timers going off cuz it's time to check it we'll go ahead [Music] so let's bump it up we're gonna bump it up to 260 early once it gets to 260 we'll cut it off and get her chopped up hey why don't we want to get the 260 well 260 gets us at our our leaf bowl with it Cobra it's a lethal step in the hasip plan yeah well actually we've probably already had the lethal step but this is the additional lethal step that make sure that any type of bacteria I multiply anything that is a little bitty and you can't see it is gonna die right and then the second reason is the marinade it makes the most yummiest right to this town we call it the burn point so you want to go just below the burn point and that's going to make that marinade the most flavorful and that's what sets apart smokehouse Bayou from any big name jerky that you find in a store because their smoke houses will only go to about 175 to 180 so they cannot hit that step that we do in this smaller smoker so advantage smokehouse buy you for having the southern pride and that's what we're that's one reason that our method is different from everybody else's on the on the market I've never met another smoke master our pitmasters that did what we do get up to 260 60 a check on the here interview yeah hey guys we're at 260 the ramp process is over No shayla's gonna come in with the camera you're gonna hear the jerky sizzle that's the difference between smokehouse by you and every other jerky on the market they can't get your smoke houses up to up but about 185 degrees and that's what makes a difference with our marinade so come check this out no you gotta when you open up that smoker you can see that smoke right up in your face with it I'll shut up you hear that system it's not like thank you yo smoke down spy you jerk he's the only thing it makes bacon jealous don't know if y'all knew that or not alright so what we're going to do is let this rotisserie out it'll cool off a little bit and then we'll get that slicer over here and start slicing it and then Michelle is going to show you how she bags it alright okay the smoking process is done the jerky is ready it's still quite warm it's not a little hot the best time to slice it is now so we're gonna fire up the o F 19's this thing makes short work of it and you'll see see how we get this jerky sliced into bite-sized pieces so miss Sheila can bang [Music] that's the smoked pecan right there man that's pretty so look we're gonna finish cutting this up and then shave let's going back some up show you the finishing process of there and you will have had a really good tour virtual tour of smokehouse Bayou and how we make the jerky that you guys love so and we love making so anyway let me finish slicing this and then we'll get over there to the bagging section the jerky cut up for us I'm going to show you how I bag a bag I'm the last person that touches your jerky before it gets shipped out and just so you know when you order a bag I'll write you a personal little note on each each one I get a personal note written on there thanking you for your order and Andy French fries in there runs awesome we say our tricky with love every piece is is quality controlled by yours truly so to speak Thanks cuz I'm picky but there's your bag of jerky that's how it's done just that simple hey guys I know this video might have went a little longer than even I hoped for but I want you to know we took her time we tried to be as thorough as we possibly could we wanted you to go to get a good indication of how your jerky is made but then also if you wanted to learn how to make jerky then we would have given you some valuable information and hopefully saved you some time and effort as you go on to make jerky or whatever and if not though his sub is focussed by you and we've got the thing where you order any six items shipping is free and we also make a bag and send to a deployed active-duty member or a veteran in your honor so that's our way to give back we're veteran owned operated and we love our veteran and active duty military personnel so anyway thanks for coming by smokehouse Bayou we hope to hear from you and if you're ever in Ocean Spray feel free to get up with us and come by international headquarters [Music] you
Channel: Smokehouse Bayou Smoked Meats
Views: 26,515
Rating: 4.9649634 out of 5
Keywords: smoke, smoked, jerky, beef, flavor, protein, snack, meat, grill, grilling, smoking, pitmaster, charcoal, bbq, sauce, marinade, science, howto, howtobbqright, smoky, ribs, pork, chicken, southern pride, small, batch, craft, beef jerky, smokehouse beef jerky, how to make beef jerky, beef jerky cuts
Id: ifzlzX32-gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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