Smoked Jerky - Smoked Beef Jerky and Smoked Deer Jerky on Ole Hickory with Malcom Reed

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right today I'm talking jerky I've been getting several questions over how to do some smoke jerky out on your grill outside on your smoker in and I wanted to talk about some ways that I do it what I've got today is a couple different cuts of meat first I've got a some venison out here some whitetail deer local here in Mississippi you know what I'm not out barbecuing in the winter months I'm usually I'll take some deer I love they used you know all the animals we take in jerky is an excellent way to to use that venison and this is a hind quarter that I you know kind of muscled out I left some of the muscles here cleaned up I've got some trim I'm going to show you how we trim it here in a little bit in addition to the venison also like to use beef or jerky and I like to look for the lean cuts like this either round I have here and what I do is I'll catch them on sale at my supermarket put them in the freezer I don't have to be making the jerky right there but what I do get ready to make it three or four times a year I can take them out throw it out and it makes excellent jerky you just want to use the lean meat like your London Broyles you're either rounds just certainly tips all those lean cuts of meat make great jerky so today I want to share with you three different recipes because I know there's all kinds of ways out there that people do jerky and I've got a few that I really like with some flavors um they go great with venison and with beef so the first recipe that we're going to do is going to be off a traditional jerky up if you by the kid and I've got a great seasoning here legs that company makes um just a jerky seasoning that's great and you use the pink curing salt with it and this is going to be a jerky that will keep you know you can get it out there on the smoker dried out some great flavor going and it's going to last a long time now I also like to make dirty don't use the pink salt we're not using soy sauce or salt sugars to preserve it some but it doesn't have the shelf-life and for the other two recipes I'm going to do a kind of asian-inspired is gonna have some gingers and garlic's and cilantro in it and then I'm going to do a sriracha a jerky recipe you're going to love these but first we got to cut the rest of this meat up and I want to show you how I cut it into jerky strips so what I found whenever I'm cutting jerky it helps to catch it when the meats thaw but it still has a little bit of frozen texture to it it makes getting thin slices easier so I took this either round roast out and leave it kinda that smoked on the refrigerator and I kind of felt on it when I thought it was still firm enough to to cut into jerky and that's where it's at now you always want to clean it up a little you know if there's any lot of Seenu on it or fat and I've gotten most of it off here littles not going to hurt but what our goal is is to cut across the grain into thin strips because you don't want jerky too thick so you just use a sharp blade a knife and catch it thin across the grain I'm just going to work my way down this roast keeping it thin the semi-firm texture that still a little froze really helps makes it easy to roll right through this now of course a lot you know I probably don't want long slices or big wide slices on my jerky you can leave them like that if you like them it's okay but a lot of times I'll come in if they're real wide and just cut them into strips so now I've got you know smaller pieces I'll cut some of them into thin strips and I may leave some of them in the big pieces some people like them like that as I finish up the beef here I want to show you how I'm going to also do the venison now just got some of the same thing I've took these a ham or a hind quarter of the deer and I've separated it out muscles and cleaned off all the Seenu I can I said missed a little bit here I'll go ahead and get that out of the way but I just kind of want to stay across the grain same way now this is thought a lot more than I'd like it still helps if it's on the little bit froze to but if you use a sharp knife you can still make pretty thin slices but if you keep it across the grain your jerk you'll be a little more tender not as difficult to chew now just keep it in strips kind of the same way we did the beef and you'll notice it's a lot richer darker red color that's just the texture of venison all right I'm about to wrap up the last of the deer here so then we're going to be ready to talk about these three flavors of jerky that we're going to do today all right so we've got the jerky cut up it I'm going ahead and portioned it out in bags for these different flavors that I'm going to make and I'm just using you know gallon freezer bag we want to get a good marinade on this everything I'm making is going to sit for at least 12 hours the overnight in the refrigerator first we're going to start off with just the original jerky seeds then this legs pack that I bought and I picked up the pink solid acad that goes with it but when you're dealing with these packs or the pink salt this is where air weights become critical you know it always has the directions on how many pounds of meat that each pack will do so just do the math for this one I had 8 pounds of beef so I split it 4 pounds and 4 pounds and it's going to be about 2 ounces 1/4 cup of seasoning - 2 cups of water and then about 3/4 of a teaspoon of the pink salt for four pounds so you're going to have to just kind of pay attention when you order up or you know whatever seasoning you pick up if it's a premix how much curing salt how much seasoning - how much need it's not hard just did a little bit of math and you got it but all you do is you take some water you're going to add the seasoning strength to the water this is going to kind of make that marinade and go ahead put the pink salt in as well then I just for use a fork with mix it all up we're just going to pour it right over our jerky going to get all the air out of the bag make sure we get some good coverage work it around a little that's ready for the fridge and I'm doing the same thing here for one batch of the venison I only have about three pounds of it so I had to cut my ratio down a little bit wasn't quite as much sieving of curing salt only about cup and a half of water put in get the air out work it around make sure you get it all happy happy okay so we've got the easy jerky recipes out of the wave and anybody can follow directions on to those prepackaged things turns out some great jerky nothing wrong with using those but I like to get a little creative with mine that's what we're going to do these two different types now the asian-inspired and kind of a sriracha to my favorite flavors I mean sriracha sauce is also on just about everything and this Asian recipe that I use for jerky I kind of took it from my Korean spareribs video that I did out on the grill some great flavors and it makes a good marinade for beef and it goes great on it if you're grilling it but it makes excellent jerky so that's what we're going to do today so I'm just starting with some udon soy sauce then I'm going to add about a quarter cup of honey for some sweetness to that soy sauce and we're not using the pink salt in this recipe so it's not shelf-stable for a real long time in the last a week or so and it'll last even longer if you keep it in the refrigerator but it's not no lasts as long is that would use the nitrates and with the pink salt but you know a lot of people don't like using some of that stuff and you know this might be recipe a different way for you to make a kind of a natural jerky now we're going to add some sesame oil tablespoon got about four cloves of fresh garlic going in and a couple teaspoons of this ginger some chili paste give it a little bit of heat a couple peaches crushed red pepper last but not least some fresh cilantro so we're just going to get these flavors mixed up here and pour it over our beef then we're going to get it to fridge and let it hang out overnight I just want these flavors to work on that meat really absorb into it and it's going to be great when we put out on the smoker get a little bit of hickory wood going dry it out it doesn't hurt throughout the night to come in and give it a toss check though move all your bags around just to make sure you're add to tighten it a little okay last but not least we've got my favorite recipe for jerky and this is that sriracha brown sugar marinade that I'm going to show you I'm going to start with some Worcestershire sauce about a cup then I've got half a cup of brown sugar then we're going to add some sriracha and you you know at this point you can get this as hot as mild as you want it if you don't like the sriracha sauce go ahead and use a hot sauce there but I like it and so I'm going to use about a half a cup that's going to add plenty of heat plenty of great flavor it tastes really good I'm also going to get a few seasonings in here you're going to use a you know couple good pinches of red pepper and use a little bit of granulated garlic give it another good picture to salt and then some finely ground black pepper that's all it needs I mean this is a simple simple marinade but the sriracha flavors and the brown sugar adds a little sweetness get a little bit of that heat a little bit of that vinegar tastes excellent on jerky now we just get this marinade poured over our deer meat do the same seal it up work it in tomorrow we'll be ready to show you how we're going to dry this out outside on our smoker you for now for you dehydrator guys you can do this same recipe on your dehydrators but we're going to take this too further put some smoke on this jerky it's going to be excellent you'll stick around come back tomorrow show you how we're going to do it okay it's the next day here in our jerky making process and I left this dirty marinade overnight it's been about 12 hours and I got when he got it out of the marinade we've got our three different types of jerky I've got my venison the beef both of these are the original seasoning but just like it's a package that legs jerky seasoning with the pink curing salt and down here we've got our beef that we did Asian style and then we've got that sriracha a marinade going on last a little bit of venison here and you can see I've kind of got me some racks laid out here these are my pork racks that I use for competition to the butts and shoulders but they make great jerky racks for transport to jerky to the grill and just moving it around it's a lot easier so if you get you some kind of rack like this it's going to make your jerky life easier when you're loading it up loading your cooker or however you're doing today we're just going to get it spread out and always put something down on my table what I'm doing because I want the jerky to sit here a little bit while I get the grill coming up to temp let some of that moisture drip off of it these racks also help with that because it's still even if you know I kind of took it out of the bag got it out of the marinade the best I could but it's still it's going to have a lot of moisture in the jerky process it's all about getting that moisture off of it so let's start putting it on the racks I'm just going to start on the right here there's no really right or wrong way to position it you just want to spread it out so we've got our jerky on the racks and you'll notice that you know you just want to spread it out you don't want anything overlapping because we want air to get around it want the smoke to get around it don't just pile it on your racks when you're getting ready to put it out on the smoker I've got all four types on my racks I've got a few more that I'm going to have to knock out is that plenty left over so I've got through football right so I'm going to go ahead and build then we're going to go out side get the smoker fired up we're going to hold it count a low today I want have been the 140 to 150 range with some good hickory smoke roll and that's what we're looking for we're not trying to cook this jerky it's more of about keeping it in that cooler environment with the smoke coming around in the air moving that's really what's going to dry it out to preserve that flavor that we've marinated in all night it's going to be excellent so let me get the word we'll be on outside in just a second we'll show you how we get this jerky on the smoker all right we're out here in our pit and I want to tell you a little bit what I'm going to be doing this jerky on today I'm back cooking on my old hickory ace mmm now jerky is one of those things you can make it a dehydrator I've seen it done in the oven it's great outside on the smoker because you get that other element of get to put some wood some good smoke flavor on it and doesn't matter what kind of pitch you're cooking on you can do that but this old hickory ace is excellent at it because I can control the temp slow and if you'll see here I gave it about 45 minutes to come up to temp and I didn't use much charcoal but I'm holding it 140 degrees I've got it dialed in I started out with about two handfuls of charcoal briquettes in the firebox and then I just added a couple of these chunks of hickory wood that actually got from Old Hickory and they're great because they don't have any bark on them just a good season ready to smoke piece of hickory wood and it's perfect for jerky you can see I've got the vents on top just barely cracked and I'm letting out some of that good hickory smoke so the cooker is ready now the great thing about that they'll Hickory with the internal convection is it's it's pushing that smoke around and that little bit of heat we got going but it's also moving air a lot like a dehydrator does you get that convection effect from the upper fan and the cook chamber and that's what makes this pit excellent jerky smoker well go inside grab the jerky bring it back out we'll show you how we're going to load it up on our older curry today all right here's the last rack of jerky going in and having them on this pork racks makes that process so much easier you see I've got a pretty good load on here I'm using every right and I just kind of got it spread it spread out we're going to get some good airflow so now I just want to get it closed up I want to get the air flow going I wanna get that fan circulation there get this smoke that's coming up all around the jerky is going to make it excellent so the next step in this process is pretty much just maintaining your fire we're going to just sit back hold it at 140 you know if it creeps up to 150 hundred that's okay it would I wouldn't be scared I thought it went as high as 200 but I'm not trying to really cook this jerky I want to keep it down and that low the cool smoke range let the convection fan do its thing let the smoke really penetrate that meat that's what's going to dry it out a little light heat but it's going to take you know several hours we're looking probably four to six hours somewhere there but I'll come back in a little bit and we'll check on it show you how we're going to feel we want the jerky that you know to start to be dry I don't like mine totally like a brick where I can take it break it I like it to have some texture but I do want the moisture gone that's what's going to preserve that jerky and make it awesome alright I'm back at the old hickory we've been smoking here for about two and a half hours on our jerky I just want to keep maintaining my tips I want to add just a little bit more cold you can see I got some pretty good ash bed going but I don't have a whole lot in here the woods kind of burnt down so I'm going to add another chunk Deer Creek put another handful of Sue the coals on that's about enough to keep it going we're gonna get it closed back up got a block and I put in here so do a little smoking but I'm gonna lose our heat so I'm gonna get it set back up I just wanted to show you we're not dealing with a whole lot of fire to maintain this load temp um you know we started out at 140 degrees I'm gonna let it creep up to about 160 we're just going to hold it there keep the same will smoke going it's all the heat we need to get this jerky just right all right we're still working on our jerky I've been smoking it for about five hours and I would not checked it I've got some of it that's already got us dry I want to so this is the Asian flavor jerky and you know when I start seeing that the moisture is gone there's no more coming to the surface I want to catch it when it still you know add some texture to it I don't want it to be hard as a rock it's got real great color it's got that darkness from the soy sauce and from the other sesame all the things that we put in there really bring those Asian flavors out and then in the sriracha when you can kind of see it has a reddish hue and I've cut these they're still still have a little texture to them to where they're not just rock-hard they're still you can buy them and chew them that's how I want to catch it so the big thing when you're doing jerky is there's no set time when it's going to be done you have to look at it every so often and some of the trays depending on your smoker going to come off before the others I'm still got you know four or five more trays out there I'm just going to keep watching them when it's all done I'll bring it in and show you how we're going to bag it up to keep it but I've got a few more hours to go we're going to get that rest of it dehydrated or smoked out there a little victory will show you how we finish this just here in a little while all right it's been eight hours total and all the jerky is finally done it always you know takes a little bit longer for some of the spots in the cooker I don't care what kind of cookie you're cooking on just the difference in sizes the amount of moisture to meat there's no set time that it's going to take but all of this has finally got the consistency that I wanted I wanted to you know to be dry have all that moisture slowly air brought out of it with the smoke in that lip of the heat that we had in the Old Hickory what I do now is I bring it inside just let it settle on the table hang out let it lose what he did had before you bag it up if you don't it's going to build up steam in the bag now what I typically like to do is just use Ziploc bags and that's how I store the one the original jerky from the legs jerky season and the pink sauce here is chef's table you don't have to worry about refrigerating it it's going to last a long time it's kind of a traditional style jerky that you can take camping with you and you don't have to worry about it now the other two flavors that we did you're going to have to you're pretty quick I mean they'll last a week or so out or just keep them in the refrigerator if you want to keep them for long periods of time they have all been to about 160 degrees internal so it's plenty of heat on jerky for to worry about it being safe especially with the amount of seasonings and the salt and the liquids in our marinade so it's all preserved really well and it tastes awesome um I'm going to no just I want to show you what some of it's like a shade that it's still tender even though it's drying this is one of the original beef that we did at this one it's got a nice chew the jerky flavor really really comes through with it but the best thing that I like about it is you get that hickory smoke flavor that you just can't get from a dehydrator or do it in your oven that's what good beef jerky should taste like so I'm just going to get this jerky bagged up real quick in the different flavors and what I'll do is take a Sharpie permanent marker right on the bags I know what I have and that's all there is to it one tip that I can give you when you're doing jerky on rice is before you start putting your meat out go ahead and give it a quick spray with some cooking spray and you'll notice that the mine didn't stick real babe you're always going to get some steak but it'll come off a lot easier if you'll spray those racks before you start putting your meat on alright so we've got all our jerky bagged up and we've got four different great flavors of jerky with the beef and the deer and the three marinades that we use let's talk about what we did first we started with some real lean cuts of meat I had some venison hindquarter to hand that I roasted out took the money i muscled it out got all the Seenu off of it make sure it could it against the grain it also took some beef that I had and I you know I caught those other rounds on sell my grocery store I put them in the freezer to what I knew I was going to make jerky we did the same approach we thought the mount left them a little bit fruit so they're easier to slice and then we slice them real thin and that's the you know the style of jerky that I like to do well our three flavors I went with an original that was just a store-bought mix that legs brand jerky seasoning with a little bit of the pink salt you got to really watch the ratios on those seasonings for the the pink salt and for the jerky seasoning just go by the package directions can't go wrong with it if you like to soup it up a little add a little bit of seasoning on the backend for the Asian style sauce I kind of pulled from my marinade that I used for beef Korean style beef short ribs now I wanted that ginger that cilantro the garlic soy sauce a little bit of sweetener with that honey that we put in it that's really my favorite way it's just a unique flavor of jerky and then last but not least we did a sriracha a with some moisture Shire and then some garlic salt pepper and red pepper and a little bit of brown sugar to sweeten that one up it's pretty great styles of jerky the recipes are going to be in the description for them so you can get all the quantities if you want to do jerky this way I suggest fire that smoker up get some smoke on you know the dehydrator the oven is great you can do jerky that way but you'll like it so much more by getting it out on your smoker I just want to give yourself some time hold those tips low we started out at 140 degrees towards the end of the cook it crept up to about 160 that's okay because that's our goal we're taking that meat too you just want to make sure your moisture is out of it feel of it along the way and get it off and let it sit and dry out and then bag it up and enjoy this the best part I'm gonna get into this bag of the Asian styles aren't you here a little bit thank y'all for checking out the video today your have a barbecue right if you like what we're doing subscribe to our Channel and find us on Facebook and Twitter keep watching the video they're going to put them out all year long we'll see you next time you
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 898,593
Rating: 4.9053555 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, beef jerky, beef jerky recipe, deer jerky, venison jerky, homemade beef jerky, jerky smoker, smoked beef jerky recipe, beef jerky smoker, smoked beef jerky, making jerky in a smoker, beef jerky recipe smoker, smoked jerky recipes, smoking beef jerky
Id: MjfdfMKww1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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