$50,000 SEARCHING FOR STAR NOTES ! Check If You Have One NOW! Rare Dollar Bills Worth Money!

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we just got $50,000 if you ever wondered what a stack of 50 G's looks like there it is right there we're modern-day treasure hunters here at once the Hales and today we're at home looking for the big bucks because there's a lot of money that's actually worth more if you can find it just in your money at home if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and make sure you hit that Bell notification every time you get notified when we release a new video and when we go live every Sunday [Music] we're gonna be looking for a bunch of star notes we find lots of star notes all the time as a matter of fact all of these have been found in storage units there's a bunch of hundreds back here you can find them on every denomination 20s look at these hundreds we found all of these in a safe from a currency collector in one of the storage units now star notes such as these are printed by the BEP Bureau of Engraving and printing to replace damaged or miss printed currency before it goes into circulation and the beautiful part is people pay more money for that star take a quick peek on eBay look here's a $1 star note that's sold for two thousand two hundred ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents here's a run there's a thousand consecutive star notes collectors love the consecutive numbers so those will go for even more a thousand dollar one dollar bills there you have it two thousand three hundred dollars the more rare the numbers are with the stars the more it can actually go for so today we're gonna see how many star notes we can find we've got five one two three four five stacks of $10,000 worth of hundred-dollar bills they're all hundred dollar bills I think we should maybe make things a little more interesting George what do you think are you saying that we should have a challenge I was absolutely insinuating that so how about you take $25,000 I take $25,000 and let's find out who can find more sour notes I'm down for it I get first dibs on the first half I'll take these Strax please and you're leaving me with this you're taking 30 grand and leaving me with 20 I don't think so split one of them pick which one you're splitting yeah I see what you're doing that's the one you're gonna split yeah all right split it and let's roll and let us know down below who do you thinks gonna find more George George or team Jamie I'm guessing team Jeremy George just gave me my first 5,000 from that 10,000 pack which I'm pretty sure she probably cheated and went through so how about I flip through 5000 then you flip through 5,000 we're looking at the serial numbers to see if we can find a star new and when we do find a star note we're gonna teach you how to look at that Moo mowers money that was for the mower all right when we do find it we're gonna teach you how to actually look it up to see what the value might be all right I've gone through at least a thousand so far none yet none yet but I've got I've got high hopes for sure because I think team Jeremy is winning this one we definitely got to find some star notes got to find something at Kay Abbey I would be I'd be okay with just anything written on these at all right now no star there no star no star oh look at that I got a J that might have been somebody well from my end it's a J and that means that they believe team Jeremy team Jeremy is gonna take this one home for the win no star notes yet but we're getting closer we're getting wait wait you see this right here that's authentication mark right there so other countries will put different stamps on their currency to authenticate that that hundred dollars is real so that was a mark there and I still $5,000 no star notes your turn George I'm gonna change it up a bit if I don't find a star note what if I find the letter G G George you're just trying to play this off because I found the J on mine well now I'm looking for the letter gene all right you can find as many cheese's there's a J right wait you just had a marking on that one what was it it says it says baking bake a money that was somebody's vacation money right there all right come on I'm completely and totally okay with the J's as well is that a G that is that is that is a deformed see if I'm telling you that's to deform that one that right you got a star note okay George got the first star no don't worry we're gonna show you we're gonna show you how to look up and see their value as well we're gonna take george's star note jump over to my currency collection.com and we're gonna go to the star note look up now we're not gonna know the exact value to find the exact value we'd have to sell this and for us we'd put it on eBay but what we're gonna do is we're gonna put in the currency amount the year that's on it and also we're going to place the serial number in so lb 200 and what its gonna do is it's gonna tell us the rarity the more rare the better the find the more money that it's worth we're gonna hit go and all the sudden okay now the the largest run size can go up to three million two hundred thousand so we aren't exactly here we're gonna find our run size right here so you see the arrow at number seven this was the number seven run at three million two hundred notes the rarity just isn't there while George has one it ain't rare George what you got to say about that I'm gonna find one of these number one ones with less than 128 thousand sheets for those keeping score George one Jeremy is gonna win here right down here you got another 5,000 we're flipping it here oh you see this mark right there that's another country or place or it could even be our country that's probably another country overseas checking to make sure that that is a real hundred dollar bill and I'm gonna see if I can find a J oh look at that this is another $5,000 were flipping through somebody checked again right there look at this what does that say something ham mr. Ram I'm not sure I don't see any G's ain't nothing but J that don't see anything like that but I am looking for Starr notes because I'm feeling it I'm feeling you got one but [Music] you gave me the wrong pile babji's just let me down my turn my turn alright so there's two places on a bill that you can actually look at for Starr notes so the serial number will be there and right there what about the back oh nothing no it's a deform see he flip and flip and flip and open there's a G does that count work keeping tabs doesn't count at all it's got to count it counts as nothing Oh somebody must have been countin and that was their tally that was their tally be my guess were you coming up with all these G's from no let me find that G now most Starr notes on average if we were to sell this $100 star note that George already found that would probably go for a hundred and twenty-five dollars but once you get into shipping and then paying your actual eBay fees it's really not worth it selling it on eBay don't let me down 5g you know what I ain't even looking for start notes anymore I'm gonna look for a misplaced $1,000 bill those are collectible all right here we go see see beat look right there that's where it was checked again right in that area all right there's a J if you're collecting G's I'm collecting J's you know that's that spells you can go that way too all right we got a lot of eighties there's an A in a C okay we could go with that too there's another e and an E and an A there's an older school $100 bill really ain't nothing but a J thank babe a what's the foaming you speak in English and be a Sikh I'll see your two G's and raise it wait I'll just see your two g's can't raise it with two G's with J's G's whatever letter we're on halfway through George we've gone through $25,000 all right now if I find a star note mm-hmm oh there's another G hundred-dollar to treat us to a nice pasta dinner from Olive Garden get carved out and then uh five hundred dollars is gonna get us through the zombie apocalypse we are gonna go and buy toilet paper the world we got this to keep liquid she's excited about geez instead of I mean I'm looking for both don't just just keep in mind geez aren't worth anything star notes are star knows our value I'm gonna get so 5g okay do you know what we can't even we can't even see the hundred dollar bills because she's just throwing them all aside those rooms are all mixed up who else here is OCD and all of them have to align the same way okay so we are working on $30,000 right here we've got one star note so far just to remind all of our viewers apparently we got five which means nothing whatsoever and yeah for some reason she was one of those people people claimed a lot of things okay scores still one zero nada I still got a chance we're submitting you there's two in here I'm doing it without even looking I'm looking with my mind there's two star notes in here come on here we go not only am I gonna win I'm gonna take the lead right here right now I'm not even I don't care about Jays in the letters the serial numbers that means nothing nothing at all and look not even a single G it's already talking to us we could just yep that's our going in that pile over there that G that G meant nothing food comas are nice though I don't mind a good food coma yeah I don't mind a good food coma Carbon out is nice to just carbonation is nice go oh man this pile is getting low I could have swore there were two in here nice were there were two in here we're gonna have to swap this we're gonna have to go back to the banks whap swap money we're gonna have to swap this money for another 50 G's you feel that heat yeah I feel a little heat right now because I haven't found one yet no I wouldn't say so yeah not yet I still have a fighting chance I still 5,000 to go through 5,000 won't let me down not bad you haven't found a single G yet though have you okay so this is you go real quick the other thing that you could look for with collectable dollars is people will collect serial numbers so if you get like zero zero zero zero zero zero or famous dates things like that those are also great collectible dollars that people will pay extra for online and just collectors and as a whole will pay for those special numbers in a serial number if it's a special you know July 4th 1776 if it looks like that what date would you want to see in your serial number 1982 I thought you were gonna say the year I was born and here I thought you were gonna say a date with me alright Jeremy down to the last pile what you praying for a chance to win that's about all I got right now I got 5,000 more alright here we go 5000 more to see if I can find a star no I said twinkle little star how I wonder where you are in my pile I hope too far look it's a stir note that is a star that is this should count I don't care this should count but tell me in the comments below should this count or should this not count because that is a star and it's on 100 dollar note so in my personal and professional opinion it is 1 to 1 right now big fat no it's one to one officially it's one to one I'm pretty sure I don't listen I can't oh I almost thought that was a thousand dollar bill that's the old Franklin's and that's the new Franklin there we got three different types there's another one yeah we got three different type of Franklin's I like the old old ones alright one to one one to one I mean one to one got one last chance all right I'm gonna I'm gonna do what you did earlier not sure if it's gonna work but I'm feeling that there'll be two stars in this pile Oh two - it's been one - you only need one to win because it's a tie right now so you want to crush me with two then huh yeah I see how you are you just you just can't just be happy you can't be happy yeah weight gain I can understand that he was probably dating somebody he's prey went on a car not pasta yeah probably won't the cost of dinner as well probably did I wouldn't doubt it there's a gee-gees don't count for anything where oh oh I call pho oh I call fo real okay so so 2 2 1 2 2 1 yeah uh make sure you do i dick there might be another another star in here right I told that the Jeremy trick let's see if it worked or not your pile is getting pretty low there's another gee-gees don't count for nothing nothing at all oh she's got two two two one [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 553,097
Rating: 4.7549286 out of 5
Keywords: raredollarbills, raremoney, raredollars, starnote, starnotes, starnotehunting, 50000, treasurehunting
Id: yxgsbQYrAWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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