Catch and Cook Fish Chowder on Home Depot Tote Float- Day 5.5 of 7 Day WaterWorld Survival Challenge

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there we go fish on well that's huge dude that's so much fish this is such a friendly lake everybody's so friendly stopping by i really have no idea what i'm doing all right our pressure cooker is steaming you get you get him i'll hold the camera you get him oh oh dude dude oh my lord holy slap bro [Music] i'm zachary fowler and this is the seven day water world survival challenge [Music] fish on [Music] waterworld survival challenge is brought to you by mystery tackle box check out the link in the description below for them and the water world survival challenge official gear video if you're just tuning in check out that link in the description below for the playlist for the water world survival challenge you're going to want to start this series from the beginning and now part two of day five it wasn't that magnet a little bit bigger about five minutes ago that this is a different magnet so where's the other it's uh at the bottom i didn't have enough i mean trying to use a magnet fishing to find the lure that chris lost yesterday so i put a piece of line on and i let it go out and just test to see if it was long enough and when it got to the end of the line it ripped it right out of my hands and now the other the fishing magnet is at the bottom the good big one so let's see if i can find it i might have to dive down in and look for it what's up i can't go down i can't see anything shiny no [Music] i'm gonna try one more time oh how good he came back up over here oh that hurts my ears so much something feels a little bit dangerous with you swimming around all these lines under all the everything [Music] i found it the string was floating the bank line floats no way so i was like fishing around and i looked over and i'm like wait a minute that's not my piece of bank line that's an end of a piece of bank line here and uh so so much for a magnet fish and it was look that's pulling straight up from straight down yeah i think i'm ready to go fishing again and not uh not going after that lure no all right heading out for one last go at the big bass we decided after thinking about this afternoon what are we gonna do with ourselves we haven't caught anything over three pounds much less five pounds what are we getting hope yeah hopefully something maybe two five range three that would be great let's do this we buy a little home away from home see you in a little bit working good still flowing perfectly [Music] all right we got a buoy and some rocks that could mean fish let's find out all right got the spinner bait with the uh swim tail that we got the other day from the airdrop oh i love how far this thing casts this mono on it just casts like a dream oh stop what is going on oh no never catch anything with it useless there we go fish on fish on that feels like a good one wow it's either a good one or a fighty like whoa oh he's going for the weeds come on don't worry just take this oh shoot don't worry it's all right no i'm just saying i'll shoot her saying him wrapped himself around these upper weeds here i don't know if i he's free of them or a piece that's a good one yeah he wrapped himself oh that's a good one is he free i don't see him i don't see him oh he's back towards the weeds he's trying to get into the bottom oh man oh wow that's gotta be the personal best of this so far that's gotta be the oh seven five 275 that's what i'm thinking 275.1 [Laughter] you just got prices rated here we go moment of truth i'm gonna put any lighter weights in him now i'm watching two seven uh 287 i can't even say it 2.87 2.87 whoo my price is rated you and and one one for it [Music] look what's left of my commando worm you destroyed it that was i shorted it those are those hooks that we got the other day in the airdrop and kind of a a neat thing for me or if you care too the uh i had the football jig with the sakura on there he seemed to hit it and then i cast a couple more times i felt like it wasn't working and i kept working that same spot switched something smaller threw it in there and boom there he was had it that felt good that was i was just laughing at the echo boom yeah i know it's front off of the short boom boom i'm just being dorky but it's like good when you figure something out like that you you learn something new about fishing fishing is just so satisfying to me for some reason it's it's just the discovery and the smell the soft plastics and just getting blown up ah so good and just a small custom lure guys on facebook make really beautiful little stuff and send my big stuff we got all kinds of like eggs and uh lots of little trouty lures and little great little trout grubs i haven't had a chance to try i can't seem to find trout spots i can't wait to play around with these during ice fishing it's a little teeny like stone flies and stuff it might work okay no it does work really well that's what's supposed to happen so the because of the cavity underneath the hook go like that on top with a little teeny barbless like and we got our little [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go [Music] well [Music] [Music] just in time for dinner you ready for some chowder sounds good to me yeah let me get the chowder maker it's all dirty oops i might have wasted a little bit there and look at the size of the chunk of meat on that guy that was chris's personal best there at least out of this lake on white perch we have to make some i feel like i'm having a cup of coffee this evening we got our pile of fish oh gross there's some fish water on the plate well that's huge dude that's so much fish that's the beauty of the pressure cooker is you don't have to cook your stuff on the burner if you just drop the pressure bomb into that probably shouldn't call it bomb that'll like throw people off i'm wanting to get one which we do now have them available on don't go chasing waterfalls stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to [Music] i don't want no scrub scrub is a guy that lives at his mom's house i don't know somewhere in there there's a song i know let's see we had living on the ice so what what we need one for this series living on the toe float you can help yourself from [Music] drowning drowning we're living on the tote float it has no influence whatsoever from living on the edge i made up that song wholly originally the first go-around totes and floats more of a rap song for this one totes and floats boats and moats bass and perch [Music] skipping church that's sad my mom and dad took the kids to vermont so i had this time to do this and i had one small window before i go away for an entire month on a tv show this will give me the opportunity to leave something behind just just in case i don't make it it's i'm not even it's not even a survival tv show i'm just going to georgia or am i going to georgia where am i going and i'll be there for a month and stuck on doing stuff and things until i can tell you we're going to throw people off because if you do put this in there it's actually it's actually a music show and i'm going to be singing uh i have as a talent so it's definitely not a masked music show i'm definitely not wearing a mask and going to sing on tv oh it's not that part of the show yet black i need some help what [Applause] i'm pretty sure one of these totes has i don't know it could either be the shape of the float or one of these totes has has a little water in it did you do 30 nights in canada yeah that's our bigger series 30-day survival challenge on youtube yeah you want to say hi to your friends oh yeah what's your name levi you got a shout out for your friends more visitors it's been fun this is such a friendly lake everybody's so friendly stopping by paying a visit it's like i want a lake house out here somewhere so if anybody knows of any property for sale let me know leave it in the comments below all right time to make the chowder we started chopping stuff up and visitors started showing up we started socializing and lost track of time here yeah and now it's dark we got our perch laid in the water and we do one more night of just slaying some perch for the fun of it put them back now that we don't need them maybe save two for no we'll have plenty of this for breakfast i don't think i'm gonna chop the fish up i'm just gonna throw them right in everything that i chop up can just go into the pot four cloves of garlic perch i'm gonna crisp up some bacon and sprinkle that on the top when it's done i love that on chowder that makes it so delicious so i'm gonna splurge tonight i have three whole potatoes it's gonna be so good i think i'm getting my eyes are bigger than my stomach here it's gonna be quite the fish chowder i'll be able to eat it tomorrow for breakfast and then tomorrow evening and share some with my girls because they'll be back oh that i got some cream and then some pickles put some let's just see if you're listening doesn't look like as much stew in there as i thought there would be it's i mean i got uh butter a little more butter i usually use milk well we had to use cream now and we'll put a little bit of water in it put on your lid and your handle these pressure cookers are so much fun it's so easy to cook stuff in them just get them going get them on the fire and boom all right peanut gallery hopefully not yes hopefully i mean boom like pazzam boom boom it's done you know oh wait wait i forgot the most important ingredient where's the adobo oh ta-da we found it adobo the most important ingredient if you're gonna eat possum raccoon and all that other stuff but also great on popcorn that in there adobo perch chowder boils something something that's as simple as it is just throw some stuff in there put it on the fire if it turns out gross just don't do that again oh our fire's looking a little on the weak side have to go to shore let's break some branches off i need more fire oh chris is going to go here's more twigs he's on it now remember the higher up the dryer up that doesn't look like such a cool shot though the smoke almost looks um ruin it with my light look at that because of the night light for the fish the smoke looks green that's so cool while that thing's cooking i'm gonna roast up some homemade coffee the bottom's kind of like waffly on the inside so you're gonna stir it around roast your beans it was my goal to try and do this every day but we had so much stuff going on i was a little nervous to try it check it out green beans they really are as as green as that i really have no idea what i'm doing i'm just going to roast them until they smell like coffee then when they're done they pour it out of the handle so i'm gonna fill this it might work okay there's no instructions but there is a little spoon that big what do you think that means oh there's well maybe that's instructions it's not my language i think that probably means you're supposed to do one spoon at a time you know what forget that they all fit in there i didn't get this good at everything i do without taking risks oh he keeps moving it do i have to keep moving it ah son of a brisket i need the oven's ovens mitt this is what i call ovens mitts for just three easy payments of 59.99 i don't know if you can see it but like there's some skins or something they're coming off of them there's our roasted beans oh man does that smell good or what dude eat one of those beans yeah um nailed it i think oh no burnt flavor oh wow oh wow i'm probably not gonna sleep until next week but wow now we need to grind it normally chris does it like a savage with a drill but i'm gonna do it by hand wow okay what happened i filled that thing bigger they must get bigger because i filled this and then i put it into the pot and then i roasted them and now i have all those beans and this they've doubled in size good to know this is i think you nailed the dark roast my blackout coffee and uh oh so medium roast means i if i had made it well that would have had more so we might have made a dark roast we made our first dark roast oh there's so much that is kind of more flavorful yeah like i might have over roasted these i think they'll still be good would you look at that he's an eighth of a way there folks give me the drill go ahead and cut in give me the drill one hour later oh smells like a burnt cappuccino dark roast i think we got it though but whether it's going to be super good or just interesting i do not know save that if it's any good for the morning the last the other part of the roasted pot all right our pressure cooker is steaming fire is keeping it good and going all right coffee is done a little cup for myself we're gonna drink it now because we need to put our chowder in those oh chris got another one he got one on his tip up his ice fishing tip up right at the edge of the dock oh the stew looks delicious looks good i'd say it's done so from this little guy to the pot yeah from there start to finish to there [Music] trying out my coffee it's really smooth whoo this thing stinks just reach your hand in there and look feel for the slimiest thing i don't like to seal around for your heels he's in there just go get him you get him you get him i'll hold the camera you get him i got the camera already you're the star of the show cut a little i bet you that would catch a bass and make some great live bait some little baby yellow perches eating little things in there yeah like why do they need to eat any of this stuff that ew i got a mayfly in mine all right let's try some soup it looks extremely creamy chunky juicy deliciousness well there we go i got some fish got a tater oh there we go peppers and onions the crema creme is topping it up with a little bit of crunchy bacon lord thank you for the food bless this food to our body in jesus name amen chris has got to be at work first thing in the morning so gotta get him to the dock and get him out of here he's got to go back to the real world i'm going with the girls and bring them out here oh my goodness oh my that fish it just like melts in your mouth what it's gross no nailed it nailed it as i said that was a weird look it really does guys just melts in your mouth if you got this in a restaurant like you're happy right hmm maybe somebody'd be like that wasn't haddock was it was it was it was it you know they'd be they wouldn't be able to say for certain until you finally told them they'd be like i didn't think it was haddock but what was it they'd be a real fish expert if they could tell that from haddock i didn't have a lot of soups until i had gotten married and jamie um back in the day when i was married showed me how awesome soups could be so as a kid i hated soups all soups and stews and ironically enough now that's what year well i go and spend 87 days eating fish head soup which is most would say is probably the most disgusting of soups i didn't have a problem with it ooh just found a big mayfly let's see if i can catch a fish with that yeah start our own podcast talking about fishing talking about fish talk fishing and talking today on fish talk we're going to be talking about white perch how to catch them simple techniques such as live bait plastic worms and jig heads as you can see i used a circle hook so the removal of the hook was quite easy it was hooked right in the mouth and didn't even choke it that's a smaller size dripping in my soup fish slap what is that from wasn't there i don't know let him go goodbye fish thanks for joining us on fish talk with kristen fowler oh my goodness two cups of that i'll sleep well you're ready oh i think i can get him untangled oh he's untangled nice and flipped him i still got around your line or something going on here nice another beautiful perch wow these guys are feisty another beautiful fish snagged a mayfly off the table threw it on the jig head here this may be what one of the things they're feeding on is the fish are going around all nuts down there either these dying on the surface and sinking down or you know if this is a trout place the surface of this water was just popping and blowing up the hatches have been unbelievable and probably their nymphs that are swimming around down there underneath the light and stuff let's see if we can catch something on this hello hello is this thing wrong is this one no you landed it i just i just set the hook oh dude dude epic that was a huge crowd oh my lord holy slab bro whoa that is geez i don't know if the camera does that justice that is a freaking giant yeah [Music] i know it's just a crappy guys and it's evasive species but this is only my second crappy and i that's crappy fisherman is it okay to say this can you leave it in the comments is that can we let's get a quick measurement i think this has a scale yeah the cooler has a scale on it scale it has a thermometer okay 13 it's like 13 and a quarter i mean if northern maine crappy that's oh a little inker nice mayflies work as well well that's it for tonight quite the eventful five days of building this moving on to the water and spending five nights tomorrow morning will be the we'll have spent five whole nights and tomorrow i gotta pack it up but before i do i'm gonna go get the girls and bring them out here and spend the day out here with them it looks like pickle juice you guys ready to go swimming see you guys next one thanks for watching fowler out
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 193,062
Rating: 4.9276485 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, fishing, catch'n cook, catch and cook fish, fish chowder, catch and cook fish chowder, catch and cook my personal best, home depot tote float, Catch and cook Fish Chowder, waterworld, waterworld survival challenge, how to cook fish chowder, 7 day survival, home depot survival challenge, catch and cook fishing videos, catch and cook fish survival, waterworld survival, home depot
Id: p54j0xzpZvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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