Holly Clashes With Piers Morgan Over The Kardashians | This Morning

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here's his return to discuss today's top stories and we're also joined by andrew neal welcome andrew thank you for being here this morning so we're going to start off we'll see this was the news that came through yesterday i ban on groups of more than six people gathering in homes parks pubs and restaurants in england is being imposed by boris johnson in the biggest coronavirus crackdown since rules is it seems there's going to be a lot more fines here first offenders will be fined a hundred pounds which will then double on each further repeat offenses up to 3200 so was this inevitable do you think pierce yes i think that we are at a very perilous moment like i said earlier in the pandemic where having had this massive first wave in march april clearly case numbers are surging clearly we're now seeing more deaths 30 reported yesterday and we're seeing a familiar pattern uh through europe so we have to take this moment seriously what we don't want any of us is to go back to where we were a few months ago so i think the government's right to do it my issue with the stuff that they're announcing is as with so much that they've done on this pandemic so many mixed messages it's so lacking in clarity people don't really know what any of the rules now mean or or where they should be going and who with and i think we need better messaging and we've needed that from the start people i think people in this country are prepared to do what's required but please keep it simple and direct is there a lack of clarity andrew i think there is a lack of clarity because coming out of lockdown was almost going to be more difficult than going into lockdown because you you we went into lockdown overnight uh but we're coming out of lockdown in stages look the government is clearly concerned about the rising number of cases it was predictable that as we came out of lockdown cases would rise it was also predictable as is happening that the rates are rising fastest among young people by far most cases now in the 17 to 29 age group that will probably get worse as the universities go back as well why the government i think is being cautious is that it wants to look and see just does this increase in cases will it then be reflected in a huge increase in fatalities and uh i think the government's right to be worried about that but it shouldn't panic in spain and in france which is uh spain in particular a couple of weeks ahead of us france about a week to 10 days ahead there's been a huge increase in cases but the fatalities have not been huge 78 yesterday in spain 38 yesterday in france now that's 78 and 38 too many but in the grand scheme of things it's not huge and the evidence from countries who are a little bit ahead of us is that this increase in cases does not necessarily return us to the huge level of fatalities that we had in april may and june and i think the government wants to is being cautious until it sees if that is the case do you think and then i think andrew that's that's the case the the the number of fatalities drops because the people affected are as piers was talking about earlier on youngsters who are saying you know i'm sick of this this is too long i am going out whereas the older members of the community are saying listen we are still being really careful here the ones who are most vulnerable yes the evidence suggests that uh there's been a move in the cases from the older generation to younger people that these new cases are overwhelmingly concentrated among young people and that probably explains why the fatalities are not so high because we know now we didn't know many months ago we know now that younger people who get it are a lot less likely to die than people in their 60s 70s and certainly 80s and i think that could explain why the rise in cases now does not automatically transfer itself into a huge increase in fatalities and deaths um i think i think the problem on that is that there's a lag in all these things i think what worried them is despite yesterday in the number of deaths reported was the highest on a daily basis since the end of july and what they're worried about is these are probably going back several weeks so where are we in reality and i think that is what's concerning them when they're right to be concerned you know everybody should be i mean you can begin to see the lag working by looking at spain and france because they are a couple of weeks ahead of us and there is no denying that fatalities there have gone up as have hospitalization but it's nothing like the return to the fatalities that's hospital that's right yeah um you've been talking several months that's completely right yeah and it's mainly younger people the worry is that as we all have to go back inside through the winter months and if we were then hit by a secondary flu virus epidemic then we could have a very nasty situation it's incumbent on all of us to show a bit of personal accountability isn't it in the end um because i know you've been talking all the way through this about testing and the lack of testing and yesterday health bosses were forced to apologize over the failure of their chronovirus testing system you'd think that at the very least those that would get the testing would be the doctors the teachers and school pupils and yet yesterday they were very frustrated because they were also unable to get these tested and they're saying that the system's on the verge of collapse well it's been a total shambles as has the testing policy from the very start of this remember that in the middle of march when this pandemic was really beginning to rage we decided to stop all community testing and only tested people in hospitals we sent 25 000 elderly people back to care homes without testing to see if they had the virus creating a secondary wave of the epidemic that the testing we keep being told is world-class i watched an interview with uh an epidemio epidemiologist on channel 4 news yesterday a very eminent doctor in france and she said they're testing a million people a week in france they should be doing 10 million and please in the uk heed the warnings of what we have got wrong in france and i was very struck by her very serious tone the testing is key because until you get a vaccine or until you get drugs as with hiv which stop people dying then we have got to live with this virus and it remains very dangerous there's no sign that it's it's reducing in its potency and the way to do that is to test test test and track people and isolate them and it's just not happening we had a guy on good morning britain this morning he drove for three hours with his two young children and then didn't get a test his father died of kobe in a cow and he was just at his wit sandy when i i can't even get one when my kids are showing symptoms it's got to be better than it is andrew you were obviously looking at other countries you were talking about spain you were talking about france um and and you know here's clear evidence from from a respected epidemiologist that there are lessons to be learned um and and yet still we're we're making mistakes well the lessons to be learned were there from day one from germany from south korea from taiwan from new zealand all sorts of places that have done a lot better than we have i mean piers says the the testing business has been a shambles i think that's unfair to shambles um it's it it's remarkable we have one of the biggest and most sophisticated health systems in the world we have one of the sophisticated and most advanced university systems in the world with world-class medical schools we have one of the biggest big pharma industries in the world with laboratory testing and yet we learned this week that we cannot continue to test the way we have because we've run out of laboratory capacity i mean i just find that unbelievable this was supposed to be a world-class a world-beating system i had the health secretary today tell us on uh television and on the radio that if you haven't got systems uh the symptoms don't go and get tested but the whole point of his operation moonshot was that we'd be able to test everybody and test everybody regularly and we could do it locally i mean i can go 10 miles from here be tested for free and get the results in 10 minutes and we're nowhere near that in brittany world-class testing system does not mean driving 150 miles there and back it beggars belief that ministers have not got a hold of this from a pandemic that started in march we um let's let's leave this uh point um and discuss something else that i think is very pressing especially to peers um and it's the uh it's the end piers of keeping up with the kardashians well i know that andrew will share my utter devastation that the kardashians uh are being sent into the great tv graveyard in the sky are you as grief stricken as i am andrew by this white house i have no idea [Laughter] kardashian's an iranian name is it is it a documentary series on uh an iranian dynasty in a way yeah armenian you are really really mean because they are human they are they are people with talentless waste rules who have made billions by conning the world that there's something compelling about entertained people what's interesting about them oh it is what is it is what it's like candy floss for the brain and something exactly neither try putting candy in your brain and see how you get the exhausted times i accidentally caught it on television i could literally feel my brain cells starting to erode i could feel myself getting more stupid they have done nothing but make the world more stupid and i'm afraid that the end of the kardashians is a moment for this is a rare moment in a horrible year where we should come together as a country in a moment of national youth you've hung out with a cardinal i used to hang out with them i actually i tell you what kim kardashian i got on fine with right to the moment she began doing all the topless selfies of flipping the bird with her mate emily radaczowski and claiming it was in the name of feminism and liberation for women what a load of nonsense and i don't like the idea of their gazillion followers young impressionable girls thinking that's how to get on in live some you started this conversation saying people are entitled to their opinions yes i'm entitled to mine you love them i think they're ridiculous what is andre it is a great moment for the world andrew that the kardashians are being removed from the public gays i i'm afraid i'm going to have to take your word for that because there is absolutely nothing i can bring to this conversation which will be of any use to anybody and that is a very honest answer andrew thank you very much indeed obviously you've been doing a bit of working out there behind you it looks like you've got a bit of gym kit there behind you yes i find if i look at it for at least 10 minutes a day i'm already much fitter than i was before i stopped looking and and just so that you know you've just had a fedex delivery yes i know that's why the dogs went through the fedex delivery guy is now currently in that local clinic thank you very much thank you thank you my pleasure as always you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 665,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest, Holly & Phillip funny
Id: 6gxjd-PlMfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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