Piers Clashes With Trisha Goddard Over Meghan Markle's Racism Claims in the Royal Family | GMB

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i just want to remind people again of the front pages when they got engaged and when they got married uh which we we've got here i think this is a montage you could not get a bigger collection of more ecstatic front pages welcoming the first biracial woman to the royal family i remember covering the wedding it was euphoria from the public and the media she says in the interview from the beginning of our relationship the press were racist but the point uh that i think she was making was that headline that said straight out of compton now that might not mean anything to other people but to a black person shaka you'd understand this it is it is very painful it's saying you're ghetto that you're rough and other people might laugh it off but remember if you've lived with this backdrop bubbling away appears if i can i'd liken it to uh if you're if you're blind if you're sight impaired your whole life somebody might say nasty things to you every so often but your whole life is affected by where people place things or don't place things whether there's a steps or there's a ramp your accessibility to life how much opportunity you may or may not have um she i don't think she was ready for this at all and i actually don't think harry was either i think it's i know from experience it's very painful for a white partner to see firsthand all these little microaggressions and what have you and they're shocked if somebody brings up yeah but what color is your child going to be and uh i've been in that situation as well it it is deeply shocking it might not seem shocking to the person saying let me jump in on that we don't know the context of that conversation we don't know who's supposed to have said it can i can i put you just a scenario that may have happened and i wonder whether you find this you would automatically think this is offensive and racist if you have two parents one's white and one's black as in megan's case and she's pregnant and going to have a baby is it racist and offensive for a family member to say oh what color might the baby be i mean i would imagine in most families that might be a question they think and they might ask but not but not in a racist or derogatory manner now tell me tell me if i'm wrong it appears why does it matter what a color a child is just it might just be curiosity treasure in other words it may not have been a malevolent thing to say here's another curious thing people often when i've got my hair natural people are curious about what my hair feels like so they'll come up behind me while i'm doing something and run their filthy hair hands through my hair it's only curiosity they might make comment about my feet or or talk about me in front of me it's only curiosity but any context that conversation may we don't know who the conversation was with or the context but what you're saying is any context in which that kind of conversation happened is automatically racist if you are working against the backdrop of non-stop start it doesn't take one straw you know and it takes one straw to break the camel's back and what gets me is why why is everybody else such an expert about racism against black people i'm sorry you know i'm sorry piers i you don't get to call out what is and isn't racism against black people you can call out all the other stuff i'll leave you to call out all the other stuff you want but leave the racism stuff to us okay i think when meghan markle uh calls the royal family a racist institution it's a very serious allegation she better use the phrase racist institutions actually they do sorry they do they portray the royal family as racist and it's a very incendiary charge and i don't think it actually is fair to the royal family to not name the supposed races let's bring in andrew morton andrew uh i don't need to tell you about royal turmoil uh or royal interviews and the impact that they have how does this compare to the diana ongoing saga well i have to say my jaw dropped watching that interview and it is very similar to the panorama interview 25 years ago that martin bashir conducted uh the one thing that intrigues me about this this whole the whole business of uh megan saying that the the the baby and the color of the baby uh in relation to security and also to whether or not it's been be made a prince or a princess uh is is confusing because it's the metropolitan police who decide security it's it's the queen who is the font of all honor so in a way megan and harry are accusing the queen of racism by default and i find that allegation quite explosive i completely agree this whole thing that she says uh about how the only reason archie isn't allowed to be a prince has got nothing to do with royal protocol but all to do with his potential skin color and and it will be the queen that decides that title that is calling the queen a racist um yeah the the next stage i think has got to be that the the metropolitan police will have to give a uh a reason why archie wasn't going to be given security well i think that is that is again another serious issue that the whole royal family has to deal with because i think i feel like why would they not have security when prince harry was still at risk and as megan and harry both say they had death threats against them i'm not sure why people how people can understand that that's security taken away from because they quit royal duty they quit the country still they didn't want to do the hard yards on a wet wednesday and stoke at an old people's home i just wanted to live in california in luxury and make hundreds of millions out of netflix they can pay for their own security um this whole issue of never mind me never mind me hello i'd mind you uh chucky khan though is a superstar guest i'd like to give us a better time i was about to ask chucka khan a question which is what is it like when you're as high profile as you are and you receive the sort of coverage that you say you recognize megan received what does that do to you right well look yeah no one can stand no one can talk about what's going on in her mind and heart uh unless you're standing in her shoes um and that's where it gets really tricky uh uh we're talking about racism here where i'm coming from a country that is very racist i lived in britain for over 30 years and i found some of the same stuff going on that i've seen all over the world um and if they're little and it's a little bitty little ways that are are so finely tuned by now that it's almost hard to find it's hard to hurt to call out you know um i think when the royal family does um look into her all of her false accusations that they're going to have to look pretty deep and i'm only praying as an american i'm not a britisher but i'm only hoping and praying that uh they will look into what she is alligating and good to and make it to rights well i think that's important it's also important we look into the ongoing allegations about meghan markle bullying people which she's so keen to dismiss but with actually from my information are actually quite serious andrew morton how does this what would diana make of this do you think i mean she would not surely be enjoying any of this well well i think the irony is she she would be enjoying it it's almost like diana's getting her revenge from beyond the grave i mean remember she was the trailblazer in this she put the boot into prince charles 20 odd years ago she talked about wanting to be the queen of people of people's hearts and got and and which which prompted the queen herself to get involved in their divorce she wouldn't want william and harry at war they don't talk at the moment no there's no question at all that she would want william and harry to reconcile but remember she was actually thinking of moving to malibu yeah she was going to buy julie andrews house so she says she could have been with and and also oprah was going to interview her and then martin bashios you're a royal correspondent you're very plugged in you've got great sources um just tell us about these two weddings because uh megan and harry say that the big multi-million pound wedding well it seems to have been a fake they were already married before that ceremony took place um do you know that what happened which one was the real wedding um suzanne that was absolute news to me i have to say and i think that is one of the points in the interview that i think the public are going to have really interesting reactions for because we very much felt you know the royal press that were covering it the british public was so behind that amazing day that that was their wedding that was the royal wedding and that we suddenly were told that well that wasn't actually the real wedding the royal wedding was three days earlier in the back garden at kensington palace quite a revelation i should think lambeth palace phones are going to be ringing off their hooks this morning with questions for the archbishop of canterbury justin welby to answer i think the only other thing i say is this is just a desperately sad family situation i know harry says he hopes that time will heal those family bonds my goodness me it's going to be a lot harder off i think william is going to be absolutely spitting blood about the way meghan markle took down his wife on national tv i think he's going to be seething the betrayal and people can dress this up any way they like this is supposedly the duke and duchess of privacy spending two hours revealing all sorts of unbelievable secrets about their family never said that they wanted to told that oprah had nothing off limits not a question about her own father her own family not one question about why she's disowned all her own family why none of the family were at the wedding but in the place of the family was oprah winfrey who she'd met once in her life sorry i'm calling this out for what i see it as which is somebody who's a ruthless social climber and is now destroying or trying to destroy the image of the monarchy in this country and i think it's shameful i think it's desperately everyone's entitled to their opinions uh trisha final question for you if you tried to invent a show that had all this you'd reject it as being too outlandish well you'd call it the crown no actually i i wouldn't the name of the show would be um bullying peers and i'm afraid at the moment you'd be the star really not meghan markle who drove out a load of female staff with her bullying or does that count is listening to you this morning i'm saddened you know what i wish for you i wish for you only really wonderful things i hope that one of your sons meets a beautiful black woman and gets married to them and then you will understand actually i would love that why would i have any problem with that why does every criticism of these two have to be framed as racism have a problem because you'll have to hear her problems with it yeah i'd also like to have her bullying investigated properly the bullying that no one seems to want to take seriously those allegations are being investigated you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 2,895,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic
Id: hCodxDpHxhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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