Hoi4 Beginner Templates Guide!

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron 4 video so today as you probably saw in the title this is going to be my template division guide now i know the title's a little confusing it's not my intention to do so i didn't really know how to word this one properly but the essential thing is this video is going to focus on the template design itself but not actually showing template design i know that sounds weird but basically what i'm going through today is the combat stats the base stats the adjusters a little bit on support companies and what you should be researching and then i'll have a separate video for an actual infantry template and some varieties of those so that way you can guys can take this information all this information that i'm going to present today carry it over into the division template design and that way you're really going to learn what everything means and i will get those videos out really quick they're pretty easy for me to make but this is going to be the big one today where i'm going to be explaining a lot of all this stuff in here the meat and potatoes of it and then again i'll make a separate video for armored divisions as well i know there's some out there so it's going to be sort of similar but i'll show you some variety of armored divisions and a few other motorized and mechanized divisions as well and those videos will be a little bit shorter in length so you can get them finished real quick and then carry them over into your game place so without further ado i hope you guys enjoyed the video let's get right into it alrighty so first things first here when it comes to your division design anything related to recruiting it's going to be in recruit and deploy pretty basic so on the left hand side here we have some priority settings these are going to allow you to change where your equipment and manpower is going towards so reinforcements are for reinforcements of troops already in the field and if you hover over top you can see what you actually need to reinforce your troops with so currently i'm missing manpower infantry equipment towed artillery and some other stuff and you can actually even see the current status of some of those units so next one upgrades this sets priority for upgrading the unit's equipment essentially and you can just read it it's pretty straightforward there are three options that you have are high medium and low so everything when it's on medium means that it's shared evenly across everything set it to high it means the priority is sent for reinforcements then it will work down and go down the rest of the list and split them evenly if these are all set to low you're essentially achieving the same thing but the effect is just slightly higher so it means that almost everything is going to go to reinforcements first and these will get the scraps which are then divided evenly amongst everything so that's generally this is how i generally would do it if i was going to change it i didn't need it in this game but sometimes it's better to actually set a high priority on your reinforcements and then leave everything else and that way it's not too important the big one here though you have to watch out for is garrisons if you set your garrisons to low and they're not getting enough manpower and equipment you're running out what you'll then start to experience is a very high resistance increase and when that resistance increase comes into play your units or the units that are already fighting that resistance are going to take even more losses slightly higher equipment losses plus you're going to have territory getting damaged at a faster rate meaning that your factories are going to have to spend more time repairing stuff and not focusing on building new factories or whatever else you wanted to build say it's infrastructure or air bases or whatever it means that you're going to spend more time repairing so i always recommend you keep this at medium i never go low on garrisons you're better off trying to just change the template design or your suppression laws and that way you don't have to rely on scalping equipment and running out of it for garrisons so that's just what i wanted to get through over here pretty basic and straightforward so the next thing we're going to go through here now is the templates themselves so on the left side we have support companies and then we have combat so combat is just what applies into the combat portion of your units you have a whole variety you can go infantry battalions so artillery anti-air and infantry you have the mobile battalions so slightly faster units also provide some motorized or armor in certain cases depending on what you've selected motorized doesn't but mechanized does and you also have those whoops we have those armored cars so you can see that armor effect and cavalry as well then you have the armored battalions which are all of your tanks and maybe sp artillery or tank busters whatever you want in there so general rule of thumb when it comes to these um you want to keep these two groupings together and you want to typically use your infantry battalions separately so anything in this category you want to keep together when it comes to the template design and i will show you this in just a second here as for supports there's a wide variety of stuff available if we actually open up our research itself you can go support companies and this is where you're going to research them so everything requires support company that doesn't change for any of these whereas some of them also require motorized this doesn't apply to all of them and i'm not 100 certain but i believe it's signal and logistics that do the rest of them just require the support equipment i'd have to double check that through the recruitment tab but i believe that's the case so you do need to pay attention to obviously what it is you're putting in because if you put a support company into your template and you don't have the equipment available for it you're just wasting time you're making that unit have less strength and that's just going to hurt you so you do need to pay attention to that stat you can also have motorized artillery but it's not actually the best thing to have so don't really need to worry about that and it doesn't apply into these support companies so that's why i don't generally recommend it now to go through what each of these do engineers provide the biggest thing here is that they provide entrenchment and some modifiers into those adjusters that you saw which we will also go through in a moment so that's the basics of an engineer company it allows for your troops to be more entrenched and provide better defense when they're very stretched out this is why i like using it on some of my bigger units or the best ones because the best units i have are typically the ones that are going to be providing breakthroughs and they're going to be pushing a lot faster into enemy territory compared to something like a fluff unit that isn't really as well built so engineers are relatively cheap and provide entrenchment so very good when the line is stretched thin recon company exactly how it sounds just provides reconnaissance which you can read right here just allows you to better anticipate the tactics the enemy is going to use and provide intel on enemy troop positions and stuff like that so very effective to have and you can even see here max speed just allows you to traverse territory faster so this can go well in something like a motorized or mechanized unit or panzer division just because you can move faster through all these terrains so just another good unit to have as an all-rounder military police are specific for your garrisons don't use these in a regular division because it's just a wasted wasted support company if you're doing that they provide absolutely no benefit outside of suppression bonus so make these for your resistance fighters they're very good 20 reduction and it increases by another 10 every time you research it and just very good for that maintenance companies these provide reliability so your equipment isn't going to break as much and have accidents you capture equipment which is great for minor countries because the more equipment you can capture say you're only at the second level by 1939 you're going to get 10 of your enemies equipment every time you capture so that's just something that's great means that your troops are going to be supplied for longer because you're taking the equipment from them and using it for yourself so very good for an all-rounder unit field hospitals these are very 50 50. some people don't like them they hate them other people love them i'm mixed i think that they're very good for smaller countries especially where you don't have a lot of manpower sure you could take territory from other countries and use their manpower but the biggest problem with that is again if you don't have a lot of manpower to begin with you might run out the other problem is after the law resistance dlc you no longer get as much manpower because of the way the core system works so now by having 20 trickleback almost a quarter of your manpower is going to be saved through combat on top of that you gain an extra 10 exp so your units will get to the higher levels faster so example veterans which provide a 75 combat modifier you could get there faster than any other unit simply because of your experience loss being modified and again because you're trickle back you're going to be able to stay in combat longer so something like this paired up with logistics is huge and i'll show you logistics right now that's a supply usage reduction of 10 and again it goes up by 10 each time you also save five percent of your fuel so it's good for armored units because you're not going to use as much fuel meaning you can keep pushing for longer and not have to worry about trading sieves for as much oil so fuel hospital paired with logistics company are very strong for minor countries and if you pair that up with an engineer support artillery and then maybe a signal company that's a beast of a unit because you're going to save manpower you're going to get experience faster you're going to save equipment meaning you can stay in combat longer again entrenchment meaning you can hold on to territory for longer because it's going to be harder for the enemy to break the entrance units and then you have the signal companies allowing the small number of units that you have available to get into combat faster through the initiative and that's the big thing that signal companies do the biggest problem that you're ever going to run into for these last two though is that you need motorized and support so it kind of depends depending on how you've built the templates themselves and what you're really focused on for production that can be a bit of an issue but you don't need a whole lot motorized is actually very cheap to produce very very cheap and they don't use a ton of oil as well so they're actually fairly good all around so we're now going to get into some more of the infantry stuff or the templates themselves so max speed simply as it sounds how fast you can move armor and motorized mechanized is typically around an eight or a nine so twice as fast as infantry and that's why we always want to use them for the breakthroughs not just because they allow for breakthroughs a lot easier but because they can move so quickly hp simply how it sounds not really a stat that you need to pay attention to all that much because if you look at something like an armor unit right here hp's 12. you compare that to infantry though and the hp is 180 but that doesn't matter because if something like armor hits this this thing will get decimated in a second whereas if this unit went up against an armor unit sure could break it it absolutely could but it's going to be a little bit harder especially if even one infantry unit gets in with that armor they're going to struggle quite a bit um so then we just have recovery rate it's exactly how fast the organization can be regained um so a higher recovery rate does help you uh reconnaissance that just comes from the one support company and just intel that you're gonna have making the decisions your troops make a little better and provide slight slight bonus suppression not important we already explained it local resistance weight again not really important um so the really big one here is going to be in your combat stats this is really really important and i think there's a lot of confusion for new players that is between what soft and heart attack does so soft attack the general rule of thumb the higher your soft attack is the better obviously but if you have a higher soft attack than another soft attack you're gonna win if you have a higher heart attack than an enemy's heart attack you're gonna win because you simply need to have higher units right here and then the rest of these are going to modify slightly how your units are performing so defense is just defensive but breakthrough for example how many enemy attacks a unit can attempt to avoid while on the offensive effectively allowing it to stay on the offense of longer so it's almost like defense for your units your breaking through so effectively is the way i would word it that the enemy can't even touch you that's what your breakthrough is doing you've penetrated them so hard that they can't respond anyways the next one here is uh armor this applies to only the hard units so tanks and maybe mechanized armor just allows for higher defense where the enemy doesn't have high piercing so if they're piercing doesn't beat your armor it means that that unit is not going to deal as much damage so their soft attack and their heart attack becomes less effective essentially so that's why having this really high heart attack and soft attack is essential because it also raises piercing from that if we just throw another artillery in whoops not artillery let's say we just throw in one more infantry you can see piercing goes up a tiny amount compared to something like an anti-tank though anti-tank will raise that quite a lot so soft attack and heart attack when it comes to infantry you want to have the highest soft attack possible because that's what's going to allow you to break through the enemy's infantry units faster by having really high defense hp org and a bit of heart attack mixed in you will allow your units to perform better against those armored units especially because you have piercing and then the initiative and entrenchment here initiative again it's how quick you can get into combat so the higher this percentage is it just means they'll get their faster entrenchment the higher the number the more entrenched they are providing longer survivability in defensive positions and then on the right hand side we just have the equipment cost for the unit itself now if we look at the bottom here this is just the ratio of hard to soft attack so you can see we'll take a hundred percent of our soft attack whereas heart attack will take zero so this just again represents um how your unit is built so higher soft attack means higher soft attack damage higher heart attack means higher heart attack damage so it's really basic overall but i think people just confuse that because when someone sees a tank it has really high heart attack so they immediately think oh it's the heart attack that's allowing that tank to win that's not really the case it's because they have a wicked high breakthrough value they have really high armor values and infantry units typically don't have as much piercing because they don't have as much piercing their soft and heart attack values become a lot less significant and that's the biggest factor if you raise your piercing value higher than someone's armor now you're going to get the full effect of soft and heart attack and that's where those armored units are just going to crumble because now you're going to be doing a lot of damage because remember you're probably not going to go up against one tank with one infantry unit if you are that's unfortunate but typically let's say we have two or three of these so we now have a piercing of 15 and let's just imagine that a tank which has armor of 71 is facing three units you're almost at the point where you're gonna break the armor but you're getting the full effects of your soft attack and your heart attack which is almost going to be the exact same as this template design here so that's the really big thing the better off your units are you have to balance them and you have to make different templates so i'm going to be focusing on those templates again in the next video so not to worry about that i just want to try and better explain what all of this is doing and the essentials of it now if there's anything that i'm missing here or you guys are really confused on still and i've done a poor job send me a message i will send you every link i can find and i have used in the making of this video because even now this stuff is just so confusing to actually understand how it all works um i think the game just does not do a good job of explaining stuff it's actually horrible trying to make sense of it all at times but i'm more than happy to try my best to explain it and provide some links and other places where people have explained it or there's information available on paradox's website so anyways last couple of things that we're going to go through here because we've done a lot of it already this is just your template look this is where you can change the template symbol absolutely no effect neither of these have an effect either these are just simply explaining what the template contains and what it can do so you can't parachute and you can't do any special forces because it doesn't have any this is really important here in my opinion at least so default means if all your units are on default the equipment is going to be shared evenly across every unit whereas if you set them to elite it means that these units will always get that equipment first over any other division template so i set this on my best units because i want them to get all the equipment first whereas those fluff units that aren't as effective we don't really care as much we don't care about these guys as much they're just filler units to hold the line so we're gonna set them on default and something like a garrison unit we would set too low because we don't really care if they get equipment fast because they're rarely if ever in combat so we don't need them to recover very quickly we need them to just simply exist and again tanks i always set them high priority because i do have artillery and normally support companies in here and my tanks i again want to have equipment because they're gonna be the ones breaking through and going far away from my front line so if they don't have full equipment when they're attacking they have a better chance of dying when they're in enemy territory so that's what that does last one here you can actually click on the equipment itself and you can change what they're receiving so for infantry equipment for example we can take out the old models for this best for the best template i have and now they're only going to receive the latest model of equipment the biggest danger that you're going to have from doing this is if you're not producing enough of this new equipment or you're using it really really quickly you could end up in a scenario where you have no equipment to supply your units with and because of that their strength is going to fall rapidly meaning that those units are now essentially worthless and they'll get destroyed very quickly leading to a big loss of equipment so you have to be careful with that i typically don't mess with the equipment i just don't think it's worth it you're better off leaving it and letting the game just manage the supply itself especially because you've already set them to elite so they'll get the unit or the equipment the fastest out of anything and odds are they're going to get the better equipment anyways so um that's that and then the last couple things here adjusters so i will now talk a little bit about those so adjusters are exactly how they sound it just explains how the unit will perform in different territories the only one you won't find on here is planes and i will show you on the terrain tab so plane is the red there there's no modifier essentially to that you can see there are some local modifiers but you can see here planes no modifier you get full effects full soft attack heart attack air attack whatever everything is exactly how it should be from the unit's template where if you compare that to something like a forest you only get 80 of your attack so you have to already pick and choose where you're going to send your units you probably want your best units fighting in the places where they're going to perform the best so planes the forest itself because that's still actually a good place to fight but there are exceptions certain units are going to perform worse in certain territories so that's why you need to look at the adjusters and this is something you just have to do on your own and learn where your units are performing the best and the worst so in my case mountains these infantry units are still very good movement's a little slower jungle still not bad but we get really high defense and it's essentially the same for all of these the effects aren't that noticeable and we're really good on forts you compare that to something like a tank and you look at the forest on top of the fact that we only have 20 percent attack to begin with we're losing another 40 percent movement and attack through forests you look at hills we lose only 10 percent so ahil is actually a pretty good place for us to be because we still get ten percent but with this minus ten percent we're still higher so because of that you have to just simply look at the adjusters and learn that over time again support companies will change the effects so make sure that you a put them into the company itself and then actually find out how that's affecting the unit overall and where they're best suited again so you can actually also just hover over and just look if you want to but that's the basics of it so that's really what i wanted to cover for you guys today i know that's not everything that's possible to be explained but i think that is the core information that needs to be presented in the lead up to my division template videos again i'm going to have one out for infantry another for armor and i'll do a whole bunch of varieties to really show what units are the best and those are going to be coming only a couple days after this video i have the first one 90 complete so i'll actually probably get that done for tomorrow along with my uk guide and then i'll have the second one probably come out on monday or tuesday because i also have a japan episode 2 coming out very shortly probably on sunday so i just need to space out those videos i don't want to be releasing all of them at the same time but if there's again anything you're confused about certainly leave me another message in the comments section or you can join our discord using the link in the comments or the description of the video itself and i am always happy to provide more material that you can read through or you can talk to me or anyone else on that chat room and that way we can help to explain anything that you're still stuck on or confused about or why a unit is performing very poorly if you just send us a picture of the template design we're more than happy to help you guys out so anyways i hope this helped with the confusion and made it a little bit easier to understand the information that is present in those division template tabs i know it's a little bit tricky to understand but over time you will learn what each thing does and what units perform best along with each company so again i hope you guys enjoyed the video i'm going to be signing off for now i hope to see you on the next one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 33,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 templates, hoi4 armour, hoi4 infantry, hoi4 panzer, hoi4 divions, hoi4 division design, hoi4 how to design templates, hoi4 guide, hoi4 beginner guide, hoi4 germany, hoi4 support companies, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 garrisons, hoi4 uk, hoi4 france, hoi4 usa, hoi4 ussr, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 3, hoi4 divisions
Id: VbfHLD3jTGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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