HoI4 Guide - UK: Blackshirts, No civil war, keep Dominions!

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hey folks bittersteel here with hearts of iron for today I have a little guide for you as Britain specifically we're going to make the United Kingdom fascist without triggering a civil war and without losing the dominions now this is done in the man the guns patch but it should also work in the upcoming la resistance as well what we're going to be doing is running the focus a change of course followed immediately by the black shirts and after that we're just going to stop using focuses to bank as much political power as we can after having done organized black shirts were only going to be using political power for the ante German speech decision which will boost our weekly stability and the call to call for restraint decision to keep the negative effect of our marches in check anything else is going to have to wait because we want as much political power as we can now the key to all this will be to keep stability over 50% to prevent a civil war from triggering and a few events are going to help us achieve that first off our current king king george v is going to die and be replaced with king edward and those of you who are familiar with history will know that edward will eventually step down and be replaced by a different george now 1 edward steps down and right before our new george takes over there should be a brief period when your stability is between 90 and 95 percent in that window you're going to want to trigger your big march on London that's gonna be the first March you do and even if that March takes you below 50% George taking over should bump your stability back over 50 quickly enough to prevent the Civil War from triggering after that you keep repeating the other marches either the big ones or several smaller depending on how you feel how comfortable you are with this mechanic until you around 45% fascist after that we're gonna let the British Union of fascists take up naturally until we have 50% now when we have 50% we're not immediately going to trigger our March on Downing Street that's the decision that will turn you fascist but you're gonna have to you're gonna want to make sure you have around 400 maybe a little more political power because we will need that political power for the decisions associated with move to security dominions other than that we're going to need our military for that part of the guide as for the army we're going to group up all of our starting units and convert every single one of them to this basic infantry division here the one that has 9600 manpower this will be for easier number crunching down the line and we're also going to be following up with training about an additional 15 maybe 20 divisions you're gonna make want to make sure you don't use up all your manpower because the unit's we've converted recently will need manpower to fill up and we want them to be full or near to full so we trigger the conditions for the decisions that are going to be following now we're gonna want to organize the army as follows you need about 14 divisions in Canada 12 divisions in South Africa another 12 in Australia six in New Zealand and 29 divisions in India now I'll put the exact spread of units up what provinces they should go to or what states they should go to I'll put that up in the screen for you for easy reference now with your starting 36 divisions you can't possibly garrison all these areas at the start of the game but this is a good place to start from I'll start organizing the army now and now get back to you when that's done [Music] [Music] and through the magic of editing we're back we have organized the Blackshirts and have access to the relevant decisions here now as you can see I've organized my military into four armies one in Canada this one in South Africa this one in New Zealand and these last four are the initial units I'll be deploying to Australia and you'll notice that I don't have an army for India yet that's simply because I've run out of troops to deploy production-wise I've just gotten rid of everything that's not guns artillery or support equipment as these are the only things we'll need to get those initial divisions equipped instruction wise I've just gone with some basic construction of military factories in our home area so like London the Midlands Sussex because these have the the highest infrastructure these few factories will definitely be a great help because we'll need a lot of guns as you can see a lot of guns to equip our troops meanwhile I have been training new divisions and if you've set them to high priority like I have they will be ready to start deploying manually by now you can use the first eight divisions to round out your Australian garrison and anything after that should be used to start an Indian garrison now if you have trouble finding all the states for India mentioned earlier it is a very large area you can go to this arrow button here near the mini map click on states and then pop over to India and you should have an easier time of finding the specific states you want to garrison now these initial units you're gonna deploy there try and deploy them as far inland like Kashmir Delhi Arunachal Pradesh not sure I'm pronouncing that right but you want to deploy them there and away from the coastline reason for that is quite simply there's a hidden that we have to beat before India declares its independence so we're gonna have to limit the travel time of Units now these first units going there they won't be affected by that timer as we still got plenty of time left they'll be supported quickly by our South African garrison as South Africa is somewhat fascists already and will be very easy to flip you want to move those twelve units over to India as well inland if possible and then as Canada New Zealand and Australia start flipping fascist you are going to want to rush those troops to India and if the final troops that are arriving only half the garrison port areas or areas near ports there they won't be at risk of arriving too late so that should help your late comers make a speedy rifle now as for the marches in the UK this is a specific mechanic required to flip the the party to the fascist party it's going to be a matter a matter of basic mathematics we're going to keep using the old anti German speech decision which will boost our weekly stability by two percent and the urge restraint vicious decision which will reduce the chances significantly of a violet March so it will minimize the negative outcome of the marches now after our initial march on London which you can do around 90 percent stability so we're a little bit off here we can just start doing the biggest marches we can without dropping our stability below 50% and we are gonna keep doing that until we hit 45% ish fascists support and then let it take up naturally 250 now if for some reason we are too slow and the change of course modifier here drops off before we naturally reach 50% we will have to do an additional few marches to get you there it's not a problem just keep in mind that we keep stockpiling political power well over 400 before we hit the final decision here the March on Downing Street that will flip us over to fascists so I'll be doing that and I'll see where we end up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now as you can see if we've done this right we come out with a massive army compared to our closest competitors now all we have to do to be basically invincible is to rush towards the focuses consolidate the British Isles and unite the Anglosphere where we will first annex Ireland to unite the islands and then basically we declare war on the United States and annex them from Canada we will outnumber them massively because of our 52 divisions against whatever they have by now it is still fairly early 1937 and once we have taken the u.s. we are the world's greatest economic power and we can do whatever we want now if you liked the video I want to see more like this hit that like button consider subscribing and tell me what you would like to see next in the comments if you disliked it feel free to press that button and let me know why in the comments that's all for me bittersteel and I will see you all later thank you for watching
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 32,654
Rating: 4.9141793 out of 5
Keywords: HoI4, Hearts of Iron 4, UK, fascist, Man the Guns, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, guide, Bitt3rSteel, hoi4 tutorial, la resistance, la resistance hoi4, man the guns, how to, Britain, Blackshirts, HoI, england, united kingdom, british empire, civil war, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 fascist uk, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 uk, hoi4 blackshirts, hoi4 civil war, hearts of iron, ww2, hoi4 guide, uk, britain, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 uk guide
Id: dUicpSGw9MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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