Hey, everyone, Bittersteel here
back with another video today will be looking at Guangxi
Clique and Battle Cry specifically. So let's go with the new supply mechanics. China has gotten a little more difficult,
so I figured let's update our existing guide. Shouldn't be too hard. Our memo on historical error
focuses on Let's go. First off, let's just organize our army. I like to pick all the units
that have some experience. Split them off. That makes six of them
along the coast here and give them an order
so they can start building some planning. Three remaining units will park at high. The majority of this guide
will focus on using border skirmishes to eat the nationalists
and the other warlords and for that purpose,
we will be using these six units. We will update this template into
something a little more robust than this, and we'll use the other units for our war
with Japan. But we still have a lot of time before
we need to worry about that. As for research, I like to open by
getting better guns and getting artillery. Artillery is very important. As for the guns, you could postpone this
and get yourself basic machine tools. First choice is yours. I just like to have the good guns early
and then we'll just build a few civilian factories for should be enough
after those four are built. We can start working on military factories
and very importantly, working on our supply network. What I like to do is start by plugging
in our main capital hub with the other hubs in the region just so we can make sure
our railway network is all connected. As you can see, China has a lot of hubs. Some of them aren't connected most of them
will not be connected to your network. So make sure to always check when you're
taking land that everything you conquer is plugged into a railway network,
especially here along the coast. Most of these supply depots
are not connected by railway, meaning they will try to get supply via convoy,
and that's just absolutely terrible. The Japanese Navy will sink
all of those convoys. So railways are king now for production,
will use the free production efficiency. Just put three factories on basic infantry equipment at the start
focus is secure internal politics. And let's
go also take all of your infantry and exercise them
until at least level three. Now, our focus
path is pretty straightforward. We'll start off by going from secure internal politics all the way down here
to border clashes with the nationalists. So we'll go politics, opposition, war,
taxes, personal leadership, and then border
clashes with our first focused on. We will have a bunch of political power
to spend. One of the first things I like to pick
is go for chief of the Army and appoint
a Huang show an Army offense expert. This will be very,
very beneficial for the border clashes. We will be fighting. He's better than a defense expert. And most importantly, this gets our army
experience taking early. We will need Army experience
to change our templates because our current template
is just straight up garbage. So yes, I am skipping improving my colony for a bit
until I get some army experience going and I have a few competent templates
I can use moving forward. We now have five army experience. I'm going to take the basic template
we have add one infantry unit to it. This brings them up to ten combat with
these units will be decent enough for garrisons,
maybe even port garrisons. If we can add some engineers to them later
and deploy a couple of them. First, though, we will split off a different unit to
conserve a little bit of political power. I will start building our shock troops. So our shock troop template will be identical to the first one
until we can alter it. Just set it to elite, making sure
they get all the equipment first. So the goal will be something like a nine infantry battalions with support artillery
and for artillery battalions. That gives you a 30 combat with division
with a lot of soft attack, making it very good to fight enemy
infantry, Chinese infantry only has basic infantry units,
and they will be more than enough to fight the Japanese as well. The main enemy you will face in
China will be supply though. So we'll have to fix that and our second batch
of 100 political power can now be spent. We'll go into military high command
and will do army. Regrouping is not incredibly valuable
for the combat itself. But again, army experience,
the more you get, the better. If you get it early on, we can actually build some good divisions
by the time we need to fight Japan. Meanwhile,
keep working towards border clashes just skip cross-border rates for now. All right.
We have our towed artillery done. What I'm going to do now is dedicate
one slots, two in the street. One slot will be dedicated
to keeping your artillery up to date. And then one slot, once we unlock
the third one will be focused on getting weapons
and infantry equipment up to date. I'm actually going to wait
until they get the third slot. The news that on artillery
since most of our units are straight up infantry for now, a few things that we do
need to get along the way. Our trucks, we need trucks for supply. We also need trains which reminds me,
I should probably switch one thing out for trains. So basic machine tools and civilian trains, we need to make trains because
we don't actually have any right now. Things you want to pick up when you have
the extra research time will be anti air. Very valuable when fighting Japan. You're going to want to pick up
support equipment and stuff like engineers and logistics companies
because China is really terrible when it comes to supply
and of course, air. We will need air fighters. Cas extremely important,
but those can wait for now. CAS Very valuable when going up against
Japan fighters are going to be vital if you are ever going to land in
Japan will not build a navy to get there. So we will need to paratroop
and the paratroop we need air superiority. Now, after our production, we'll build
the new guns, take it down to one factory. We lost our free production efficiency
anyway and put two factories on total artillery. So we can start making some glorious
big bombers and just keep improving your shock trooper
template. Start by adding some support artillery
with your first ten army experience. Personal leadership is done. We're on to border clashes
with the nationalists. Now, if you notice about border conflicts, it's pretty important to know
that a border conflict can be triggered in any province that borders
an enemy province where you have troops. And so we want to be selective
and only have troops in our provinces, that border enemy provinces
that we want to take. In this case, we have troops only in Guangdong, meaning we border
Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian. Our goal is to take as much of the Chinese coastline,
one to prevent Japanese naval landings. Ironically, giving China
an easier time that way. And to this is where most of the factories
and development are. It will give us the most power if we do. Another thing we want
is to take some of the Chinese provinces in this region here,
Liang Xiang, Ganzi, chicken, whatever, just so that we can start
bordering other warlord nations. The reason being is every border
skirmish triggers a cooldown, and we want to be able
to divert our attention elsewhere while we wait for that cooldown to finish. So we hit China,
we get a cooldown with China. We can then hit Yunnan
after Yunnan and China are on cooldown. Hopefully we can have a border with Xi
based on mom and go there. Just keep ping pong ing your troops between different targets so that
the cooldown is not as much of an issue. There is a bit of orange involved
because like Guangdong here, it borders three different provinces. We cannot pick which province we target. It is a bit random, so there will be luck
involved getting the provinces right. But it does help
if you just keep all of the troops that are not currently required
for anything. Just keep those away from any province
that borders a neighbor. So we can put troops in Nanjing
and we can put troops in Hainan. These two provinces
technically don't border anyone else. So as long as the troops
are in those provinces, they will not interfere with selection
and we just use our six shock troops, put them into position,
just narrow down the provinces. We want as much as we can. It's going to be hard enough as it is. We're also going to continuously
hold on to 100 political power unless we know there's a long cooldown
waiting just because we need 100 political power
to start the border clash. And if we win,
we get the 100 political power back that will just reduce the time
we need to wait and keep things moving forward
if we can always keep clicking the button. Also,
the reason why I've got six units here is because six units
is the maximum amount of units that can be selected
for a border skirmish. So if you can always pick the six units
that are going to get involved, we can make those six units not tier four border skirmishes,
meaning high soft attack. So far, the template isn't much
to look at, but it's getting there. We're getting the army experience
and we just need to keep producing guns and artillery. Right. Border clashes
with the nationalists as done. We can now click this button
to stage an incident. This will start a 30 day timer.
We're going to do that. And like I said, the province selected
is going to be random. It might even change the moment
you click this button. So right now it is on Zhang Xi. I click the button,
it has just flipped the fusion. So that's in our favor. But I have no way to influence that other
than positioning my troops as best I can. We have 30 days now, so ideally
you want to stop training, but I think I can wait a little bit more
just so that our troops have organization. You don't want to start a border clash
with law because you will lose. Now, with that done,
we are going to move on to institute cross-border raids
I may have waited a little bit long because I was talking,
so I may have waited a few, wasted a few days, but that's not
game breaking and the event is ready. Now what we click the button, a border skirmish will start up
and troops will funnel in. It should see the first one might take
a while because your divisions are so. Yeah, we instantly lost the first one because our troops didn't
actually get into the battle somehow. That's not good. So I'm going to replay up
until this point. I'll get back to you. Okay. So we are back, and this time we actually got troops into the battle
so it will not automatically stop. I have no idea why that happens. If that happens to in your first border
skirmish, just restart. It's not worth it. Okay, so our troops should be starting
to blast the nationalists away. It might take a little longer
for your first battle, mostly because our divisions are not quite
where we want them yet. We may be lacking
a little bit of equipment. They're not just at that level of soft attack yet,
but the next one should be easier. Don't worry about the red bubble. It should end up eking out in your favor,
mostly because the enemy is just deploying straight up your infantry
and you will bless them apart. It just might take a while. And depending
on how long that first border skirmish is going to last,
that might actually be a better idea of instead of going
for cross-border raids to take a side step into industrial investment,
get that first. But it doesn't matter too much. On the whole, they are soft
attack is starting to wind out. We are starting to slowly
get their organization down. We should win this relatively easily. Cross-border raids done
so now when this one finishes, we can do the same thing to Yunnan
and the other warlords once we can border to them. As for our focus is what we're going to do
next is go into the industrial tree, the little one over here and take the four
focuses beneath industrial investment. So get the extra research lot, local arms
production, long term economic planning, don't
bother with it to research boosts here. They're not worth it. And then we are going to work our way down
to proclaim rival governments. We can ignore everything else here. Two things that are valuable
are cult of personality. 10% base stability can be very valuable. It's going to be up to you
if you want it or not. It will depend on how quickly Japan is
crushing China and labor reform. The procurable pop is pointless,
but the factory output too. That's a good one. So industrial investment it is. You could see we are just blasting
the provisions apart though. So after the initial hump is done. There
we go. Victory in Fujian and move those divisions
over to Yunnan and do the same thing. Now, we've triggered an internal cooldown
with the nationalist China, so we cannot do another border skirmish
for a while. That small. We're now switching to the warlords
if we can. One downside of this is that it
does take quite a bit of political power. So we don't really get out
of civilian economy early. But I think getting the extra territory
here for free is definitely worth it. And speaking of extra territory,
go into your occupied territories and set everything
to a local police force. This will reduce the amount of garrisons
we need very important. Don't want to burn equipment for nothing. And it doesn't matter
that we don't build a lot of compliance. Once we finish this world focus tree,
everything will become a Huang Xi core anyway
and none of that will matter. It's just a short term thing
and time to blow up Yunnan. This should be a lot easier. Yunnan doesn't have that many divisions, so keep focusing on trying to take
the Chinese coastal provinces and take the Chinese provinces
that can link you up to Xi based sun. Now, as for your army,
you're not only going to be building up your infantry, we're also going
to take a step into the Army command. If you have no step back
spirit of the Army Professional Army Corps,
this is just a flat out boost. Your Army experience gain, plus cheaper
land doctrine what's not to like? And now would you have
a bit of political power stockpiled? And we are on a cooldown
with both union and nationalist China. It's finally time to work on our industry. What I like to do first
is go off the free trade we have a ton of resources
we're not using, so giving those away will give us a lot
of extra civilian factories and of course, the flat bonuses
from being on free trade. I think it's worth that over
going to partial mobilization. That's just my feeling. If you disagree,
let me know in the comments. Now, every time we take territory,
take a look here. Do we need to build additional railways
to hook up our and new supply network? If you see any connected railway hubs,
make sure to plug them into their network. The Chinese United Front is forming
so Japan will be coming for our brothers any day now. And we will need to keep an eye
on how that goes, mostly
because we are significantly weakening China and the Chinese united
front from the rear. So we don't want Japan to have an easy
win here. We want to take as much of China
and the warlords as possible. But at some point
we will need to be ready to take on Japan if you're feeling confident
and if you've gotten a bit lucky with your border skirmishes,
you can be a huge Huang Xi clique by the time Japan ends up winning
and with little preparation and build up, you should be able
to push them off the continent. I will not say relatively easily,
but you will fight for it. What is ideal, though, is
if you can take the Chinese coastline and push up to the provinces of Hubei
and Shiyan. If you can take Hubei, Shiyan and then
the coastal provinces linking those up, you can effectively isolate nationalist
China from the Japanese advance. And as long as China holds on to Sichuan
and Chongqing here, they will not capitulate
and that war will continue. Without any progress. To the north here they will most likely take Xiang
Xi and maybe even the Communists. But if you can hook up to Xi based on MA,
you can start eating those waters from the rear and block off
the Japanese advance as well. So there is going to be a little bit
of luck involved, but it is what it is. It's pretty unfortunate
the way the way that works out. We have researched trains. I'm going to move them into my production
queue. The first extra factory
I get, I'm going to put on trains and after that we'll just keep building up
our infantry equipment and our artillery more fancy stuff can be added later. Trucks will be valuable,
so don't forget to research those. And there he goes. Japan next incident. Unfortunately, it looks like
it's going to be the Huizhou border instead of Liangshan. So we'll see
if that happens to be correct. I know it flipped to Liangshan,
so that will give us borders with a MA. Very nice. Again, there is a luck involved here,
so I wish I had a better option for you. There's no way to influence this other
than what we're already doing and limiting the amount of troops that can border
the enemy. Sadly, it is what it is
and what it is is pretty bad. All right, let's stage
the incident, blow up those Chinese units. Look at them. Melt. You're just blown to bits, and we can
immediately do the same to our neighbors. Now, the territory up here is all awful. There are very few, if any, supply hubs
in the region that there are none. So we will have to build one eventually. And it does make the border skirmishes
a little more difficult, mostly because your organization
is going to be terrible, meaning if the enemy puts up meaningful
resistance, it is going to be hard to win this one, mostly because,
like I said, you don't have organization. So as we pushed further into based on MA,
we will need to build a supply hub there
and plug that into our railway network. But we're not quite at that point yet. It's just something that's nice to know. We're still more than capable of. Oh, for God's sake. Again, I'll need to see if I can safely
come there. Sometimes the reinforcement
doesn't work properly and you get instantly defeated, so let's
see if I can seize it and get back. That is point. Oh, okay. So we're back at the point
two days before the event. If you're wondering how I do that,
I simply go into my task manager go into processes and close the door
before they're not into the programs, but in theory processes. And then you should be able to load up a sort of autosave
and hopefully that was in the right place. Otherwise
you may end up needing to restart. It's not a huge thing if you lose one border skirmish, it's just really annoying
to lose it in this way. It just feels unfair. I think a good way to prevent that from
happening as well as just get radio early, it will definitely boost
your reinforce rates. It's just terrible that not even
your first unit gets into combat on time. So let's try that again. There we go. We got a unit in
so we can get this over with. Yeah, we should be able to really
obliterate ships, unmarked troops here, even with our low
work due to a low supply. Here we go. Victory in Gannon and move the troops back and deal
with the final remnants of Union One sad thing about annexing a warlord
or nationalist China like this is you don't actually get any of their stuff. So none of their guns,
none of their equipment, but you do get their land.
So there is that. We're a pretty nice one. She already just eating the enemy
from behind. Now, like I said, this does weaken China significantly,
not just because you're taking the land, but also because they are devoting quite
a few divisions to guarding the border, which means those divisions
are not fighting the Japanese. It does end up going
quite badly for China. We've got another nice
batch of political power. We'll have one left after we take a pic. So we're going to move up
to partial mobilization. Our industry is starting to come together. It's not perfect. But hey, I don't work with what you have. And once we core all this land,
we'll have a lot more factories as well. Plus, our name will not look as ridiculous
when we take a little more land. Oh, Japan
suddenly made a very big breakthrough. Also never picked up the Japanese support. This is pointless. Literally pointless. Right. Next incident with China. Hopefully we can take a coastal province
it looks like it's going to be she like the button.
And yes, let's say Jang. Here we go. More land
back to military high command. Keep rounding that out. Good picks are the armor experts. No, we'll not build a single tank. But he does give us once again
Free Army experience. And after that, we can look at a military theorist
because we will start need to work on our land doctrines
or other good picks are designers, material designer or an aircraft designer,
maybe even an industrial concern and political advisers. Nothing really good in here just yet. But we will have some good options
later on. We've also finished our shop
True Template. So throw with like
this is what I like to roll with. You could go with 27
with as well or even 24 with and if you just want a budget option 21 with works but it's not the best. This is what we'll be using as our regular
front line units while our heavy hitters here to throw with infantry is going to be our shock troops
to really break the enemy line. I'm going to build a supply hub up here. I know they're super expensive. I know. And then I'll plug them into our railway
network as best we can like so make that our highest priority,
getting those two done and we'll click this button,
reorganize the railway system. So at least this should be built in a reasonable time
and they go Shaanxi, unfortunately. Meanwhile, I have updated our regular line
infantry to use the 21 combat with unit. So this is going to be nice to fight
the Japanese with. Started recruiting a couple of these. I don't have enough guns and artillery should also probably start
researching support equipment so I can get some engineers in army
doctrine. A couple of good options here if you want
to play a defensive gain event. Japan and you're not very confident
in your unit's abilities. Grand Battle Plan Works are very nice,
gives you good planning bonus
and some supply consumption reduction. I think it's an infiltration yes. Infiltration and assault, supply
consumption very, very good in China. Or if you just want your infantry to go ham and blast away at the Japanese
superior firepower it's still my favorite mass assault works,
but I really don't like it as much. I prefer to just go with superior
firepower. Chibi Samar didn't even show up to this fight ironically,
that makes it take longer. There we go. Come on, get in the air
so I can blow you up. There we go, Gansu. And with our focus tree done, we now have
access to regular Chinese folk history. A couple of good things here. We're going to tell you
exactly what focuses to pick, because there are so many,
you can pretty much do what you want. A few things to take into account is
you want to be friendly with the British and or the Americans because they have
a lot of bonuses to fighters here. We're going to need good fighters
to take on Japan especially. The paradox can be a lot easier
than building a Navy financial policy or unlocks a very, very good
political advisor. 5% consumer goods is huge. Also, the academic has sinica
more research slots always great and executive one here more daily
political power gain that will allow you to do more border skirmishes
and build out your cabinet faster. Personally, I am going to rush
for the extra research slot, get the financial policy and then go for Executive one
and then we'll evaluate where we are. All right.
Time to make the Communists disappear. Hopefully this works out because we do have very low organization
due to the terrible, terrible, terrible supply situation. Going to get engineers next. And don't forget to start producing some
very valuable support equipment we won. Okay, so that's fixed. And now we move troops up to Ordos
and does look like the Japanese have managed
to push past the River Defense Line. So we're going to want to work on
separating the Chinese from the Japanese. Hopefully we can take Shiyan and Hubei,
though no guarantees there. We just need to take as much land
as we can before things spiral out of control. If it's looking like Japan
is just completely annihilating China, you could try to manually go to war
with China and join Japan's faction. It's not the worst idea. It might end up going very well for you. What you could also do is instead
go through three principles and all the way down here
to pick a fight with Japan. But if you're going to fight Japan,
make sure your army's ready. Mine isn't anywhere near ready. Hey, we took Shiyan
right under Japanese nose so getting a little anxious, excited
setting in here. Okay, so now border scene Kyung,
I could start eating them, but I'm going to swing some troops up north here
and try to take the province of soy one. If I can take that province,
I would have the Japanese cut off from sinking ship on my. I have a nice continuous border there. I would just need to take Hubei if I can
manage, and that would secure China. And I can build up to face Japan
at my own pace whenever I want to. Speaking of building up, we are about
to finish our first infantry army. Can I start queuing up a second one? It does require a lot of guns and guns
and artillery mostly. So it is it's going to be very important
to build up your industry. Xiang, she lost control of. So you won. It's now Japanese, so I won't be able
to border war it either way. Unfortunate.
Oh well I'll I'll just go eat sink Yangon. I have gone and unlocked. Where is the TV soul financial expert. Very nice. 5% consumer goods reduction
is a good boost to your industry. I'm going to try and stage
an incident and Hubei. We only control north
China only controls this one tile that borders us
so it's going to be pretty hit and miss. If we can actually do that, it's
most likely going to be young XI Not great, but okay. So it says young shi. What happens if when I click, oh,
it became Hubei so as long as they can hold onto that title for another 30 days,
I should be able to take Hubei. And that effectively cuts off
the nationalists from Japan entirely. And I can build up my army at my own pace. I can keep eating Shi based son
mind sing Kyung and just get my troops ready to deal with Japan organizations a little low,
but that's just the supply issue and we have victory and we now have China
completely isolated from Japan. All we need to do is
do some damage control up north here. So they don't snake their way into sync. Yang and the rest of Shibuya Sanmar and this war will not progress
and we can casually build up. China is nowhere near
at risk of being capitulated to and they cannot be capitulated
at this point, which is very nice. Also going to start working our foreign investors now
that China is not at risk of capitulating. We have all the time in the world so we're going to work on our relations
with the British and or Americans. You can choose how you want to do this. The important thing is
we want to get fighter purchases. Camco
and all the bonus is the fighters here. Really, Burma Road's not bad either to off
map civilian factories. Sorry, military factories are pretty cool,
so make sure the British are like you right now.
They don't really like us all that much. I'm also going to start work on fighters
now on your game. If you're not lucky enough to cut them off
the using Qiang and Hubei, make sure that you are getting
your troops ready. Just squeeze out
as many infantry divisions as you can, make them as good as possible. Like these are definitely,
definitely worth it. Make sure your railway networks are at least level two
so you can support those troop numbers and just start squeezing out
frontline units. Also, make sure you've got some garrisons
they don't have to be these. You can you can use the frontline units
for that as well, but guard your ports. Japan will come at you with a vengeance. I messed it up in Chiba, Sonoma. I forgot to use the trick
to use force attack. And as you can see,
we have virtually no work up here. So that really, really works
that a lot of political power and with the industry really ramping up
production should not be a problem at some factories
where you see huge deficits and after that we can start building fighters,
not good to build inter-war fighters. These are a pretty bad
but I I'm working my way through the Camco and the fighter bonuses
and we will get some good air we'll get some good air to deal with Japan
no time to border conflict sink young now as you can see, I'm not just building
an extra supply hub up here in Ordos as this is all red. I'm also beefing up our existing supply. Now we're getting everything
to at least level two, maybe even level three,
but that is maybe a bit too much. After which I will continue producing military factories
mostly so I can put them into air. So I want cars and I want fighters. Our army production
is more than sufficient. Right. Japan's
declared war on the Philippines. I think we're going to start drawing up our battle lines
to deal with the Japanese threat. I'm going to devote one army to the south
here it might actually just make this my primary goal,
this deal with South Indo-China and the rest of my troops
can sit on the massive front line in actual China
and time to pick our aircraft designer. You have to go with Camco first,
which is a little annoying. It's a bit of a waste of political power,
but you need to pick Camco. And then when you unlock a local fighter
production, you get a new design company,
Camco Fighter Division. I think it upgrades the one you have,
but I'm not sure. No, it doesn't. So you need to waste 50 people on this,
but at least the second pick is cheap, right? This is actually a fairly
thinly held front line by Japan. I think I could push them pretty easily
already. Let's just justify a war goal
retake a core state. Any core state really. 15 days is 15 days. Let's see if we can deal with Japan. We've got our port guards in position. I just wish we had a little more air
yes, a little bit more, because this is not the world's
greatest air force, but it is. It is something.
All right. Justification is complete. This is going to be the deciding moment. One downside to this is you
will end up at war with the axis overall. That's not a huge problem. They're very, very far away. You just lose access to Hungary's many,
many, many millions of tonnes of aluminum. So that is unfortunate. But you can always trade with Vichy France or the UK or anyone else, really,
as long as you can deal with that. Japan's navy,
which we will eventually this is all very, very likely held by divisions
that are probably not as good as ours. So I'm going to start off with an offensive and really aggressively
push same for the port here I am going to aggressively attack
and Indo-China, just everything looks likely held
and I want to exploit that. There's like the north here is going
very well. Just the south where Japan seems
to be coalescing some resistance. I think the main concern for us is supply. So we need to take the supply up at Hanoi
and once we do, we will have a clear sailing south will also need to plug it
into our railway network though. So be ready to build railways
at the drop of a hat. We've already cut off a bunch of Japan's troops up north here,
so these are going to get destroyed and that will simply sweep down
Indo-China, make sure to garrison the ports
and I can dedicate those armies to the north
and we can really go to town on Japan. Now it does look like Japan has managed to really solidify
well, solidify, mostly solidify its front. So I think we're going to keep the
offensive going for a little bit longer. I don't think we'll be able to push
until we have clean up the South. Still, though, we've made good gains also working on fighter threes in 1941,
it's not that far ahead of time. But it's a nice bonus
from our focus three. So also looks like Japanese resistance to
the South is mostly crushed. They're still funneling troops in but I think my 12 divisions here
should be sufficient. All of my offensives
are completely halted by supply. The South is impossible to move
and there's nothing I can do here. We are not
even at the limit of our supply. I'm sitting on the supply hub
but I cannot push a single tile even with air power, even with a little casts
I cannot push this line anymore. This is dragging on. So you want to finish this up
as quickly as possible. Free these troops up
so you can do offensives with them. They're very effective
or just keep eating other China's other Chinese have equipment?
No, not equipment. They have factories you desperately need. Now, just got to take Saigon,
if I can do that. I should have them
mostly cut off from supply. I think they just have this port here. Oh, yeah, it's over now. We've got all the supply here. Oh, God, yeah.
We're just sweeping Japan. Aside. It must be super distracted again.
Like the eye. Their movements
never really make any sense. They just move troops around randomly. It seems that's fine by me. I'll accept anything I can get. It's been difficult enough. Fighting in this horrible
terrain in the China is ours. There's just the matter of
I will not be able to withdraw my troops because that will give us some free
rein in the area. I don't want that. I would need additional units,
and I am all a lot of equipment. Again, our offensive to the north,
however, has gone and is going very well. So there is that. Now, as we were pushing further and further, we are about to hit
the big supply bottleneck. We definitely want to push hygiene
and Beijing do not give the enemy any opportunities to dig in here
behind this river. We want to hit them and keep hitting them
so we can push across here. This is where the supply hubs
for the region are. We need this. If we allow Japan to dig in, it's
going to be difficult pushing past. I am somewhat
afraid that a Siamese are going to declare war on us and I don't have the troops
to cover all those borders. Fortunately,
we were able to push across the river. So we've taken Beijing, Dijon. Yeah, I'm just going to move
one of the armies away from northern China and park them on the Siamese border
just so they don't get any funny ideas. All right. Time for another all out push. Let's see if we can get ourselves
some Manchurian Land. We are doing significant damage
to the Japanese. I don't think they can stop us
if we keep this offensive rolling. The road to them seems to be open. That's a major supply hub for the region. I think that connects
all of the Japanese railways there. So if I can get there
before they get defenders into position, I yes,
that will give us a good amount of supply and most importantly,
deny it to the Japanese. Slowly but surely, we are decimating
the Japanese forces on the mainland. I thought I had Port Guards in position. I thought wrong and I've just been naval
invaded quite severely, going to halt the northern offensive
and I'm going to need to redirect troops, possibly a whole lot of troops
to that naval invasion. I'm afraid to pull these troops off
Sam's border because Japan has an entire army
there as well. My shock troops are busy
trying to clean this up. This is bad,
but I think we've got a contained it's all getting contained
and and we're good to go. Yeah. Yeah,
they're going to get crushed. Yeah. Good thing I did, though. I'll divert the shock troops south then to try and help crush this. And good thing
I have the army in position. I'll direct the air over there as well. And they can help clean this up. And that in north,
we can keep the offensive going. Japan is too distracted
to really put up much of a fight help. This is a lot of divisions. They're pouring in here. And I can't retake the port, can't push. I can't really do anything. Meanwhile, we have China taking back. All this is
just such a horrible situation. At least we managed to retake the port
this time. If I could just hold it until
they run out of steam for a counterattack, build up, then crush them,
then I'll deal with the remains of China before I invade Japan. Meanwhile, just keep building up
more air and replenishing our stockpiles. Also start producing some transports need
transports and we will need paratroopers. So I need to research
paratroopers as well. Why does the air get to ignore
supply mechanics? Why it's not fair? Oh, finally the pockets getting crushed. And I think we're done. We have completely taken care
of the mainland. Japan has pushed back to whatever
it has into Pacific. They are still going home, though.
At this point. All we want to do is eat
what's left of the war lords and China itself
and build up for a power job. Why do we need to build up
fighters, fighters, fighters, fighters? We need enough fighters to achieve
air superiority over Korea, the Sea of Japan, and whatever
area of Japan you want to patrol. Now, it is a lot more difficult these days
to parades up Japan, mostly because the air actually
guards its ports now. So we'll need to be clever
about our power drops. It doesn't make any sense that it's this impossibly difficult
to take out what's left of Japan here. They don't have any victory points left. They don't have any infrastructure. They're sitting in the jungle,
and yet they are still not losing or and some of their divisions
aren't even taking attrition. I like to go with 20 combat
with paratroopers. If I need them to actually be competent
and just as the usual support sport artillery maybe some engineers
who want them to dig in you don't need to support the air
they're supposed to have air superiority by the time they drop
and maybe some logistics and then just train as many of these
as you can or convert some of your existing units
into the template. I'm going to be glad to win this. Staying here is wiped out. So central
I am not a place you want to be fighting and our upgraded fighters are doing
the Lord's work. Just look at the casualty differences. Yeah, I just need my paratroopers to be
produced now and we can overrun them. Let's start with securing Taiwan
and we might be able to island hop our way to Japan itself
just so we control the area. By the time the Americans arrive, which
they will, they are already in Iwo Jima. Let's see if we can just take Taiwan
and move the paratroopers up. Seems easy enough. So Taiwan is secured. Just got to mop up
this last pocket of resistance. China itself is still being consumed. Should be easy enough
to eat the rest of these guys. All right, the invasion is happening. Unfortunately, it does seem like
some of these tiles are protected. Fortunately, not all of them are. So. Oh, God. How are drops not successful? Yeah, Japan has done nothing. What they sometimes
do where they literally put units on every coastal town they have. So they have walked about 150 divisions
probably. And my guess is they're all at home. I've managed to take advantage
of the fact that this unit was attacking me, lost its organization,
and then I immediately counterattacked. If I can take the port,
I can just ship in an army of 24 units. Meanwhile, I've got my air over
this place is bombing them into oblivion. I'll also put up my transport planes
and put in some air supply. Okay, we've got the ports
now, send in the closest infantry army, and now the infantry has arrived as well. And we can start pushing. I have to say
the air is a lot more capable of defending itself
in the most recent update. So it is, it is nice to see
it makes things a lot more challenging. And with our air power we can just
push out well our CAS is destroying them. Our fighters have total domination. Japan is is gone at this point. They are completely spent, of course, be
mindful of being naval invaded to the rear like Japan likes to invade the ports
you've taken from them. If you're not careful,
they will cut your supply lines resulting in your army in Japan
not having supply and it will take several days
to get the railways operational again. So for a couple of days
you will be in quite the pickle if you're defending your ports. I've just finished my sentence and Japan's
naval invaded Hiroshima. I don't want my army getting entirely
certain circled and destroyed,
but I think we've got it. Yeah, that's a good amount of Japanese
will destroy. Oh boy. That's 28 Japanese divisions encircled
and they're gone. Yeah, I think that was the Japanese army. So let's just get on with it
and knock Japan out. Yeah, I think that was just a the last
vestiges of the Japanese Defense Force. Let's see what they have left
actually are still a couple of divisions, but they're probably in the islands here
somewhere. So Japan
should pretty much be out of this, and we'll have a very,
very good peace deal. Or at least we should have
a very good peace deal. And then goes Japan. That was very important
that we take a look at the war. We are miles ahead of everybody else. So we want to use this
to take Japan's course. Most importantly, not just the home
islands, but also the islands of Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and not the Marcos Islands,
but down here, Saipan, very expensive because the US is occupying them
right now. Then we need Taiwan and we can just start
taking the whole island. So don't forget about Sakhalin
and the corals, and I can take the rest of Japan
in one go. At least I should be able to. Yes, I still have a little bit left over. So for some reason don't ask me why,
but for some reason China is involved in this peace deal. As a defeated nation. This does not make any sense. They were not at war with anybody else, but Japan and China
should be on this side of the list. They're not. I'm going to assume this is a bug. It doesn't matter too much. Take whatever
you can during this peace deal. What you have is that that's just great. After you've taken the Japanese course,
focus on Manchu Quo and Mexico, you don't want the allies
setting up puppets here. It's annoying if they do. You really don't want that happening. We've managed to take all of China's stuff
for some reason. Thanks, China. We've got all of Japan's course. The Micronesian islands don't matter. The only one you need is Saipan. So just Japan's core territory not just
that occupied territory, its actual cause. So make sure you get them. The allies are very keen
on setting puppets up everywhere, and we've got a little bit of stuff
left over. So why not just keep popping stuff? All we're going to do
now is set up on the border with Sin Kyung,
and we're going to destroy them. We still have a war goal there they are in the Chinese United Front
so they can join the allies and they don't have any guarantees
picked up. So we will simply overrun sin. Kyung call it a day and then we have
let us achievement in the bag. They don't have any guarantees.
They don't have any allies. They're all alone. They're really not a challenge. They don't a lot of the visions,
but they're all terrible. And there we go. The final peace deal of this run. The final score we need. There we go. Now,
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Now stick around for this next video. Sure, you'll love it.
Please please please have a look over your guides and update them. I like to use your guides as general country guides (like a general Qing China, Commie China guide) even when I'm not going for the achievement.
Especially with China and minors, they're very hard to play due to bad supply networks and doctrine/xp changes. I know we would all be very grateful for your work!