Hogwarts Legacy - Part 7 - Side Missions

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foreign [Music] did I hear Professor Sharpe say that you have permission to go into his office he wants me to get more ingredients to brew another potion brilliant my friend had been presented with an extraordinary opportunity I'm Gareth by the way Gareth Weasley bit of a prodigy with potions if I do so so myself pleasure to meet you wait are you related to Professor Weasley she's my aunt keeps too close an eye on me for comfort but she can't be everywhere listen anyone with a troll size brain can Brew in a Juris potion I'm working on something that's certain to be spectacular I'm just missing one tiny last ingredient that will add that extra spark I suspect that's where I come in you're as clever as I'd hoped I simply need a single fupa feather as you'll already be in Sharp's office with his permission perhaps you could grab it for me I don't know Gareth I don't want to get on Sharp's bad side you won't super feathers aren't that valuable sharp won't even miss it [Music] I've enough to worry about collecting the ingredients he wants me to get afraid I can't help you I understand I'll sort something else out [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign suite and that's odd what's happening wait it's not supposed to uh what happened [Music] well done Gareth girl what now Mr Weasley sorry Professor that'll be points from Gryffindor again I brewed an address potion as you asked Professor glad you managed to stay on task not every class is so eventful I saw Mr Weasley speaking with you earlier he can be quite persuasive glad you managed to resist you've done well today I confess I was skeptical given the advanced nature of this class and the fact you're a new student I'm glad I was able to meet your expectations a rare occurrence and you do well to remember that you're not a potions Master quite yet in addition to having a solid grasp of how to combine various ingredients you should gain an understanding of the ingredients themselves pay particular attention in herbology the plants you nurture there are often essential to the potions you brew here now I recommend that you find a safe location in which to practice Brewing you cannot leave a hot cauldron simply anywhere and you can keep that Flopper feather this time that'll be all [Music] I think each of us has had enough excitement for one day passes dismissed [Music] greetings I understand you're quite the enterprising young Ravenclaw Professor fig tells me you found a long-lost book for him to talk to you about it oh my robes are going to reek from Gareth term [Music] sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade [Music] good of you to come my friend Professor fig speaks highly of you and your resourcefulness he was vague as to details but mentioned you're having tracked down a difficult to find book I wondered if you'd be willing to do a little detective work on my behalf of course Mr Ollivander sounds most up my street wonderful you see about a century ago an heirloom Applewood wand with a fairy wing core went missing from this very sharp my great aunt suspected a student named Richard jackdaw he'd been serving as an assistant here and suddenly vanished Richard jackdaw like the bird in fact he was known to frequent the Hogwarts allery we searched there of course but found no wand we did find a series of statues similar to Jack doors and certain they're a clue but I cannot figure out where they lead jackdaw was last heard tittering about some pages with a map he'd stolen from peeves you can imagine the Poltergeist was less than helpful we'll have a look for you you've brought hope to this old one Maker's heart Professor fig was right you are a remarkable student [Music] does it get any more cozy than hogsmead foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign ER mentioned must be upstairs amongst the owls [Music] don't mind me owls I'm here to help a friend now where are those statues I recognize those handles summoning charms should do the trick I'd best keep looking no statues here [Music] empty perches could be the right size for jackdaws or statues of chapters [Music] Birds aren't afraid of heights perhaps I should look a bit higher here's a welcome surprise [Music] nothing no statues here laughs [Music] this will do nicely [Music] I'll take that thank you [Music] foreign [Music] pages best hang on to it for now [Music] foreign [Music] here's a welcome surprise [Music] foreign foreign [Music] what's happening [Music] foreign [Music] solved my puzzle after all these years well done indeed good news if you've got something to hide you found the perfect spot Richard jackdaw At Your Service the Richard jagdoll so Mr Ollivander was right he wants his family wand back goodness I'd forgotten about that wand I assure you I don't have it on me I certain I dropped it the moment I was beheaded in that cave oh it was shift Folly to follow that map what map ridiculous really found it on some yellowed old Pages peeves had pilford thought I could impress a girl but that's a story for another day so you stole a wand and Then followed a map on some pages that you took from peeves and followed that map to your doom odds to hear it all reduced to such absurdity but yes why do you care about some old wand I don't really Ollivander does it's the pages I'm after might they be with the wand in the cave indeed say here's an idea why don't you meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest I'd be happy to show you where to find them if that's the only way for me to get those pages I'll meet you there if you don't mind the sight of a well my decapitated skeleton the wand and the pages are yours for the taking foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I've always said that travel broadens the mind future Champion coming through hello Lucan is the final round of crossed ones ready big match today it all comes down to this the moment that we find out if you're training and dedication is enough to win it all ready for a shot at glory I certainly am brilliant are you dealing with a partner yes Sebastian then let's get started [Music] we can make this a real victory spirit [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] more people can't watch videos it's a victory he won the tournament I'm just pleased to have done as well as I did and we've been with honored to present you with this simple yet elegant token of supreme dueling accomplishment thank you it's been an honor you earned it you are a Jewish to be reckoned with now that we've definitively crowned the tournament winner I suppose I should get back to my schoolwork wonder how my herbology plants are doing I haven't tended them in ages [Music] lost to a new student I didn't see that coming time will be a bit more of a challenge ready that should be brilliant wonderful I'll set things up remember to cast all the spell combinations before the dummy lands again if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know [Music] [Music] questions [Music] impressive wand work I'd hate to face you in a jewel thanks Lucan you've been a great help I'll stop don't make me blush seriously well done training dummies will think twice before challenging you again even though you won the tournament already I'm glad to see you haven't stopped training stay sharp my friend [Music] the best duelist one I suppose [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you can't be B can you [Music] foreign [Music] what are you up to now [Music] I really have made a mess of things is everything all right oh hello thank you for asking I'm Cressida by the way and I'm afraid everything's not all right I may be in a spot of trouble with the librarian you see I'm fond of creating my own charms thought I'd perfected my light as a feather charm to use on my library books my arms get so tired carrying them around all day but I must have confused the Latin word for feather with bird in my incantation because when I opened my bag just now in the library they literally took flight that sounds brilliant actually thank you somehow I don't think the librarian will see it that way I collect the books and remove the charm myself except this isn't the first time one of my charms has threatened the piece of the library our meet told Madame Scribner they were my books flying around so she said that if I caused her any more trouble she'd write to my parents perhaps you could get them for me there are only five she won't be suspicious of a new student looking around I suppose I could help if I have the time I'd very much appreciate it one of the books is my diary I'd rather it not fall into the wrong hands if you could collect them and bring them to me I can remove the charm I'm going to have to use accio to get to those books got it I need four more to go what's up this must be cressida's diary I'd want this bag too if I were her [Music] why can't students see that foreign [Music] I collected your books including your diary oh what a relief thank you I'll happily take the heavy lot off your hands now foreign classmates to know how you really feel about them you might reward me for my time ah you're not at all who I thought you to be I wouldn't do that to you Cressida only trying to teach you to be a little more careful well lesson learned I certainly won't be practicing any charms in the library again anytime soon now to work out where I went wrong perhaps I should start brushing up on my Latin thank goodness some people are trustworthy certainly wouldn't want anyone but me reading my diary [Music] incendio [Music] is difficult is it say hello I don't believe we've met oh hello I'm Lenora pardon me if I seem a little distracted at the moment everyone thinks I'm utterly balmy Samantha thinks I'm potty but it's this painting I never noticed it before I know Hogwarts and I do an empty frame doesn't appear for no reason something more to this if I have the time I may look could be intriguing I've been racking my brains long enough I hope you'll have better luck than I have do come and find me if you stumble on something Illuminating that solves the mystery lumos that spot must be a clue I should look around in case it's nearby this looks like the location from the painting what could be so special about it revelio [Music] lumos let's get you back to your frame little moth I knew there was a connection I should tell Anora that I solved the puzzle of that empty frame [Music] Sonora I solved the mystery of that painting you did I found the location depicted in the painting and then I cast lumos to guide a moth back to the frame all very logical I suppose pity I was so close to solving it you have a knack for solving riddles Matty's good at that too so is a meat although he does tend to over explain well I'm glad someone figured it out The Moth I should have seen that [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what are you doing out here challenging you to a game of summoner's court I think it's time you faced a real opponent outside of ronan's little lesson in charms class summoner's Court isn't just a game it's a battle of skill test of a witch or Wizard's metal what say I'm in let's do it brilliant Summoners cool the ever-changing game [Music]
Channel: Bloody Heel Gaming
Views: 897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playstation 5, PS5, Gamer, 2023 best games, hogwarts legacy, Harry Potter, Potion Class, Ollivander's Hierloom, Cross Wands Round 3, Spell Combination Practice 2, Flying Of The Shelves, Like A Moth To A Frame
Id: -lepMduBYLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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