Hogwarts Legacy - Part 9 - UNLOCKING THE HIPPOGRIFF

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all right so guys I wanted to welcome you all back to another episodic Journey within the world of Hogwarts ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Hogwarts Legacy I have to say I'm pretty excited for today's episode as I've been for every episode today we finally head somewhere else a brand new location we're headed that way we're headed south we're supposed to meet with Sebastian if you guys recall we'll go over here to the quest menu and uh this is kind of interesting in the shadow of States and it's all the way over here which is completely unknown territory for all of us I have no idea what to expect but I am pretty excited so no more time to be wasted let's Boogie so we do have a couple of quests of course um side quests I do feel like you can finish together in a little place like this I do feel like you can finish the game relatively quickly um if you were to just focus on Main quests but the funny thing is that the side quests they don't feel tedious I haven't felt one side quest yet that I've been like ah this is a little annoying so it kind of like the game invites you to do these other side quests and and in doing so the game just becomes longer to to finish right and there are certain side quests or excuse me certain main quests especially in the beginning of the game that you have to do certain side activities in order to unlock them yeah this is all brand new this is insane look at the landscape we are almost at feldcraft look at those ruins back there hopefully we can explore a bit later on if not when I if I don't do like a whole lot of exploring um expect me to do some perhaps after I beat the game I have been doing a decent amount of side quests though um I just haven't been um like exploring like caves and stuff like that you know maybe a couple here and there but as they come along that's the uh good old invisibility wall let's go this way it's quite the distance huh we've never been here at all this is insane which is really far I probably should have flown lower to the ground let's take these guys out got a little action started here we go why not [Music] you up oh God awesome confringo love that alrighty we're out of here we have a couple long ago no doubt a couple of other Merlin trials here and there might have to do some of those eventually we've got to do I think five more to increase our capacity once again this area looks really nice [Music] there he is you made it man himself I still don't know if I should trust Sebastian I did I don't know man I don't know how I feel about him yet enjoying the view keeping an eye on things feldcraft isn't what it used to be no one has felt safe here since ranrock's loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there Brookwood Castle my uncle Solomon is a former Aura and refuses to look into it even after Anne was cursed by one of them possibly with a wand no less I heard a goblin refer to wizard kind as wand carriers a Goblin's forbidden from carrying ones precisely that's why I'm on the hunt for answers if I'm to cure her I need to understand what happened to her Anne was always the most mischievous of the three of us which is saying something knowing neon ominous I'm hoping a surprise visit from me and a new friend from Hogwarts will help lift her spirits bring back the Anna I Used to Know come on I'll take you to my uncles this way okay let's go man let's do this hmm feldcraft used to be a lot livelier with ramrock slots wandering about all the time everyone stays out of sight one thing that a lot of people were concerned was the graphics of this game here and there like you know especially with NPCs and I'll say it again I think this game looks phenomenal I'm playing it on PC I'm not sure how it looks on console with like you know the performance mode but on PC this game looks really really nice and I've had no issues with it too here we are my sister should be just inside Sebastian where did you is that what I think it is we've been over this boy shrivel figs cannot reverse a curse nothing can the sooner you accept that reality the better but we haven't tried everything there is when will you will you set that never I can never accept it tell them what you've done I'm sorry now I feel bad for Sebastian sorry you have to see that if you don't mind I just need a moment alone to Boston not the visit he doped for revelio and I feel bad for him like I kind of hated him or it was a little sus in regards to his uh that boy will Fray my last nerve let me speak to it okay here we go excuse me Mr Salo oh yes Sebastian's friend I apologize on behalf of my nephew he doesn't know when to stop he thinks he can help Anne but nothing can be done for her [Music] not yet discovered the Cure thinking you know better than the healers at some Mongols perhaps the healers don't know everything sir Sebastian is single-mindedly focused on finding a way to help his sister if there is a cure he will find it your faith in Sebastian is misplaced some sort of dark magic cursed Anne and the Goblins aren't likely to explain themselves anytime soon giving her hope is cruel the only thing to do now is keep and comfortable and stay out of the loyalist way with all due respect sir hope could keep hand spirits up you may mean well but I know what's best for Anne and Sebastian now my stubborn Brothers children especially Sebastian if you really want to be of help you'll make sure Sebastian does what he should do not what he wants to do he's no idea the harm he could do if he doesn't stop I hope you remember what I've said good day what a sour little old man what a bastard let's go in here sorry about earlier those bouts of pain are difficult to bear everything's gonna be okay all right let me just inspect your house steal a little bit and be a little nosy then we can get to talk so dear Ann this is a letter from Sebastian Hogwarts isn't the same without you well sharp is still as foul but you know what I mean I hope you're feeling better he's a love loving and caring brother after all maybe he's not that bad he was Slither and I was kind of expecting for the worst Sebastian this is my potion kit not yours leave my things be Rebellion there's a chest somewhere here I might be outside are you all right Anna I didn't mean to intrude you didn't comes in bouts and often suddenly it's not anyone's fault it's nice to meet you by the way you must be the new fifth year Sebastian told me about I am Sebastian and I met during a rather Lively duel and defense against the dark arts oh dear professor heckett she's a powerful witch and she knows how to keep students like my brother and me in line I do miss Hogwarts but I wouldn't mind being at feldcroft really if it wasn't so dreary now between the Goblins at the castle and my uncle fighting with Sebastian whenever he's home it's not the Cozy Retreat it once was Sebastian mentioned something about your uncle being an ex-ora but refusing to go after ranrock's loyalists I must say I wasn't prepared for him to be as angry as he was Uncle Solomon is frustrated to fight what happened to me and by Sebastian for thinking he can fix it they both mean well I know they do but my uncle is right this curse cannot be undone I can feel it Sebastian cannot take away my pain perhaps you can help him to understand that [Music] afraid it's really up to Sebastian and his mind seems to be made up I can only hope I hope he realizes the futility of his search for a cure soon I'm getting tired I should probably rest thank you for stopping by no dammit we have to find a cure well I ought to see how Sebastian's faring everyone you're so negative you does not have hope hopes and dreams Rebellion you see what this chest is by the way I think it's right behind this fan the fence leather sorcerer hat this happens look funky but listen to me she's my sister it's got like the little goggles so I put it on that looks pretty cool kind of silly how are you doing Sebastian you got a first-hand glance at what I'm dealing with I apologize for my uncle [Music] I know he's angry but he's only trying to do what he thinks is best for Anne he's always angry he's been angry since my parents died after Anne was hurt he only grew worse it's as though he blames me somehow always calling me my Father's son as if that's an insult I'm the one trying to help her he's simply given up both Anne and your uncle seem genuinely convinced that nothing more can be done for her I refuse to believe that Anne's pain is more than physical it has changed her entirely I miss my sister and I'm going to get her back come with me I need to show you where it happened are capable of so much more than people realize they should not be underestimated all the debris you'll see is from whatever's going on at that abandoned state they've been digging for something revelio return to the quest [Music] I think that's the first time I've seen those numbers on screen foreign in this game is so pleasuring from that plateau is where they curse them and you're still living here these people are crazy they've got guts I wouldn't be living anywhere near here screw that oh man how much longer are we expecting to dig through this Rubble ramrock knows what he's doing it's an honor to be a part of it dead wizard in my book okay really so I have to uh wait wait wait a second how do I steal them okay there you go back how do I steal the crossbow oh God hold on I'm trying to see if there's a way we could uh yes I saw last mistake did we failure I was like wait what oh God I'm too focused on trying to steal a crossbow that's it it's over here I said That's it man okay hold on I confess that was a bit smaller than I'd bargained for I tried to warn you you know what it's fine dude it's fine I promise we're still Pals um I think I'm gonna put apparel here for now repairer just like that Rebellion let me collect some stuff here is that a hippogriff over there I think it is can we team that would be insane I just think we're kind of like in a quest right now so we go too far we see like we can't even fly because the game doesn't want us to deviate From the Path that's been set so we'll be good we'll be good about it those loyalists deserved what they got couldn't agree more this is where it happened we smelt smoke in the middle of the night when we looked outside Flames were shooting from the estate before my uncle and I could stop her and rushed out racing towards the fire worried someone had be hurt she came face to face with a horde of goblins frantically trying to Stamp Out the Flames suddenly an icy voice drifted out from somewhere in the smoke children should be seen and not heard a blinding blast followed they didn't even give her a chance to run it seems an awfully violent response to a child wandering by what were they trying to hide my thoughts exactly it may be grasping at Billy wigs but I keep thinking that there might be something here that could lead me to whoever kirstan might be the only way to learn what type of magic harmed her which could help me find a cure perhaps you're right the Loyalists are everywhere but they do seem to be spending a lot of time here and it's likely they're hiding something and at Rookwood Castle shall we have a look around they seem to have set up camp here first rebellious reason they have stations for everything so the journey continues I've heard Goblin dig sites like these are popping up everywhere hmm it's a wonder the ministry isn't doing more always armed and ready for a fight around Rock's loyalists investigating here Rebellion we've got a couple of tents up top perhaps loot them a little bit thank you this should be the last Feast uh piece to investigate whose home was this a bit abandoned long since I've lived here rumor was a Hogwarts Professor lived here once centuries ago but that's all I ever heard it might be worth taking a closer look at the house itself the house where is the house is the house up here you mean yep I think so um sneaky sneaky Sebastian over here do you think that this was damaged by the fire the night that Anne was cursed could be but it looks to me as though this was intentional that is very interesting detective hello this well looks familiar wait that's the Well from the from the flashbacks is it not Rebellion foreign I've seen this before yes this house the well the view what do you mean when give me a moment I'll explain in a second Sebastian it belonged to a Hogwarts Professor hundreds of years ago who what do you I found a pensive that day in the Restricted Section with a memory that showed this house there was a little girl and a drought the keepers have shown me other memories as well the girl became a Hogwarts professor her name was Isadora morganock she was one of the keepers the keepers like in quidditch and you found a pensive in the library I'm not following you I realize it's a lot to take in I'm not even sure I understand it all yet and no not like quidditch they call themselves Keepers because they're protecting some type of knowledge it has to do with the vault at Gringotts let me see if I've got this straight you have ran Rock and Rookwood after you because of something you found at Gringotts where you ended up via report key and now you've been witnessing memories left by keepers oh and this house belonged to a Hogwarts Professor who was one of these non-quidditch Keepers hundreds of years ago if I didn't know you I think you were pulling my leg it is all a bit much isn't it when you put it like that the point is we both have good reason to search this house you for answers about what happened to Anne and Me For answers about the keepers [Music] look at this revelia Someone piled this here for a reason is it blocking something only one way to find out the Coldplay proposal huh a stairwell why bother blocking a stairwell revelli there might be something here worth a closer look they've left all of this simply tells me they're after something bigger [Music] very interesting how do you get here Rebellion Isadora one of seven it is my second win in the uh my second week in the camp more arrive each day the Mogul doctors and even some of our own healers are doing all that they can for them the grief is palpable the one who has survived the plague are forever damaged by their loss a fever may pass the skin May mend and Scar but the devastating sorrow remains I saw a man much like my father who had lost a child I couldn't bear it along then I longed to give him some shred of relief I'm beginning to think that the others are wrong I have the power to help these Souls it seems uh as arbitrary arbitrary arbitrary not to help them as it would be to get rid of them or end their term and their torment a journal entry of his adores I should hold on to this seven I've traveled here to learn but I long to help my internal struggle is overwhelming as it as though the magic wants to heal and I am the preventing and I'm preventing it from doing so should I lose hope will I forever regret not having done more cannot look into their eyes knowing that I could lessen the burden of their headache Arctic heartache I'm sorry I saw the man leaving camp today one who has reminded me of my father surely it wouldn't hurt to help him to further my research of course but that would be a fortune for two-ish a fortuitous consequence of doing something good with this ability these journal entries are from isadora's travels revelio there's something back there oh wow okay well that worked I didn't know that was gonna work Revenge you're not going to believe this I can see the undercroft what a Daydream because that happens to me too lumos I know it sounds strange honestly nothing you say sounds strange to me anymore fair enough I can see the undercroft through this stone wall as though it's a window this has happened before I'm listening I have a rare ability to see Whispers of ancient magic I don't know what I was expecting you to say but it wasn't that I knew you weren't telling me everything ancient Magic what does that even mean I'm not entirely sure but the keepers have said that it's a powerful magic that should only be wielded by a select few and you can wield it I don't know fig and I think that run Rock has somehow found a way to harness that Magic's power are you telling me that goblins may be wielding some sort of wizard magic that's what we're trying to find out what I do know is that my ability allows me to travel through these windows I see wait we can get straight to the undercroft from here ominous will be flawed we can but perhaps best not to tell anyone else about this for now even ominous understood well then invisible secret ancient magic passageway here we come oh he's gonna I'm tempted to hold my breath thank you why would the door lead us here Sebastian look hmm very interesting [Music] a missing memory perhaps why hide the triptych here seems as if something's missing note let's have a look [Music] what in the world anything helpful in the notes a rune symbol I've seen similar symbols used by the keepers I've been thinking lived in that house centuries ago and ran Rock in his lot had been searching there you said that goblins may be wielding some form of this ancient Magic do you think Anne was cursed by ancient magic I can't be sure of course but I don't think so I didn't see any traces of it around your sister hmm very well but that doesn't mean it's not ancient Magic there's still so much we don't know about it true perhaps this triptych will lead us to answers then we'll have to unravel what this all means but now I need to see ominous don't worry I won't tell him anything did I mention that apparently Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts you did not sounds worth looking into any idea where in the castle no idea ominous just learned of it I'll let you know what I find out I had no idea our visit to Xian would unfold into all of this heads and that's a mess but I'm glad you told me everything you did I'll be in touch till then I wonder if there's a consequence for us having told Sebastian that and now he tells ominous we kind of told we kind of ratted out on Sebastian when we were in that room down below in Hogwarts maybe maybe I don't know maybe that decision back then has some sort of consequence in that concept that ruins after duck do not tell anyone oh wow if we go here we travel back that's cool ah nice wait that was the undercroft yeah that's right that is right this is exactly where we were at with Sebastian that's where we learned uh oh my God I just I completely forgot the name [Music] candy resource indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased wow look at this oh the only time we've been here is at the beginning of the game kind of glad I don't like that should be avoided it's too risky anything to do with Salazar Slytherin is worth the risk I can't agree and I'll not say a word more I'm sorry I Won't Give Up what were you Anonymous speaking about he's being ridiculous apparently Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts ominous swears it was used for the dark arts so he wants nothing to do with it I reminded him that Anne need to cure this scriptorium could hold the answers we need hmm oh minus is Right meddling in the dark arts is dangerous there's more to dark magic Than People realize the gaunts know this better than most perhaps I've spoken out of turn ominous family history is personal to him I'm gonna be nosy I'd like to know more about it if you wouldn't mind telling me I won't repeat it very well but do keep this between us ominous learned dark magic from his parents are you familiar with the cruciata's curse what does the cruciata's curse do it's known as the torture curse crucio it inflicts intense excruciating pain on the victim apparently his parents and older siblings had no qualms about casting us on Muggles for sport ominous described the sound of the victim's cries as horrific so the first time he was asked to cast it himself as a child he couldn't bring himself to do it as punishment his family casteth on him the anguish was so bad that when us cast it again he relented I have repeatedly assured ominous that he did what he had to but he still hasn't forgiven himself he had no choice you should have known better how horrible Romanus he was only a child he shouldn't blame himself after that incident the rift between ominous and his family only grew that is until I came along every moment he isn't Hogwarts he's with us in feldcroft omenus trusts me and more often than not he winds up listening to me I'll remind him of that when I follow up about the scriptorium watch for my owl I'll have news soon enough all right I'll make them a misunderstand he'll change his mind so should we man should we I know we can kind of lean towards the dark arts and kind of become a little Relentless and ruthless should we I don't know man and your reading is the Dragon that's exciting I suppose perhaps you're due for an adventure myself ladies Professor Shaw astronomy is not divination you won't find the mysteries of the cosmos charted out on your palms or at the bottom of your teacups alas the heavens remain hazy to The Starry Eyed now if you were to devote yourselves to persistent and painstaking observation you just might catch a glimpse with that in mind please take your telescopes tonight we will be on the observation deck [Music] still don't have your own you can't be the new student forever you know you can share with Mr takar here I can adjust that for you no no bring it into focus on your own all the classes in this School are just fun real classes are not this fine I'm telling you [Music] wow absolutely beautiful now I expect all of you to put in your stargazing hours of class is that clear but Professor it's freezing out Mia Cole didn't Highlands from which they gazed Millennia ago on the very self-same stars above us is that clear [Music] dismissed hello I don't believe we've met officially I'm Amit I'm something of an astronomy buff hello mate it's nice to meet you did I hear Professor Shaw say that you don't have your own telescope I have a spare one you could borrow for the rest of terms [Music] that's very kind of you on it are you sure you won't need it I'm certain it's my old one I finally got my hands on the new Celestia contemplar you've heard of it I assume I mean of course you have it's only the Pinnacle of all personal star gazing implements but my old model is not too shabby either Goblin cut class First Rate Optical enchantments hate to think such a fine instrument is just collecting dust well I thank you Amit think nothing of it anyway the telescopes in the storage room right underneath us you can't miss it I have some uh reading to finish on the lower deck come find me there afterwards and bring the telescope there's something I want to talk to you about everybody you're so friendly I like it all right um stargazing as long as I just go down below I mean all right hold on it's probably down here set the chest down below right oh God I should probably just speak to this man yeah let me just oh wait what [Music] yeah it is him man what is going on [Music] oh my God [Music] how do I get to the lower deck oh it's right here my goodness I am a fool all right we gotta empty awesome some goodies negative one negative nine negative 13. now we've got a couple of rooms here I think we also had a hat as well this one's stronger yikes I'm not gonna get that it's not worth it we had a bunch of hats matter of fact I will take this out we're so much better off selling these things man but it's just annoying kind of going back to the shop and this was his old telescope that's practically brand new revelio revelio incendio Rebellion horse all right let's go back to a meet a pristine knife perfect night for I have the telescope it's nicer than I'd expected I would not offer a prospective Stargazer a third or eight Luna scope but there is um something else yes what is it you remember those astronomy table showers going on about just so happens I've been reading upon them a little myself and it seems there may be one right here at Hogwarts I believe we could use it to find hidden constellations the telescope came with a catch uh and you like help finding it and you need someone to help find it I do are you in no one from the gobstones club will go with me said they'd rather get spit at by a stone and well they are cowards let us get moving while the stars are still out I'll show you how to use that telescope once we get there I promise no need to convince me let's get going brilliant you won't regret it shall we shall we we shall the table is on a castle wall ahead look for a stone platform something that doesn't quite belong we'll know it when we see it onwards week some say the locations of the tables were originally marked by centaurs for ritual stargazing really that sounds spooky it is nice having a fellow Stargazer to explore with puppy to be here it is good to leave the class from now and then it's not that creepy out here at night is it the garbstones club are cowards here I am he's charging ahead why don't you lead the way oh all right this guy's getting a little a little foreboding a few cobwebs and some dust nothing to be concerned about before of course it's just not as lumos tidy as I expected man don't you start okay nothing to be scared about oh no not this close to school I meet lumos [Music] he's got that lumos on full effect all right I gotta wait for him I guess use the astronomy table the constellation should appear near the center of your view foreign [Music] I was right about the tables wow they really are gateways to the far Stars just as the book said and your contribution was invaluable rest assured you shall be credited in my Memoirs one day thank you Amit I look forward to reading them and I look forward to writing them this is only the beginning you will find more tables like this one throughout the grounds and Forest all beckoning to be discovered by a worthy astronomer and if I have ever seen one it's you oh and about my old telescope don't bother returning it you keep it quite generous thank you you are welcome it has Goblin cut glass and a gobbledygookins I'm practically fluent in gobbledygook you know it's all in the throat really gobbledygook you know and and how you pronounce your r's I am anyway glad our adventure was a success I will see you soon all right Amit really nice playing stars with you truly all right we have to now [Music] find the astronomy tables one out of five never do get tired of seeing the astronomy Tower at night what a view lumos so if I remember correctly there was another shop that we could go to and get different sorts of recipes and items for our potions and I I believe it's actually here this is within hogsmead a bit north of it that's any more cozy than dog weed and Death Cab yeah it's here 100 percent interesting let's have you leave here alive um [Music] cool [Music] hello oh hello sorry I'm in a bit of a tizzy I was just gold in some of the plants for spitting and nipping I suppose it's my own fault for putting more than four to a tree by the way Beatrice green is the name but you may address me as Madame green welcome to dogweed and death cap oh mind you don't knock the mandrakes this wasn't the constant demand for antidotes I couldn't need to stalk so many of the little deers except of course for curses and will if you've been petrified then obviously you've come to the right place mind you don't knock the mandrakes I there's an uprooting you'll be the next one to drop dead and I'm enormous for a clear-up sheesh what do you have for sale all right let's see what see we show you some of what's available there it is oh I'm always thrilled when a young one makes a wise purchase you'll go far oh God I still just bought the seeds it was just very expensive oh I'm always thrilled when a young one makes a wise purchase I hate you all right so now that we got these please ah in Cynthia explosives incendio exposure I don't know [Music] this is where we learn the new spell okay let me Elsa wonderful to see you again uh you don't want to talk to me or I've completed my assignments professor hear it Professor Weasley will be too I'll be sure to let her know how well you're coming along thank you professor Professor heckett tells me she taught you levioso so you should be ready for a more advanced levitation charm on Guardian Leviosa requires a bit of concentration and a nice graceful wand movement let's see you try your hand at it and executed correctly you should be able to pick up Boulders as though they were spricks of snow sport nice we got it let's go [Music] oh that makes sense [Music] so should we should we should we feel free to practice should we replace it here in the greenhouse I've set some crates out for you in the Next Room I don't know should we replace it [Music] I love you also and where [Music] and where when guardian levios [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you can freaking move this like oh my gosh that's awesome after the next main quest we go and it does seem like this was in fact Nazis uh mission [Music] in fact indeed [Music] here we go this looks oh this looks interesting I should probably yeah let me get the food you can't imagine just in case flipendo once you've completed the necessary tasks come and find me in the greenhouse over here quietly I'm glad that you received my owl we need to stay low and remain quiet fuzzy what's going on why are we all the way out here as promised I did some investigating to find out what Harlow is up to I followed him to the hog's head I noticed him reading a letter all I could see was that it was signed by and bore the Seal of Victor Rookwood and after you told me that Rookwood and Halo were after you I decided that you were the perfect person to join me in taking them down for good that letter is the tangible proof that officer singer needs it is why I followed Hollow here and why I wrote to you I need your help to retrieve it you seem to be very determined in stopping Rookwood and Harlow why I knew men like him in Uganda I know how bad things can get if they are not stopped when I promise to share when we have more time for now let's do what we came to do can't we just bypass off as a singer and go directly to the ministry do you think they will listen to a student only officer singer can start an investigation the ministry will come in later I'll help you find the letter Nati I'm glad to hear it first we must access the castle keep I'll check the main gate see if you can find another way in I do not see any guts but we should still try to be as quiet as possible Hollow is here after all [Music] you know now that I think about it let's go to talents dark arts disarming curse same effect as occurs on enemies curse enemies to increase damage oh the enduring curse wow um yeah those are cool man like the dark arts but I feel like the core Essentials are just more helpful in general you know what I mean like for example this right here basic cast impacts on Airborne enemies contribute more to the ancient magic meter um wig and weld heals you to a greater okay enemy struck with the Stupify remains stunned for a longer time successful evading and unblockable attacks with Dodge contribute to ancient magic meter blocking a spell with perfect potato will send two projectiles back at enemies oh that sounds good [Music] um and then spells we have this lifts all of them oh [Music] the dark arts is cool but okay we got we got a dark art I'll do it next time I just like to improve on the skills I'm already using okay so here I feel like here hold on here hmm that's fine never mind you must keep us out we will get this gate open somehow the gay Duty no one enters unless they're with the pack or the ashwenders that was a Ash Wednesday anything you take from uh unwelcome guests gets split do not leave until you've been relieved by your place okay finite or nothing ass and some exploration going on I like it about damn time I wonder what that does that's what it does this is why we needed that spell oh yeah it's much better [Music] Oh shoot what the hell just take leave a floating all right there we go Rebellion I need to find a way into the Gatehouse to open the gate for Natty right in here damn can we not can we not do a spell down there what about this Rebellion dead end must be another way in yeah you for sure you for sure need that spell all right good without that that's why you need that's a requirement to finish that class wouldn't have been been able to do any of this that looks as if it might work there we go revelio should do the trick hold on revelio oh hold on wait a minute can bring up Wingardium Leviosa there we go well done I will be right down I knew you could do it this way I will get the door can't believe I have to write this down but you Moon Minds don't listen push the gate don't well I should have read that first that is the main keep my guess is that we'll find Hollow and the letter inside we'll need to be careful once we get hear them [Music] right in the face [Music] are we about to rescue the hippogram no that hippogriff new plan I get the evidence and you free that hippogriff agreed this is our chance go wow [Music] blasted it would be another way to get up to the roof somewhere ah let's do this I hope that he stays out of trouble it's time to rescue our pal here destroy these buffoons Rebellion come here I'm Guardian Leviosa okay foreign good stay there no this place to sneak into this is so cool bro there it is Hogwarts is very lucky they've got protection nobody's trying to sneak here man all right what was that what's this well I pressed I'm sorry Rebellion is mandrake against enemies I don't know if that's gonna be doable I don't think we have it oh we have one too many shortcuts man it gets confusing look at these scans with the little ones how cute is that back the guys are pathetic sure there you go please [Music] that's it damn it I want to be all stealthy but you guys have to come here and ruin that Aloha Mora all right let's unlock this there it is I hope Nazi's having an easier time of it seriously two locked can't grab that video oh you can also climb and stuff and still be invisible that's pretty cool you're going home in a wooden box oh that looks cool Dallas time to teach someone a lesson no experience or maybe you didn't all right sweet Rebellion Aloha I like this everything is coming into play now it goes revelio super interesting here let's go ahead and hide a bit to rescue our little buddy old pal Revenue okay I don't want the first time that was weird oh that's a nice little chest right there oh Astrid keep an eye on my stash eh it's yours if you missed her if it if I miss seriously disappear that liar cheated us out what was ours so I took what I could and hit it here 20 damn years and treated no better than fools we've been here two blasted weeks upstairs we go let's do this [Music] oh it's got a friend oh my God [Music] there you are wow that is cool come on dude that is awesome [Music] oh my God let's go dude [Music] ah you guys suck dude [Music] oh [Music] my goodness we're finally doing it thanks bro this is Express this must be returning from an unscheduled run [Music] this is so beautiful [Music] [Music] so this one I don't know if you have to do L2 for the acceleration I think it's just R2 I'm telling you this game has it all bro like you're a potterhead s perhaps I haven't really played many Harry Potter games but I would like to say this is probably the best one this is crazy [Music] the magic of Harry Potter my gosh this is beautiful [Music] wow [Music] wow dude how exciting it was exhilarating wasn't it I wasn't sure we were going to make it out alive there was no need to worry I had it all under control were you able to find the letter summoned it straight out of Halo's hands I will say I did not expect to see him cast The Killing cast at us he won't forget this be on your gut of course hmm what did the letter say that Rook was looking for a phoenix not sure where he will find one but it also included Harlow's orders to inspect that castle for the poachers enough to connect Hollow to the crimes I shall deliver the letter to officer singer she'll have to do something when she sees it now tell me where did you meet these hippogriffs I've only met Hyrum before I'll be introduced us puppy Sweeting knows a hippogriff of course she does puppy will be relieved to know that hiring safe I came to the red person for help my mother will be worried I must go seek me out soon I shall have much to tell you hmm wow bro beautiful [Music] Highway [Music] oh we've got a bunch oh my goodness this is so cool you can just write this now harassed by Hollow he may be able to provide the evidence we need to take Hollow down we should speak with him together meet me at his home when you have a moment please stop by the room of requirement Deke tells me he has something to share with you I assume you have news regarding the cop that you mentioned why don't we meet at the map chamber us that at our next steps [Music] bro get out of here bro [Music] dude [Music] thank you unbelievable [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hollow
Views: 432,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy part 1, hogwarts legacy full game, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy walkthrough part 1, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy xbox series x, hogwarts legacy pc, hogwarts gameplay, hogwarts walkthrough, hogwarts part 1, hohgwarts full game, hogwarts ending, hogwarts review, hogwarts walkthrough part 1
Id: cguHYLBagE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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