Hoarders: Caretaker Hoards Her Elderly Patients' Homes | A&E

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[Music] i'm terry i'm a private caregiver an artist an antiquer and i've collected way way way too much [Music] i have books antiques and pots and pans collectible glass jewelry i've got threads for sewing and drawing supplies for my artwork i've collected so much that it's hard to get from one room to the other i'm stepping over things and moving things around hoping that i can stack them without them falling with my lipstick i'm overwhelmed and struggling to organize it i am craig terry is my longtime girlfriend terry's an olympic champion hoarder no doubt she would receive a gold medal in hoarding terri has no limits on what she might put in her house she's a wonderful artist also [Music] and she has beautiful artwork was one of my pieces it's sad to think that we're the love of each other's lives and never have married i like to say that i'm the most patient man this side of the mississippi and and i've scared him by being scattered terry lived with my aunt she had become ill and as terry lived in that home she hoarded in that house [Music] and then terry moved into my house where she helped my mother who developed alzheimer's and terry was accumulating vast amounts of items instead of getting rid of my things i put things in roy's garage i put things in his basement in the spear room and i put things in the living room i've even put things in roy's car i am juggling caring for roy taking care of the things that are in his home and giving time to craig and it's not coming together i'm scared i'm worried about craig his health terry helps me with my health problems i have multiple sclerosis now my ability to walk is is uh decreasing terri is sweet she's graceful terry's a wonderful artist terry inside and out is a wonderful person but teres hoarding has interfered with my desire to be married if terry is able to clean the house and make good decisions i will be ready to propose marriage and [Music] starting [Music] start a new life [Music] the first day first thing we want to do is call a morning meeting and let's discuss what's going on and what the plan is good morning everyone good morning terry how are you feeling today i i have feelings of nervousness for sure i'll take it a step at a time a piece at a time okay you have a a few crisises a one being the city is condemned to your house right right and so the goal is to get that lifted and get you back in here another crisis is we have to get over to roy's house and address the concerns there so that he has a safe house but to do that in a few days that's going to take some very fast decisions on your part all right so what i'd like to start with today is if we can clear out the the backyard here so that we can have a sorting area triaging area that we can bring stuff out organizers will help set it up so that you can see it all and i think if we can start real quick out here and make some fast decisions this will give us the room we need to start bringing stuff out of the home does that sound like something you can do uh i'll try okay so you guys ready to get started ready yep all right let's work on this pile so as you can see we have a lot of stuff put a very little dent in your kitchen okay corey can ask you a quick question percentage-wise one percent of the kitchen two three five ten this is probably five percent five percent of your kitchen one two three four uh eight foot tables and underneath and underneath that just goes to show you how densely packed this is okay and why even the 75 number if you were to let go you'd still have way too much stuff for your kitchen so this first round that terry's going through is only about five percent of the stuff in the kitchen alone when you multiply that times the rest of the house she's gonna have way too much stuff and this house is still gonna be very full i want to see like if you can work with your sisters allow them to look through the stuff make decisions on your behalf and see if you would agree with their decisions and vice versa okay so i want you to make decisions based off of how she needs to live in the future and remember speed is kind of important you guys because we got to get moving just hold it up and say donate discard keep okay okay okay donate donate donate keep donate donate keep donating this is a keep donate okay this is candles this is crazy give it to me over here over here over here tony putting it back he goes here donate goes here straight in the trash unless she wants to remove that and this is a donate art project here then donate terry is ready to go she's got her sisters in and she's able to delegate and let them make some decisions she's trusting their judgment and she's not micromanaging them which is very unusual in these types of situations did you need to see this donate that's all right okay no no no this is good and donate this trash terry was working really hard and i could tell she was getting physically and emotionally exhausted and i knew this was the moment to call in craig can you give her a big hug she needs it right now and she deserves it and she deserves it she's worked so hard you're doing great terry it's going to be so work awesome to uh yeah to have an art studio here you know and have a kitchen here and a living spot and a bedroom it's just gonna be fabulous it's like a dream come true [Applause] good morning you guys good morning how are you feeling after yesterday let's just check in first it was not a good night here and and i'm running i'm leaving here to go help craig in the morning too much on your plate and it's just too much here right and then i'm like a hundred i know poker's in an empire and there's a fire in every corner so hopefully with everything that we're doing for you during the time that we're here it's gonna take one layer and one more poker out of the fire for you let's get started because again every time we do this we're losing a little bit of time there's a lot to do here okay dr zazio hasn't even seen this house yet so can we go in introduce her to roy yes and then i'd like to show her around a little bit too so she knows kind of what the plan will be for the clean up okay let's go on in roy this is dr zarzio yeah hi roy it's nice to meet you how you doing roy okay corey sorry for the intrusion i know this is a lot of people we apologize for that oh that's all right are you okay with having all this stuff here all right no i wanted it all out you want it all out okay everything okay our bedroom down the hallway basement garage kitchen you name it well that's why we're here because we're very concerned about the amount of stuff and the fact that the areas of your house cannot be used you can't use the table you can't use the countertops that's exactly right maybe i should give it up no go in the hole roy just let me first the government wants to put me in a home and i didn't want to go i think i'm going to have to because it's just too much for me you told me to come in and make my home here too you you brought in i did i do yeah terry i need to ask you too i need to ask you to settle down okay okay okay terry terry terry please settle down okay but terry no no no please settle down okay so roy with your permission could corey show me around so i can get a better sense of what we need to do i want him to see everything okay oh no this is totally blocked completely blocked right that's his bedroom and there's no escape correct and so the reality is between the front room and between here if there was a medical emergency the paramedics would not be able to get to him or a fire he couldn't get out right and this room is completely filled we i don't even know what's in there because we can't get back there i can only assume essentially she's taken over the entire basement while i know he can't physically come down here that's irrelevant it's his home it's his property he has not given her permission he's expressed that he's upset about it there are a number of issues that i'm very concerned about and i need to talk to terry come on over you know terry we are unfortunately in a situation where based on corey's assessment and my observations that this is a situation that is reportable to adult protective services and this isn't going to be easy for you i understand i need to make a call okay you're more than welcome to be there with me when i make the call if you would like to hear what i have to say that is up to you uh i i will like i would like to be there with you and cheryl i would like for you to be there to support terry all right the bottom line is the house is not safe for roy and i am a mandated reporter and i have to call adult protective services i am helping a caregiver she struggles with hoarding behaviors and it has led to the home being unsafe block passages where it would be difficult for medical personnel to come in and fire hazards thank you very much for your help i appreciate it no problem okay thank you bye-bye okay so um terry they did take the report i hope that you don't take this as being something negative as something that probably needed to happen to wake you up to make that change sure okay [Music] you've admitted yourself that things are out of control it was beyond your scope and ability to get this taken care of it's beyond what your family can do you know we are vessels that can only be filled with so much and once we get on tilt this is just human nature it's it's it's gonna affect you and it's gonna affect the people around you too i think i'll think of how long this has been affecting you terry laughs terry do you remember the first day i met you i told you this was not about a cleanup this is about dealing with the issues that have led to the stuff i was so afraid we wouldn't be able to get to this because there's been so many issues that you've been dealing with that we that we haven't even had a chance to do any digging and that's really why i'm here i don't know why it is that people have to get so broken to heal but that's what's happened with you [Music] don't get those oh dirty we saved so many silk things and you know what there's another box of silk scarves yeah well i think that can be donated stuff okay guys let's go it's the last day and here we are back at roy's house this is not something that we expected or needed we have a lot to do and i hope that she can make quick decisions today and we can get back to her house there can be a way and this can go those can go okay this is me this year's okay this is my name yours so great to see terry making some really quick decisions while we're finishing up at roy's house half of our crew was over at terry's they're making a lot of progress it sounds like [Music] [Music] so we're done at roy's house we're gonna walk through with dr zazio and let dr zazio explain if she thinks that aps will be happy with the results so this is about as clean and uncluttered as we're gonna get it okay you've got clear entrance through the front door you've got clear living room this is clear for him to move around the kitchen is in order so this will pass for aps okay okay so you've done it terry you've done it okay now with that being said we gotta get back to your house okay to make sure that that house is going to pass should the county come by and inspect that so we need to get going okay oh here comes the cleaning crew [Music] we're putting the final touches on terry's house we have the maids clean we have all the keep boxes going into the garage we made a lot of room it should be ready to go in just a few minutes well what do you think [Music] looks like a smile you have a functioning kitchen again yeah spacious no doubt wonderful this is amazing so craig does this look inviting to you it looks wonderfully inviting you betcha good no doubt having this clean kitchen do you say oh but i really wonder where this is or is the trade-off worth it well i i'm not thinking of the things that are missing right now yeah good that's a good sign terry we were able to make so much progress both at terry's house and roy's house that both crisises were solved if code enforcement comes to terry's house they will be completely happy and sign off on it if terry manages to keep it as clean as it is now oh come on in okay this is sick oh nice is that oh fabulous it was just my art desker no no we got that we got this over here yeah it's got an easel for you it's your lighting it's inspirational yes this is an important room right right so you can create stuff right you now have the space so we want to see you creating stuff we want that passion that you kind of switched into collecting to really be used to what you're passionate about wonderful okay she never had a room where she had an art studio even when we were kids so her having a real studio now i think that's going to be awesome for her [Applause] terry come on in all right so terrific wow oh that's so exciting so yesterday we were a little nervous because half of this archway was blocked with boxes uh-huh and essentially the room was filled with furniture and now you and craig have a sitting room you have a tv over there you've got your stereo vcr you can watch movies couch chairs the whole bit yes thanks for all of your hard work look at this family [Applause] all right craig i think we should turn it over to you because this is a new beginning for you too yes terry you've done such a wonderful job terry your beauty and talents are so so uh so far exceed the importance of things we've shared so much for many years the love and laughs and tears and cheers it's been 42 or 43 45 is more accurately said would you please now marry me uh yes i will i felt that this was the perfect time terry took exceptional steps to make her house livable and that enabled me to comfortably and genuinely propose thank you thank you [Music] seeing craig get down on one knee was awesome to think that he's still in love with terry as he was 40 something years ago and that they can finally unite i am ecstatic congratulations this is a wonderful just wonderful little celebration time to celebrate put these over here if you guys want to open every chapter of this story has been about rebirth and we are ending it with a whole new beginning and on top of that terry is walking away with no regrets and that's rare cleaning up this house represents something really special with craig feeling as though he's more important than my things and it was a perfect time for him to say terry i'm proud of you and would you be my wife that's as sweet as it could be cheers to you [Music] hi thanks for being a fan of hoarders and subscribe to a e for more videos and click the links around me to watch more
Channel: A&E
Views: 467,567
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, hoarders, hoarders show, hoarders full episodes, hoarders clips, hoarders family secrets, watch hoarders, hoarding, addiction, intervention, hoarding intervention, before and after, before after, house cleaning, house cleaner episode hoarders, messy house, ultimatum, man honors father, father, clutter, hoarders clutter, hoarders who, mental illness, hoard, elderly, patients, caretaker, Season 13, stash, stuff
Id: w4hOKx13hkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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