Hoarders: MASSIVE Hoard Overflows Down to the Driveway | A&E

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[Music] i'm kate i'm a former realtor i'm a mother of four and i love collecting things that have meaning or connection to me i love my antique wardrobes crystal china linen glassware silver [Music] the hallway's lined with boxes living rooms got boxes you can barely walk in they're stacked up boxes by the front door i use the side door to get into the house because it's clearer entrance it's a storage building basically the house at this point i'm andrew i'm kate's middle son currently the house is 100 not livable it is covered from wall-to-wall about head heights to me in furniture random things knick-knacks it's completely unlovable i'm stephen i'm kate's youngest son mom recently started living in the basement [Music] i worry about the moisture it's musty it's moldy it's like there's no air to breathe i feel more protected hidden there i feel like it's my safe place i could not imagine spending a night there i couldn't imagine having hope for the future in that sort of environment i'm eva and i'm kate's daughter so i haven't been into the house in a few years last time i came into town i drove up to the driveway and i noticed that there were things piled up out to basically right to the brim of the driveway and so that was immediately alarming mom really identifies with possession and i think like property is one of her favorite words it gives her some feeling of status and worth to be able to have things took a while before i wanted to get married again but he was such a gentleman [Music] patient and he was easy to fall in love with herb was a chemical engineer he was very meticulous and when they met he had this very minimal house that had nothing in it and so the two of them together were like total opposites herb was incredibly supportive all he wanted was her to be happy we appreciated him for that but at the same time he wasn't able to say no to new things being brought into the house and the effect it would have over time he was solely responsible in carrying the weight of keeping tabs on mom and having to fight with her over having a livable space as her kids we were kind of blind and unaware just how dire their financial situation had gotten as sort of a result of overspending and we were able to live a solid i don't know about 10 years without having the weight of this on us because he managed it i'm incredibly grateful that he did that and i can't imagine how much pressure it was there is no way that that amount of stress wasn't in some way impacting his health [Music] this is the love of my life [Music] when i first walked up to the house after herbert passed i hadn't really seen it in a while when i saw it it struck me right through the heart and i didn't know how to process it i don't know what to do after that because i can't keep driving by wondering if my mom is covered and buried and suffocating in their basement under a bunch of stuff that's unacceptable i don't know what to do [Music] good morning everyone good morning good morning i'm brandon branagh transition expert and cleanup expert we are here to to do this big project today for kate this project is going to take a lot out of everyone we have the family here today to support the mission today we're going to tackle the driveway working our way on the deck to gain entry into the home if anything is moving too quick please let us know it's all going to depend on you kate giving us the ability authorizing us to be able to make those decisions and move effectively is going to be crucial so now that we've covered all the bases why don't we get going guys all right let's do it i'm dr david tolin i'm a clinical psychologist and i specialize in the study and treatment of hoarding disorder okay so kate this is the stuff that needs to get dealt with first because obviously this is blocking okay the entrance to everything so i'd like you to kind of go through and tell me if there's anything here that you really feel needs to be saved or whether this could all come out let's pull up see you want to pull up and take a look yeah sure looks like we got some cardboard boxes there's water coming and uh a chair yeah yeah i don't think that's the color it's supposed to be yeah it's they can go they can go okay great how was that to to make the decision a little bit it's easy that's easy okay and what made it easy for you they're dirty they're dirty okay so that maybe that's a rule of thumb that we can look at or something wow okay so if something is dirty and if it doesn't function well they can go okay excellent [Music] i think it's old and gone gone [Music] so kate this is a piece that you had said you wanted to look at before we make a decision about it so now that we've gotten to it and you have a chance to see it what do you think about it we find this massive cabinet it's very large it's very damaged and yet she is saying it was special somebody made it for her are you just hanging on to it for kind of sentimental reasons yeah it's just the people who made it and did it for me i know and it's solid i know i'm learning where her blind spots are one of her blind spots is things that have potential you know this could be used by somebody another one that i'm learning now is things that it would be a shame to put into a landfill everything is going to the dump i thought there was going to be more recycling stuff and there's not yeah so it's discouraging and it's shame it's shame you know her use of the word shame is interesting to me i don't know if that really means i would feel shame if i let go of this what i suspect is happening is that fundamentally she doesn't want to let go of things and she's finding justifications to hang on to those things that may or may not make sense you kind of hang on to things because it's a shame for it to go into a landfill yeah but i'm looking at this and it seems very large and very damaged you know if somebody were into reclaiming old furniture they would find it in the landfill they would go get it i hear what you're saying i hear and you know one person would paint it one person would oil it dark oil you know what it's too big for a small house it is it is it is let go okay there you go it's a shame i wish somebody would take it hey one of the kids i think we're gonna see some fireworks tomorrow this was the easy stuff the stuff that she was willing to let sit out in the rain because she didn't care about it that much but the things inside the house well that she cares about [Music] today we have a new mission is to tackle the inside of the home finish up the bedrooms get the kitchen going get the dining room complete we had a good start yesterday as you can see [Music] this took a family that cares about you to get to this point well you know i'm really curious kate to get a sense of how you feel when you look around this space now it does feel good and to have so much support and family and people coming from different places i get tingles because there's a lot of great energy and love absolutely well your family's here because they love you and they want to support you now as i think about today we're going to get into a couple of rooms that i think might be even more meaningful to you how about when we get into the bedroom what's going to happen there i haven't been in a long time that has been kind of the center of your avoidance i think hasn't it i mean you've just shut that off too hard yeah so in the spirit of what we've been talking about right today we're not going to avoid yeah today we're going to approach and that's going to stir up some feelings for you and that's okay you know that's perfectly normal is there anything else here that you can see that might be something you could let go of i like it i was hoping to see sets of chairs yeah that are alike so what about this wicker chair can we get rid of that chair hey eva okay welcome thanks for joining us let's uh let's just pause here and i'd like to kind of check in with with eva eva what do you think about all the stuff that's here these were things from outside yesterday i know and they were covered so you gotta let go i know it's hard but you have to let go stephen doesn't have the time to fix things i'm not asking anyone to fix things i do want to have my choices and pick the my favorites i i really i want to make my own choices i really do and i i'm not going to go overboard but at the same time remember a big piece of what we're trying to do is get you to learn how to not have this problem anymore and the best way to learn how to not have this problem anymore is to actually go through the process and talk it through and make the really hard decisions and cope with the emotions that that brings up there's going to be we're talking can we talk a little bit about these doors that window how how does that play a role with reconstructing things here what do we need to build out of that we're not building if you could show me something in this house that you have had repaired we had things repaired constantly we're talking about can you find something around you that's been repaired you know what i'm not comfortable with this we're here stretching our comfort zone pretty maximally it's important to recognize kate that what you're comfortable with led to the problem right so we're gonna have to have some discomfort here a more simple way of saying that is i want you to do what feels bad what are you feeling right now kate like i have no choice i mean it's like i either play nice to and not not be true to myself i'm an adult i get to make my own decisions of course and i've made hard decisions and i don't like being pressured i know you there has to be an acknowledgement this is a freaking huge massive acknowledgement massive acknowledgement if we've stayed sort of in your comfort zone though you know yeah we're getting down to the real antiques we're getting around to the real good stuff and i feel like i could run through this real quick logically and help you make decisions if it's broken if the top's worn off it's done good good good rest needs to go there's a top for this piece somewhere is it somewhere here here that and the other one had a top that went further hey guys let's bring it back in one more time so here so here's the thing can we agree to get rid of everything that moldy chair everything else with the exception of those doors the unused rack i would use in a pantry that and it's not even out of the box okay that is the one thing i'd want but everything else everything everything else not this this is what i put together to save and that has a top you can see where there's this so we got four there's a top so kate we have a total of five items one two three four in these two doors and there's two french doors how many doors are you keeping ma what do you need those for you got those doors even i'm noticing your facial expression tell me what you're what you're thinking right now there's a really big disconnect between rational and emotional here yeah and i don't know how to resolve that i have i want i'm not asking for very much i just don't think it's unreasonable if we cannot get rid of this then everything will come back and you will be in the same place in two years that's how fast it happens we'll see i it we won't i won't i've made it clear i made it clear i get to choose and i want a little balcony with a couple chairs and those french doors mean something to me so i really want to stand on that i really do so what we need you to say is that everything else that you haven't already identified can go and that's a well when i've said everything then everything was wiped out and i so i'm not trusting okay that row that row and we save this every single thing that you've said we've heard okay and we're trying to talk about the rest of your life not the things that could be something the things that are something yeah including us you know like i this hurts on a deep level because you're putting a barrier between you and your family so like where's the happiness there you know we need some sacrifices from you [Music] okay so what's going on it's just hard yeah so what are you responding to right now the pressure it feels like people are pressuring you and they are a bit oh it just hit some buttons yes yes it will hit buttons and to some extent we need to hit those buttons and i'm glad that you're not avoiding you know i'm glad that you're willing to experience these emotions and go through this process because we are trying to be different you know and that that hurts sometimes can you feel from your family that all that challenging is coming from a place of love yes yeah they really care about you and i think they're really worried about you they're really worried that you're not functioning well i worry about you too you know i i worry about the condition that this home was in and i worry about you doing it again it feels like poking but i know they can see it from a different perspective yeah i have enough i'm half sufficient yeah you do have enough can i [Music] i am so grateful for this opportunity and i'm trying to not stop the progress there's something there that that i gotta work on what do you think it is just at the angst with my daughter it's really hard it was the two of you are just at odds i get a sense she's really concerned she is i mean and that comes from love but i know she doesn't like seeing you live like this and it really bugs her i know that's why we're doing it yeah did we take curbs clothes out yet i don't think they've even gotten into the master bedroom yet i just think they'll be cathartic to get rid of those yeah it's hard to let go and i guess in some ways you never really do let go [Music] what would help you right now what do you feel like you need to i'm just going to wash my face with cold water and start again okay sounds good all right the fact that kate is willing to talk about how she's feeling talk about why she's feeling that way and think about things hopefully in a different way strikes me as a good sign it's awful [Music] i think i just have to feel it and go through it i think that we're opening something up in kate there is insight there now she understands that her behavior has become a problem and it is a serious problem it's the beginning of the day and we have one last day to finish the final three things that need to be addressed we have to get the basement done we have to finish kate's main bedroom but the first thing we need to do is we need to have kate do a final pass on the items in the front of the lawn that kate hasn't quite made a decision on all right kate we're gonna go through each section we have to be very quick what about this piece here go all right what about this chair here that chair can go it's sloppy what about this mirror it's plastic i mean it's the mirror's mirror but i i don't need it so we can donate yep all right thank you doing great jake yeah thanks it's garbage okay great i'm ready to go i think i have enough mirrors i can let go of a project great all right today i can see some real changes in kate it used to be that her reflex was to hang on to every single thing you know what i have ironing boards don't i [Laughter] now i see her making a lot more critical decisions everything's going great i'm excited we got a good pace andrew and steven are working their way through the garage working their way through the double doors to gain access into the basement [Music] ivana and caitlin are working in kate's main bedroom so that we can bring items to kate who's located underneath the tent well table ain't got no lids don't the molly mains are cleaning the kitchen the bathroom most importantly cleaning the basement floor that's full of mud we're down to the final touches [Music] we might actually be able to get this job done [Music] oh my gosh it's so big it's so big [Music] just walking into feeling space [Music] the dining room living room this is just so much bigger than i remember guys this is gorgeous thank you [Music] oh feels cool down here kate out of the entire process the biggest challenge was down here it was really really dense but it was all trash it all had been ruined because there was so much of it i remember when you and i first came down to this room we had to practice gymnastics just to get a twirl into the room you also slept down here in fact this was actually your sleeping area so how do you feel about what you see now space i am going to sleep so much better knowing that she is sleeping better and not in that dingy old basement anymore oh here we are this is an area for family it's beautiful it's not often that we're able to to do an entire house we did the entire house lucky girl you are very lucky and that's because of these guys you've got a really nice family here this is a family with a lot of love who all came together to help you and i think that the state of this house is a clear testament to their love for you and their willingness to support you i think a lot of the success of this cleanup can be attributed to the solid family relationships that kate has they're smart enough to see what's going on and insightful enough to recognize what the problem is and they're also big-hearted and loving enough to want to do something about it i think this is the part where brandon and i leave you and we leave you to enjoy the home so it's been a pleasure to work with all of you yeah i see the future as surprising my kids that's my goal is to have them shocked at what this has done for me and projecting the future i'm gonna surprise my family i can do better [Music] [Music] [Music] hi thanks for being a fan of hoarders and subscribe to a e for more videos and click the links around me to watch more
Channel: A&E
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Id: Iszv0LzvVgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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