HO MODEL TRAINS Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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Wow Wow you train enthusiasts I've got to be going crazy right now if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell's are you waiting for and we can't wait to continue to dig into this unit like a speeding locomotive heading straight down the trash oh this one's gonna be a good one ah good one George did you read this one it says sham Loesch oh that must be Egyptian let's see what we got and we've got books oh whoa whoa are you gonna open it up and see here is the story of Jesus and any of these old old Bibles we always want to look through the pages the older generation if they went through the depression a lot of times they'll hide money the newer generation they don't ever even touch money anymore it's all it's all done online 1909 1909 look at this we got here here's a train book trains not only that we got a pageant of trains here's one called highball a pageant of trains we got another one American trains now trains are pretty collectible oh yeah there's a huge market entry oh look at this here's model railroading ideas for 1969 that's a that's a hails of a year right there oh here's another one being old you know being oh I don't mean me just stinking you know being oh right what do you know it from do white now monopoly baby I've never played Monopoly another confession I've never not even when McDonald's has their version here's an assemble manual for something a vacuum to voltmeter so they don't have monopolies in Egypt is what you're saying I don't know is a game that never interested me look there's more trains trains a book a train here's another highballs we believe there's something under here look more trains trains so the previous owner was into trains I would say so photography military modeling there's something under here there's definitely a market for look baby there's some money it is I don't know yet whatever it is this hold here's an old newspaper clippings if Jesus should come and it's dated 1950 this George Washington stencil this thing might have been around when George Washington my armpits tomorrow morning 1909 the self interpreting Bible 1909 this thing is falling to pieces money receipts they only used like one two three four maybe ten of them they used it in 79 1979 you might need more than gloves for this one if it's if it's actually what's labeled you might want to here we go no no that's dead that stood for H oh look at this okay this is train station yeah we got to be kind of careful because this stuff can be yeah this could be a lot of money it's the right stuff and this is obviously old it needs a little bit more glue yeah there are guys that do nothing but go garage sales and flea markets just for this stuff just for this stuff they get t-shirts made and their t-shirts I'll say I buy old trains and oh this whole farm this thing got hit by a tornado I think here's the freight terminal Pru whoo the RICO store Rico store got got smashed by the tornado as well there must have been a train wreck in this area look at that somebody turned the train car into a house that's that's like turning a storage unit into a living unit right there that's cool badminton anybody somebody raised the roof on this we raise the roof can I say bye you say oh I'm sorry when I say sold you say unit sold sold look there's people waving because they're trying to buy a storage unit I want the Rico storage unit come in here's one random uno card the number five the yellow five that's my favorite Engel card of all the uno cards that one's my favorite well we could sell this to an an H oh there's a controller NHO enthusiast who'd want to go through this and make all the necessary repairs and remove all the leaves from the tornado actually you know we recently had a subscriber email us asking if we come across a Choate rain stuff bada-bing this this unit is for you I'll have to email him back babe did you find another box with railroad what is this no that doesn't say railroad real railroad mania I think that's railroad a neo on the side here it says Prince this is prospect you have a connive Wow see that's why it's good to have a Gorge around alright remember always cut away from the sausage never want to cut towards the sausage for some of us that's hard ok Erie Railroad you know Erie Railroad you know Erie Railroad where would you know Erie Railroad we're a little that are from maybe monopoly I just got done telling you yesterday that about ready to play some Monopoly I had a confession I've never played Monopoly goodness this whole thing look at this look at that goodness look at this seven foot model train book make your own train oh you punch this out my goodness this is incredible it's a bigger train here put that back in let's damage that at all I'm scared to damage that we got got more train books babe look at this look at this I'm not even gonna look at that look at this you see this under here what do you see look at these old photography well this one has string this one doesn't let me Bend that down a little bit all right you ready let's see what's inside oh oh something Wow I wonder if they got it like this look at this this is incredible the steam locomotives this is just absolutely incredible this whole thing is filled that's just some of the pages from one try and open it up well if this whole thing said railroads oh yeah if it said railroad inia then yeah absolutely this dude Wow how do you even put a price on this the right person will pay black and white collectible railroad history how do you even begin to put a price on this we're gonna take this trains for days we're gonna have to take this to us I don't know where you take it is there a train museum somewhere here look at this here's a train decal merry chord 69 cents I guess you would put it on something that one doesn't have string on it either hair hair just passed it over filled with there it is look at that look at this look at the smoke from the steam engines really this is incredible it looks like they started to put photos of vintage train Wow here let me just give them a close-up like this one is in Gerrard Ohio 1937 look at this New York Central how beautiful these pictures are this one is labeled North Carolina 1950 this is just incredible please stop right there shown look at the detail on that that is just amazing okay I don't even know where to put a price maybe let's look at that one right there I don't even know how hard it is on this I can tell you for sure look at this one up here look how it's bent in the middle I can tell you for sure that this is worth more than 170 I paid for the unit is that a train it's a train puzzle look there's the train wheels right there that is a full train puzzle steam engine appointment calendar 1957 steam engine appointment calendar let's take a look at some of the pages it's it's empty oh my goodness I can't believe this 59 68 this is money in the bank this may be one of our best finds ever look at this this is 1946 ad these are the actual ads Wow look at this somebody he had the bills the way bills and forms this is from the actual White House I don't bend this this is just incredible I found another train calendar this one's dated 1962 that's the year that my mom was born 1962 this calendar is as old as your mom Wow your mom still got it going on too she has an attractive lady yet people think or sisters yes that is true here's another folder look at this here's another folder the Model Railroader 15 cents here I'm gonna hand this over to you pennsylvania railroad timetables now here's the thing i tell everybody don't ever discount paper some of these papers can go sell for hundreds if not thousands of dollars may 1937 the Model Railroader here's a century the Reading Railroad of motivepower this is just I just can't even believe this this he must have bought a collection this is just absolutely incredible historic locomotives mahtim trends in the railroad railroad look here's a scrapbook definitely a scrapper here's another one and there's more under here active load up the motives okay there's just piles and piles and piles of train paperwork we definitely are gonna have to find the right person here's more train books this is just this is crazy this is crazy awesome look here's a whole nother folder down here trains are so collectible maybe 1952 I don't know what I have here but it feels colored Colorado railroads okay okay train trains album of photographs Pennsylvania Railroad I'm so excited I can't even speak right now locomotives of the Pennsylvania Railroad look at this trains album four Diaries modern steam locomotives here's a sign of Santa Fe November 12th circus trains here's a lot entire book though dedicated to circus trains Midwestern railroads southern railroads how do we even begin to put a price on the here's the Erie Railroad the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad this is just increasing I can't you know George what's this box say I thought it said Oh Oh H okay alright guess I just got let down there I just said Oh H and she said nothing what if I go EG duo h again it's too late I'm not feeling it anymore I'm gonna start cutting towards the sauces Jenna I'm so not feeling that no sausage betcha if I said egy she would have said nothing absolutely no definitely a drink reminder we got here I mean let me zoom in all right here's the throttle control all right this looks like a full train track rally power 1,400 maybe they can't see now they can see the five six oh one C B and Q just curious okay there you see there remember the old ones where you used to put a little bit of fluid in the tops and as they would go down they would actually you know puff the steam out which I'm sure this is one of them okay this is an old Tyco or parts of a teiko the tracks are definitely in here man some of you train lovers are going crazy right now okay there's a Santa Fe that's the caboose with a sliding door oh look at that there's the conductor in the sliding door there is right there's cool give me $5 $5 who give me five that I give me that doesn't now 15 going to George yeah there is are there more cars in there all right we got a transformer down here we have multiple transformers so for your speed you would just crank it right there so if you went all the way there your train would run off the track like that what was that movie with the train in Pennsylvania derailed unreeled something like that Denzel Washington one of our favorite actors one of mine and one of yours right that's a movie reference guys which movie Denzel that's a funny movie is there another track ok the rest is all tracked out there but man what a cool box George dust my eyes deceive me or did you find another box rail road a Mia that is not exciting that's not a country that's that's a collectability long as you don't get near my sausage [Music] look at that I see a train right from the beginning okay this isn't trains this is hunting and fishing and camping l.l.bean this is my kind of thing that I collect I'm curious of a date I mean they obviously they bought this stuff everywhere garage sales 1935 with a moose in there what was that one that was in 1950 she's found 1950 book there's another one 1950 Popular Mechanics look at this railroad railroad them look at that this is the Marines handbook the Marines handbook 1940 Wow cool stuff turnabout train magazines dated 1955 1956 it's got like every the bulletins all about trains whatever the bulletin is the railroad photo albums this is just you know what this is alright you guys know what this is let us know below in the comments but I believe Grand Lodge of the state of New York I believe this has to do with free masonry it's like they picked this stuff up everywhere they were Pickers for sure see one of the things with this unit that made me think it was a store I didn't know what kind of store now I'm thinking it was an antique store and they would pick this stuff up they were out picking wow you think it was a store or someone who collected this stuff maybe both maybe both this entire thing is trains the Blue Jackets manual 1943 this is from the Navy this is naval look at this from this there's your knots there's something in the middle let's see what this is see what it is maybe it's a love letter home holy cow hold a second look at this this is an official naval letter you're hereby made a prisoner at large and will confine yourself to the knack time you're directed to muster the ood building as follows the station somebody yeah the regulations provide that when a restricted man is absent from muster this is not reported within 30 minutes of the time specified somebody got busted Lionel trains wonder what this one is here's a prisoner large look at this this is advanced based a VA ssin training unit this is their schedule Wow the history that complete in total history 1940 this is right in the midst the tail end of World War two this is incredible the history that's in the air and it makes you wonder where in the world they got all of this baby look at this 52 all this railroad magazines okay there's so much in here we could show it forever let's put this back this just we've got to get this to an expert who knows railroads this is just incredible and Wow military books this box is a little couple things they cross out hoc nur yeah but you picked it up because you saw the Hou thought it was another railroad one dishes for jilly oh good guess good guess maybe there's more than tracks see what this is definitely railroad these are these tracks are made out of metal it's not plastic like the first set we just found yeah they would conduct electricity make the the train go look at that Great Northern f7 brand-new in-the-box the trailer train locomotive the size on that this thing is the real deal this is so beautiful that's a piece of art right there Wow Wow you train enthusiasts I've got to be going crazy right now this is just absolutely incredible finding more cars there's the Bo the B and O line now see here is the go electric toy is this Tyco note this is line L there you go Lionel [Applause] that's an old lion ell right there as well see it there you go right there [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 28,271
Rating: 4.8991404 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: ge3O5kZQRGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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