His Son was a Criminal | 18th Century Mansion of a Noble Spanish Doctor

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In the heart of a majestic Spanish mountain range,   their once lived a remarkable man named Guan  Torres. A dedicated doctor, Guan devoted his   life to aiding those afflicted with addiction  and abuse. His commitment was so profound that   he often took patients into his own home, caring  for them with unwavering dedication day and night. He lived in a beautiful manor located on a  mountainside, surrounded by lush vegetation   and exquisite artworks. Constructed in  the late 1800s by the Torres family,   this grand estate served as a testament to  their immense wealth and a symbol of their   influential status in the region, this  family was even part of the nobility. Guan shared this magnificent home with  his beloved wife, Maria, and their son,   Xose. Raised within the lavish walls of  the manor, Xose lived a life of luxury,   a lifestyle that eventually led him  down a criminal path. Tragically,   nearly two decades ago, his life took a  darker turn with the loss of both his parents. Regrettably, Xose's right to  his inheritance was clouded   by a series of criminal allegations that  entangled him in a web of legal battles,   preventing him from claiming his  ancestral home. Today, the once grand   Torres manor stands abandoned, its secrets  and stories hidden behind a wall of mystery. Join us as we embark on a journey through the  captivating history of the Torres family Manor. Family, welcome back everybody to the Bros of  Decay. I'm Lesley, like usual behind the camera,   Mr. Danny. Hello, hello everyone. And we  are today again with a video from Spain   and actually a video that we already filmed  before, the medical house, but this time we're   going to do it better because we found out  more things about the house, more history,   and also we forgot to show you an entire part of  this place. And of course, it's going to be better   because Danny is behind the camera today. Thank  you for filming this place, Danny. The first thing   that we missed last time while filming this place  is actually showing the gardens because the owner,   Juan Torres, had an amazing, amazing property  and he literally fled his wealth. Yeah, he had   a huge garden. Like the first time that I came  here was during the night, I couldn't see this,   but now that we are seeing all of the garden, he  had, like, for example, behind you is a railing   from a stairs that leads somewhere, the stairway.  This goes all the way down to the village over   there. It's like maybe a kilometer, it goes  down, and this was just his walkway towards   his gate to go out of his property. His property  was absolutely massive. Like every single way that   you look was Mr. Juan Torres's property. It's such  a beautiful and lush place. I absolutely adore it,   and it has now been overgrown for some time.  Yeah, very, very overgrown. Two decades ago,   Mr. Juan Torres passed away, left the property to  his son, and since that time period, everything   has been starting to overgrow. I think this was  the centerpiece of the garden. Oh yeah, here he   built this beautiful fountain. You can see the  pink colors, the pink-colored flowers are still   on there. See if we can go a little bit closer to  it. Yeah, it's safe. You can come over here. Yeah,   look at the fountain itself. Beautiful red with  pink and white. It must have been wonderful   when it was spouting water on a nice summer day,  sitting out here. And also these trees around it,   they are massive and quite mythical to me as  well. Yeah, the shape of the trees, right? Yeah,   exactly. You just got to have a look at this one  right next to me here. It looks like a witch with   long nails reaching up into the sky. These  trees are crazy, yeah, absolutely. When this   family still lived here, they probably came out  here in the summer, sat on these benches, loved   the nature, loved to sit here. Now everything has  been taken over. Oh, I must say that I love the   ambient sound. You hear the birds chirping, you  hear the water flowing, you hear everything, the   wind rushing through the trees. You hear a little  bit of the highway, but let's ignore that. Yeah,   but the birds are like... I think that highway was  constructed after he got to live here because this   building is quite old. I believe it's like late  1800s at least, but I'm not exactly sure about   the age of the building that we see over there, of  the mansion we are approaching. Spring right now,   the flowers are starting to bloom, making this  garden like it used to be. And have a look at   this walkway up here, those stairs that lead to  the mansion itself. Aren't they just magnificent,   Danny? I imagine that used to be a statue in  between here, but that's just my vision about it,   okay? Here we get our first glimpse of the house  itself and all its glory. The first time I came   in here, it was a lush summer day, but now we  are end of winter, a rainy day, a mythical day,   I would say. Yeah, makes this place mythical,  yeah. And the garden has also overgrown way   more since three years ago, yeah. I can watch out,  yeah, I'm trying not to get the camera wet. Yeah,   right next to here, have you seen this palm tree  to the left side of you? It's massive. Oh my God,   it's absolutely insane. Oh my God, it looks  insane on camera, you have to point the camera   all the way upwards. Oh God, it's a different  type of property I've... Yeah, like it's unlike   the things we see in other countries, and yeah,  unlike the things we also saw in Spain before. It's beautiful though. I hear water running. Yeah,  one thing I wanted to point out here on the side   of the building, Danny, before we go any further,  I noticed that there was also a weapons crest on   the side of the building. That mostly means a  family crest, not weapons exactly. Yeah, sorry,   a family crest, so that means that the people  came from certain nobility and they had money,   they had nobility, that was definitely  part of these people's heritage. Yeah,   true, true. I also love the sides of the  building with the woodwork over there. I   don't know if you can see it properly on  the camera, but it's quite spectacular. Yeah, and here we come into the other  side of that lush garden, the palm trees,   and like you said before, the water running  over there. Let's go have a look at it. [Applause] So peaceful in here, so quiet. It's a whole  different experience while exploring. Yeah,   I hear a small fountain over there.  Oh, it looks like a natural spring,   Danny. Wow. Oh yeah, it definitely is,  it's like a small waterfall. Wow, isn't   that just so cute? This is probably also what  filled up the fountain at some point. Oh yeah,   most likely. It's not been connected anymore,  small stream of water running down. I mean,   if you have free water, why not use  it for your fountain? Absolutely. Just want to... you want to touch it? Yeah, probably tastes like dirt. Yeah, but  that's... it's natural, it's good for you.   It's actually pretty nice. Yeah, but that comes  from up there, so it's probably a lot of dirt in   the water. It's actually pretty good. Should  make some water bottles out of that. Here you   can see the back side of the garden, that palm  tree casually standing in the middle there. Is   it actually a native species of Portugal? Or  we are in Spain, yeah, sorry. But not really.   I don't want to say something, but I don't know.  I don't think it's natural, but yeah, we have it   a lot in Portugal and Spain. We just brought it,  see a lot from Brazil. Oh, so I think this used to   be the driveway of the house over here. Now it's,  of course, completely overgrown. But she came down   from the street over there and he would drive his  car all the way up here. And over there you see   those dilapidated buildings in the back. Yeah, can  go a little bit closer to show those as well. But   here, there are some buildings that are totally  falling apart, but these were most likely the   garages of the house where all the fancy cars and  at first, the horse carriages would be stored. And   here you can also get a beautiful glimpse if you  turn around from the house up here. Wow, that was   synchronized. Yeah, that was very synchronized.  That's so beautiful on camera. You can also see on   top of the roof the vines, or the vines, no, U. We  have, we call it Varn in Dutch. Yeah, fed it. No,   I don't know the name, plants are growing  on roof everybody. And I see also down here,   there's another small little fountain or  water reservoir there in the middle. Wow,   these are some magnificent gardens and so  peaceful. Yeah, I'm so excited to see the   inside. I just am so sad that this building  is like this in this state because it could   be such a beautiful home for a family and they're  doing nothing with it and that's just disgraceful. To be careful going in. Oh my gosh, yeah,  it looks definitely more overthrown than   last time that we were here. There's a lot  of furniture thrown in here but this used to   be the kitchen of the household, to my opinion a  very small kitchen and such an extravagant house. Okay, let's go in, be careful. Let's  not focus too much on this ugly kitchen,   let's go further into the house first. Would  you like to show the basement as well then,   Danny? I mean, we can quickly go through it,  right? Yeah, we can, we can show it. There's   a lot of newspapers everywhere, yeah, the  floor covered in them, yeah, it's like chunks   everywhere. But this house also has a complete  basement as you can see. Oh, this basement is old,   yeah, this building in general. I would like to  know what the age of the building is, but uh,   we haven't figured that out completely yet. Some  benches from the outside of the house left here,   some bicycles from the children that used  to live in this place. Here's a big one,   presumably from Juanes or his wife or his  son, who knows. Not much to show in here,   maybe to this side, let's have a look. Here,  even more bicycles, these people are definitely   into cycling. They could be Dutch. No,  not much, yeah, not much. Let's go up. No, that was definitely not much, yeah,  but just it's very low, yeah. Oh my gosh,   it's underneath the stairs, that's why. Oh  yeah, but the basement was not much. But now   we're going to show you the most beautiful parts  of this house. First and foremost, the hallway   that we end up in here was where they welcomed the  guests inside of the house. You think people would   randomly come to this house? No, I really think  you need the description to even find this place   here in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, this was the  front door I think of the house where the guests   would be led into the place, beautiful big front  door. I also love the tile work that we have here   on the side, pretty typical, beautiful how it's  made here with the woodwork around it, a bench,   very common to see in these rich places that they  have benches to seat their guests, to give them   a drink while they waited. Up there, have this  beautiful upholstery and it looks like some sort   of a medieval bar or some sort, it's beautiful how  they're sitting there in traditional outfits. Have   you seen this one already, then? Yeah, wow, that's  the first thing that I saw when I got in, yeah, an   incredible lantern hanging here in the hallway and  the power cord comes straight out of the mouth of   that sculpture over there in the ceiling. Oh yeah,  that's crazy, those CR molding up there, I love   the detail on this, you can even see faces and  everything in there, vases, flowers, vases, faces,   yeah, wonderful. They had this tile work with  woodwork all around this hallway here, a couple of   pictures hanging here, I don't know these places,  not familiar with them. Oh no, this looks like... No sorry, Danny, I think, but I'm not 100% sure,  idea family? Definitely not, definitely not,   definitely not. Want to show this room first,  yeah, before we show the main attraction, yeah,   okay. This was most definitely the dining  space of the house, yeah, here the family   had dinner together, a massive table, lots of  people could be seated around here. Last time   I was in this place there also used to hang a  chandelier from the ceiling here but it's gone,   I don't know where it went. So one  more thing, if you want to see the   comparison of this house from now and when  I filmed it with my bro about 3 years ago,   definitely click up here and go check out that  video because there are some things that changed   but now you're also going to see more details,  yeah, places change. It's been 3 years, yeah,   not only vandals have come through here but also  explorers, that's why sometimes it looks different   because people set things up for the photo,  yeah, yeah. Fireplace down here must have been   lovely when it was still burning in the morning  and everybody was sitting here in this place,   really cool atmosphere. Oh, some handwritten  letters as well, what do we have here,   it's all written in Spanish, I don't understand,  and then he also has probably difficulty with that   especially with cursive, yeah, I can imagine.  1991 I think it says over here, this looks like   some sort of a document for, yeah, a medical  document of some sort, I'm not sure though. More paintings hanging on the wall, again such a  depiction of medieval times or no, not medieval   times, I think like 18, 1700s, bending of fruit up  there, silent life, you call it silent life, yeah,   we call it silent life in Dutch, dead nature, dead  nature, yeah, that's how that painting is called,   uh, paintings like that that have just fruit or  just something painting it's called Dead nature in   Dutch we call it still even and which is literally  translated to silent life, I don't like the dead   nature, it's the name, it's the name, yeah, yeah.  And here we got a pretty, oh, this is the exact   same one as we saw in the hallway, right, oh,  probably, yeah, yeah, they probably got them as   a set or something, two for one. But you said that  this was a poolery and this is just a tapestry,   a tapestry, excuse me, a tapestry on a  frame, yeah, which is like incredible,   I love the frame itself as well, incredible  it pops out this tapestry it's beautiful. And then we have a sort of tea area or coffee  area over here in the corner you could after   your meal could sit and enjoy, I love this  small cat, small little cat, that's cute,   well I thought it was a rocking chair but  it's actually one of those woven chairs,   here we got another one of the that nature but  this is literally that nature because we can see   that birds or that pheasants lying there ready  to be cooked, beautiful one though as well. And   then a small display cabinet, love the carvings  that we have in here absolutely beautiful. Where   this the plate from, I think from Portugal,  made in, printed in Holland, made in Spain,   O. Okay, collaboration then, some more chairs,  oh we haven't looked at the chairs yet so no   quite ordinary just normal chair, yeah, it's just  a normal chair okay let's go. Oh yeah, some more F   over here. I have to look at this one because I'm  I'm quite sure it's Santiago compostella, yeah,   yeah it is it is. I'm going to show Danny Santiago  compostella in a couple of days from now and it's   going to be his first time visiting that Holy  place because it's something that defines Spain   and uh, you've not seen it before right, no no  yeah yeah, I haven't completely shown this hallway   yet but it's like a complete mess there are all  these papers lying over the floor and these are   all just old, yeah, letters that have been sent  to the former owner of this place Juan toas, this   one looks pretty cool over here it's completely  handwritten I see over here that it's from 86   but I'm not sure it says over there, completely  cursive letter written in Spanish probably again   also something Medical Rehabilitation it says  over here so yeah definitely something from   his medical field and that that's something we're  going to see a lot throughout this place because   Juan Torres was a medic and it shows throughout  his house. Show these couple ones over here,   love that one up there, an Old Town beautiful,  yeah, wow, yeah that's the one San Kella,   yeah that's the front side of it it's absolutely  incredible, but now everybody brace yourselves   because we're going to show you the most  beautiful room of this entire household. Danny,   you may enter inside and show this beauty to  everybody, this is by far one of the most unique   living spaces I've seen in an abandoned house  especially in Spain, yeah, and it's absolutely   incredible how it's designed and it must have been  very proud of this room. Oh yeah absolutely let's   go through it let's show everything every single  detail from these beautiful pieces of furniture   that have probably been hand-carved.  You've got a marble top above there. Here we got some sort of a corner, a bench, a  sitting area, but you're probably wondering what's   this piece lying on top of here, and this is  actually — I'm going to show it to you. I'll place   it back later but this probably fell down from up  here, you can see that's the curtain holder. Yeah,   it's quite heavy as well, beautifully designed,  gold-plated, absolutely insane piece. It was   already falling down back in the day so, yeah,  probably fell down last time I filmed it, it   was barely hanging on there, yeah, and now it  just ripped and probably somebody placed it   over there. Here's even another piece of it, of  those Roses that Define that piece. I'm going to   place it all together probably never going to be  repaired anymore but yeah, that's just the way it   is. Looks like it's a very big spider over there  on the wall then, yeah, you think it's real? No,   I don't think it's real. I mean it's not  moving, no, it's not real, no, no wait, wait,   wait, I'm not scared. It looks, it looks real but  it's not real, okay, no, no, it's definitely not   real. I'm still hesitant to touch it, no, it's  not real, it's plastic just hanging on a hook,   somebody wanted to play a joke, I'm just going  to place it here for the next person to find. Another painting or picture of a beautiful dance  or ball going on, also quite like the wallpaper   on here, yeah, flowers and the house was a bit  about it was about nature as well because he   probably bought this because it was in the middle  of nowhere in the middle of a foresty area and   then put flowers everywhere outside. Inside look  at these chandeliers that is something else,   it is crystals hanging from the ceiling, also  got to show the crown molding up there, quite   fascinating, and then we come to the centerpiece  of this living space of this living room, and here   we have the tables and the chairs but they all  come as a very unique set of upholstery chairs,   have a look at those, they to me they belong  in a castle or something or a big palace, yeah,   they are gorgeous, they're just beautiful,  love how they are designed and what I like   the most about it is that everything matches,  even the coffee table over here has this, uh,   has this top cover that has the same sort of color  as the chairs themselves, I think back in the time   you could literally go to a furniture maker and  say I want these chairs and they would mill-ly   had make it for you. Oh yeah if you had the money  of course. Here we got a newspaper from 1900 91   with advertisements in it, yeah, coffee table  four chairs around it here we probably have to   have hat of Juan Torres still hanging this looks  like this looks oh no this looks like a female   hat for woman, no, no you don't think so just  because he has a bow yeah looks doesn't mean that   is a woman's because in in Portugal also sometimes  there's it's not even a boat it's just the ends of   it a small uh, yeah, could be and these ones are  more bombastic I would say they are bigger they're   like sofa chairs, yeah this is looks like a, a  throne and there exactly like a drone and they   have like a paw at the end of here also wonderful  carvings at the top and then we see it in Portugal   a lot we also see it in Spain a lot it's that  typical kind of bench it looks a little bit more   different in Spain than in Portugal but you can  see the divisions and the seats over here this was   yeah sort of a sort of a sofa right, no sort of  just a bench just a bench okay no it say terribly   yeah that's like Springs in there I can hear the  Springs yeah yeah no this was definitely not for   comfort the backrest is quite okay no and above  there we got even more paintings hanging on the   wall I like this large one over here this woman  just trying to say something I think wow these are   our children lying in front of her and then this  child staring gazing at you quite beautiful right   yeah I love it yeah me too and this oh this one is  still complete wow beautiful curtain still hanging   here here you can here you can get a glimpse  of how supposed to look like on the other side   as well the birds the Roses it's so beautiful  this is literally something you see in a very   large tto in France but no here you see it in an  ordinary Mansion or an extraordinary Mansion let's   say that one if you want to see by the way all the  castles that we film in France because they have   all these types of Furnishings definitely click  the playlist of up here because there are all   the castles that we film here we got a completely  identical one have two of the same yeah in this   room they are a bit destroyed like like we said  sometimes vandal come inside but this one has a   couple of teardrops Left Behind the other one  didn't have any so uh can imagine used to be   all these teardrops around here and the light  filling up this room must have been beautiful   another sort of coffee table over to this side  and a piece of the curtain holder left here. Yeah, I see even some vandals came here with  spray paint and stuff like that. Oh yeah,   it's terrible to see. Broke this face behind  here. This used to be a quite unique piece,   completely destroyed. That's terrible, that's  sad. You see it behind here, Danny? Yeah,   it's sort of a hidden doorway. Yeah, right.  Yeah, again like in the French castles. Yeah,   yeah, again like in the French castles. Yeah.  See, here's where they stored all the glasses   for their big dinner parties and when guests  came over. Wow, looks very unfinished. Yeah,   exactly, but it's probably also not for showing  off. It's just store glasses, stage. Yeah, I love   that it's completely hidden away, like the trim  and everything, it's worked perfectly so that you   barely see it, barely, like you still see it but  barely. I love the bench that is behind you also,   very simple. Yeah, but I love it, it's quite  unique. Yes, again, this Portuguese waving in   there, you don't see it in other countries. You  said these are very sturdy, right? Yeah, yeah,   I mean it's, it's still complete, yeah, I mean  they are sturdy but they don't last. One more   thing, look at this, the ceiling is starting to  fall apart. This place has only been abandoned   since we believe 2004, 2005, but everything is  already starting to fall. Blaster is falling out,   it's quite sad. Complete marble fireplace, wow,  it's wonderful. Wow, that's, yeah, it's beautiful,   absolutely love it. Okay, what a room, you  can show it one more time, it's definitely   worth giving another glimpse of this magnificent  piece. Let's go up this magnificent stairway to   the second floor of this place, probably where  they slept. No, where I slep. I noticed, I just   noticed this as well over here in the hallway and  it seems like this is a little lever. I have no   clue what it does, do you have any idea, Danny? I  mean that looks like a compartment of some sort,   like a hidden compartment, yeah, I mean supposed  to be hidden, yeah, it's really crazy but it has   it must have a purpose, I think because it  also has these sort of drains in here, maybe   it's like sort of a washing bin or something, I  don't know, in the middle of the whole stairs,   I'm just making assumptions here but it looks like  it to me. If anybody has any clue what this is. [Music] Again, but pretty old, ooh, straw standing here  in the hallway, look at that, from one of the   children that lived in here. We don't know  exactly how many children these people used   to have but looking at the house, they definitely  had quite some. See, this first room over here,   jeez, this one is also falling apart. God,  bad, oh, that's bad, yeah, that's real bad,   it's a second floor so water is probably  leaking through the roof coming down here,   you can see the blaster work is completely  obliterated, here depiction of a mother   and a child and the bed, the pin cover all the  rubble on top of there. Over here to this side,   we got the drawer, the knit box, oh my God, yeah,  it all came from up there, this is literal decay,   ladies and gentlemen, everything is falling and  then falling on top of everything, this is years   and years of that happening, even still some  pieces of clothing and the shoes of the kids   that used to live in this room left behind. And  what I like the most about this room that he has,   he or she had their own balcony overlooking  their wonderful garden, this absolutely epic.   I don't know if you can see it but back there is  the sea or the lake, very big lake back there,   you can even see that enormous palm tree. Over  here to this side, oh jeez, it's so big, massive,   it's, it's the even this tree is smaller  than the palm tree, that's crazy, right? [Music] Absolutely wonderful that these children  had their own balcony overlooking that,   imagine them telling that in their classroom  like, yeah, I have a view of this whole city,   yeah, it must have been crazy,  Danny, let's see the next room. Oh, yeah, this was the master bedroom of the  place. Look at that, looks pretty empty now. Yeah,   a lot of things taken out of here. I still know  that there was like a praying chair in front of   here, but this desk is still exactly like the last  time and it has these sort of religious, what is   that, Latin scriptures on there. Oh, Gloria and  Exsae, yeah, yeah, there's something that they   used to say in church. I still remember that from  my time that I went to church with my mom. Wow,   these are really unique pieces. Yeah, like for  a house to see those, wow, they're absolutely   beautiful. They look like picture frames as well,  but then they're actually just to display those   religious texts. This is a vanity, right, that  we're looking at? Or more like a desk maybe? Yeah,   I actually don't know. Lots of stuff inside of  here, lots of religious stuff on this side, like   religious depictions. You see Jerusalem as you can  see all left in here or even on top of here. And I   love that they have a little bit of upholstery and  the kan here as well. Oh yeah, protected with the   glass, yeah. Maria above, the people that lived  here were certainly very religious. Here, attached   to the room is a bathroom, a very small bathroom,  just this one was for, oh yeah, people that slept   in this room. Very small one. And then this room  also has this extension to this side with a small   sitting area. Nice, uh, nice magazine on top  of here and a waiver, a fan. Wow, have you seen   the chandelier above there? It's like completely  falling apart. These pieces that we just saw lying   on top of here used to attach over there. Used to  be beautiful, though, another religious depiction,   of course. What does it say, uh, 'I don't deserve  you mother but I need you'? Oh, I think it's that,   yeah, my Spanish is not that good. The purse of  Juan Torres's his lady, we don't know the name of,   there's not much documents left in this house.  Oh, all the medical things are still left in here.   Wow. Oh yeah, smells like, yeah, smells like  a medical cabinet, exactly. Oh, I love this,   this painting that we have on over there on the  wall. This young lady holding her dog very dearly   in a forest somewhere. And then Danny, have  a look at this side of the room. I absolutely   adore this about this room is that they have these  sort of this archway with these pillars leading   to the bedroom over to that side. Isn't that just  amazing? It's beautiful. Before you go in, want to   show that chair over here in the corner? I don't  know what its purpose was but, uh, really nice   chair here in the corner, yeah, just wanted to  show that. This is the master bedroom of the place   Juan and his wife slept together. I, yeah, that's  what we're going to say, but clearly we have to   point out that yeah, the bed frame is gone. Like  literally there was a metal bed frame around here,   uh, back in the time, but somebody literally  took that out for some reason. I remember that   the bed frame was really pristine and I think was  unique that's why it got stolen, it's probably   copper or something and they just stole it. But  this, what's that like, it's a cob of a priest,   I think, uh, not of a priest, I think this is  like the people that help the priest or for a   baptism or something, I am not sure, incredible  though, look at it detail, the gold wavings, wow,   definitely somebody in this house had something  to do with religion. Oh yeah, and oh yeah,   it shows it everywhere, yeah, all the religious  depictions everywhere, it's incredible. I love   these nightstands on either side as well, come  have a look at this one over here, like literally   attached to the wall, yeah, a broken painting  or picture above there, an old medieval town   and these light fixtures above here also quite  unique. What did you find on that side? It's some   paperwork as you can see, I don't know what it  is, I think it's a something touristic, National   Tourist, I think there's a city in I think these  are old touristic papers that you could get when   you were visiting a place. Oh yeah, it's like  a map or something, old tourism, I love it. I   feel like, how must it have been for these people  back in the time that were rich to travel because   there were no tourists. Barcelona, Barcelona, you  have to say it with the lisp, Bona, not with the   lisp just with the Spanish accent. Spanish accent,  yeah, yeah, exactly, I love it, wow, look at that,   whoa, incredible. Over here, couple more things,  a books that you read and stuff like that. What a room, again. This is definitely a beautiful  bedroom. Oh yeah, let's look on this side now. And   I see already something that I saw last time  as well, but the nature has had its still on   it. I think nature, do you think vandals did  that? There's literally rocks inside of here,   people threw rocks from outside, that's terrible  to inside. Nature didn't have anything to do with   this, which is very sad. This used to be such a  beautiful tinted window. Oh, you see the rocks?   Yeah, people came and threw from over there into  this window, jeez, I hate it. I love this window   though, and it still shows, it still is something  special. But is this actually metal? No, it's   rubber I think. Oh yeah, it's rubber, yeah, yeah.  Oh God, I'm not going to touch it anymore. No,   me neither. I'm just going to leave it. I'm sorry.  Jeez, this is falling apart. Yeah, last time there   was only a small little hole in it, but now it's  fallen. Damn. Yeah, the whole bathroom is full   of glass. This was the bathroom for the other  bedroom over to either side. Couple of things   left behind like their brush and their soap and  everything. Nothing too special. Which one would   you like to see first? Any, left or my left? My  left? That's... I had to think for a moment. Come   inside here. We have another lovely little bedroom  with a desk and everything. I have to say, again,   it's very blunt. Like, yeah. And it also, again,  doesn't look like it used to be something else   back in the time, yeah. Maybe they wanted just  wanted to live a minimalist life, and they enjoyed   the outside a lot. But you go into the living  room, and that doesn't match, doesn't match that,   it's true. I don't understand it either, like,  it's a very strange, strange thing. The desk   again, all of those touristic papers left here.  I love how it opens up and you could leave your   books in there, yeah. It looks like it's typed  on the typewriter, yeah, it is. So do the P,   Kalas, it's something, it's part of a book,  yeah, it's like the index of a book, yeah,   yeah. Over here we have another sort of drawer  desk thing, shoes standing underneath there,   and there's a hole inside of here, so I  think it might have been something else,   probably a TV or something, yeah, you can  see from this side, what, what did you just,   everything okay? What's inside of here, okay, is  it something? It's something disgusting, okay,   so trigger warning, people. What is it? Oh my  gosh, Danny, there's, there's a dead animal, okay,   I already saw it, trigger warning, guys, there's  a dead cat, and I'm going to film it now, oh wow.   Why is it in this back? Can you take your hand  out? Yeah, try to open it up for you. Oh my God,   the cat inside of this bag, going to put yeah,  just put it like it was, yeah, that's terrible,   you can keep watching now. Just that was not that  scares me, that was yeah, that was unexpected.   Okay, I'm, I'm a bit silent for a moment here.  And, an empty cabinet over here, empty closet,   a lot of decay in that corner, falling apart.  Look, they also had a small balcony over there,   if you call that a balcony, yeah, they could stand  outside all the roof falling over here. Jeez,   this house is still savable, but it  needs a lot of work, yeah, needs a lot,   a lot of work. The bed also still very beautiful,  oh, and I love this thing above the bed, oh yeah,   of course, again a religious depiction, sort  of a statue of two angels, right? Yeah, yeah,   beautifully made. Let's have a look on this  side as well, here we have another bedroom.   You can see two more beds, probably from two more  children that used to live in this place. Here,   the whole wallpaper is peeling off, you can  even see the old, I just wanted to say it,   yeah, that's what people do, they don't rip off  the wall paper, they just plaster over it. The   bed is still made over here, still a beautiful bed  as well, over to this side, we have another bed,   and here all the papers are lying on top of  it. Wow, this looks like again like a bunch of   medical papers that are left in this place. Some  does suros mean surgeons, no, suur no, it's uh,   surveillance is the, ah, surveillance from  the house, it's not, it's surveillance mean,   okay, could be insurance, it's oh means just  that, yeah. Lovely picture of a church again. And here in this cabinet of Danny, there's a piece  of clothing left behind. Oh, one of the first ones   we see. Normally we always have closets, excuse  me, full of clothing, but in this house almost   nothing left behind. So that's, I mean, we  saw in the other room, clothes on the floor,   that was it. But that's something that we see  in this house, all the pictures are taken out,   all the clothing is taken out, they've tried to  clean this house before they left it like this,   so it's good, at least the pictures,  yeah, yeah, at least the pictures, yeah,   yeah. The vanity as well over here, it's actually  a very lovely piece as well, see if there's still   some perfumes or anything in here. No, just a  bunch of letters again, handwritten letters again,   let's close this up, beautiful vanity though.  Okay, this is the last flight of stairs to,   I presume, the attic area, you think it's the  attic? I'm not sure. Here they had a little window   looking over their garden. I cannot get over how  beautiful their gardens around this house are, if   they are beautiful now and overgrown, imagine back  in the day, yeah, when it was all pristinely cut   by the gardeners, and when they had such a large  place with all those fountains and everything,   yeah, must have been like that would be what I  would do every single day, walk out of this house   and just take a stroll through the gardens,  yeah, and didn't need to go anywhere then. I want to start with this one again because this  one has a balcony. Oh yeah, small little room   again, a room of a child presumably, still made,  very cool, looks like a bed for a guest though,   it doesn't look like, no, no at all, yeah, looks  like a bed for children, not for guests, this is,   I wouldn't let my guest sleep here, true,  there's like a fold-out bed I would say,   yeah. Can I show first, oh what is happening to  the ceiling, oh that's crazy, it's cracking up   everywhere, crazy. Got a desk over here, papers  left behind everywhere, termites taking it over,   see the balcony, yep, oh yep, oh wow, oh my God,  this is one level higher than we were before,   oh yeah, again, that's that incredible view  from here, but here we can also get a look   at those wooden beams that hold up the roof  of the house, and if you look over there,   if you take a small peek, you can see even  the plants that are growing on top of the   roof we were talking about earlier. I love  that there's a children's chair out here,   yeah, so that definitely tells that this was  a children's bedroom, yeah, you're right,   Danny. And also another chair, it's a lovely  place to have a coffee in the morning, oh yeah,   most definitely, I guess there are even,  yeah, there are more bedrooms up here, more,   can even maybe have a look in there, that  room back there looks like a storage, no,   oh, another bedroom, my God, this one is  completely littered with papers. Oh, I love   this paper that's lying here on the bed, I love  how it's written, very precise, love the civility,   is that a word? Civility? I don't think I just  made up a word while doing this, here you can see   hole in the roof, you can see the roof tiles from  here, and also the window standing open, broken,   yeah, it's crazy, oh my God, stacks of paperwork,  probably all documents from H. Torres's business   and medical documents and stuff like that,  littered over the floor, everybody, yeah, one more   side over here, they even have an attic, somebody  tried to up these stairs, not going to do it, it's   probably nothing, yeah, probably empty, which one  first, you choose, I mean, I'm already going down   here, oh yeah, even more bedrooms up here, what  did you expect, they all I think all the children   used to sleep up here, yeah, most likely, and  already again the decay, yeah, crazy, this,   this like a typical children's bedroom with all  these magazines on top here, like a girls bedroom,   I would say, yeah, lovely famous, famous actors  and stuff like that, wow, what a small room, yeah,   very small, I think this was the bathroom here, to  the right, to the left, yes, nothing much to show,   just a bathroom, bathroom, and then over here,  we have one more bedroom, with two more beds,   I, in there, love these beds, wow, this one is  one of the most beautiful ones of the house,   this is the most beautiful one of the house, yeah,  before the other one could stolen Sten, yeah,   lovely carvings in there but you can see Danny,  termites all working on it, yeah, jeez, and this   one is, oh look at that again we see the insides  of the mattress cork, oh no, it's from the pillow,   oh, the pillow is filled with cork, Danny, jeez,  that's what they used to do back in the time,   they just used the materials they had on hand and  because Portugal and Spain have a lot of cork,   Portugal, for example, is the biggest producer  here, uh, they used cork to fill their pillows   mattresses unlike France where it's mostly straw  and other countries that have different materials   and here we have children's toys everywhere, yeah,  in a baby crib, yeah, crazy, and a lot of decay   also, yeah, decay is very present. [Music] That come outside everybody come enjoy this view  for one last time with me of these beautiful   gardens, Denny I'm so happy that we came back  here and made a new episode about this place,   sometimes we do this and it's just great to get  another view of the places that you filmed before,   thank you for coming with me, thank you all for  watching this video if you liked it like the video   subscribe to the channel and write a nice comment  also there's a link in the description for patreon   and a link for Denny his channel where you can  check out his stuff thank you with that all said   going to take off my Glo and blow you a nice kiss  see you next week in another episode, bye-bye. [Music]
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 85,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploration, urbandecay, brosofdecay, abandoned places, abandoned houses, bros of decay, abandoned mansion, abandoned manor, abandoned palace, abandoned portugal, abandoned spain, abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned europe, untouched abandoned mansion, spanish mansion, spain, abandoned mansions for sale, abandoned house, doctor mansion, abandoned doctor, abandoned doctor's house, noble abandoned manison, abandoned noble house, abandoned spanish mansion
Id: 9UtvwngNVjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 5sec (3425 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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