Hilarious Stockfish Cheater Gets Exposed

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ladies and gentlemen if you follow the Chess World at all here in the later portion of 2022 you're probably aware of the cheating scandal between Magnus Carlson and Hans Neiman and various cheating devices now cheating in chess is obviously quite prevalent as it is and probably other activities of life as well uh and cheating online in particular is a little bit easier uh because you don't have that personal Factor you have all sorts of devices where you can relay better moves to yourself during the game now there is a very high chance you get caught I am currently making this video because yesterday a video came out on the wired YouTube channel 10 million Subs very cool of them to feature me in a video and it was all about how to spot a chess cheater and in this video I'm going to show you three games that a subscriber sent to me uh where they played a cheater and it's a fascinating story because first there was no cheating then there was crazy amounts of cheating and in the third game there was a mix and you're just gonna see how obvious it is that this person is cheating so go check out that wired video also but but watch this one first don't leave also in this video is the first video with peace sounds okay we're gonna see how that goes this is the first video on this channel where I've had sounds let me know how it goes let me know if you like it let's jump into the games three games as I said so the first game my subscriber with the white pieces is playing a Vienna okay a true Gotham subscriber not one of these fake jabronis playing the scotch or whatever and black plays B6 all right already an indication that black has no idea what they're doing against the Vienna um Bishop C4 now just so you guys are aware this person who is labeled cheater was already banned so they are confirmed a cheater a couple of things were suspicious about their account which we'll get into a little bit later but in terms of cheating there's a lot of different red flags like brand new account massive win rate uh consistent time spent per moves that one is going to become quite obvious a little bit later anyway for now let's just focus on the chess uh notice how blacklight doesn't even play Bishop to B7 so this game uh either no cheating at all or very very poor spread out sporadic cheating takes on F4 and now we have E5 and the Knight goes back to G8 and typical Vienna stuff here with Knight F3 so this is essentially the Vienna Gambit accepted uh White now has three pieces out and now gets a fourth piece out ready to go with Bishop takes F4 uh very very poor play here from black completely no development at all uh there's Bishop B7 but now white can of course simply Castle or play the move E6 and yeah subscriber just gets a dominant position from the first you know eight moves just beautiful game um totally winning from the opening nice little trick here as well to pin the pawn to the king not necessarily the best move but and then here this is like already totally lost for for black um why is this totally lost uh well at a very minimum you can play Queen takes F3 which attacks the rook and if something like this you can probably just like get a Checkmate somehow like even Bishop G5 is a crazy move because of this you have Queen F7 um this position is plus eight it's plus eight from the opening because white is just gonna castle and have every piece playing okay but my subscriber takes with check and the reason this is not the best move is because black could maybe trade the Queens um sometimes in chess it's a little bit hard to convert such a dominant position like you know even here you could just back up there is no need to do this which actually is already a bit of a mistake pinning the Knight to the king cause uh you know there's various C6 moves that could happen in the future like Rook C8 and C6 but still I mean the position is very very good now here there's a um position is so good actually you can lose your Bishop you can lose your bishop and still be better white is still winning despite losing a full piece because black has no development Rook C6 and here I'm a little perplexed um I'm a little confused why uh subscriber did not you know rush in with this move uh but instead they did this D5 which is the best move and then subscriber won a Queen by smothering I mean like you can tell black is not cheating if you're if you're not confused oh I mean sorry if you are confused remember what I said in this game cheater did not cheat so some people think they're slick they're like I'm not gonna cheat in some games and clearly as is evident from their own performance in this game black is getting demolished okay now my subscriber thought it would be only fair to give a little bit back uh to the opponent here and blunder a queen game is still winning for white but they do decide to blunder a queen uh with the move of Bishop to H6 which is a hilarious move so the queen is now pinned you cannot Checkmate black because you are pinned it's illegal to Checkmate black hair um but still after take take and take and then this I mean white has an extra bishop and a pass Pawn so the Vienna worked great uh Rook d8 is played and then you know you go here suddenly F2 and here really weird stuff starts happening so it's made in seven after D7 like white has just played a great game subscriber gets a great position from the opening pushing great job and then here's subscriber begins to kind of lose his mind so um he gives a check and then he queens and he gives this check and it's like maiden three he's done everything I mean queen takes F6 it's Maiden two he has made him two on the board okay he doesn't give the right check but it doesn't matter now he has all sorts of mates and at the very least he can take the pawn with check right he could do that take the pawn with check all right he gives this check fine all right um again you take the pawn here you'd give a check or or something no subscriber goes here good Lord what is he doing he just allowed a queen this is what I'm saying these dudes are 13 1400 they are still capable of totally totally screwing everything up folks do not make moves that are not checks in a position like this especially you're gonna miss something like how did you forget this Pawn now suddenly the game is hardly over okay why is the king getting involved what are you doing I told you this was gonna be chaos now it's probably mate like 17 different ways and white finds a nice tactic here which is this loses The Rook but check and wins The Rook backhand and this is clean now what I would do here is find a way to trade the Queen's Queen back to H3 take the queen you can't lose this and white goes on to relatively convincingly win this game uh and uh you know black resign here okay great that's a fantastic win now they rematched which is probably the single biggest mistake that my subscriber could have made um they rematched and the guy was like oh yeah you think you can beat me all right you think you can beat me E4 now Gotham sub is like a great sub because Gotham sub also plays the Karo Khan um this game the cheater activated the cheats okay uh in this game the cheater played Knight C3 D5 now I don't think white cheated until move 5 in this game so I think white actually played on his own for a little bit like this is this move e takes D5 this is never going to be like a recommended move because if you're gonna play The Exchange Carl Khan you oftentimes do not want the Knight here because the Knight doesn't actually attack anything because this is very well protected and the Knight plays no role in the game so if you're gonna take on D5 ever often times what will happen is you will play D4 and either use the C Pawn First which is the pen off or you will play The Exchange variation of the Karo Khan like this and this Knight will go to D2 so the the Knight never goes to C3 in the exchange capital but I think white basically got this far and was like okay time to cheat Bishop B5 check which is that's not a crazy move but that is stockfish's Top Choice Knight C6 and now a lot of things are tied in the opening for best move like this this or this so you know maybe even these moves were played on their own but from this point forward it was all white the white played the move again not the craziest move H3 not the craziest move okay that move does not seal the deal but this next move is kind of crazy G4 that is the best move according to stockfish why would you do that like just to explain like again when you know a move is best sometimes you'll just no no any intermediate player here focuses on finishing their development this is a crazy move what is the idea here the bishop is just gonna go and then what why are you pushing pawns where you castled well that's because the computer kicks out the bishop plays Knight E5 and then glues the center shot and white has a little bit of nagging pressure here and then tries to even throw the F Pawn forward now Gotham subscriber got a little bit scared by this move and sacrificed the Knight okay sacrifice the night and white played which is the best move um did you just playing the move to take back is you know um of course natural uh and at this point white started spending about five to eight seconds per move so every single move White made was made between five and eight seconds consistent move time if you watch the wired video is like when you transfer the move to like your phone and then your phone tells you what to do and you go back people don't realize that like consistent move timing is everything Knight D4 is a ridiculous move the idea is you have now added an attacker to the Knight which cannot move because you take the bishop you cannot guard this because I take this and now there is a new thread and this is a problem so black is lost black plays Queen C7 white takes and now well that move the slimmest of margins in chess here white can play a lot of different moves but this is the best one Knight takes Pawn again you can argue that's not an impressive move fine Queen D6 and now you can either defend the Knight with the pawn or you can defend the pawn the Knight with the queen both are very good black castles Queen side and white finishes the game with uh a nasty brutal sacrificial ending like there are two ways to win a game of chess when you have an advantage simplify everything and win a calm end game or absolutely brutalize your opponent and make them want to quit the game of chess and in this position white chose the latter by playing Bishop takes C6 and then Knights takes on C6 brilliant move received by chess.com for this and the idea is that after Queen takes C6 Knight takes E7 which is a fork of the king and the Queen and it can be taken but good thing the queen also attacks the queen a discovered check forcing the victory of a queen and forcing black to resign the game after just 14 moves so cheetah really uh up their game in this one I haven't played like a Flawless game Flawless from start to finish okay well maybe they just got lucky right so maybe there's gonna be a third game oh yes oh there absolutely will be a third game now remember how two games ago which were played about 20 minutes apart black didn't know anything about the Vienna well in this game suddenly black knows everything about the Vienna now folks those of you watching this video you know that when you play the Vienna with white you do not face the main line the best move that often you probably face it two out of every 10 games most people will play D6 Knight C6 take on F4 or God knows what else you only start facing this consistently at higher ratings and even if you do face this move nobody plays into the right stuff past move five Pawn takes on E5 Knight takes on e4 huh and black is spending consistent time five seconds every single time Gotham sub here plays the best move Queen to F3 a good diligent Gotham subscriber who studies their course right now what do we know about this position Knight takes C3 is the most popular move by far because Knight is attacked Knight can take Knight boom even at my games there's two other moves that are popular here are Knight C6 and F5 I faced those about 35 of the time 40 of the time you probably face them about 10 of the time well that's awfully strange that a person goes from being dead lost against the Vienna in eight moves to knowing the main line immediately okay fine white Bishop B5 plays the main line best move okay Knight takes C3 which is the best move D takes C3 which is the best move and now there's actually something very funny here so if you let the engine run in this position every move is tied there is Queen H4 which is considered the best move according to Theory Bishop E7 but at a low depth this move that I'm about to show you is also at the top A6 I have never faced that move in my life ever because it doesn't make any progress for black like I have seen Queen H4 I've seen Bishop C5 I've seen Bishop excuse me can you guys go away thank you I've seen Bishop E7 I've seen Bishop E6 I've seen every move in this position nobody's ever played this against like maybe once because it doesn't make sense the bishop went there to die anyway so I just trade but the computer for black is like I have the Bishops the computer just wants the Bishops now this position is balanced it's balanced though when the sides are of equal strength not when one of them is a 1405 and the other one is rated 3700 which is what's happening in this game right now so white plays the move Knight E2 which is a great move developing the Knight preparing castling now again what should black do here black should obviously develop the Bishops right because you've got to develop your bishop and Castle as a human I would play the move Bishop E7 in this position because Queen to H4 check no longer does anything it just doesn't do anything there's no point playing Queen H4 so black plays Queen H4 instantly not instantly between five to eight seconds and the idea of Queen to H4 is not to play Bishop to E7 and then Castle there's no threats it's to trade the Queens play between five to eight seconds White's like I don't want to trade Queens I'm gonna back up terrific now blacks offered to trade Queens was denied the following move that I am about to show you is absolutely scumbag computer stuff it's minus 0.35 which is the top engine move whites uh the the other options are minus 2.2 and minus 0.18 those moves are Bishop to E7 and retreating the queen to G6 which attacks the pawn on C2 in the future not right now it's defended Etc instead of that black plays Queen to see what what does that even do now if you look at the position long enough you'll go oh it prevents white from castling [Music] let me tell you something right now folks if I gave this position to a hundred players rated 1367 not one of them would play Queen C4 not one of them you would play this this Rook B8 nobody plays this move just nobody plays this move and so what does white do white offers a queen trade now because why it's like well that's kind of annoying I can't castle and by the way you can't even kick out the queen because of this so white should have really played Bishop D2 but then the other idea Bishop C5 to attack the queen ridiculous I mean just completely ridiculous so Queen F4 Queen trade now Bishop C5 on both sides Castle now from the opening actually black is only up minus point eight black only has a slight Advantage okay um white plays B4 and now the advantage is double why because in chess you rarely you very rarely want to play such an aggressive pawn move that doesn't have any long-term idea the idea is me attack Bishop black responds Bishop E7 here which is one of the best moves could be black just playing on their own you don't need an engine to tell you to get out of the way um yeah but that's it pawns don't go backwards like White's King was very safe here you know I would have focused on maybe rookie one trading the bishop trying to get my knight into the game somehow um but this is not an easy position because you're playing a cheater um B4 Bishop E7 and now what go away and now white plays this move Knight F5 Knight F5 is the full loss of a knight and um sometimes when you play against people who are cheating you mess up your own kind of game because you blunder something well black took this Knight obviously and then black still kept going with the bad activity here by playing the best move which is A5 not a crazy move but suddenly everything changed right here black decided okay I have built up a sizable Advantage I'm gonna put away my cheats so at this point black stop playing moves consistently and Black's level went from to which is reverse watch Pawn takes uh sorry Rook B8 Pawn take C3 was the best move now Black's first move out of using a cheat black hangs a bishop so white played this move defending the pawn and also attacking that one kind of and black was like I have to defend it the first move out of cheating black doesn't take the pawn with check black defends the pawn and loses the bishop back okay okay so now the advantage is back to normal now black takes okay and now you know newbies intermediate players what did they do they they see a check they play a check natural why did this point is just tilted so he runs his King to the center of the board he's like this is ridiculous black plays the move C5 check okay black plays the move d4 check now what black is out of checks black doesn't know what to do right so black thinks and what do people do when they don't know what to do they just take stuff okay you check and you take stuff the advantage is almost gone because the pawns are very weak now what do you do when you don't know what to do you take stuff you give checks and you attack stuff I don't know what to do me attack Rook so white just goes here you have now made it much easier for white to win the pawn so now the advantage is equal remember all the cheats have been deactivated you know white plays a very natural move Rook C6 what do you do when you don't know what to do F5 check forgetting that in this position there is on possums so now white is winning now what do you do when you don't know what to do you give a I don't know what Black's actual strength is but it's very funny and then black is like okay now all these pawns are gonna fall right and black has nothing blacks are gonna lose all their pawns so black defends white takes on C5 and this little sequence right here is the move of the it's like the move of the game rookie five check you don't know what to do you just give a check so losing all his Pawns it's just what what this dude just lost all his pieces check beautiful technique by white anchoring the pawn rook and pawn like this trade makes the queen and this time we have no plot twists we give a check a check we hunt the king out into the open it wasn't the best technique Queen E7 is made in one um but we go here making sure it's not stalemate G3 and queen takes H5 checkmate what a hilarious turn of events in game one black did not have any idea what to do against the Vienna and got obliterated in game two black AK white the cheater played a Flawless game made zero inaccuracies played like an absolutely spectacular game of chess start to finish ended it with a beautiful tactic the reason why black was not able to win this final game was because they didn't have a devastating attack on the king and at some point they were like I'm gonna get caught so I gotta play on my own and that was a very bad mistake by them they should not have played on their own because they lost completely from start to finish like it was it was so bad uh anyway folks um let me know if you like the sounds or not uh and what should I what should I do with the volume um and uh yeah like look you're gonna get caught if you cheat um you can try to cheat in an intelligent way this cheater actually uh had a very balanced win rate so they were not winning and losing like a crazy disparity between the two um but their games were so obvious like they would cheat half the game then play half the game on their own then cheat again and the move time was there and it was it was just very funny moves like you know again playing like Queen H4 Queen G4 like these very subtle moves and then just losing all their pieces at the end you know the level is just so that account was banned ultimately it made for good content I hope you enjoyed this video and um I'll see you in the next one get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,080,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: SGAyowUoTow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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