Ants On A Log Smoothie Taste Test

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wake up boys wake up we're not done it's good mythical more oh this will be fun ten words story alright and we're gonna go through okay my face is so big no big fat big comma fat get it hungry and alright last word last word blew my big fat hungry and I blew the best story we've ever told together as a group okay guys we're going to make after-school smoothie for you link let's break out the first ingredient yeah and we're also gonna take a science test for fourth graders so this will be an advanced science test for you guys and we have engineering degrees but we've long forgotten all that so I don't know who has more of an advantage you one year shy of it or being many many years I'm not gonna go into it removed from it do you understand me neither cuz I'm just talking alright first ingredient that goes into our smoothie is what are these guys good well I'll give a hint these are like logs that's not the test question so you guys don't what seat when we were kids they gave us celery with peanut butter on it and we're like this is a snack Hooters like okay mom now everything's prepackaged if we gave you guys sell it if we gave you guys that and said chow down what would you say right you talk to the hand if you'd pass on it cuz you're a bunch of little punks no I say I wouldn't eat this cuz there's ants on you but you'd be Method about it I get it all right so throw some of those in there let's see them first it's going on sorry question question number one which animal develops inside its mother before it is born alive a a butterfly be a cat see a duck or D a frog well I think I know this frog could you read the question animal develops inside its mother before it is born alive well lots of animals are developed it's a multiple of the multiple choices you Jer means not okay of these four choices okay only one of them now read them again a a butterfly II a cat see a duck or D a frog I know this guy's okay are one of your answers a frog frog a frog huh okay well I'm going with cat yeah I'm also gonna go with cat the right answer guys the answer is cat you ever seen a cat be born you think a cat's morning the egg neither of us are in fourth grade yet so okay all right all right have you seen any animals being born you'd learn too much that way that sounds like a good episode to me yeah I do know that it is what it was perfectly normal - all right so these are cheese quesadillas this is the second ingredient would you guys enjoy that you love that throw some of those in there listen let's hear the next question okay question number two guys throw them in there which material is the best conductor of electricity a would be metal C stone or D plastic okay we got them down there on the screen now so that makes it easier well can't be a fourth grader know that you know what a conductor is no okay I'm gonna grab the Train what's your answer Nate oh you just agreeing with him okay we're all gonna agree with chef all right guys the answer is metal mater that was it's difficult for me to not answer would when it's an option I gotta say that was difficult but I'm going with bail now Lando for as long as you lived you refused to be in our videos but I was telling them that we invited Shepard to play this game with us and he was like well I want to do it too I was like I'm sorry I didn't ask you to to be in this episode until you found out Shepard was gonna be on it I just thought that you didn't like to be in videos for a long time you refused to even have your picture taken you do like it was like paparazzi he was just waiting for his his big interest so what what change what changed your mind make it made you want to be in one of our videos they've gotten that poor that you need to try to help them out mmhmm yeah yeah well I'm glad you're here us to be yes you helped ok bit what's the night ready for the next question yeah question number three which statement explains why light from the Sun can warm up water in a glass a light travels very fast II light travels in straight lines see water of reflects light energy or D water absorbs light energy D ok McLaughlin's are going with B I'm agreeing with I'm team D as well ok what do you think Lando why do you think the Sun can warm up a glass of water don't rip it these are good great cheese nice little snack I'm gonna go be okay light travels in straight lines all right Lando and I are both gonna go with B because that is a true statement light travels in straight lines okay the answer is d Oh water absorbs light engine energy injury yeah I say we're drawing on the show already put those in there and then now we need check it out guys we need some liquid you know what these are not allowed in our house that's why they can be you've done so great yeah you can have one yeah clean the two of them give me one no I gotta liquefy this movie don't squeeze it too hard I'm waiting plain IV bag just come yeah it could be like a catheter bag yeah all right you ready for the fourth question yeah I'm a thermometer shows that the outside air temperature is colder than the temperature at which water turns to ice however ice on the sidewalk melis what probably caused this a the air heating the sidewalk be the sidewalk reflecting sunlight into the air see the wind causing the ice on the sidewalk to melt or D the sunlight making the sidewalk warmer than the air Scheffer what do you think so it's freezing outside but the ice on the sidewalk is melting anyway why is that the air heating the sidewalk the sidewalk reflecting sunlight the wind causing the ice on the sidewalk to melt or sunlight making the sidewalk warmer than the air okay I'm gonna go with deep I'm all correctly would be anyone who want to change their answer welcome with Dean he's the correct answer is d nice okay work well so at this point do we have another question yeah do you want to save it for post Modi or you want to know let's blend it up ask us that question so there's no more ingredients during the blend wait did these points count we can still lose from this yeah you're losing right now Reds winning I mean you are tied that's right no no we have five together we know what we're not going to you know right no but in the other one we are yeah but and this one we're not you can start adding your freaking points together guys what's really in your tie all right come on guys we'll drink the most but we should all taste it huh don't you think bring it bringing those two glasses from over there we'll have four glasses total and let's let's hear the last question okay question number five Roger poured water over a pile of sand some of the sand washed away this process is similar to which of the following a the eruption of a volcano be the erosion of the walls of a canyon see the uplifting of mountain ranges or D the forming of dunes or mounds in a desert I'm gonna go with B as well so water poured on sand some of the sand washes away what's that similar to the eruption of volcano erosion of walls of Canyon uplifting of mountain ranges or the forming of the erosion of the walls became linked I also am going with B the correct answer is B all right I said B right didn't give an answer I said B yeah you got it right yeah Beatrice represent me now I said B all right let's be brave you know we lost in there in the in the original game so it's just peanut it smells peanut butter yeah it's all things that you know you drink it drink well drink it all together yes dink you gotta dig it and sink it together right we're not gonna spark respond well I know I bet you can get the whole thing come on just take a little taste it's not bad it really isn't bad this is how we're gonna feed you just gross but it's not bad all your oh no it is not bad your meals are going to be blended together and you gotta have one smoothie at the end of the night after you take a test it's actually the Capri Sun that makes it horrible that's your new life you don't like I hate it you guys want to do this job no thank you what do you want to do okay well you want to be shot for a living it's a good closer I'm not that kind of kid I just like thinks about what he's gonna be it's not a reasonable question anyway we're asking kids all the time totally on reason thanks for coming guys good answer start your morning's off right with a full mug of mythicality get your GMM mug now at mythical dot store
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,314,087
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 14, gmmore, good mythical more, Ants On A Log Smoothie Taste Test, Ants on a log, after school snacks, gmm snacks, gmm after school snacks, good mythical more snacks, rhett and link ants on a log, rhett and link gross smoothie, gmm gross smoothie, good mythical morning gross smoothie, gmmore gross smoothie, taste test, taste, test, rhett and link kids, rhett and link science
Id: LosjozyPL14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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