Shando's Christmas Lists

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welcome to good mythical more elevator pitch okay guys the four of us we've got an idea for a movie it's called disco accountants what is it what's it about well no we're just pitching in the elevator but yeah it's also in an elevator and they're doing some dancing yeah and they're also they're doing some numbers right in the chicka chicka chicka what's that thing called where you you do numbers yeah calculator yes that's the cool thing about this is that I know we're pitching you on an elevator but the whole movie takes place on the elevator right cool we actually only pitch on elevators because we want you to understand that this is gonna be the entire location lots of math involved right guys boys help me out here tell them how great it is come on guys all right so we're gonna go through mythical crew has gathered your Christmas list we do not know what is on your Christmas list here but you've told them is that right now we're expected to buy at least one thing off of here so let's alternate saying one thing on the list I'm only gonna read the first thing okay a first edition Charizard which is a pokemon card pokemons card Pokemon tell them how to say it Pokemon yeah I don't want to say that correctly if you if you're really if you're really with it and you're really cool you can't pronounce things like Pokemon just kidding I also agree with you lando how much is that worth how much you said $1000 probably more yeah hold on but what special you're gonna spend a thousand dollars on this and then what's gonna happen it does it come with 999 dollars of cash in it no it's like then oldest charger thing and it's it's like the rarest card in the world it beats all the other cards not necessarily but it's the rarest card in the world okay it's a rarest Cardinal Wuerl it's a rarity thing okay okay thousand bucks right Leo first thing on your list is a real claw machine yeah like at the bowling alley yeah you want you want a huge claw machine okay that's a good point have you ever tried to get a stuffed animal out of a claw machine yes and how did that go right oh you're gonna like charge your friends it's a racket to try to get them to put their money in because that would never work you want to be in the cloud shake there are internet videos of that of kids who crawl through the you know how when the when the prize does fall out which never happens by the way yeah and kids will crawl in there and they'll be inside of the thing there's videos on the internet of that so I could give you a video on the internet and then they get hurt and it's not a good idea yeah you shouldn't try it thanks TV here's one from from Sheppard's list he's like a shadow parent that I think we might be able to work work this up a tetherball good idea you know Andy's a good I need you out there just smacking it around mm-hmm yeah are you having regrets about putting tetherball on your list you can go out there and play by yourself to do you know a pole you can be like Napoleon Dynamite yeah Lando makes a good point it's kind of just a pole with a rope hanging from it a ball and a bone do you want the pole the the rope and the bar just the ball because that's all three of them good okay um okay Lando you're next on the list is another machine this is a gumball machine small one okay good small one I saw I've seen these this is I think you might just need to take land into the arcade unlimited trips to the arcade that's true but that you know but then do the rest of your life would be a disappointment like silver stones I could sleep in the car machine yeah I don't know how that what the air quality's like in there we'll have to ask Stevie okay this is interesting a pet dragon no you're talking about like a bearded dragon lizard because that's a doable thing are you talking about like a mythical dragon how am I supposed to arrange that you take the guard up take your time yeah he's icing you out right I don't think he's gonna spear that out okay put it back on me huh see if you get that dragon now I get you I get you in a reptile this or something from the reptile family how about a snake yeah okay your mom will love that now Lando your next thing is Healy's have you ever seen anyone on Healy's yes and you still want him all right an excellent chef no school no school your dad does not have that type of power chef you have to be it you have to get past the fifth grade before you can drop out all right what become one more you one more year and you can drop out son okay get stay in school don't drop out do I have to say that there are a lot of YouTube videos showing that as well I'm sure what dropping out after all right Lando saying he doesn't he scratch him one off his list he doesn't want me to say that one I don't know why you have to tell me you just changed your mind you don't want that is it a tetherball it's a Fitbit but he said you don't want to is it did your mom add something to your list or something yep Fitbit this is something that lands in a drawer it doesn't disney passes oh that's a good one we had those for a couple years we could tell you about that okay I mean once you've been once you really want to go back yes okay all right listen I will tell you the advantage of having them is that when you go you don't feel an inordinate amount of pressure to get to every single thing because you're like oh we'll just come back but here's the thing then you don't go back we have we have passes we can come back any time we want a son and moonshining legends Pokemon booster pack if you owned a Pokemon no box box it's a whole box I don't know what does that do yes with what if the booster do does it have a rocket on are just more cards like booster packs it's like 50 booster packs so it's like so again more cards more cards don't you have enough land oh you're next one you're next to last one is bouncy balls you've got a lot of bouncy balls already okay you have like you have a few three okay how many do you want okay I could put it inside the gumball machine Oh people choke on it see what you call with that machine let's go raka 2.0 what is it's a Bionicle what you got any comments about it what what's what's wrong with the rocket 1.0 old news he's over you man what what's big is this thing how big is the rocket 2.0 this big okay all right all right in Lando's final one is infinity slime supply now is infinity a brand oh you want an unlimited amount of slime supplies Londo is very big in a slime he's very big in all types of crafts he's got he's he's creating and expressing himself at home and experimenting with all types of slimes we're working up a science project based on slowing for the new year or we're not um so I think this is this is a good one but I just don't know if we can if I can have an unlimited supply you don't you don't clean up after yourself enough for that are you are you willing to do more diligent cleaning up after yourself okay okay all right this is on record here okay and lastly to move into the guest house that's not on you we don't have we don't have a guest house like I made it up you're adding things is list for comedic purposes all right you know what I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you to the ball so much fun and I'm gonna let you go over there and plant with this Teller ball yeah hey we'll get you guys to tetherball that's not how the game works well how about a just a a defined amount of slime supplies yeah I can do that that's terrible I already committed to that when I brought you to do this episode we've got your arms covered with our logo long sleeves choose from zip pop screw necks and pullovers available now at mythical dot store
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,126,218
Rating: 4.9599423 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 14, shado, christmas, list, christmas list, gmm christmas, rhett and link kids, christmas list ideas, kids christmas list, Shando's Christmas Lists, xmas, xmas presents
Id: sa84_fudBGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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