Hikaru is the Guy You Send to Kill the Boogeyman || Carlsen vs Nakamura || FTX Crypto Cup (2021)

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hello everyone and welcome back to the knockouts of the ftx crypto cup we are continuing with the second match between magnus carlsen and hikaru nakamura if you've been following yesterday the game uh well the match ended in a draw uh both of them won both of their games with the white pieces it was a pretty pretty fun day but now this one is really really spectacular i'm sure you're going to enjoy it so without further ado let's check it out a lot of things to cover as a lot of things have happened so magnus with the white pieces again opens with e4 and again we are going to have uh well the joko piano we have knight to f6 uh knight to f3 knight c6 bishop to c4 we have bishop to c5 and now uh yes now magnus castle i'm pretty sure he's saving all the good stuff for you know maybe semi-finals or the finals uh so here he castles we have knight to f6 and now d3 uh we have castles by hikaru rook to e1 and now if you remember if you've been following the channel for quite some time i always mentioned that knight to g4 isn't really doing anything for black because uh well if the knight comes here then you can simply defend this with rook to e2 and then kick away the knight but this is exactly what he car plays so he's trying to mix things up here so magnus does go rook to e2 defense is pawn and next he's going to kick away the knight with h3 we have king to h8 by hikaru getting away from this diagonal preparing f5 and now h3 and now hikaru of course goes for the sharpest move possible and that is f5 f5 is basically the only good move uh for black here because that's why you play this line with knight to g4 point is that if white gets greedy and goes after the knight then black will most likely win this game for example captures the knight here the knight has to move somewhere you can see there's incredible pressure here on the f2 pawn then you can play g3 the pawn cannot capture and this is just terrible for white if you go knight f3 if you try to save your piece then even rook captures on f3 g captures and queen h4 and now you're getting checkmated so this is uh this is not hikaru's plan of course he car knows that magnus will not fall for this but uh you know he maybe studied this a little bit more uh specifically for this match so this is where he's gonna look for his chances uh magnus played bishop to g5 which is the most common move here there is one notable game uh wesley so versus anish giri from the 2016 bilbao masters where uh wesley played knight the c3 and he defeated giri with this move but here like i said we have bishop to g5 attacking the queen uh and now knight back to f6 uh the knight now just defends and now we continue with knight to c3 and the d6 so just like nothing happened but by playing this knight to g4 move he car was able to sneak in this f5 move and now uh his rook will well very soon have a nice semi-open f file to use for attack knight to d5 by magnus now f captures an e4d captures and now bishop to e6 here we have a a couple of trades knight captures on f6 and now there is a game where bishop captures and c4 was played but here we have g captures on f6 by hikaru and it is now already as of move 13 that we have a completely new game and it seems that this is what hikaru prepared now he's going to use the g file for attack and let's see how magnus deals with his magnus first eliminates the light square bishop uh we have f capture sun g5 and now c3 nicely controlling this knight so the knight cannot jump jump into the game uh and now you also uh well if need you have queen b3 queen a4 all depends on what what black plays uh we have queen to f6 by hikaru going after the bishop here and magnus retreats it we have knight to e7 now and now uh you can see that hikaru's position is very very solid he's planning to bring the knight to g6 from there the knight can come to h4 to f4 depending on what white plays but he has a lot of good moves and his plan is very simple he's probably going to move this rook here bring this rook to f8 or maybe he can even triple up here on the f file and the magnus spent some seven minutes for his next move as it's not all that clear what to do he played queen to d2 and now he's going for the g5 pawn and he carl just defended with rook to g8 so this rook can now come to f8 uh we have b4 by magnus uh attacking this bishop here bishop back to b6 and now a4 of course playing a5 would be the dream for white uh not uh even even if you don't win the bishop even if c6 was already played but you just want to get the dark square bishop away from this diagonal of course hikaru will not allow this he plays a5 and now queen to a2 by magnus magnus knows that his his position uh isn't all that impressive and he's very much low on time he has some four and a half minutes on the clock whereas hikaru has almost 11 minutes on the clock and now he wants to play queen to e6 and get uh maybe trade queens and well try and survive this attack uh hikaru just plays queen to g6 we have queen to e6 by magnus and now hikaru goes queen to g7 here hikaru uh misses a bit of a uh well uh a very nice move here with h5 because now uh after playing h5 the bishop doesn't really have any good squares you could go to f5 but only then we move uh the queen to g7 in black's position is fine and the problem with trading here is that if you capture on h5 now then knight f4 just uh wins material as your bishop and rook and e2 are under attack so maybe a slight improvement here but okay queen to g7 by hikaru uh we have b captures on a5 uh bishop characters now for the moment the bishop leaves this diagonal and rook to b1 going after this pawn here so now while you could bring the bishop back how just goes rook to a7 uh defending the pawn like this and now uh keeping the bishop here to target the c3 pawn we have queen to c4 defending the pawn and now queen to g6 so what do you play here now the queen again guards the h5 square and the car wants the bush h5 uh and there is okay magnus i'm not gonna tell you what magnus played here because there is a really really awesome move here so feel free to pause the video and try to find a really cool idea for white while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on finding rook to b5 because this is what magnus played however there is a much nicer move and that is knight to d4 knight to d4 is simply a beautiful move because that now you can shift your knights to f5 and you've pretty much solved all of your problems there's nothing uh there's nothing good happening here for black and the other thing is if the knight is captured well then look at this this is very unfortunate for black we're just gonna capture on d4 deliver check and after queen g7 we're gonna pick up the rook on a7 so this was in the position congratulations to everyone who found it uh as uh well obviously not an easy move to spot in a rapid game so here rook to b5 by magnus now with a lot of pressure on the e file magnus might be thinking about sacrificing a piece here to open up this diagonal and hikaru goes for c6 here he even forces this to happen or he just says okay go back with the rook and the problem is okay maybe rook captures it would be a bit too aggressive yes you attack the queen but after queen f6 you don't really have a good follow-up if knight f7 check we just attacked the knight twice and that's it black just wins so magnus decided to go for the other trade he played knight captures on e5 giving up the knight for two central pawns uh pong captures and now rook captures on e5 but the rook captures on e5 is not the most correct way to play this uh again magnus misses uh a slightly better idea which is to just play instead of rook capture see rook captures on a5 and now after rook captures an a5 just queen before with a double attack here and now after the rule goes back now we capture on e7 and then we continue playing this so now white's position is is much better uh but here after rook captures an e5 well he just gives hikaru a bit too much we have rook to d8 and now hikaru says uh you're welcome to to take my knight uh the problem is if magnus does this rook captures on e7 then we have this check and after king to h2 uh queen to uh d6 is just a game over for white as you blunder a rook here so it's uh never never a good idea to try and tackle hikaru when it comes to tactics so here we have rooked at e6 by magnus attacking the queen but just queen to g7 now the knight is nicely defended uh and the magnus wants to eliminate all of his problems along the dark squares so now he simply plays g3 so now if this rook ever comes here you can simply move the king and you're gonna be very safe here and uh well that's only one of the problems for magnus his position is worse but he's also down to 22 seconds on the clock whereas hikaru has over six minutes and here hikaru just plays rook a back to a8 he says all right you use your 20 seconds as as well as you can i'm just going to improve my position slowly but surely we have kinked the g2 by magnus now knight g6 now again this knight is uh controlling a lot of squares here g3 has been played so these two squares have been taken care of uh but uh you know uh you you have to play something we have e5 by magnus uh now this is a very dangerous pass pawn but hikaru immediately attacks it with bishop to c7 and now there's a triple attack on the pawn uh not much hope of defending it so here magnus has to give it up he plays bishop to f5 but now hikaru just grabs it he didn't even think about it for all that much maybe 10 seconds he wants to uh force magnus to really waste his time so here magnus finds queen to b4 and it's a very nice move not only attacking the b7 pawn but also rook to e7 is coming and then you might really have some problems because the bishop covers h7 also the dark square bishop would be attacked so hikaru cannot allow this he plays rook to f8 now ready to block this rook with rook to f7 magnus goes for it and now rook to f7 uh magnus now grabs on b7 attacks this rook uh but hikaru just doubles up nicely on the f file magnus trades once we have captures captures or rather queen captured on f7 and now comes bishop back to e4 the bishop is under attack so bishop here goes after this pawn and now if magnus eliminates this pawn then okay he has two pass pawns uh for for the piece so this again uh could become playable but now he carves says all right let's start the attack he pushes h5 now h4 is coming and if the position opens up then that's pretty much all there is to say about this game magnus says all right i have nothing better i have to eliminate the pawn and hope for the best hikaru now goes queen to c4 with a double attack on the bishop here but also just ready to eliminate one of the past pawns so here bishop to b5 and now comes queen captures on c3 and magnus centralizes with queen to e4 so again uh how do you how do you play this with black well he carry plays queen to c5 now you will not be able to start advancing your pawn even if the bishop wasn't defending now the bishop would be hanging also there's a lot of pressure here on the f2 pawn and still hikari is just waiting for the perfect moment to push that pawn to h4 we have rooked the c2 by magnus attacking the queen now comes queen to d6 now what you play here magnus goes bishop back to e2 and now there's really not all that much for magnus to do here uh there was one move here that you kind of could play but it's uh i mean it's such an ugly move to play queen to b7 this kind of allows you to prolong the game and now if you play something like let's say bishop to b6 put pressure on this pawn now you can maybe do a rook lift with rook here but it's uh not something you you find in a in a rapid game and black is still better here of course but it's a one way to fight now maybe you can harass the black king and maybe maybe good things will happen but okay after queen to the sixth bishop back to e2 was played by magnus but now uh we have h4 finally h4 is on the board uh magnus plays g captures and now comes knight to g6 now the knight again threatening to come here to come here and also there's queen to h2 king f1 and queen to h1 uh okay uh h1 for the moment covered by the by the white queen but still you do not want to allow this because for example checking if one and then the queen can capture on f2 with checkmate because the bishop now covers this pawn so here we have king the f1 not allowing this to come with check and the bishop back to b6 again he carved threatening to pick up the f2 pawn bishop to f3 defending and here uh well you wanna make sure you don't make the mistake of capturing an h4 although it looks like a really awesome move uh it completely blunders the game because rook c6 and that's it the queen is under attack and there's nothing to play here it once the queen moves let's say you want to guard the bishop it's just a very nice rook h6 czech king here and queen to h7 checkmate so hikaru has to be extremely precise here and he is he plays knight to e5 uh we have rook to d2 attacking the queen here uh and now comes queen to c5 uh the thing is you don't want to capture this rook it's not a free rook if you capture the rook then queen captures here and now black is again in big trouble this comes with check it doesn't matter what you play bishop d5 checking h7 queen to e7 with check and that's it let's say here h5 check and uh whatever you do you're getting checkmated a nice one is king captures and queen to h7 checkmate because the pawn covers the g4 square so instead after rook to d2 hikaru just improves further with queen to c5 and here magnus goes to rook to c2 continues harassing hikaru's queen but now hikaru does what hikaru does best and you might also so feel free to pause the video and win this game for hikaru in the coolest way possible while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on uh of course going for the for the move uh and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's of course knight captures on f3 a beautiful really really temporary queen sacrifice but you're gonna win the queen right back because there's this knight to d2 check a beautiful fork and there's nothing better for magnus he has to capture the queen knights to d2 with check for forking the king and the queen king e2 and now we pick up this uh piece here uh and now magnus only has a rook and he has a rook a bishop and the knight but magnus still has the past a pawn and he's gonna do his best to to to maybe somehow get a draw here so here bishop captures an f2 hikaru continues happily winning pieces uh pawns we have h captures knight captures and now a5 magnus starts pushing his pass pawn knights the e4 and now king d3 uh we have knight to c5 check king to c4 and not knight to b7 attacking the pawn here uh we have rooked the h6 by magnus king g7 now rook h5 defending the spawn uh but uh it's uh of little use we have rooked the a8 attacking the pawn twice now magnus plays rook to f5 he attacks the bishop here but hikaru instantly plays it and i know you guys all see it of course knight to d6 even magnus isn't immune to falling for for a nice fork here and there but it happens when there are too many threats to perry you will fall for one of them whether it's just a past pawn or a nice fork an ice cube or a nice whatever uh you know that the position simply deteriorates uh onto itself and there's nothing you can do so after knight to d6 it was in this position that magnus carlsen resigned the game and game one again goes to hikaru so now it's up to magnus to bounce back we'll see what happens as the game two is already underway so that's the game i hope you guys enjoyed it uh we'll see we'll see if the action will continue this fiercely i would like to thank roberto gomez uh sean ellis uh ryan yaglovsky andy arden for contribution to my channel thank you a lot to really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of this very nice event checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens uh in the chess world thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 527,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, CARLSEN VS NAKAMURA, MAGNUS CARLSEN
Id: fExRsamAEKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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