Magnus Can Sacrifice Anything, Anywhere! || Carlsen vs Nakamura || NCC Finals! (2021)

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hello everyone and welcome to game three of the new in chess classic between magnus carlson and hikaru nakamura uh sorry about scaring you in 4k once again but i'm testing it out so i have to see if everything is working properly uh but yeah it's a really nice game and it features everyone's favorite opening well almost but it's still very nice so without further ado let's check it out uh magnus with the white pieces opens with e4 we have e5 by hikaru knight to f3 knight to c6 and the bishop to c4 now we have bishop the c5 and here uh sorry wrong pawn and magnus went for c3 and uh now he just goes for the uh casual joko piano main line we have knight to f6 and now d3 we have castles by both players so they've played this many times probably a lot of times against each other uh we have d5 striking in the center and here captures and captures and here well the most popular option is rook to e1 here we have just a nice a4 instead instead of b4 but okay a4 is on the board and while you could play a5 to stop white from further expanding on the queen side hikaru just spins the knight with bishop to g4 and the the position has been reached before but some other moves were played like a5 but here magnus goes for h3 and it is already as of move 9 that we have a completely new game uh so let's see how hikaru deals with this of course you don't want to capture uh that's just you know developing white for free also the knight is under attack once the knight goes back bishop g5 all of white's moves are incredibly natural and uh you know just uh improve white's position immensely so instead uh after this h3 with bishop to h5 by hikaru and now all uh sorry and only now a5 grabbing more space on the queen side we have knight back to f6 and now b4 finally b4 is on the board we have bishop back to d6 and now knight b to d2 uh we have a6 uh preventing y from pushing a6 and at some point and creating uh some weaknesses on the queen side and here we have knight the e4 so that's a very very strong knight and now if bishop to g5 comes you're going to have you're going to have problems so here he karu just trades on e4 knight captures on e4 we have d captures and king to h8 now unpinning and hikaru is now ready to play f5 and start creating some chances on the king's side we have queen to d3 unpinning as the bishop was uh well very unpleasant here now the knight can move and also you want to develop your dark square bishop and connect your rook so here we have queen the e7 hikaru does the same he wants to connect rooks uh and now rook to e1 uh we have knight to d8 shifting the knight over to e6 maybe in the future you can bring it to f4 and g3 now by magnus taking care of those squares we have knights to e6 and now comes knight the h4 preparing knight to f5 and it's uh as you know as usual a great square for the knight will come with an attack on the queen and the bishop we have rook 8 to d8 ended now knight to f5 as planned we have queen to f6 and now magnus uh creates more chances and uh goes g4 so expanding on the king side making some his king a bit vulnerable but you know it will be an excellent outpost for this knight plus the bishop has to go to g6 so you will not have any options of kicking away this knight with g6 and you kind of never want to capture this or maybe you do uh problem is uh here magnus played queen to f3 and it's a tough position for black what do you play here uh the move you kind of don't want to play is bishop captures an f5 because even though this is a beautiful knight and you would want to eliminate it from there uh you know every instinct tells you not to touch that because if you do uh e captures an f5 comes and it just looks like a tough position for for black also the b7 pawn is hanging then you know everything can fall and then you can just push your pawns to victory however knight to f4 here and you kind of don't have the option of capturing on b7 and black uh should have a should have a good game here or he has to give up the lights for bishop and then again it's it's a very nice game because if you go for this the knight captures with king g2 now preparing rook to h1 the problem is here black can sacrifice the knight and play this move and it's just a wonderful idea and now if king captures the knight uh then queen e5 threatening um uh threatening checkmate here and if rook to h1 there are even ideas like queen captures and c3 you you could lose the rook here so it's uh uh a very nice plan or okay you could block with the bishop bishop to e3 but then queen captures and c for you win back material and you know it's a pretty crazy position but okay after queen to f3 while this is definitely a move uh hikaru went for h6 instead and okay we have king to g2 by magnus um improving the position of the king a little bit maybe uh leaving the option of maybe shifting the rook over to the king side if needed and now comes the knight to f4 check and this move was maybe a little bit rushed maybe a nice slow move like rook after e8 uh but okay it's uh it's a rapid game so knight to f4 with check we have bishop captures on f4 e captures and now magnus eliminates the bishop as well knight captures we have phone captures and bishop to d5 now this is very nicely protected you have constant pressure on b7 it's a backwards pawn so you can't really push it and hikaru has to defend it so rook to d7 and now rook a to d1 we rook to e8 and now we reach the position from the thumbnail where it really seems like magnus can sacrifice anything and here while you could just continue improving the position with c4 magnus gives up the bishop with bishop captures on c4 and this is a quite a bold move in a rapid game where you don't have all that much time you know to consider stuff uh just capturing here and giving up your i mean it's a beautiful piece centralized like this cuts the board in half i mean it's a wonderful bishop but magnus gives it up and uh for a very good cause or so it seems so here uh hikaru accepts rook captures on b7 and now e5 attacking the queen and opening up a discovery on the rook on b7 so queen to e7 and now e captures on d6 again the queen is under attack if you move the queen then the rook falls uh so rook to b7 and now hikaru's point is uh finally seen uh magnus captures an e8 with czech queen captures and now the rook cannot be captured so i hope none of you were considering this because if the rook is captured then bishop to e4 check wins the queen and yes you kind of do have that rook and you kind of do have that rook on b1 uh but still this comes with check after the king moves you can play some like queen c2 attack the rook and even if rook d5 ready to push your pawn i mean the the white king is too open and you will easily you know play some like queen b1 check king here queenie for check win the rook so uh you know anything can happen uh but you know whatever happens it will be winning of course so instead look to the four by magnus uh keeping an eye on this this e4 square so bishop d4 will no longer be an option now comes rook to d7 and now magnus does have a pass deep on but hikaru is up a bishop so what do you do here queen captures on f4 at least you you know want some pawns and if you can get these pawns off the board uh you should be winning but hikaru of course will do anything uh everything and anything that he can to prevent this so queen to b8 a double attack on the pawn so you can't really move your queen or rook and also you're kind of preventing c for then the the the b for pawn falls uh and you have to you know figure out how to continue here magnus played king to g3 he started by bringing his king into the game maybe queen to e5 was a bit more precise here and then you you sort of prepare uh prepare the pawn pushes uh because then for example maybe you can give up this pawn then you can start pushing the queen defends this and if f6 then you're bringing the queen to d5 and you know uh maybe a slight improvement uh but okay king to g3 was played now comes f6 and now h4 by magnus he is ready to play g5 and bust open the position he's down a piece but he has to attack and this d d6 pawn is a really big bone in hikaru's throat and he has to deal with this constantly so here king the g8 king to g2 magnus sort of repeats the position a little bit bishop to f7 and king to g3 so here people thought that okay magnus doesn't really have a way of breaking through here he's just going to repeat king g2 king g3 and he's down on the clock he's a minute and 30 seconds whereas hikaru has two minutes and 30 seconds on the clock so bishop to e6 by hikaru and now magnus strikes with the g5 so he's uh very much still in this game we have h captures h captures and here we have f captures on g5 and this was one moment where hikaru could have seized the the opportunity uh with queen to b5 and this is uh clear trouble for white now uh the the the pawn here is defended and you know uh all a lot of things can go wrong if queen captures then you can trade queens and then you are just up a piece in an end game and the problem is if white captures for example on f6 then you're gonna play rook to f7 and then it's just winning for black it doesn't really matter what you do you can play even c4 maybe try to get the spawn of the board black will just ignore you queen to h5 now threatening queen to h3 and i mean it's uh completely lost position for magnus but hikaru missed queen to b5 he played f captures on g5 and this allows magnus to recollect himself and you know enjoy the game further and pose problems for hikaru so queen to e5 a nice centralizing move and now bishop to f7 the bishop is under attack so bishop to f7 and f3 now we have king to f8 by hikaru now comes king to f2 getting the king to a bit of a safer square to avoid any any future checks so came to g8 now comes king to g3 magnus repeats once again and he carol played king to f8 so hikaru is ready to grab a draw here but it seems like magnus was just uh you know getting time because you do get additional time for every time you make a move so here queen captures on g5 the game continues and what's the idea behind this move is the pawn here really hanging well it does seem to be so hikaru grabs it but now queen to c5 pinning this rook so you have to defend it the rook cannot move king to e7 and now the problem is uh well the position is e equal uh you know if you had like infinite time to to analyze it of course that's never the case in real game but magnus is down to 30 seconds on the clock and hikaru has well over a minute so here we have queen to e5 with check king to d7 and now king to f2 magnus again uh uh gets his king to a little bit of a safer square and grabs a bit more time and he asks hikaru what do you play here because now the rook also cannot move because the queen would hang so here hikaru has to play something he has to play some like king to c6 he has to play something like g6 g5 those are all uh possibilities here but hikaru played the one move that he shouldn't have played he played queen to f8 probably with the idea of just uh shifting you know the queens here and also to keep an eye on the g7 pawn but now the game is losing for hikaru so feel free to pause the video and try to find the only winning move for magnus while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on not doing anything weird like i don't know something like pushing the pawns although that's a very nice idea if you were thinking about that uh and for those of you who found queen to f5 check then congratulations this is the correct idea and now the problem is next he removes the king as one would in uh you know when uh being in check and now comes queen to c5 with check you don't have to do this magnus only repeats it once to gain more time on the clock uh because you know why not so king d7 now magnus repeats queen to f5 check king to c6 and only now rook captures on d6 this was the point you didn't of course in your own calculations you were not winning more time and now the problem is you cannot play king captures on d6 to save the bishop because queen c5 check and then you lose the queen whatever wherever the king moves you just lose the queen so here queen captures was played and now magnus plays queen captures and f7 he wins his bishop back and now he's simply up to pawn so can hikaru hold his hold this we know that the absolutely most complicated end games in chess are queens and games uh and maybe hikaru can hold this so he starts by delivering checks queen d2 check king g3 and queen captures on c3 now magnus is only up one pawn queen to e8 to check king to c7 and now queen to e4 a nice centralizing move keeping an eye on everything and now magnus needs to figure out how to win this because it is a rapid game you don't have all that much time so king to b6 now comes king g4 he has to bring his king into the game we have queen to a1 now trying to get some checks in from behind but now queen to d3 with check king to e7 and now queen to e3 with check you could go after the pawn on a6 but if you grab this then queen to d for check and you have to suffer you know checks to infinity and it's a question if you will ever get out so magnus uh uh does not rush grabbing this pawn queen e3 check king to f7 now queen to c5 just controlling all of the squares that hikaru can use to deliver checks uh so here we have king to g8 and now king to f4 and now hikaru was already down to a few seconds here he of course doesn't get increment but it's still very hard to play this so queen d1 now comes king to e5 and now magnus wants to start bringing his king into the game win the pawn with the king and then start pushing the queen side wants to victory so king h7 we have queen to d5 and now queen to a4 going after this pawn queen e4 check king to h8 and now king the d6 everything is nicely protected and there are no good checks that you can give so queen b5 uh and now king to c7 so magnus is getting closer closer and closer we have king to g8 and now again a few checks to grab more more time on the clock king h7 queen to d6 now so now you can even start pushing this spawn we have queen to e2 and then now comes f4 we have queen back to b5 and now queen to c5 offering a queen trade but basically what you're doing is uh king the queen away from controlling the b file so the king can go here and grab this a6 pawn so queen to f1 keeping an eye on the pawn but now queen h5 check again a few checks queen d5 chair king h7 now queen e4 check king to h8 and now king to b6 now you're ready to attack the pawn once again with the queen and win it so here queen to b5 check king to a7 and now queen back to f1 uh putting pressure on this pawn so if white goes over to grab the a6 pawn then you will at least grab the f4 pawn so queen to e8 check king h7 queen to h5 check king the g8 queen d5 check again magnus uses this triangle to win more time on the clock king h7 and now f5 so hikaru again doesn't really have a good move he has to play something attacks the pawn queen d6 now defends the pawn and offers this pawn but he is now ready to grab the a6 pawn there's nothing better for hikaru so he grabs the pawn magnus grabs this one but with the king the queen is much better kept here centralized and now g5 that's not a g5 we have g5 and now b5 now both hikaru and magnus start pushing their pawns but not the g4 right away uh first queen to f1 pinning this pawn so magnus now has to waste the move with the king so king b6 and now queen f2 check we have queen c5 and now uh queen to f6 with check king a7 ready to push the pawns and now queen to f7 check king a6 and now hikaru pushes the g pawn we have b6 g3 b7 and now comes queen to f1 with check we have king the a7 and here he carl plays the incredible queen to f2 and magnus could not believe that hikaru found this and he was in shock uh but there is a solution to this so feel free to pause the video and try to find this solution that magnus may or may not have found while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on not capturing the queen you could do that and you might win but you know you're in one one hell of a game because if you go for this captures and captures and then we both queen then yes we both queen you still have a past pawn but you're gonna you know have to go through a million checks before you can actually win this game but if you found the move magnus played and that is queen to b6 then congratulations you are a true master of the end game and now there's a problem of course because you can't continue pushing the pawn because the queen hangs and if you trade here captures then a captures here you voluntarily double your pawns because after g2 b8 queen now this g1 queen does not come with check your pawn here is protecting you and now of course it will you will centralize your queen and start pushing this pawn it's much much faster and much much easier if black doesn't queen with check so instead after this queen to b6 we have queen to f7 by hikaru now comes queen to b1 with check king h6 now comes queen to e4 guarding the g2 square so hikaru can start pushing queen g7 are ready to push and also pinning this pawn but now it was also in this position that hikaru nakamura resigned to the game as there really is nothing more to be done here uh just to give you an example after magnus plays something like king 288 that's it uh while both players will get queens and we might get we might even get four queens on the board uh it does not help you cover because he is in a meeting that it's actually a force made in four just queen to h4 with check king g6 now comes queen to d6 with check and there's nothing you cannot block because the both queens cover the f6 square so king to f7 something like this queen to d5 check now all of these uh lines are are covered and now it doesn't matter wherever you go uh it's made in one for example king to king to f8 you're just going to get queen to d8 with checkmate there's no no square for you all of this is covered and that's it so of course hikaru knew this and after this uh queen uh sorry and after this queen to g7 move he resigned the game so in the first match magnus takes the lead in the third game so now it's magnus leading the match by one point uh so that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it uh i would like to thank simon melissa andreas moss uh marbonic uh michael higgins uh and uh seagrave gallery for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to all my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the finals checking up on your one of suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 636,703
Rating: 4.9350786 out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, candidates chess, candidates agadmator, agadmator giri, agadmator caruana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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