Blast From The Past || Rajabov vs Carlsen || Linares (2008)

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hello everyone and welcome back to this short series where we're going to show a couple of games by the candidates where they faced magnus carlsen in classical chess uh and this is uh this is a beautiful game from 2008 so 14 years ago uh it was played in the alinar's tournament were basically morally illinois it was uh half of the tournament was played in morality half was played in linares uh where rajab uh faces magnus carlsen now it's uh you might say okay but that was so long ago surely the games were not uh you know up to today's standard uh this game uh was very much up to today's standard as you'll see it's simply brilliant and uh well that that is required when you wanna uh take down a player like magnus even though uh this was um in the days of vichy and it was in fact vishwanathan anand who won this tournament uh half a point the head of magnus carlsen uh still the game is uh brilliant and you guys will enjoy this one so rajab has the white pieces and he opens with e4 we have e5 knight to f3 knight to c6 and the bishop to b5 deruy lopez is on the board and we have knight to f6 by magnus so young but playing the berlin defense we have d3 uh bishop to c5 ending now c3 both players cancel and now uh you can see that okay maybe it comes as a surprise but also uh it's 2008 the magnus is about 16 years old [Music] the the most common moves now are d6 and rook t8 but magnus just strikes in the center right away with the d5 pawn going all the way and now it's just a very sharp game so knight b to d2 we have d captures on e4 and now there are some games where d characters and e4 was played but magnus plays uh sorry um our java plays knight captures on e4 uh and it is now uh already as of movie 8 that we have a completely new game uh so uh surprising magnus a little bit with this idea so magnus says okay i'm going to capture the knight at a job of happily offers a queen trade and now magnus plays queen to f6 he wants to put pressure under the job of king side bishop is coming to g4 and then you can activate your rooks maybe with rook to d8 and rook to e8 so here queen e2 uh we have bishop to g4 and now arjav says all right h3 let's trade queens this way so okay bishop captures queen captures and queen captures uh g captures and this is the position that you get uh now of course you don't want to allow bishop captures on c6 so magnus goes knight to the e7 and now pawn to f4 getting rid of the double death pawn uh c6 chasing the bishop away bishop to c4 and now he captures an f4 now we bishop captures on f4 and the knight the g6 going after jabba's bishop here bishop to g3 and the rook f to e8 putting pressure on the pawn now rook after e1 and now rook a to d8 and you can see that black has no problems in this line the rooks are now uh nicely placed on the dnd file rajab does the same rook to d1 and now magnus trades and uh well grabs the e4 pawn here magnus has to figure out why arajabov is offering a pawn obviously it's for activity but is it is it safe to do that you could also maybe just start playing h5 h4 maybe king of fate try to bring the king closer to the center of the board but he accepts the challenge rook captures on the one we rook captures and now rook captures an e4 grabbing a pawn threatening the bishop here now comes rook to d8 with check knight to f8 and now bishop to d3 attacking the rook and now rookie one check we have king to g to end pawn to a5 you don't have to worry about the bishop captures on h7 uh because even if king captures you can't capture the knight the knight is defended by the bishop so in case you were wondering about that so here rook e8 arjavo goes after the a pawn and now rook to d1 attacking the bishop and now bishop to c4 now if you trade uh if you play bishop cap a rook captures an a5 with the idea that okay i just grab a pawn and we trade bishop's uh there's the uh so sorry there's b6 um i guess b4 is just always in my head uh but yeah b6 just uh defends the bishop attacks the rook and next move you can just capture the bishop if bishop c2 we just play rook d2 no problem so after rook to d1 we have bishop to c4 uh by tamer and now comes bishop to b6 here pawn to b6 would be safer but magnus plays bishop to b6 and this is what allows our job off to really make uh make his next a couple of moves count he plays rook to b8 goes after the b7 pawn and okay magnus brings the rogue back rook to d7 defends the pawn and now bishop to a6 now the problem is if b captures an a6 which is kind of uh there really aren't all that many better moves uh uh carlson's the pawn structure on the queen side will be completely shattered so okay b captures on a6 rook captures and b6 and uh all of these pawns are incredibly weak we have f6 uh and rook captures on a6 we have rook to d2 magnus goes after the b2 pawn and now again uh the strongest move ever that is pawn to b4 uh so the problem is if you capture on eight to now uh we're just gonna play real captures on a5 or for a rook trade and there's really not all that much you can play you can't trade rooks because our past a pawn will be unstoppable if you go here we just defend the c pawn go after this pawn we're going to have two connected pass pawns on the queen side this will be completely winning for uh uh for for rajavo so here a captures on b4 instead uh we have c captures and now rook to b2 it seems that magnus is able to stop the two pawns uh bishop to d6 uh now defending the pawn and also putting pressure on f8 if you allow rook to a8 it's game over so knight to e6 and now pawn to a4 getting rid of the target here and now now you are ready to start pushing your past a pawn so here rook to c2 and we have pawn to a5 king to f7 magnus starts bringing the king into the game now comes bishop the c5 a very nice idea that prevents the rook from moving because okay you can't capture the pawn right away uh but for example if knight captures we're going to play rook captures on c6 and now you can't move the knight so we're gonna probably most likely win this with white so instead a magnus finds a knight to a f4 with check king to f3 and now knight to d5 uh saying that all right uh now again you can't really play this if you play rook captures on c6 i can always play knight captures on b4 but there is one move that magnus missed here and it is the one that rachabov played basically the only move that wins the game for him uh feel free to pause the video here and try to spot this brilliancy while i give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on spotting this tricky idea and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is rook to b6 that's the move we offer the rook and we move the rook away from the a file uh with uh well with such elegance i would say because now we're just gonna play rook b7 with check so we're gonna win the seventh rank with tempo we're gonna play pawn to a6 pawn to a7 and then our position will be completely winning and even if you capture the rook just eight captures and b6 there's no stopping the pawn you can play rook to d2 b7 rook to d8 it seems like we've stopped the pawn but just bishop a7 next move we win the rook it's a game over so after rook to b6 we have rook to c4 by magnus now comes rook to b7 this comes with check that's also a big problem king to g6 now pawn to a6 rook to c3 check king to g2 and now knight to f4 with check and here another great position where i could ask you to pause the video and i in fact i will ask you to pause the video here there are many possible squares you can go to with the king but only one is winning so pretty sure you know which one it is but just in case uh once again feel free to pause the video and try to find the only winning move for uh rajabov while i give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on not playing king f1 that's just silly or king h2 or king h1 but for those of you who found king the g1 uh congratulations you are a true master of not blundering a completely winning game so here king the g1 and now there is really nothing more to be done here of course king f1 you can see that it's mate in one rook to c1 because the knight covers these two squares and if you go king to h1 or h2 you just allow silly perpetuals uh everywhere just rook captures an h3 check king g1 knight to check and now after knight aking to f1 we're just going to repeat knight f4 now we're again threatening checkmate with rook to h1 as g2 and d2 are covered and there is nothing if you go k1 you try to escape with your king now uh you you will not be able to do it knight e3 checking e2 knight captures here and rook to a3 will come just in time regardless of whether you capture on b or not rook day 3 just prevents the the pawn from doing anything you can push the a7 but it's never coming to a8 that's the problem so the only move that wins is king to g1 i have no doubt all of you found this uh and now we have knight captures on h3 with czech king to h2 now there are no more checks knight to f4 and here not even allowing uh some trickery would work to h3 raja will just played bishop to e3 and he was in this position on mu 43 that uh magnus calls and resigned in the game and a brilliant brilliant victory in this uh hard played and hard fought end game for for timur ajabov and now you resign here because obviously after rook to a3 we're going to push the pawn to a7 and now it's defended by the bishop so there's really no hope here there are some tricks of course knight d5 we're still going to save the bishop bishop c5 and if king f5 now we just play rook to b8 and our pawn will get promoted if knight c7 the guard the a8 square we're just gonna play rook c8 kick away the knight and okay knight b5 let's say we're gonna promote the queen uh rook captures rook captures and now we are up a full rook of course completely winning for rajabov so after bishop to e3 magnus resigned and a spectacular win for for timor ajabov in this brilliant brilliant game from 2008 in the morelia linares tournament and if you guys are interested about the standings these are the standings of uh of this event you can see it was won by viswanathan and current world champion or rather current world champion in 2008 second place magnus carlson only half a point behind behind anand you can see that um he has three losses one of them being this game against the job of within and a half to paulov and darunian with seven are a job of evan chukwu with six and a half and with five and a half peter lehko and alexey shiroff uh so that's the game a little bit of history for you guys to enjoy and we are continuing our series of how our players fared against uh magnus in their best best classical games uh so yeah once again hope you guys uh enjoyed it uh i would um i would like to thank martin your paparik for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos uh here thank you all for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of their best games against the world champion checking up on your wonderful suggestions and of course uh nothing else is happening in the chess world as we are waiting for the candidates tournament starts on june 16th but the first game is on the 17th so in case you missed that thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 89,464
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, trending, trend, mindfulness
Id: RjuY-8RvDP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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