Perfect Endgame Technique Doesn't Exi....

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hello everyone and welcome to round five of the melt weather champions chester finals it's uh the clash that almost never disappoints magnus carlsen vs hikaru nakamura and this is the first game of the match uh let's check it out and see why it's uh why it's such an outstanding game uh so magnus with the white pieces opens with e4 we have e5 by hikaru knight to f3 knights to c6 and bishop to b5 magnus goes for the real lopez knight to f6 hikaru goes for the berlin defense and magnus plays d3 saying this will not be a quick draw uh bishop to c5 and now magnus captures in c6 bishop captures d captures and now magnus castles and now it's always a question in the berlin defense how do you defend this e5 pawn do you defend it with the queen uh do you pin white's knight so you don't have to defend it do you play bishop back to d6 do you play knight to d7 so these are all very uh playable options but he car plays bishop to d6 which is not all that common but it allows you uh so maybe instead of knight to d7 you will be able to develop your bishop to e6 and guard the c4 square as you know white is always planning to bring this knight to c4 against the berlin to put pressure on the bishop here and on the pawn so knight b to d2 as planned we have bishop to e6 which is now possible and b3 uh further securing that c4 square but also preparing to fianchetto the dark square bishop so castles by hikaru bishop to b2 and now knight to d7 making uh room for f5 to be played hikaru wants to now uh start attacking on the king side and well you could go for something like knight to c4 and it's a move that has been played here also queen to e2 is a known move uh here magnus plays d4 and it is now as of move 10 that we have a completely new game also a principal decision as if black wants to attack on the king side you always counter attack in the center of the board also goes for the queen side as well uh so what can hikar do here uh well now going f5 would be uh too adventurous because it's just an easy win for white we're just gonna capture on f5 and after let's say rook captures we're going to capture on e5 as well and after bishop captures now we capture on e5 after knight captures we simply play queen to e2 and we win there's a double attack on the knight here if the knight moves you're going to lose the bishop and it doesn't matter if you add another defender we simply add another attacker and there's no way for black to add another defender so here you're just losing that uh either knight or bishop so of course uh hikaru did not play a f5 he car solidified with f6 now magnus trades in the center d captures f captures and queen to e2 now preparing to bring the rooks into the game queen to e7 hikaru also connects rooks and now a4 magnus always enjoys these a4a5 h4 h5 moves because they constrict black uh in well doing whatever black wants to do and it's uh well it's just what we've learned from our good friends uh the the engines these days so rook to f7 he car now ready to double up on the f file and h3 by magnus we have rook 8 to f8 and now rook 8 to d1 uh we have h6 and now knights to h2 now the knight um uh well this night it's still a question of where this knight is going but probably the c4 and then to e3 and then maybe to f5 this knight also has some ideas of that maybe in the future you can move the rook maybe knight f1 knight to g39 to e3 knight to f5 knight to d5 so these are the usual squares for tonight but uh all depends on what black plays so here here carl plays c5 uh grabs more control of over the d4 square but it kind of releases the control over the d5 square so now this is also an available square for uh magnus's knight he plays knight the c4 and now he puts pressure on the bishop here but also just knight the e3 to d5 or f5 is a perfectly fine idea we have rook to f6 by hikaru uh now preparing to bring bring the rook over to g6 maybe and now comes a queen to d3 by magnus you could also play a knight to g for to kind of put pressure on that rook and get black to trade off this um a light square bishop but it's it's nothing for c car could just move the rook back so instead we have queen to d3 by magnus and now queen to f7 uh so what do you play here well here magnus played f3 if you go for this knight capture some d6c captures and queen captures on d6 yes you win a pawn but only uh for this one movie because after bishop captures an h3 hikaru already wins the pawn back and now your queen's attacked you can't grab the knight the bishop also defends the knight so nothing nothing really is happening here so f3 magnus just solidifies here and now h5 by hikar preventing knights to g4 uh we have knight captures and e6c captures and now queen to e3 magnus wants to bring the queen to g5 even though now queen captures on d6 is a very tricky idea because now if bishop captures an h3 queen to c7 and it's a it's a really crazy position where uh uh a lot of things are hanging bishop is saying there's a lot of pressure on the knight here the there's a lot of pressure on this pawn here uh but after queen to g6 threatening checkmate it's a completely wild position where white is better but you do not want to play this so magnus goes for the uh for the mo you know more sane approach queen to e3 going for g5 queen to e7 by hikaru and now queen to g5 great getting ready to pick up this pawn and now comes the reason behind hikaru's queen to e7 he plays rook to e8 so what's what's the idea here uh well if magnus grabs the pawn then hikaru's plan is uh just a rook to h6 so if the queen was here then white would just be able to trade queens but now you don't have a square for your queen your queen is trapped and hikaru just wins so magnus just plays rook to f2 now with ideas of maybe doubling up on the d file and bishop to f7 now the pawn is nicely defended and now uh this knight that's been doing not all that much here goes to f1 and now knight to e3 to f5 or d5 uh that's what we usually go for hikaru also starts horsing around knight to f8 the knight is now coming to d6 will attack the queen so the queen will have to retreat somewhere queen back to d2 right away putting pressure on this pawn so if you go knight to e6 now then we can grab the spawn so knight the g6 by hikaru and knight to e3 now we're kind of threatening knight to d5 attacking the queen and the rook and hikaru will have to part with his light square bishop but he doesn't go for that a very interesting idea is knight to f4 because it's so it's such a great square for the knight but after knight to f5 uh hikaru would have this option of maybe sacrificing the exchange and after pawn captures just d5 and these pawns are very very impressive here so it's uh something that you could play but uh if uh if you if you feel up to it hikaru played knight the h for instead now puts a lot of pressure on uh the position here uh if if the queen somehow got around over for example to g6 then you would have insane pressure here uh so uh king to h2 just getting the king away from that g file and now king to h7 by hikar we have rook d to f1 and now magnus wants to uh somehow get this bishop into the game and to do that he has to play f4 so how do you do this well hikaru first blocks it we have knight to g6 and now knight to f5 attacking the queen queen to f8 and now only now f4 that's how we make progress in this game knight captures on f4 and now of course we temporarily give up the exchange rook captures on f4 e captures on f4 and finally bishop captures on f4 we have g captures on f4 now hikaru's defenses have been completely shattered and this is a fine moment in the game where uh magnus has the opportunity to to you know pick up some pawns and he can capture the pawn with the queen he can capture the pawn with the knight he can capture this uh pawn with the rook he can capture this pawn with the queen and uh you know if you had this position or me or anyone else we would probably go for queen captures on f4 it's just closer to the black king or maybe even rook captures then try and shift our rook over into the attack or even knight captures with a double attack here the bishop and rook would be attacked and the queen would still be able to capture on f4 but not magnus magnus just plays queen captures on f4 he says uh i can win a pawn i'm ready to go straight into the end game and this is basically where our end game starts uh hikaru has to trade we have queen captures on these six knight captures now attacking the rook and the bishop so the rook has to defend and now rook captures an f4 and magnus is up upon how will he continue this with king the g6 by hikaru king g3 we have bishop to e6 now trying to constrict the the white king from going any further but now rook to f3 and this is a fine maneuver rook to f3 king to f4 and then rook to g3 to force the black king away from uh such an active square b6 hikaru improving his pawn chain and now king to f4 we have h4 not allowing rook to g3 check and now pawn to g4 and it's a really really uh tricky position for example it's a question whether or not to do capture h captures on g3 alpha song or do you play something else but what else is there if you play something like rook to d7 go after the knight knight to f5 is perfectly fine just goes after this pawn here and if you trade for example e captures uh with check king to f7 now rook to d3 of course you can't go into a king and pawn end game because you're down a pawn so black would have to avoid the trade and now g5 is enough for white to win for example captures capture so you're going to win this pawn as well and the two pawns here will be enough for you to win so after g4 hikaru has the capture on g3 alpha rook captures with check king the h7 now the king will be trapped here for a very long time you don't really have access to any of the other squares and you kind of don't want to go all the way into white's position so came to h7 and now h4 uh so now hikaru's king isn't all that active but he still has uh the rook and the bishop so rook the d7 attacks the knight now e5 just uh the the knight will either remain there or you will get a very active position for your king so hikaru trades uh this comes with czech king captures and now bishop backed the g8 defending uh and now knight to f5 so this is a very unpleasant position for black the rook can't really go anywhere you can't check the white king if you uh leave the seventh rank just rook g7 check is enough to win the game we're gonna start picking off those spawns uh and uh you okay rook the d5 check is possible uh but then king f6 and it's really really ugly if king to h8 we just play rook captures and g8 king captures and now this fork wins us the game so after knight to f5 we have king the h8 by hikaru now comes c4 improving the position before doing anything uh uh that uh might you know change the character of the game uh we've rooked to d1 and now knight to e7 putting pressure on this bishop here so bishop to h7 and now knight to d5 uh what you play here now the king can easily approach that queen side and start picking off those pawns but hikaru says all right but what about your h pawn i can just play rook to h1 so this is what hikaru does but magnus says i don't need the extra pawn because my king is much more active and he just plays knight to f6 so what can hikaru do well there's really nothing better other than capturing the pawn so rook captures on h4 is played in the what now now knight captures on h7 magnus even trades down into a rook and pawn end game with equal material because it's just enough uh so king captures an h7 now comes king to d6 and is this enough or did magnus maybe uh put too much optimism into into uh well not just the the position but also his endgame skill uh well rook the h6 check king to c7 and now rook to f6 of course white's plan is just to go king b7 and start picking off those pawns so hikaru has to get ready to prevent this so here king to b7 rook the f7 with check we have king a6 by magnus and now rook the c7 by hikaru and this is a very interesting move because uh you know what carlson's play plan is carlson's plan is to just bring the rook over to a8 and win the spawn and then win the game and the blacks only counter play will be to go after the queen side pawn so it it looks kind of redundant maybe to give you an extra move uh so to say maybe rook to d7 makes more sense because then you just have two moves to go after white's b3 pawn this way you'll have three moves but okay i'm sure hikaru had a very good reason for placing the rook on c7 uh rook to d3 now you have to you can't go of course here because the king covers that so you have to play this to go after the the a7 pawn and now hikaru can finally start activating his king king to g6 rook to d8 by magnus and now rook to e7 getting ready to go after that b3 pawn and now how do you how do you continue this game it's a it's a really really tricky position uh so feel free to pause the video and try to figure out how to win this game uh for white well i give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations uh on choosing either of the two moves because they're the only moves that basically we can play here uh and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is rook to b8 or rook to a8 and the reason why it's both is that rook to b8 is just uh more natural and rook to a8 is super complicated but i'm first going to show the super complicated one just because i know how much you guys enjoy this because it seems like uh a bit more reasonable to go after the pawn right away we're going to capture it and move faster the problem is things could get very complicated if you go rook to a8 and magnus spent uh a decent amount of time when deciding between rook to a8 so and rook to b8 the the the point is after rook to a3 now we have to capture with the king the if we capture with the rook then after rook captures on b3 for example rook to b7 we go after the pawn rook to b4 and now after rook captures on b6 we're just going to play king to f5 of course we're not interested in grabbing the rook and of course if white captures he puts our pawn on b4 and we are very very close to promotion so here let's say a5 we would play king the e4 rook the d6 now cutting off the king now king to e5 and after rook to d5 check let's say rook captures um uh so king to e6 rook captures on c5 and now king to d7 and even though white is up two pawns you cannot win this end game uh because uh uh the rook has no squares you can't move the rook anywhere along the c file then we're just going to pick up this spawn and the white king is in the corner can't really do anything there's no way to advance here for white so this would be very very tricky so rook day 8 is possible but like i said after rook to a3 you have to capture with the king and then after rook captures on b3 play rook to b8 and now after king f5 now we play rook captures on b6 and after let's say rook to a3 going after this pawn we play king to a6 so it's a bit of a different idea but king captures with check rook captures with checking the b5 now rook to a1 getting out and now king captures on c5 now this position would be winning but as you can see there's quite a lot to consider magnus played rook to b8 instead and now he just wants to play rook to b7 and then pick up the the a7 pawn so king f5 this allows hikaru to throw in an extra move with the king now rook b7 and rook to e3 of course we're going after these pawns king captures on a7 rook captures on b3 and now magnus doesn't grab the b6 pawn but instead he plays a5 of course black cannot capture uh we're gonna pick up the rook here so rook the b4 he goes after carlson c4 pawn and now magnus advances the pawn all the way to a6 uh so what can hikaru do king the e5 there's nothing really if you don't have the king into the game rook captures on b6 we have rook captures on c4 now the material is equal but king to b7 crossings king is now pawn is now becoming a queen rook to a for hikaru's last hope is to sacrifice the rook for the pawn and then try and promote his own pawn a7 and now hikaru just captures that pawn rook captures on a7 with check king captures and now c4 so what can magnus do magnus just played rook to c6 and he was in this position on move 65 that hikaru nakamura resigned in the game as there is nothing more to be done here the problem is white king will be just in time to grab this pawn for example king to d4 we're ready to escort our pawn down the board king to b6 now after pawn to c3 we play king to b5 and now you can't advance the pawn further because the rook will capture it so black has to waste the move with king to d3 now king b4 and now after c2 we play king b3 and black is uh one move short of promoting this pawn to a queen uh if you move it the rook will just capture so you have you're gonna have to waste the move with the king and then we'll capture he do with check and then we easily checkmate the black king uh so really really an impressive game but the part that i really enjoyed the most was uh uh here let me just quickly rewind this this moment here where you really could just capture anything and white is still better but magnus just goes for uh straight for the end game uh he trades queens and goes into the end game being up upon not something a lot of people would choose a lot of people would prefer more pieces on the board but it seems that magnus is extremely confident in his end game technique and also he's playing against hikaru who who well enjoys complications in in time trouble so trading the queens here is definitely the the sounder choice for him uh so yeah uh that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it and that you've improved your end game at least a little bit with this video i would like to thank david kimura myself for making great videos vladolaro king and bulmark uprealty and cumitu for contribution to my channel thank you a lot to really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of this spectacular event checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 261,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, magnus miniature, carlsen miniature, carlsen brilliant, carlsen best game, carlsen agadmator
Id: v_Mff0JqjEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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