Magnus vs Wesley Final with Hikaru, Alireza and Levy commentary

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so serious question um i think it's pretty  rare we get to see two super gm's do commentary   on the same game no because don't you all also  have like the competitive standpoint where you   have like different ideas you try to hide from  each other so i'll start off with a hot question   because it's true like chess is a very  secretive activity right you don't want   to disclose all your ideas so how does that work  how do you have to balance that hikaru for example   um well i mean i think uh with these tournaments  nowadays since since they're online terms and no   over the board tournaments at this point i don't  think there's anything to hide when you're playing   for sure um so i i think that's the first thing i  would say but beyond that i don't really believe   in that ideas they come and go but i'll give you a  good example there was uh this idea in the uh i'll   show it on the board in the um in the queen's  indian there was this idea and there's this   idea with this queen c2 idea uh with um like like  bishop it's a bishop g3 c5 d5 okay so there's this   idea in the queen's indian that um that vessel  and topalov played with a lot of lot of success   um now the the the the this is an idea that  basically topalov brought to the forefront but   i remember talking to kramnik i think we were in  a taxi cab in london going to a closing ceremony   for one of the one in chess classics about 10  years ago now and um kramnik was saying that he   had looked at this idea probably like three or  four years before before vessel and played it   and um and so he had looked at this idea but  he was saving the idea for a critical moment   or critical match and then vessel and played  it and cram never had the opportunity to uh   to play the idea and so nowadays i feel like in  general you don't give away your ideas for free   but if you're in a situation um uh where  like something is played there's no reason   to hide it because it's not going to be good  like if i had some magic id in this position   i wouldn't suddenly hide it because  everyone's just going to go use their   computer and explain it you know or look  at it and know right away what's playable i see yes see the extent of my  preparation against eric rosen was   uh d4 c4 and then if that goes wrong  b3 so you guys uh yeah you guys have   you you you have uh to quote shrek to quote  shrek you guys have layers know yeah onions   have layers cakes have layers uh preparation  has layers all right magnus goes knight h5 guys   talk talk to me what what is going on here hey  one second so so then i'll just say again in the   italian normally when you go for these 95 knight  f4 ids they look very dangerous but they're very   it's very often times the knight will eventually  get kicked back so they're not even though black   gets a knight f4 in the italian generally it's  not as dangerous as it appears on first glance   yeah i think um i think wesley is happy with the  with what he got out of the opening i think um   alireza i i don't mean to cut you off is there  a way to make your microphone a little quieter   oh yeah push i mean you mean it's loud yeah it's  very light okay compared to hikaru oh yeah can you   i don't know if there's a dial on  it like to turn it down a little bit   yeah i think it has to be better now right  yes okay i think that's good that's good yep all right oh okay all right as you were  saying as far as the position   yeah i like the i like wesley's position but  i guess magnus is playing for the win right so   i think both players are happy with  what they got out of the opening can is that can that actually happen both  players be happy is that really yes i don't know   so uh what it what is this what is it for for  wesley then what is he developing next and to   what square i mean normally white wants knight  g3 but now you're not going to play knight g3   so then what well i mean go ahead alireza yeah  normally i think white has to put the bishop on   e3 right bishop on e3 be shot on c2 and wait for  black to uh show his hand as they say i think so yeah i would agree i mean i think the thing is  black wants to go knight f4 and queen f6 and   probably wesley goes bishop well i mean he just  plays bishop e3 to challenge uh the bishop on a7   here like white can maybe take on e5 at the right  moment uh because basically it hinges around can   black play d5 or f5 or is black going knight of  four queen f6 those are the only ideas that make   sense um although actually now this reminds me of  uh of the spanish where maybe black can take on d4   and play some knight f4 like  this or or f5 even at some moment   maybe maybe is he gonna go all in here because  if he loses this game it's over right so then   what is he gonna do there's not really all in  though is there because like knight four queen   f6 is not really all in it's yeah it's a logical  idea right yeah yes exactly i mean to me though   the obvious idea would be to play like queen  queen f6 it feels like the all-in try yeah yeah i think black should look more for f5 right um got it yeah yeah or queen c7 rook d8 d5 because  queen i don't believe in queen f6 somehow   yeah i i actually i agree i think queen f6  is uh it looks nice but after like knight g3   h6 if if white just plays like knight f5   it's i think i think i think white's better yeah  i mean yeah it's not the right way to play this okay so we're gonna get let's see by the way uh who's  gonna take in the center   um i think black has to open right with d5 or i  mean white white has a very good center why he has   to move i mean why he has to change everything  like yeah i think white's never trading in the   center because the only reason you would trade  in the center is for example let's just say here   on mu 15 let's say black plays c5 or  something if you can get some position   with c5 and taking on e5 then the bishop on e3  is much better than bishop on a7 but that's the   only situation where i see you trading because  otherwise it makes it makes no sense yeah yeah i mean i but but what is black's  move here if it's not queen f6   it's like i guess queen of six 27 um yeah queen c7  looks very logical i think okay play queen c8 he's   gonna sack another bishop that's what i think just  like two games ago bishop h4 bishop h3 is coming   well to be fair uh if you take take queen h3  isn't it just like yeah it's just a mate yeah you have like bishop f4 knight f4 knight  e3 no i don't want to exchange that bishop   no no i mean if you can avoid it you  don't want to change but actually   how do you not exchange here this is a problem yeah so so again like as i say as i'm saying this  shot most of what you look for is you're looking   for candidate candidate ideas or candidate  moves um another like bishop h3 just wins   for black so what can white do knight g3 bishop  h3 just loses it looks like um so then what else   do you have besides bishop f4 knight g5 maybe  but it's just yeah just bishop this song huh knight g5 bishop d7 you said um yeah it's  not easy okay how about this some of this   i have an idea i have an idea knight g5  bishop d7 g3 knight h3 takes takes f4   is that stupid that's how stupid is that that's  insane that's insane yeah no i mean probably i   just take on a four and go five i think and  i'm just getting four times okay yeah that's   fair no but you know what's interesting i was  thinking i was thinking about structurally the   reason that queen c8 makes sense here and i think  actually bishop c2 is a very natural looking move   but i don't think it's the right move i think  you should actually just go knight g3 there   and you give up the bishops because you  can just take and go queen d3 with rook d1   or knight f5 actually i think this might have  been a big mistake by wesley to play bishop c2 because none of these ideas exist you go to hg3  you can put the bishop on f1 so i mean it's very   natural obviously but i think it might be it  might be a slight mistake i mean he can't go   bishop d2 but it's just to have knight e3 but i  mean it's just so so yeah feels very dangerous   no i think actually maybe you just have to take  out four and go 93 and just try to go knight five   take some knight e3 but i don't like it it does it  doesn't feel right with the way that you normally   play the italians this idea should not exist  where you have to take take give up a bishop   for the night on f4 wait i can't tell if i'm being  trolled uh wait is chat serious hold on a second   uh do you want to know what the top engine  move here is it's probably something silly h4 but like no no no but i mean you also have to  worry about i mean even though i'm sure it loses   you have to be worried about something like bishop  h3 even here yeah uh you should be streaming   but then maybe the idea is to take  on a four and then take one history   and then queen but h4 yeah yeah knight is  three but then yeah of course even that is   dangerous something yeah no i mean i think wesley  will take on a four i mean i feel like he's too i   mean he's he's too solid to play i just feel  like the air force is not a wesley move here   but bishop f4 doesn't look very attractive either  because then the bishop on a7 at some point is   yeah this is very nice diagonal so  it's actually a tricky spot here for   for uh for for wesley very tricky spot  guess what what i don't understand is that   after night g5 machine is trying to suggest  queen d8 not bishop d7 and i can't figure out why   i don't understand oh it just thinks that bishop  f4 knight f4 knight e3 and then okay so it's   basically the same thing it's it's basically  just saying you have to take on f4 or else yeah   but i mean if knight five is played magnus will  go bishop d7 without a doubt absolutely 100 okay so we're looking at this and if not bishop  f4 then wesley is just much worse i mean is   there knight d2 maybe knight 3d2 to go queen of  three but again i mean it still feels very shaky   yeah but then also knight h4 is always yeah i mean knight h4 you can take  on a four and go night off yeah maybe   yeah yeah um night night 22 it  looks so dangerous knight g2 king   king yeah that should get one knight h2  even yeah knight 3d2 is actually interesting   yeah it's very unusual i mean because also then  bishop b3 and you can reroute the knight to c4   later yeah wow like 3d2 but the most important  thing about this is that is that wesley is   going to have to think for a long time here  like he doesn't have obvious moves so he's   going to actually end up low on the clock  for the first time yeah in the match today like this is nice yeah very very tricky this could go for a  while hey carl when's the first round of fog   champs is it at 4 pm eastern no it's at noon  but i'm staying here with you guys obviously   aren't you the commentator today this  is more important i'll join later okay i i mean come on when you start something  you gotta finish it i can't do this and then   just jet from jet from this to go go go to  that god i've got to finish what you start okay oh it's at three eastern oh  it's at noon gotta go yeah two hours so okay so what's how's it going bishop h3 gh3  queen ensure you take on a four knight of four 93. this looks very scary because you can  but i guess your next move is what knight g5   or knight h maybe knight h2 actually so take stakes i don't know why the computer says a4  is good after bishop h3 i don't know why a4 yeah i think it's probably it's it's  because if the knight gets to like if the   knight gets out then your next one is bishop  c4 bishop f1 so i think a4 deflects it somehow   and if bishop c4 you b5 maybe very  strange it definitely i mean it feels like   once you've played bishop c2 to go back to b3  is it already looks suspicious right so it's um but but the other thing with this move though  is what else can magnus do again besides sacking   i don't see any other moves that make sense i  just don't see other moves that are logical here so he's almost forced to sack  here i think yeah right yes so in a position like this where wesley just  spent three four minutes out of 10 or like   had 10 or 11 minutes it's he found a concrete  solution yeah i'm assuming right so bishop h3 gh3   queen h3 bishop f4 knight f4 you guys said  knight e3 and then what you just sit there   and basically say i'm a piece up and i'll figure  it out bishop c4 bishop f1 well you have bishop c4   bishop f1 you also have knight g5 with queen  g4 maybe ah but there's queen g5 knight h3   but yeah i think that's the kind of argument  is that if that position if you can get bishop   c4 bishop f1 you're just up a piece and your  king will be safe um and black doesn't really   have time to take advantage of the open king  okay so magnus takes on d4 interesting yeah   is that so his dark squared bishop in the  corner has an actual target oh no he might   just wants to play cd d5 right and this  very typical way to play right and then   if e5 just f6 and yeah yeah there's too much  too much coming down towards the king's side maybe obviously has to take on e6 actually  here oh but then maybe even d yeah that's   what i'm wondering too is can black  do that oh my god psych the queen   wow yeah i actually i wonder about that i'm not  sure but yeah wesley takes okay i expected this   yeah so now there should be three i mean because  now bishop h3 never works basically i don't think   because queen f3 well i think it's more  complicated than that but i think bishop   four knight of four gh yeah yeah actually  queen shirt right away then queen of three yes so then what is his idea here because now white's   threatening to go knight f5  if you trade the bishop on b3 so if he takes this so if he takes bishop  b3 now white has to take like this queen or   zoom pawn just to open up the a file  yeah then bishop yeah okay you might take but then queen takes queen  d2 i mean white is fine there   for sure no this is very strange by magnus here very strange yeah well if you don't take now how do you switch gears from the i mean it just   seemed like he was poised to take on  h3 so if you're not going to do that what is the game plan because  now his time is also equal   yeah right exactly yeah no i  mean that makes a big difference yeah i don't i don't know what the  move is here for uh for for magnus   actually i literally don't know i mean  it's very hard to come up with an idea yeah yeah well if i mean let's put it this  way if you're calculating the sacrifice on   h3 that could be your entire tournament right  there because if that doesn't work you're   you're down yeah sure so yeah it was not  the easiest spot for magnus of course   i mean he wanted to just keep the time advantage  but now again he's thinking so yeah i think that   was that was the problem i mean he wants to  keep the time advantage but he doesn't have it   now and actually i think white's moves are easier  somehow because black has had the idea and white   just reacts to whatever black's idea is here or  maybe now he wants queen d4 bishop h3 somehow   i was just imagining you take  with the pawn but yeah queen d4   attacks d6 right i mean it's pawn it's always  very dangerous of this t5 e5 f6 this structure   is always very dangerous for whites because you  you close out the light squared bishop on b3 right   and then yeah yeah and all the and open the f5  and we show which trees so then yeah yeah yeah   i know no totally i i agree with that i mean yeah  if i'm if i'm west but bishop d4 also looks weird   because then the knight on f4 it's knight on f4 is  not under attack and then i think bishop b4 bishop   h3 just wins because queen e393 knight h4 and  you just you just lose yeah okay so bishop d so   then the candidate moves bishop d4 is no good okay  bishop 4 just loses to bishop f2 for starters yeah   so queen d4 and cd4 queen d4 looks bad though  doesn't it still feels like knight g2 knight i h4 you might have to take action with the pawn   yeah oh wow queen d4 knight takes g2 jesus if king  g2 we shall be freaking yeah it's so dangerous   king h1 queen g4 knight h4 yeah it's a good good  lesson you have to see what you can take that's   only guarded by the king too and in this case  this is just lost because check queen comes in and also 92 bishops you have 91 knight f3 oh yeah wait okay so wait so knight g2 what are  your moves so bishop e6 we've established loses   to 91. so you have to take g2 bishop h3 this is  four's king of three gets mated in one king j3   gets mated in one king h2 or king h1 king h1 queen  g4 is made in two so king issue is the only move   and then the knight h4 queen g4 first   this looks so dangerous no actually 984 first  and bishop d1 bishop g2 and queen h3 yeah yes also knight h4 queen d1 bishop g2 wow yeah i think this is just  knight g2 wins here it just wins crazy wow this is this is insane well he's uh he's back into it now we've got one  more game and he's well but now well i mean but he   has to sack first i mean again don't forget the  loss here is the end of the road for magnus so   i mean it's not a guarantee that he'll that he  isn't nervous about sacrificing in this case yes so knight h4 bishop d1 bishop g2  king jivan queen h3 knight h2 maybe yeah crazy oh wow yeah bishop takes some queen  h3 mate not made queen h2 queen edge to mate yeah yeah i'm surprised that he hasn't just  done it though he's using too much time   yeah okay he must play knight g2 right i mean well  because i mean but you can play bishop h3 too like   it's not but but i think the thing is again  the the intuition matters here because if you   play bishop right away like somehow it feels like  after bishop 494 gh3 queen h3 knight e3 probably   there's a way black's better but white white  again is just going to go bishop d1 bishop g4   so yeah intuitively i think you just you just sack  on g2 and i mean because bishop actually does it   to me at least it doesn't feel quite right because  you end up with one less piece on the board is calculating knight takes g2 so difficult  like what are you what is stopping him   the most important thing is to see knight  takes even right i think it's easy to see yeah i mean but also maybe he doesn't see i mean  it's not so obvious to see knight h4 with bishop   g2 and queen h3 but again i do think magnus should  she should see it i mean because there isn't much   to calculate because like i said after knight you  took king g2 bishop h3 king h2 is the i mean king   issue is the only move so then you can just you  should be able to get to that point in the first   like 10 seconds of your account 20 10 20 seconds  of your calculation and only look then at night   h4 and bishop g2 yeah but he's using way too much  time here wow he doesn't do it yeah he does indeed crazy that's crazy wait did he just  not see that like what did what did   what was missed there was  i said that he missed 91 91 yeah it's possible yeah because i mean  again if you if you feel kind of if   you don't see 91 and then you you kind  of intuitively feel that bishop h3 is bad   then you don't really have any other moves to play but i mean white should be better now i think like  you can even just play very safe with takes and   pawn takes 95 93 and you have  the you have the center kind of   and wesley play this for a win i mean i would  take this on f4 first and then d5 and 93 right   i mean to me it seems like the  safest thing to do in this situation   um because you're never going to lose this end  game and then magnus has to win the last game yeah so to me it seems like the the obvious thing  to do he plays queen d2 i mean this feels scary   though you're really trying to it's like he's  he's begging magnus to sacrifice here so it's   i think that's literally what he's  doing like he d he understands knight h3   is possible i think he just wants magnus  to take this risk and okay knight h3 gh3   and there it is yep finally  yeah oh my gosh but he has no so so wait so she takes h3 do you take  or do you play knight h4 first i guess you know the thing that concerns me here though  is that magnus has used too much time to get to   this point like he should have at least like  one or two more minutes here than he does   and he's also behind on the clock  again so that's why i'm actually   i mean yeah i'm worried for his position here okay so gh3 if queen h3 how easy of a  hold is this do you just give away a   pawn and do you play knight h2 or f3 first  i guess is the question f3 queen g2 and yeah knight h4 knight h2 i don't know i mean  it's there's still play there's still a lot   of play here yeah like you can take f3 and  then clear through queen g2 should be okay   i mean but i don't think i  don't think wesley's losing here wow this is gonna be interesting  i mean i i guess it's king h2 move dtx e4gh3 like f5 and 95 that  looks very scary probably okay there it is so now you you  have to play f3 or not f4 whoa no but actually isn't this bad knight  h4 maybe showing just d takes e4 yeah i'd like to show the four queen  f2 yeah why not now now like rookie a   rookie six or rook d8 rook d6 no this  looks very scary now for for white yeah queen leftover k8 king h1 knight of fights  yeah knight to fight he's even no but knight f3   wins on the spot because he because uh i'm going  to take h2 and take e3 yeah you guys are accurate   i mean not how do you stop the rook coming  in yeah 58 rookie 6 is like i think poorest   so wait so rookie do go bishop d4 maybe because  rookie six you can meet it with rookie three   oh look she's six king each one knight of three yeah this is this is crazy yeah is wesley playing  this for for for a win is that why he played f4   is he just making this a mess no but but  i think i think f4 i think he just i guess   he assumed that f3 knight h4 knight h2  was there was something wrong with this   okay queen f1 now of course we're  gonna get yeah we're gonna check apparently that wasn't even the best move  apparently something else was even better   quinji one yeah even queen g2  quincy or queen g2 i don't know yeah why did he go knight f5 do you have to go  knight f5 i also don't why didn't he go queen   f5 instead of queen g3 i thought queen five with  the rookie sex work g6 again looked very thematic if he trades queens isn't the game just oh  i guess not it's it's not it's not so fast   because the knight is outposted on f5 yeah no  i mean he blundered he he blundered again again   he got too low on time and he just he blundered i  mean too low on time because he's trying to keep   the time even here yeah yeah he has to keep  the queens of course queen each four somehow   but then yeah but then queen she finally  goes oh my god he traded everything whoa this isn't that's okay now obviously  only this is playing for being here   are you so sure are you so sure are  you so sure there's g6 or g5 i mean g3 knight yeah rook g3 okay rook g3 i go like  uh king f7 yeah he's bringing the king on e2   93 he's doing it i think why did he go rookie one  instead of rookie two was there an obvious reason   he wants to try it he wants  to bring the king on e2 yeah okay got it or okay or he just wants  that no but i mean this but this is   very dangerous because only one set of rooks i  think there's going to be some king f6 g5 here   like i think i think i think alireza's right  that he could have played like rookie three   got the king to e2 played 93 rook h1 and fixed  the whole king side so black can't ever play g5 so this is a good example of when you shouldn't  trade rooks it makes it easier for black rather   than yeah i think it's pretty obvious that it's  it would be easier to play with black if there are   only one rooks in the world so well let's put it  this way if if the f pawn for white didn't exist   and the h pawn for black didn't exist yeah black  is much better but it's better right so g it's   that four pawn which holds everything together  yeah yeah yeah okay what just happened okay he   played uh the trader works in the west he just  found an a5 so it's a g5 is the move and knight e3 i mean i think g5 you have to play no i mean i think this is still going  to be h6 g5 is too slow   there goes g5 ah because 93 you can go b5  and close the uh close the the rank oh okay   that's why yeah probably wesley thought 90  probably wesley probably thought 93 and i   just win the game because i'm gonna win the  pawn on f5 and then you can't close it with b5 okay well even if it's a draw  magnus has to win the next game   yeah but he has to win no but the thing is is now  it's like i think wesley kind of has to find the   moves because magnus is one idea it's just like  f4 h5h4 like one idea that's it that's all that   he has here so wesley is the one who has to  kind of like use time here and figure it out   very strange game he has to take now  i guess take take rook c5 maybe or   rook c5 knight g3 c5 and then uh h5 knight  g3 but even rook d5 after that i'm not sure   yeah no i mean this is very tricky this is very  tricky yeah the the i mean i don't but you see   this is actually like and this is just for ollie  resin more than you love these and since all your   is competing against magnus this is the one thing  that i think for magnus is different than anyone   else is that like sort of intuitively like you  see ali rez and i our assumption is that like why   would you go into this end game you know with this  like knight e3 and f5 because it looks suicidal   but magnus is an intuitive sense where he can  kind of he feels that there's something there   he doesn't know what it is but intuitively he  senses there's something uh there's something   in the position like i would never consider knight  e3 i would just never consider i like i mean maybe   i would if i had time but i would not play it  like in five seconds ever because it's just it   looks crazy yeah you're down a piece there's going  to be a blockade but intuitively he feels he can   just sense that there's probably something with  the four versus one even if it's not consciously so now what you have to do is amazing  this b5 yeah b5 c4 maybe here it comes no but i'm i'm very worried for wesley yeah  i think yeah yeah i am i mean maybe what you   think he has to go c4 just suck no but i  think the problem is i think i go rook d2   rook d3 and take b3 i know rookie two king one  rook d3 and i take b3 and hold the b block on   oh yeah but now then if f4  then c4 f4 okay seven c4 no but then e3 okay it goes h4 do  you go around the back row k7 rook g7   probably the the thing you have to play magnus wants to put his king on f4 i guess  right he doesn't want to push the pawn   to f4 yeah i think he wants to destroy   yeah yeah king f4 and then distract use the h pawn  to distract and then play like rook d2 or d1 yeah so i guess rick d1 here but then  check it might be draw right per   jack group h7 yeah so rook d one work g7 king  i guess king of six four okay seven seven one   should be a draw still but i mean i think i think  yeah yeah go ahead yeah black puts the king on e5   and then takes the pawn not easiest thing also the  problem is that this this is a draw but actually   it's all on um on wesley wesley has to find the  moves for magnus it's very easy here matt magnus   says just basically react me is like very simple  ideas either f4 or rook d1 or v1 and that's it   and it's it's always going to be fine for him  so uh yeah it's it's tricky for wesley here   maybe he will put the rook on h8 now and push the  pawn but or maybe that's okay yeah there you go yeah so he's trying to distract with the h pawn yeah very tricky very tricky position here yeah i would not want to be  white though especially with   the time situation here yeah i need to be white you're like what do you even play  i mean rook g7 check he wants king right yeah i mean it's still woolflips is hard to play he  has to be very careful here yeah i don't know what the move is here it  doesn't look similar but even just uh h3   yeah go ahead i said king g6 maybe and then  rook c7 and h three or pastry six king g5   yeah this is very hard to play yeah that's each  stream he might go knight g3 h2 and then probably   you just take up five and you make king g4  rookie five and just yeah just make the draw yeah yeah i think g6 is kind of or f4  actually also f4 is it oh it goes h3   knight g3 yeah knight g3 i think will  only move yeah maybe oh yes king king g4 and if i ah because rook f5 there's e3 aha aha yes oh king g4 is unpleasant but  maybe even king g492 actually   and just wait because h2 probably  yeah he wants draw maybe yeah murky five he's gonna promote to a knight yeah  yeah i mean this is this is gonna be a draw i   guess yeah it'll be a draw yeah just rookie  five and it's it's going to be a draw here   yeah oh well no i'm actually i think the situation  was different magnus would not have played h3   but i think because of loss it means he  loses the match he just he did it just to   just to to not not make a blunder and lose the  game because i think normally yeah go ahead this   wesley wants to try something here right maybe  it's this rook f6 so h1 takes takes and then what   c6 yeah okay but then even king of four is draw  probably yeah ah maybe h1 takes six king e3 first ah but then rookie one came forty a lot of drama but probably there you go yeah there you go i'm glad i predicted that that's my uh sharpest  moment of the analysis and we'll get a fourth   game soon yeah so this will be this will  be a draw but yeah i think it's really   important if that situation was different  magnus would not have played h3h2 i think   he would have looked for a while and probably  done something else but because of it because   if he loses it's over he wasn't going to  take the risk that's what i think happened   although wait so uh work v6 just king up  for yeah yeah okay it's it's just a draw wow all right well i'm rick fate no no yeah now i think what is  this b4 is an easy draw right okay does this one i have b4 bi b4 just like rook h2 okay yeah before we get  shown just to draw yeah yeah rook c8 check yeah   now i bring back the king yeah i can guess the  c6 is just a theoretical draw yeah you know i'll   be right back guys i'm gonna use the bathroom  crazy yeah so they will draw the game here and   wow insane so actually ali reza i don't know if  levi asked you this before but were you were you   not invited to the to this event or the or the  previous one or did you decline i mean no i was   invited but like we have to do some contract  thing like without the contract they don't   uh invite you or something yeah uh yes yes yes  this uh yeah just for everyone who's watching   yes the uh the the 37 page contract that i'm  familiar with yeah yeah no actually that's that's   quite quite smart of you because they're they're  when when i um when i agreed to play on the tour   there were a lot of things in the contract that  basically had to be changed and in fact so so   like uh one thing since i think i can say this um  is uh one of the things in the contract was that   basically you can't say anything bad about chats  or the tour at all yeah and um i'm pretty sure   that then that when napomiacc signed the contract  he probably signed the same contract and then he   was then he was busy criticizing uh criticizing  the event the format and everything and um so   it's actually quite smart that uh that yeah you  didn't you didn't just blindly sign this contract   yeah so yeah i know that's uh that that  that is uh that is important to note okay   yeah also fabiano i think he read the  contract and he was not happy i guess   uh-huh okay i mean i haven't spoken to fabiano  so i actually don't know uh i don't know uh his   situation but i was kind of curious in in that  case as well but wow amazing amazing amazing all   right uh so so yeah so so how was uh how's how's  how's streaming going how's how's life in france   yeah it's great um after the vaycanza i just  feel like i have to start streaming and interact   with fans somehow i don't know and before that i  was not really into streaming uh i was streaming   two years ago but i was getting tired after  like one and one hour streaming but now maybe   because i grew a bit and it's easier for me to  stay for four hours five hours so and it is really   important to i think have a long streams yeah i  think i mean right now there's so many people who   are interested in chess i think there are a lot of  fans of of what you're doing i i know like when i   was watching the norway event or um or tata still  there there were a lot of people who were rooting   for you so i think it's fantastic and your  brother also uh has also done coverage on your   channel as well right is he yeah yeah chess player  what's what's his background yeah he he has 2100   feeder 18 yes and we continued we started chess  together but then he decided to go to a study and   so did that happen before before  you got better than him or   was it he was already just moving moving  um but it happened after i got stronger yeah no i was curious because my brother also  he played chess uh and we were very similar   in age as well like maybe two years apart  and yeah he was also about like 2150 2200   and then once i passed him he kind of he stopped  playing too so yeah that's something i i'm   familiar with yeah yeah yeah i don't know that's  that it's great though to see um to see everything   that's going on i mean you your brother and just  just all the interest in chess and and everything   yeah it's amazing what are your plans for uh  your next tournament over the morning i mean oh   yeah over the board is norwegians in three months  okay but after before that there is no tournament   okay yeah i guess we're still in that stage where  no one really knows what what the events are but   probably i mean you'll probably be invited for  uh some some part of the grand chess where i   would assume because you're in paris right yeah  yeah paris yes i got invited last year but it got   cancelled of course so ah right right right yeah  yeah no it's true very true yeah and uh my my next   over-the-board tournament uh no i am i'm you know  i'm taking a look at the calendar obviously uh   speaking of uh someone who i know who is playing  in an over the board tournament can we get some   love for my friend mr ostrowski who's trying to  become a grand master looking for his gm norms   uh speaking of which where's hans is he  like in jail in europe somewhere where   we haven't heard about hans and i don't know i  i i have no idea where hans is these days um but   yeah it's it's crazy like all the whole  whole chess world i mean everything has   changed so much from where i i think i think we  thought it would be uh but but probably actually   for me i'm hopeful there will be another like  world rapid and blitz in uh yeah in in moscow   or somewhere in russia at the end of the year  that's my hope it's very hard to imagine that   these days there's uh there's one place in  the united states where i have found chess   tournaments and that is the that's in charlotte  in north carolina where they have the charlotte   chess center and they have a lot of these norm  events uh like alex has played in a few but   i've i got an email from the us chess federation  even though i unsubscribe from their email list   so that tells you everything that you  need to know about their technology   uh they sent me an invitation to a gm  round robin event a norm round robin event   and that's in march but i'll be covering the  tour so hikaru will be playing anna and i will be   covering alireza will be actually alireza is there  a chance you play in the next event in the major   as a wild card i don't know they've we just  stopped talking for now but yeah i think   they give their void card and everything to the  people who signed so i don't know probably not   yeah so levy just because we were talking  about us when you went to the restroom um   basically as as as we were talking about  there's a 37-page contract for the uh   champions tour and it's there's a lot of stuff in  it that is i would say not not not right to put it   mildly which i had to deal with and have changed  and so um i guess if you haven't signed that   contract or some version of it then um then they  might not invite you to tournaments although again   i i don't know for sure if that's true are are you  allowed to talk about any of those things or well   i mean i already said something about the chess  part and how like you know there was one clause   in there which said like you're not allowed to  talk badly about chutz which can be extrapolated   into like literally i could say oh you know i  hate chess you know i'm so mad at myself for   like you know i hate chess you know this game like  shanklin is the worst thing that's ever happened   to me i could say something like that and the  contract in its original form you know they could   like they they could sue you they could say you've  broken the contract they really could yeah yeah um   so it's actually not a joke i thought that  was actually quite unfair because most the   players on the tour they're you know to have  to like hire a bunch of lawyers who go through   a contract is not you know it's just it's not  in the spirit of what what should be happening   it must must have been really good for  dingley wren he didn't have to hire   anybody right isn't he a lawyer how does  that work how would you how would you uh   how would you even sue a guy like from like in  a different country how does that even make it   i think was one of the first people who signed  like in two days i think he didn't even read the   contract i guess he thought maybe it's the same  as before i mean i i would imagine he but guys   of course you have to sign if you're dingley wren  right but how can you play an entire tour between   one in the morning and five in the morning  like how is it possible like i i just yeah   it's and it will never be in his favor they  will never do it in his favor because he's   the only person playing out of asia basically  some people in russia are a few hours closer but   is he just doing it because it's guaranteed money  i mean there's no way right they must be taken   care of like no no but i mean i think i think  the reasoning is because again people who are   playing in the uh playing the kansas tournament  you need us you need to play play something like   even if it's online you need to play something  to stay sharp you just can't literally like not   play for months on end um so i think that's more  than anything why he played yeah yeah for sure   but i mean i know for myself like when  i had to play it like six in the morn   i think it was six or five in the morning the  last event it was very difficult so i can only   imagine having to play it like one in the morning  it's got to be really really difficult because   being staying competitive i mean it's staying  sharp and competitive it's very very difficult so next game should be starting probably pretty   soon i think probably the  next like five minutes or so predictions e4 d4 c4 what do you play if  you have to win nowadays go ahead alright um   i think he goes d4 and plays some i don't know  some nimzo maybe maybe some does magnus play the   catalan it he doesn't right not really not not  anymore he's played it a little bit but but not   not frequently no so you think d4 interesting  and wesley will play knight f6 e6 of course   yeah i i mean i think the thing is the problem  with the nimzo is that it's one of those openings   where if it works out your opponent makes a  slight mistake you will end up much better   but if they don't it's there aren't any major  imbalances like you you want something where   they're they're imbalances whether it's like  two bishops against against the bishop knight   a different pawn structure something like that  so from that alone i don't think he'll play   c4 because wesley very frequently will play  the symmetrical so c4c5 um so i would expect   i don't really see e4 somehow i think he's going  to play d4 and yeah he's going to play he's   probably going to play something in the regos and  one of these like uh like probably like d496 c4 e6   knight f3 d5 something like knight c3 bishop  b4 some bishop g5 with like queen a4 or some   something where he can get an early g4 h4  is my guess something along those lines   yeah wesley doesn't play the main  the main thing right with special v7   you you mean uh what the queen's game declined or  what yeah yeah big queen uh he used to play it a   lot i actually i kind of wonder if he won't  play it against magnus here um but but yeah   normally he plays the regos and he he played the  queen's game gambit maybe like six seven years ago   he but what he also placed like this the c5  line right so i don't know if that's tarash   or semitarash but he probably oh i forgot who i  am yes i forgot about that stupid thing yeah and   he actually played that the last time they played  in final oh so that that actually based on that   i that actually makes it a lot less likely that  magnus will play knight f3 if he's gonna play   d4 c4 yeah yeah i think he has to play knight  c3 move three but after bishop b4 i don't know   yeah maybe he'll play some some e3  knight e2 or e3 something slow possibly i that's that's that's my guess too i think  e4 is there too many systems i think that   that wesley knows in the spanish and i don't  think magnus wants to play the italian um   and yeah that's that's about the extent because  magnus has played the scotch but i don't really   see it happening much i mean or magnus will try  to play something like a london i could see that   yeah oh there's there has  been an infusion of londons   i i expect d4 though i expect d4 on move one  i think i think d4 is a pretty safe but yeah   wow so must win that depends your opponent  yeah i guess in this case you have to go d4   if you're playing mvl and you have to win i  mean i i guess what i would say is yeah the pl   it varies on a style and like so i'm trying to  think back now i i had a match against wesley in   one of the st louis events i think it was june  of last year and i was in the same situation a   must win in the last game with white the game was  a draw um but i think in that in that in that game   i sort of rationalized it where like e4 there were  too many e5 systems with d4 you can do something a   little bit unusual and it's still all the pieces  are on the board so that's kind of how i play d4 maybe he might play c4 so but that what's his  response to c5 because wesley does play the   symmetrical oh yeah i mean yeah so that is a bit  boring yeah d4 d4 is a pretty good choice yeah yeah because the problem is c4c5 i mean it's just  it's symmetrical and you can play knight after   d4 obviously but it's i i think wesley  will go c5 and he's played a lot so   i yeah i don't see c4 i think  i'll play d4 that's my guess but they should be well knight f3 doesn't really  do anything because just knight f6 right yeah so   ah man well we're gonna the suspense will soon disappear   yeah let's play king's gambit e4 e5 f4 easy  even that after d5 it would be boring again oh man b3 no yeah probably i i yeah  the d4 seems yeah yeah reasonable let's see alireza have you been looking at the  pogchamps participants who are uh yeah   i saw that yes are you rooting for the for  the for the frenchman yeah for sure he's he's   i asleep and i wake up he's a street there i'm  playing i don't know how they do it but oh sardo   she's been playing like a lot yeah 20 hours a  day i saw one day he was playing for 20 hours   i've i've never played chess for 29 yeah i i  think hikar you probably have right for 20 hours   well you mean streaming or like in the old  days in the old days yeah so i think um i've   never played for 20 hours straight i think the  longest i played was i played for maybe like   i think 11 hours in a row i played a long  match back on icc with goda kamsky and i think   uh was it grishchuck or rustomob or one  of one of these other russian players   so i think i played about 11 to 12 hours  that's about that's about my upper limit that's insane wow   people are saying he's 1400 and he's been playing  chess for 12 hours a day yeah that's wild wow oh man well we might have a uh we might have a  very early favorite having said that you know   at his level prep is a real thing you know you  read a guy's openings and then you try to prepare   people depending on their level and yeah maybe  that's gonna happen yeah so okay um i i i so what was i going to say i forgot what i was going  to say that was that was a very powerful intro   you were like all right yeah and then it  slowed down i just want chess man i just want   i just want some chess that's all i want yeah  yeah it's crazy this is the last game like   mag doesn't win this game it's over wesley  beats him for a second time and that's   shocking and the streak continues magnus has not  won a tournament since he turned 30 years old so   yeah once you become 30 it's uh or one second  sorry my i did something i just went to my alerts it's it's all downhill well we have uh we have  the three of us are separated by gaps of seven   to eight years right so i think i'm seven  to eight years older than alireza hikaru's oh by the way magnus went e4 wow okay wow okay so we're going to get e5  100 no no doubt about that okay italian okay everything is surprising thus far d3 yeah so um so magnus wants d5 i think  wesley's not going to play he i think   west is going to play d6 this game i don't think  he's going to play e5 yeah of course yeah d6 wow this is going to be a long game man yeah day five knight d2 other many okay so so now again you  know fun fact the reason that i've that i've   played the setup by the way as you'll notice in a  lot of my games i played h6 plus a5 instead of a5   right away that's because of this bishop g5 line  which is okay for black um but it it can be very   double-edged yeah g5 is that the idea of course  g5 bishop g3 and then um and then the thing is   not to go g4 because bishop h4 is winning for  white i believe oh although wait this is rookie   one not nike two i think i think g4 is a blunder  after bishop after bishop g3 because bishop h4 yeah bc stegon king g7 rook h8 or knight h7  sometimes yeah so okay bishop b6 though is   not the move that i've looked at yeah so the  line that i normally was playing was king g7   and then like knight h7 and h5 or knight h7 with  f5 uh once the pin is broken uh-huh because king   g7 d4 doesn't work here right uh d4 i believe  you take and it's a bishop before wait wait   wait let me let me rotate the board for some  reason i since i don't play this with white   yeah actually no you know what it is  normally i put the bishop on a7 not these   yeah yeah bishop and a7 yes bishop from b6 is it so magnus is baiting this setup because  it creates imbalance he's down 2-1   he has to win there is this is it he  doesn't win this game wesley's the champ   if he wins we go to blitz  correct so it's tense knight a3 so you guys are saying very logical of course  king g7 is the knight going to c2 or bishop b5 c4   no it's going to c2 and e3 basically because  the point is black's gonna go king g7   with the idea of knight h7 or g4 although actually  already after knight a3 i think black can maybe go   g4 immediately here and then bishop h4 i don't  know how this line goes with gf3 and king g7 i'm   not sure of this but i feel like with the knight  on a3 and not d2 the the gambit's probably not   good for white so you probably can play g4 okay he  plays knight h7 basically trying to play my style i think he wants h5 this is kind of  theory right knight c2 h5 h4 bishop g4   yeah i mean basically this is something uh  it's funny because i think i looked at this   uh in advance of my candidates tournament in  2016 with black this whole like king g797 h5   and then it then i think it wasn't really seen  until there was this game between lekko and um van   fors jordan van forest i think in isle of man like  2017 or 18. and lekko basically played something   right along these lines maybe it wasn't knight a3  but it was the whole idea and he lost with black   even though we had studied this and reviewed and  then he played it in a game and he just he went   and lost the game which was which was pretty funny  um yes the idea is to play h5 because now the pawn   has supported on g5 and then h4 and g4 and just  attack and your bishop is really good on b6 too so what is the move here for white they they   sacrifice sometimes with  d4 i think d4 for instance oh yeah d4 d4 g4 and then yeah g4 knight h4  right this one yes but i think the idea for   black is d4 just h5 doesn't care about  center yeah so i mean i think you have   to play d4 here as i think you have to d4  you said h5 and then white will play h4 yeah h4 but then bishop g4 i  don't think d4 is correct actually and and something like h3 g4 anyway right  and then i mean i think h3 is a move that   the computer likes but i don't think it's  it's i mean no human is going to play it wow but it's interesting magnus found a way   so that black actually is the one that's  potentially overextending and with the   pawns in front of the king it's interesting  yeah yeah because he's not the one playing   kind of super aggressively and right so yeah  tough position for magnus he he he actually   traditionally he likes these bishop g5 bishop or  bishop g5 h4 g3 ideas i i vaguely recall some game   i think it was against shirov and vikanze maybe  like five or six years ago and it was out of the   spanish not not the italian but it was uh it was  in the archangel this whole like bishop c5 line   with the a6b plus against karyakin no in 2018 or  17 there's probably that game too i'm thinking of   a really old game actually oh okay yeah there was  there was some game where he did the same kind of   thing where he put a bishop on g3 i mean i think i  yeah it could be wrong but i'm sure there are many   examples actually um but he likes this bishop g3  idea um even though like long term there could be   big issues with the bishop on g3 but um but but  he he likes it where you know there's a lot a   lot of play i think he had a game against soak  love also if i'm not mistaken as well yeah um   you mean if i don't kill myself tonight i'm gonna  leave thousand years circle yes yes exactly yeah yeah exactly so what is magnus  thinking about here i'm wondering   i'm like what are the moves that make  sense h5 h4 is a threat i mean h3 looks   ridiculous to me just because of g4  you give black everything you want   so if i'm discounting h3 then i see d4 and  what else is there because h5 is a huge threat   h4 looks ridiculous because bishop g4 well  guys you only have one way to stop h5 right   and that's to play knight d2 or knight no i was  going to say knight d2 ism is is a move as well   but i mean it feels weird because you take away  from the center you don't get to push d4 anymore   yeah so in black goes king g7 and f5  and i mean it looks really really good   yeah king g7 f5 looks terrible  c2 wow apparently h5 is   it's coming now we have so you have to play h4  if h5 right or do you play h3 i think you have   to go h three i mean h4 bishop g4 looks insane  doesn't it yeah knight e3 takes takes bishop h4   but then you see just be sure the stream is  made yeah just bishop three and you you you lose no but this is very strange by magnus like i don't  understand i mean okay you know what he's going to   do he's going to go h5 h3 h4 bishop h2 g4 takes  takes and d4 followed by knight e3 this has to   be it's like oh yeah yeah d4 and bishop e2 right  yeah yeah that's the knight g5 bishop e2 exactly   yeah this has to be the idea otherwise it makes  no other wise i mean it makes no sense at all yeah yeah for sure it's it's kind of funny because  if black doesn't play like   fast then black hole is just positionally  in a terrible situation right knight e3 is   coming f5 will be stopped so uh leslie has to play but it's interesting because wesley's best moves  make the position extremely complicated so yeah   h4 now now you probably g4 is the best move  right so it might be some theory here actually yum because this is 93 very quickly no you go d4 here i think 93  allows some some uh knight g5 yeah   no you know what's funny is i think i've seen  this position but with the bishop on a7 not b6   i think i've actually looked at this  with the bishop on a7 instead of b6 here   guys how is magnus going to win this like i just  i what edward knight is on the king side the king   side if kingside becomes open your king is going  to be your king will be under attack very quickly no i actually i really like what he's done  i i like i like the uh the concept at least   yeah yeah i guess knight g5 bishop v2 bishop  of three bishop three queen f6 is the way and then knight e3 and knight d5 and out  of five yeah 93 knight f3 g takes 3d4 95. yeah no i love what magnus has done here because  if black doesn't get the attack it's going to   fall apart if you get 93 knight f5 or knight  t5 and the long term this bishop is going to   open up on the h2.h2 b8 diagonal then um it's  going to be really bad yeah so candidate moves   pawn takes pawn yeah pawn takes pawn  knight g5 queen f6 maybe each no h393 and   yeah and only issue is a good move so  probably knight g5 84 or queen of six those are the three moves that i see here i was uh i was gonna go scan if this has been  seen before in some sort of live-action game   uh but yeah maybe not all right i mean  like i said at this position i've had   i'm almost certain i've had this exact position  on move 10 with bishop a7 instead of bishop b6 and   i'm pretty sure in fact i've looked at this exact  line potentially um just with the bishop on a7   and i feel like there's some there's some queen f6  i don't know where but there's some queen of six   i think i see a lot of uh so obviously i'm using  megabase i'm or you know you should probably see   a lot of ding ding or myself are probably  two players yeah i see a lot of dingley run   i see a lot of dingley run um so you guys you  guys just like have those mental notes about   these players right like okay this guy likes this  wrinkle this system if i play that's usually how   how it goes there's two games mvl dingley red in  the past few years it repeated the same system so   and um no actually what i was going to say levy  is that um i mean for me probably it's a little   bit different than ali reza because i i don't  think i mean alireza you haven't played in that   many of these elite league tournaments have you no  of course no no i i just played three tournaments   very top so so i i think like what i would  say is like for for me for example um   when when with these players i do have a very  good feel for what they like um in terms of in   terms of stylistically like you know for example  in that last game uh for wesley you saw that his   reactions were not great now magnus missed  knight so you missed several several really   good ideas but like you sort of get a feel for the  way the players play and i think like for ali reza   the more the more that he plays against these top  players that he'll certainly develop that as well yeah okay so we do get ed for what is the  thought process here cd4 or knight cd4 right so   right i'm assuming he's trying he's calculating  what to take with there's nothing else i mean cd4   looks pretty logical yeah from a human standpoint  cd4 seems correct because after knight d4 knight   takes pawn takes the bishop on b6 it just you know  there's nothing that can impede this diagonal the   bishop on the diagonal eventually it's going  to have a lot of threats so from a from a very   my first instinct is that you  probably take with the pawn um   that being said magnus does take for the knight  i was going to say there's maybe some push with   e5 at some point to uh to sort of bring the  bishop to the center and attack everything yeah he plays knight cd4 so every move  black has multiple choices for example   knight takes knight right now right knight g5  bishop takes also which takes knight on d4 i mean   yep now bishop takes f3 probably  not because just knight takes and   there's i mean there's also queen  f6 there there are a lot of options yeah so so many options which which is good  because it means that wesley has to use time   it's not where he has like one or two moves and  he can sort of just use his time and figure it out   very easily the more options and more decisions  the better off you are in a game that you that   you need to win yeah so i guess yeah we'll see i  mean i think wesley's going to use quite a bit of   time here i i don't think he should make any moves  quickly to me i feel like 94 i don't know somehow   knight d4 just looks right to me just because you  have the bishop on the diagonal um on b6 to g1   so it seems right at the same time i i don't i  don't know if you really want to help wake up   the center so either the center is very strong  or it's very weak this pawn on like pawns on d4   are very strong or they're very weak and targets  i don't know which one they are yeah apparently   knight g5 is a very bad move now so someone  writing that sassy saying knight g5 is terrible   i don't know why but i listen to my computer  overlord i mean is it because you could just   move your you always have bishop e2 right because  yeah but knight g5 i think you just go queen d2   you don't even really care because your king  is is actually very safe here after knight f3   uh gf3 because you'll just  go king h1 rook g1 and black   skin is actually very open here there's  there are no pawns in front of the king call an ambulance but not for me right  that's what we'll get if knight g5 uh   yeah so i mean queen f6 looks very good though  like as when you suggested i'm like oh yeah   queen f6 is very it just seems very logical more  than anything it just makes makes a lot of sense   i mean maybe it's not great for some  reason but to me it looks very very logical yeah it's a tough position of course is there  is there ever time for black to play a4 rook a5   rook slides over to the king side probably not  because if i if i get one move like if it's   white's move here like after a4 i just go queen  d2 and white's much better here ah you get to   go to h6 yeah okay he takes on d4 so he does what  i thought he would do yeah he goes knight g5 okay   yeah what's this playing concretely what's  so now what i'm getting scared i'm getting   scared though what do you do after queen  d3 i'm getting a little bit scared here   that's your queen d3 or queen b3 no d3 d3  because if you take i'm gonna just go take   with a pawn go f4 and your king is just gonna be  completely open this actually looks kind of scary yeah they can't be solved  the actual threat of queen d   yeah yeah i know this is starting  to look very scary for black and this again this is something else i'm sure  that ali rez will pick up on as he plays against   magnus more but one thing that magnus really also  likes to do is he likes to not push his pawns and   create weaknesses he very much likes his opponent  to sort of push everything forward and then as   long as as long as the position is fundamentally  sound slowly but surely he takes advantage of   these weaknesses because the opponent has pushed  their push their pawns too far up the board   so this is uh yeah this is very um i  don't know this looks terrible to me can he jo can he can basically take  on f3 this [ __ ] i'm gonna go d5   ah bishop three and go d5 aha but that's maybe  and if i take with the pawn yeah and then queen   if c just f4 yeah yeah it's like the problem  is f4 in all these lines if i ever if i could   go up four it's just you you resign almost  he wants to put the bishop on g6 but yeah   he takes push for h5 so king h1 he goes  queen of six and then you hit both ones   yeah e5 yeah he goes d5 i think e5 yeah d5 bishop  b3 bishop g6 oh yeah yeah d5 bishop g6 yeah the   combination i mean i'm still not so sure because  your king is still open on ga king h1 and rook g1   it's a strange position so what are the moves for  white here king h1 but queen f6 queen f6 i mean i   think king h1 queen f6 and you just see right  away that you're bad probably because you lose   so if you decide king h1 is not good well so  you have e5 and any other moves f4 no f4 looks weird but maybe it's playable i don't know the  only moves that make sense to me here are like   e5 f4 um what four's queen e3 maybe also  queen e3 queen f6 e5 and then queen g5 we need three queen f6 e5 queen queen f3 it doesn't work  queen g5 because queen g6 at the end   h7 yeah and then rookie i know rookie  3 rook g8 bishop d ah bishop d3 yeah   after rookie three g8 no no i mean i  checked okay h7 go bishop d3 and then take   oh yeah yeah i take king g7 then i go king h1  and rook g1 it must be winning somehow yeah oh actually there's also king  g2 apparently oh that's that's   also a very obvious move that i didn't  think about well that seems weird now oh and rook g1 yeah i don't i don't know what the  best move i i don't know i feel like   somehow i don't know what the move  is i think f4 is very interesting   because sometimes even queen h3 or mm-hmm  yeah so after 14 aj yeah can get shade yeah i have to go king h1 or yeah  just king h1 rook g1 it goes e5   he does play e5 yeah actually i kind of like e5 i  think because it really simplifies the situation   and now magnus is a very obvious idea after d5  bishop b3 it's like you're playing for bishop   c2 or you're gonna go king h1 rook q1 and f4  f5 like there isn't really much that you have   to think about and now wesley is gonna have to  use a lot of time to defend against an attack yeah so bishop b3 of course and bishop d4 queen d ah queen g5 king f1 bishop f3 it's funny  i stopped my calculation after bishop g6 but   i guess the position is actually pretty nice  for white yeah yeah bishop d4 i mean even   king-ish i don't know yeah it feels  dangerous but maybe you can get away with it but i mean i think already though this is all  that magnus can ask for in a must-win game because   wesley has to find he has to find he has to find  defending moves there's a big there's a big attack yeah this is i don't know to me this feels very  scary i i would not want this position with black   yeah for sure hmm yeah i have no idea what i mean does bishop  d4 because bishop d4 either at worst or it   doesn't work right yeah so i take queen g  five king h one's no good bishop g three   so good so king of one bishop three  rookie three maybe queen g2 kingy one it's probably just winning so i have queen h4 also okay okay well we know we're gonna get  bishop c2 bishop g6 so the next two unless   there's no way he plays bishop d1 yeah yeah  bishop c2 is pretty good i think yeah oh button one king h8 queen e3 no oh my god there's king  h1 but what's that wait but then what's the   move after takes rook two one king h8 didn't  you just say queen e3 no but queen e3 king h7 well at that point we can go rook g5 maybe  double i'm gonna i'm gonna turn on turn   on the line give me one second let me just  see because apparently this is losing right   yeah why is it losing ah you  have e6 after king h8 aha   oh wow okay that's that's too much ah because if  rook g5 you can um oh my god if g5 you just suck   the queen yeah yeah and then they're not three  yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god oh queen g5 jesus no king h1 is something bishop c2 bishop g62 even   that's crazy so i mean when if you're wesley you  play a4 and you're just like he's gonna go bishop   c2 right you don't even think for and all of a  sudden magnus goes do i have to move my bishop   and then is it just over king h1  rook g1 i mean well king h1 bishop g6 right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah  yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah   yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah each  one vision g6 work g1 just winning   king h7 he h7 you sack when she says yeah surely  you just sack and go rook g1 and bishop c2   yeah i mean it's just way too much  firepower on the light light yeah king h1 is a and that's an insane move no i mean  but you have to see e6 which i don't think in yeah   it doesn't bishop wow i mean if i mean bishop c2  is more logical no bishop g6 queen e2 and then   yeah i mean i guess magnus just he didn't he  didn't see the uh no actually no you're right   bishop c2 is much more logical because even if  you're down a pawn i mean you have a huge attack   there there's nothing behind the king yeah bishop  d1 is a very strange move just wanna congratulate   you hikaru the gm hikaru channel is the number one  english speaking channel on all of twitch right   now oh wow that's incredible wow that's insane hi  guys welcome to chess yeah welcome to chess we are   we're uh we're covering this uh chess champions  tour event and as you guys see chess is now   bigger than league of legends as it should be yes  we're all three very strong players all around   equal strength uh covering the same tournament of  players all around equal strength um exactly yeah   please don't do any more further research into  that subject uh yeah welcome to chess oh you just   also broke your viewership record oh what was  it like 70 or something i saw people saying 70k   or something but anyway your record's got to be  69k don't don't don't bring it up to 70. come on why seven years is so much more yeah  right yeah guys nice is it are we   surprised he so if magnus played bishop d1 do  you think he saw king h1 but missed e6 is that it   i mean a slow game magnus would see it but yeah  expecting expect expecting someone to say king   h1 with rook 21 and e6 i mean it's real because  also even even there like even after e6 f6 i mean   to me it doesn't seem obvious why it's winning  i mean i guess it is because of queen of five   but i mean you don't see a clear win so in a blitz  game or a rapid game even it's very hard to spend   five minutes calculating something like that but  then why not just go bishop c6 bishop c2 bishop g6   and uh yeah this i don't know again though magnus  has made a lot of decisions that i don't really   understand yeah yeah because bishop c2 seems  very obvious because even if you gambit upon   i mean there's there's just nothing protecting  the king yeah there's there's just the king's   completely open here well let's put it this way he  doesn't want to trade bishops i guess right that's   just but the bishop is a really good piece on g6  because it's sort of it shields the black king   hey maybe hugh doesn't maybe he doesn't think  that maybe he wants f4 f5 and he's you know yeah   i don't i don't like queen g5 though because  now king is yeah between two queen e2 and like   bishop c2 i don't i don't i  don't like this at all actually   queenie two is the opponent you're  just gambit you're giving d4 and ruge   right but you got you just get richie with tempo  i mean this this looks like a horrible decision   he wants put maybe he wants to put the coin on  h5 yeah rook g1 queen queen h5 what like rook   g4 c5 bishop c2 i mean yeah maybe it's okay for  black but i don't know to me it feels very scary it just it feels it feels really really scary  here queen e2 is the best move because queen e3   is the alternative but that takes it to an end  game right exactly and queen c3 is just stupid   just wrong you're going the  wrong direction also bishop a5   so but uh yeah i mean because the thing also  it's it's must win which helps because you know   if this wasn't a must-win game i could see queen  e3 playing for an end game with maybe some kind   of play but in a must-win game i mean you have to  go queenie too and just trust that this is good   all right here we go yeah buckle  up so queen h5 will be played   rook g4 probably will be i mean queen h5  is the only move because queen e7 bishop   c2 looks like suicide however i realized black  can maybe go rook a6 and bring the rook in now ah wow i mean g4 yeah c5 yeah bishop  c2 rook a6 maybe yeah and then f4 aha aha aha king h eight and then f5 and i received five yeah  aha yeah this is wait this actually then yeah this   is very oh and then well bishop f5 bishop  f5 rook g8 right that's the point and then   yeah yeah king g8 queen h5 but  that has to be winning right   so at the end of this there's a there's going  to be a little okay so what about a rook g4 c5   bishop c2 a3 is this too much oh because actually  it's the pawn's not going to queen on b2 so you   can just go rook g1 my pawn song queenie gets  located so no that actually doesn't work either yeah rook g4 looks very strong here i'm surprised he hasn't played it because  it seems like a very natural move to play seems very very natural i i don't  know why he hasn't done it yet   but this is the thing magnus has been doing  throughout this tournament is it feels like   he's lost his confidence he's not making  the moves as quickly anymore it feels like   he just he always he's using too much time  to make the obvious obvious decisions yeah   yeah rogue g4 is the only winning move block  the diagonal prepare f4 so there's no queen   trade and hit the bishop and uh why is ricky for  the only winning move what's wrong with bishop c2   right away yeah but then maybe rook e8 right and  then uh then your idea of a3 apparently or king   h8 is being shown king h8 apparently but you know  computer before it gets to a high enough depth is   just going crazy so yeah you guys are right  rook g4 is the only yeah g4 is very logical   yeah i think it's like yeah  if you already see rook g4   like why not i mean why not oh my god  d2 ah he wants f4 f5 okay andru g5 okay   i mean i still think it's very hard to play for  black in all fairness i think it's i mean it's   very dangerous and i don't i don't feel good about  wesley's position even even so it it always cracks   me up that sometimes we're doing this commentary  and like your first instinct both of you is a move   and it's the best move like in two seconds but  then the more you think do you like cause doubt in   your own mind and then you end up not playing it  is that what happens i mean i i think i would say   for myself and in classical chess certainly this  is true because you have a lot of time to think   um but that's why also to me it's very weird  that this is happening to madison rapid and blitz   you should actually do this a lot less like  it's not it's not kind of you kind of have   to trust your intuition in a way that you like  you can't do pure calculation to the same degree   so i it's actually very strange to me that um that  magnus is doing this that's why it makes no sense   wow this is wild yeah okay so now what now  you can't play f5 rook g5 the same idea yeah   rook g5 i think really yeah rook g5 but then  maybe a3 works right but then bishop c2 again this is no i think i think rook g5  has to be played though i mean it's   the only move that makes sense here i  mean rook g5 he should play rook g5 here   yeah i mean rook g5 should be should be very very  good here wow very strange very strange by magnus by the way chad has anyone spoken to mvl about  the decision to trade the rooks in the end game   i i'm just otherwise you know we're talking  about right we're we're talking about when uh   yeah i don't know if they actually  spoke to him but that was so strange there's an interview okay uh rook g5 wow so 8th i mean   a3 is a very logical move yeah but a3 bishop  c2 and i feel like it's i mean i don't know ab2 rook g1 did we calculate a3 f5 or  a3 bishop c2 by the way is there f6 here takes in rook f6 or something i  guess you have bishop c2 and then king h8   bishop f6 oh my god he plays f6  yeah yeah no f6 f6 looks very good oh no i think magnus magnus is in real trouble now yeah i think magnus is gonna  lose i think this is it yeah bishop six okay also good yeah i know i  think this is this is terrible for white because   i just go king h8 my king is actually very safe  like rook g1 king h8 bishop c2 i can just trade   and with with with uh the dark square bishops  white's bishop is garbage on h2 yeah yeah yeah   yeah i know this is this is this is all  gone for magnus wow queen d5 king h7 right   or h i assume h87 yeah i don't know somehow h7  worries me so that the light squares this is   crazy is the is this surprising or not given the  course of the tournament the finals the playoffs   guys magnus went to the armageddon in both  matchups quarterfinal and semi-final so   he's been on that edge throughout i yeah i think  queen d5 can you cheat bishop c2 is there but   yeah actually i was just thinking about  that too but no no i just taken gobish b4 oh okay yeah amazing yeah yeah and magnus has no time either  i mean this is he's gonna he's gonna lose   so yeah levy you were saying he's been on the edge  i mean i just think i think magnus isn't trusting   himself i feel like a lot of the decisions he  makes he just he just he's not trusting himself   uh because i feel like rook g4 was just such an  obvious move to go bishop c2 and rook g1 i mean   i feel like most of the time he should play that  move in like two seconds right okay take so king king shade i guess yeah i mean even  king h7 probably is fine but i mean   either way i mean just if you look at the pieces   white has two pieces that are active so white  can't be in the game here i mean you have   the queen and the rook everything else is like  terribly placed look at the bishop on d1 i know why can't you play uh you said a3 rook g1 just  ab2 rook g6 isn't there queen g6 yeah i take and   go back bishop before yeah yeah okay so you  just take it and then you have you have the   attack on the i mean it's still maybe still good  for black but it gets very scary i i don't know   yes no need but guys wesley's been up  like two to three minutes consistently   like any time he's up he doesn't go below on the  clock well i mean but this is kind of the point   is that magnus isn't trusting himself so magnus  is overthinking every decision is what it feels   like i mean he was like bishop d1 was probably  not not right for starters but like the whole   decision to spend all this time to not go go rook  g4 was very strange like magnus is just thinking   too long at the critical moments he's just he's  not he's not trusting his intuition um and so   it's very very i mean it's it's surprising but i  mean wesley has been finding a lot of great moves although you know it's kind of funny  thinking about this match because like   this game that wesley won like every  other game has been really great really   great really exciting in the game that  wesley one was just like okay i'm just   gonna i'm just gonna throw away at bishop  for nothing it's like very strange i know   it i don't know like how do you even analyze  a game like that it's just he just took on h4   like he i don't know yeah i mean it's very  very weird very very weird because these other   three games have been incredible they've been  really really really uh really dramatic games so what's the move here for blah i mean  a3 seems like the obvious name yeah   yeah three and now i think bishop f7  is just a safe oh he goes he takes   some rook d8 at some point right queen  block but you also have queen of seven   but yeah probably actually rook d8 maybe is  good yeah yeah rick d rook dhs wins the game   queen e6 rookie eight probably no no no no no no  no no yeah rookie it worked e8 and then you have   to trade and i mean never wins white never wins  the game yeah okay he goes f5 it's a reaction yeah rook g looks very obvious here yeah   and then if you don't take i have  like queen g7 maybe and i'm or rook d8   the other rook i mean rook g8 rookie one  instead it's no there's still some play yeah yeah this is i mean amazing yeah yeah probably what i would say is i feel like  yeah magnusson trusts himself like all these   moves seemed very strange like i think in a blitz  game he would have played bishop c2 immediately   uh just just a normal blitz game  probably does happen also i mean   rook she four i think just normal blitz game  you know if he's just playing first game of   some tournament he probably plays rook g4  immediately too so it's it's it's i think   he just he needs a break is what i would  say i think he needs some kind of break yeah what she ate rookie won just  rookie eight yep exactly just traded off   you're never meeting with the  two bishops here that's crazy   yeah this is over right hey did does magnus have  a nuke uh kryptonite this is uh yeah i mean this   is this is two times now in a row that he's  lost in a final yeah it's it's pretty amazing   what happened in their solo match up in this  tournament i don't remember probably a draw   i would imagine right so um i think so i don't i  don't remember actually but i think so probably um   no yeah i know i mean though the whole thing is  yeah it's shocking it's shocking because i mean   like you you kind of expect magnus to always find  a way i mean i think for me more so than already   like much of my career it's like magnus finds a  way to pull things out like he just he just has   this habit of finding a way to win um yeah to  to like win games or draw games at the critical   moments i mean of course actually that happened  with you and your your game against semi he found   some magic way i mean to get to that that ending  where i guess it was a draw right at the end i   mean i i know you lost some time but technically i  think it was a draw there but he found some magic   way even in there to get to that point so it's  okay now just rookie six oh guys they played in   the first game of the whole event and matt and  maggie won that wesley one that's right yeah   yeah i remember that yes basically one yeah  yeah yeah it's that first game right do you do   you think wesley's going to say he got lucky and  magnus had a bad day in the interview that seems   to be the i i don't think so i i feel like in the  in the first one the match that wesley won before   um i felt that like uh that magnus was the better  player and he really he kind of he kind of you   know lost the match because of his decisions  whereas in this match i feel like wesley is   kept even and sure you can say that magnus should  not have just blundered the way he did um where   he blundered the uh the bishop in the in the first  game of the day but again overall wesley has been   on par i can't say that in this this match uh that  that magnus has been better magnus was clearly   better in that match when she lost the first  time but this one he has not been a better player   he has not been the better player yeah now h3  queen g2 and it's just finished well h3 bishop g3   oh we should just i tried to get tricky here yeah  okay the queen d2 and sooner or later white has to   trade yeah magnus will probably resign here  right because there's nothing yeah yes yeah   yeah you can only trade the queens yeah it's  it's just yeah bishop g4 queen d4 is the last   one i think you can try yeah just bishop g4 and  uh queen d4 queen d4 yeah of course the queens wow you're amazing it was also such a  great choice of opening by magnus but   um yeah i think i mean i think for magnus it's  just in these middle games he's he's he's like   thinking too long and making the wrong decisions  objectively he doesn't play okay wesley plays   queen g5 but obviously it's still good repetition  i guess ah well magnus says no magnus would rather   lose yeah and that's i mean it makes sense so  well i guess how do you do they do they speak   to the loser of the final they do right i yeah  yeah i think they do they they do i believe yeah i don't know will magnus be so frustrated  i'm not sure magnus will join after this one   i think there's a good chance  magnus won't join actually   i i highly doubt it so what do you do  quincy one and then just check and queen   queen b2 and then king issue queen two one  for me right on f1 something like this yeah i mean of course everything wins  here also h no asia bishop g3 maybe but yeah what wesley will uh wesley will um  win apparently wesley's shaking his head and   that's probably just because he missed queen d4  yeah i mean it's okay still completely winning um yeah okay once again you guys make sure to hit  that follow button if you aren't following already   we're gonna be covering all these chess events  covering this covering pog champs later big shout   out to everybody who's watching you're all very  amazed so make sure to hit that follow button   all right so what happened to h3 was played right  so king h3 queen h6 queen d2 and it's draw right   yeah it's a draw queen d2 here yeah wesley's looking for  the classy the classy finish magnus is looking for like you're gonna have  to kill me you're gonna have to kill me to put   me away yeah but rook d8 is game over this is  all this is this is it yeah very strange very   strange i mean i think mac again magnus  is throughout this match his problem was   the lack of self-confidence and the time  usage which i mean they go hand in hand but   that was his problem no confidence  so he used too much time and he uh   he made a lot of mistakes when he in situations  where i think normally he would not have done yeah crazy still on that verge of not being  official but i mean you have no moves i mean it is   oh man yeah it's just i mean what to say  i mean due credit goes to wesley he played   very very good shots i think in this match  he very much deserves to win as i said in   the first one that he won the previous event i  thought magnus really hurt himself but in this   one wesley i think you can safely say was  the better player and he deserves to win   yeah for sure best rapid player in the world right  now are we ready to uh at least online i would say   yeah i would say online right now he's been he's  what happened to him in the in the last one there   was the day that he lost to uh he lost to um  not nepo he lost to maxime yes he lost maxine   he didn't mate in two right  quinnish he didn't do that okay now uh he's gonna go over there he's  just gonna go rook detour two one or two   yeah yeah yeah just work d1  yeah it's finished yep yeah yeah   wow that's uh that's i don't know  why not just make the guy you know   okay yeah but i mean it's kind of if  there's nothing that really matters like   then it's it's more respectful as well yeah  i think that that's what i would say but wow that's insane crazy also you're almost at 80 000  viewers we uh well combined by far over but uh   yeah i mean i think last night i was actually  looking at chess on one of this one of the   sites and i saw it like 20th highest ranked game  on all twitch and it's just it's been amazing   it's great to see all the love and support for all  the streamers i mean from from myself to levy to   botez to ali reza to dania to everybody really  it's been incredible it's it's really really   really amazing anna oh sorry about it yeah anna  too i mean there's there's so many people i mean   they're just so so many people who have  contributed to making this what it is   well guys uh we're done i think we are over yeah  the show is over incredible incredible stuff   yeah i know we're supposed to be jumping  out of our out of our seats but it's uh   so it's unbelievable stuff well we will be uh so  i guess for now uh we will all kind of say goodbye
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 106,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 17sec (6017 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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