Metroid Prime 2D

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hello hello oh wait hello okay i forgot a controller hold on yeah i've decided to become a uh no cam streamer um just simply because it just makes me look like a douche you know what i'm saying like it's just too much vanity no i'm just playing hold on yo yo yo what's up how's it going the wall turned out pretty good huh i am going to have an action cam soon directly behind me and i assume with this game we're using um controller i assume oh it's mouse and keyboard what steering wheel steering wheel what all right i'll go grab the ddr matt steering wheel oh my gosh dude isn't it f and f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n s n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n s n s n s n s n s n s n s n x n s n x and x [Laughter] s n nfnf n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f n f and f n f n f n f n f n f n f i'm just start dude all right all right it's [ __ ] done x and [Music] never do that again where's your band all right everyone new and improved notes [Music] this is prime 2d you guys really wanted me to play this apparently it's a really good time we're gonna try it out uh you know knowing nintendo they've already sniffed out a potential dmca how's the uh how's the game volume soon enough i'm gonna figure out how to uh route all the uh desktop audios and [ __ ] through my mixer here so i can just easily adjust but i'm buying a bunch of cables so i can do that how much should text-to-speech be 100 yeah okay i still got bills to pay all right yeah this is uh this is the dmca run nintendo's already [ __ ] sniffing like a goddamn hog trying to find truffles this is really cool so far [Music] you see you see what's [ __ ] funny fan games like this is what we want this is what we want why does samus look like doom guy holy [ __ ] um okay so i guess the intro it skips all of uh frigate which is fine i mean i'm sure that's i don't really give a [ __ ] about the space station anyways but like this this is what we want you know [ __ ] like this well let me play the game first because it could be terrible i don't know but so far it looks badass right like if this is a new if this is a new metroid game i'd be like oh god yes okay how do i um okay okay how come it stops me moving when i shoot oh because there's a lip there what the [ __ ] oh this is kind of cool so far all right can i scan dash so i wonder how they did the multiple room thing i guess they can yeah just put on different levels i suppose do they have wall jump probably not what do they have for wall jump oh they do okay you just can't turn around it's not continuous all right so it's like fusion i'm gonna turn my sensitivity up a little bit here um this is supposed to be what oh map station is just not active yet okay so this is going to um crater very curious to see how do they incorporate the scan stuff i mean obviously it's going to be locked or whatever i just really want to see oh they did this yo this is dope as hell man scandal the right mouse button to scan points yo this is [ __ ] dope nintendo take some goddamn notes uh right mouse button [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign okay power grip i want to scan this one okay so that's just all the this is this is pretty cool man i'm glad i could play it before nintendo dmca ate it man that's awesome no this is just a demo right if this is a full game that'd be dope my ship damn sammy weighing her down that's all right snake lancer did you do this oh it made it sound like you did that you did this uh illustrative man okay everyone's gonna say they did this so oh really i'm gonna believe you this is pretty cool so far um [Music] whoa [ __ ] i gotta turn around before i how fast is turn around i like sm turn around i should probably should have grabbed that health okay so yeah this is a tunnel uh brain hurdy [Music] have you guys like or whoever created this have you uh considered like reaching out to nintendo and asking for like a job to create a new metroid because this is pretty [ __ ] dope but i mean obviously they're not gonna hire anyone because they're yeah they give zero [ __ ] but i mean it's worth a shot right oh god dude i bet the stream is looking crusty right now my cpu is just frying hold the line okay so that is morph ball okay so decided to put more ball out of it's unless that's like something else or uh it's indicating something else that's normally the tree this is like the main area we got like the hives and [ __ ] hmm so yeah whenever i get uh missiles i assume i can maybe do that yeah i think it was missiles first in the normal game because when i speed around metroid prime we get uh we get other [ __ ] first this is this is cool though make this room like a big tower kind of deal try this great deduction skills oats thanks man asses this is cool so everybody holy that's the long one service department we are giving you a call regarding your car's extended warranty you should have received something amazing i love the attention to detail with the mirror press two to decline this software or press one to speak to a warranty when you start playing gta 5 with pooh uh maybe i want to do some role play in the future with it guys i know you're not from my vehicles department okay wow open the map uh what's map just escape oh that's [ __ ] badass man okay so right now we're on our way to charge or first missiles could be first missiles a little bit confused with the layout obviously like my brain is so used to 3d no charging this demo yeah so probably his first missiles probably first boss in this demo yeah this is probably the room ah okay they're not hittable at that point come out [Music] [Music] jeez louise dude as a whole god dang swarm of them [ __ ] flies got to lead him a little bit here he's never very good at tracking the fps if i turn my sensitivity down a little bit that's too hard i don't have enough mouse space i'm doing this i'm dying i don't want to have another phase we're good [Music] what's happening oh lordy it's like fusion [Music] oh god [Music] oh goodness [Music] that was pretty [ __ ] cool man now unfortunately i think this is probably the end of the demo dude i really want a full game now man except nintendo's gonna be sniffing this out i would love something like this this is awesome man it's not over we're good [Music] i mean the thing is there's obviously a lot of intellectual property that goes into something like this that makes it metroid right and how much can you strip from that to where it's not um infringing on copyright it also still has the spirit of you know what i'm saying yeah the thing is too um okay so it's not done there so um the thing is um nintendo yeah they had a paypal link like directly on their website i mean could you name it metroid prime 2d or like you know what i'm saying like uh you could legally yeah i'm not sure all the legalities of it i just know that nintendo is uh you know they're very serious about their [ __ ] yeah i know hold on so it was over here but i couldn't get it before there was a wall blocking it is that wall now opened you guys see what i'm saying oh okay i can all right i thought this would like blow up but it just you have to get close to see the blocks that you destroy i don't know all i'm gonna say is um this is awesome um if some of the development team is in here this is really cool this is this is exactly what i want a metroid game and i hope it works out for you and i hope you can keep you know as long as you continue making this you know i hope it goes well and there's no issues yeah this is really sweet scan the save room fine scanned just for you oh was there something over here hold on let me see i know some damage knockback right there can i do this okay so nothing oh god all right how how can we go right now well i assume i can destroy this it's normally oh maybe not normally you need super missiles wait what is this oh [ __ ] cool yeah that's that's a little bit difficult to like see because you wouldn't i don't know i feel like i normally wouldn't just jump to it if it doesn't break but it's pretty neat you could have scanned it you're right i could have scanned it but in metroid prime as well how much am i scanning not a ton but that's on me what is it so okay so so it's just uh from kneeling it's just okay i'm trying to figure out how the morph works okay oh let's look at the map i think that's everything here that we can do thus far i'll uh i'll finish exploring and then i think i do anything up there they definitely uh your momentum is exactly the same over your hitbox as well [Music] what's keita okay speed booster right i assume boost ball oh yeah boost ball i was gonna say speed booster's not in prime but where'd that one come from there's like an area below here or no that's the reflection it's like whoa dude [Music] [Music] freaking me out rtx on yeah i think that's it for this area should we tell them yeah don't tell me don't tell me nothing let me just walk around something something happened okay oh no [Music] this online now not online yet yeah yeah i just gotta hold it right oh she's gonna die no i'm not okay so over here we've already been i wonder i probably can't get that yet dude i want to see if andrana so bad with this uh hole new uh 2d style going on here there's so many areas i want to see with this style [Music] i feel like i've missed something because you guys are like should i tell them should we tell them oh [ __ ] but did i just like go over that oh okay he still doesn't know yeah i do shut up [Music] um where's my bomb is there like a bomb counter hmm hmm oh it is okay i see i see [Music] [Music] calling while i take i wonder if you can do that actually so it's a jump just one down press [Music] oh [Music] kind of tricky oh we need to be tap tap but anyways i'll [ __ ] with that later let me save because you guys are freaking me out keeps you keep saying i don't know um okay i'm there's nothing there's nothing over there well i mean those were ridley or i mean i already got the uh what the hell guys i mean there could be but i'm just going based off of am i supposed to scan them all all right i'll take a look i'll take a look i like the clink a nice touch i don't have uh i don't have charge yet whoa [Music] oh my goodness you gain speed down slopes with ball i love it dude guys i really have to scan every one of these i'm not gonna scan every one of these unless i'm unless i absolutely have to i think you guys are being [ __ ] are there actual hints to secrets i assumed all those are just like the artifacts in the actual game that have just i like the caution tape like no don't go in there not done yet yes they're actual hints in the game yeah daddy explore all this who is joe what's up matt okay nothing up here oh yeah wait a minute there is something up there though uh general robots thanks for the gifted sub sorry if i missed anything thanks for the resubs guys yeah i mean we'll see we'll see i mean we'll just we'll just see how it works you know actually i don't think that would work no that definitely wouldn't work the the bombs are too slow so even if you could do that you're hitting the ground before recommended map okay i'll i'll take a look i'm giving them hints that's okay it it said it's offline even though this is probably not [Music] anything [Music] huh so you can like re-grab ledges it's kind of neat [Music] you guys are being [ __ ] i think maybe i've already scanned this [Music] here's power [ __ ] use power grip votes [Music] that's a little bit tricky to find i'm not going to lie it's in the sponge uh they literally still answering them all right anyways guys it's fine whatever happens happens i mean hopefully it's good right i didn't read how to use this but um just right [Music] you can scan and morph no way wait what was that then i'm a little confused [Music] ah i see um [Music] hey thanks sorry it is pretty comfy yeah where am i right now face jump oh i'm on the top portion of the ship oh goodness how do i do this oh that's it okay good good good dang i really wanted to see space jump it'd just be double jump i assume no one tell him what did i miss something else stop saying no one tell him you keep throwing me off dude [Music] all right i'm gonna go scan that room just to make sure i didn't miss anything you guys are scaring me [Music] um i would like it better with the controller but um you know that's [Music] it is what it is for now that's it's not really a big deal but the thing is with [Music] i don't know because it's like the the the aiming it's kind of nice with mouse you know it's kind of he scanned it and he still missed it wait what hold on oh this is it right oh yeah edible flowers opal fruits all right so yeah it's up here i was just goofing on you guys i knew it was up here what is this spring ball press space while in more fall to propel into the air there's got to be some cool stuff you can do with this movement-wise but do i keep my momentum when i like i did down the slope wait a minute that was weird you guys see that the last time i did huh that's not bad yeah you can slide so i was trying to figure out [Music] hmm maybe on morphing before i hit the ground out of like a jump or something [Music] interesting you missed it again ah dude shut up did i actually miss it again thanks for 300 yes troll face uh yeah pull up the menu and read the logs what logs research if i scroll down from here oh click and drag no that's fine i was just confused [Music] uh what am i reading for the logs yeah what about the hint totems yeah they're for the artifacts [Music] gives you puzzle hints yeah it's artifacts but this isn't a full game right so i assume like the demo is almost over to some degree wait you can get all 12 artifacts really well i'll go scan them then i get all the hints [Music] well yeah i never take you guys seriously because yeah i was just troll oh yeah you can scan and uh okay i'm just gonna get them all and then i can look through them so drums did i miss all right that's all of them um does it say which ones i have then assume um artifacts my power grip what i'm a master riddles they call me the riddler for a reason all right let's solve this next one uh-huh that's easy it's just something about light okay i assume there's some artifacts i'm missing i mean which ones do i have i just have the power grip one which was what uh what was that one warrior i can't remember let's just go back what are you doing sam artifacts took the community almost 24 hours of collaboration fine good luck but no pressure to get them all in one go it took an entire community 24 hours take me about two or three then weeks [Music] years there's one in there i can sniff it out just like that um that's so hmm very interesting from certain angles what does that mean that just is just me being stupid yeah okay same thing [Music] [Music] jesus was resurrected in a cave small magnetic coils in semi-conducting materials detected in these wall panels is on clear and no power is detected okay so my assumption is is that a lot of these scannable things are kind of puzzles in regard to the artifacts you can collect in the demo no don't help me unless i ask so i'm thinking that that is in regards to just maybe morph ball could be wrong could be right because i don't know if there's any other limbs that are like breakable so okay ah so we already got all that where the hell is it so that's from that side no boost ball [Music] uh hopping a skip and a jump how the hell where was it again like right there i'm having a hard time getting used to the controls a little bit but okay i don't think that's it oh it's you jump from the rock near the beginning you're talking like um i'm talking jump from the rock from the beginning i i'm kind of confused about what you're talking about all right anyways missile expansion there i missed something here look at the shape of the right wall yeah it's a wall it's going up as walls primarily do yeah hold on i can always come back to it it's not like this is gonna be my only time going to this area hey thanks for the 100 okay um i'm gonna come back to this area i'm gonna go over here obviously if i can get all 12 i am missing a lot since i only have one artifact all right i only have one right got him man oh that's so embarrassing dude you got one oh wow dude i'm so sorry man um let me read through this rebirth so uh [Music] it has something to do with one of the artifacts all right since this is gonna be terrible yo scott thanks for the sub appreciate that um since i'm not gonna be able to find all 12 let alone one um i'll do what i can here so it says something about light needing to hit it we got a big we've got a bunch of lights shining through this i don't know there's something with these mirrors and there was one huh okay that's all the missiles right or is it 35. um yeah i love the music so 35 okay so 40. apparently there's one more all right start let's just go as far left as we possibly can to get an understanding of our environment here okay oh this is a single so i assume there is nothing in this room it is just the the ending here um yeah about that i need to uh i just need to announce it i've been trying to catch up on other things sorry i'll announce it this week let's make it official not bad i'll give everyone like six months or something that was just missiles right yeah all right um okay i'm not your ot real judas um sorry bro hmm there's probably something here just like there was last time oh get down a fiddle you get down a bow hmm how are there 12 artifacts when i can't even find two you guys joshing me great the demo you want to help me with one artifact just one you're joshing me but i thought someone in here said it took 24 hours to find one or to find all of them honestly misunderstood can you believe that i thought it was a dev saying that it was okay so i'm still missing something different dev hero okay not each and every one of you is a dev is there not anything one of the actual devs can um what's this how do i enter i already bombed it earlier guys i already bombed it earlier you saw you all saw dude i did bomb it i thought i rolled over too okay i know i know i wish i wasn't so stupid [Music] so you want our help with one artifact [Music] all right if you guys keep saying your devs that's a bannable offense wait what unless you're an actual dev of this game or the other flowers bananable offense jesus was resurrected in a cave oh it's thanks oh god did i just i can make them go faster that's one maybe hello yeah and light how the heck do i make him go faster hold on i don't know which one this is uh which one is this wild or uh is this wilder world spirit oats i'm gonna oh my god but red so oh no that's my one chance dude yeah i noticed there was a green orb earlier um over here and i was trying to think i thought maybe my eyes were just bugging out yeah the lighting effects in this are sick hmm do i have to restart because i missed one no kelsey we did say something about like counter clockwise or something thank you very much for the raid that's it huh keeps coming back i mean i'm going counter clockwise right now but or i was going clockwise it's counterclockwise from where though yeah yeah i'm a little disoriented here hey hey i'm afraid can i go up now because that's what i would have normally done is just go in the elevator but uh yeah okay i was slightly afraid that i have to redo everything up this is a new area there's a long ways up okay oh let's add all the numbers up in your brain fast you get that oats i don't know what's happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is that the game um okay um who is the actual dev in here um matt griffith was it that the demo is that complete or illustrative yes or are there actually more artifacts because people have been trolling saying they're devs and i have no clue it's raining now or was it always raining a metroid zapper okay so i can get all 12. i think there's an additional one in artifact temple there's 12 but in the actual demo chat okay how the heck am i supposed to find all 12. oats you don't well there's 10 more 10 more no i haven't heard of that wild all right the quails of the forest cry out in despair and their ruler controls them in sequence beware the spring trench aloft has its etching confess and parsing such truth seek what skull guides express right gr grids express so it's where um quails it's where either those spiky things shoot you um oh wait did i already get this one oh god dude that's gonna be that's good or it's where like there's vines because this area i don't know where else they are you know [Music] where else are they landing site yes i refrigerate my ketchup of course i refrigerate my urine i'm not some sort of animal dude thanks for six months all right we'll get one more artifact um i'm obviously not capable of trying to figure out where all the artifacts are especially when you guys are the ones trying to uh help me find them okay because out of every 10 hints um out of now every 50 hints one of them might be slightly accurate i'm not blaming the chat i said that i'm incapable and i said even with the chats help matt gave a solution kill all zoomers in rooms sequence landing site upper left side yeah i mean i would have never figured that out not no no never hold on i i don't have the chat open right now or i do i just have it on matt's message sequence uh landing site upper left side um shoot so i need to go up here [Music] [Music] see the chat would have said [Music] the chat would have said hey oh um yo dude kill all the uh kill all the enemies yeah all those guys yep kill kill them all dude and then uh i don't know got them in the chats hence okay so starting here upper left side wait is this part of the landing site or no this okay yes you're there okay i assume we're fine right that's what we do we just kill all of them where'd he go i assume he's dead oh no dude hi i'm a 66 year old grandmother i started watching cooking mama streams in late 2012 but i almost always watch metroid and zelda now you know thanks for the stream and keep it up smiley praise vatican city [Music] is this a zoomer i assume that's considered a zoomer okay i need to look at matt's messages here um sequence broken all right shoot okay [Music] so i kill all of them right so do i only kill them in the rooms so like so i heard a noise do i kill them in this room then as well are they on my way to the elevator or do i skip these [Music] you skip okay because okay oh okay so i was a little confused because i said like kill all zoomers so in my mind i was like okay starting there make your way over here and kill all of them or something i was a little confused by that the next is the elevator okay not the not actual zoomers um so the hallway okay ruined it wasn't ruined i heard a noise yeah did anyone clip that all you [ __ ] live stream clip chimps or whatever they're called y'all gotta clip them out of context ultra cancel dude um what's the next um i don't have his messages open boost ball that elevator kill sequence i think zoomer is only in talon oh shoot crap okay my bad all right so i know what to do upper left the ship hallway the talon canyon in gully huh we already did the wild one but didn't we no we did something else we're going back uh this way okay that's the platform i assume um i need to kill beautiful dead [Music] um next is platform i believe [Music] okay and last is gully i assume that's up there that's the goalie yeah yeah [Music] [Music] snake okay it worked okay the canyon being this way you don't what the heck is that oh no it's mother brain or a big beetle i don't know oh yeah i should probably scan it holy that's a long stand i like that the music is just like designated that area gamer brain nice nice nice [Music] is where you going beautiful what [Music] oh you killed them before listening to it how am i supposed okay which one was that that was wild and then we'll just keep it at that was the hints for this i'm just curious that's tough man that's a tough hint all right yeah that's uh that's the game we'll uh we'll just end it there it is fun um it is uh a pleasure to play it's uh pretty neat i want more of it i would love an entire game of this with like multiple areas and i don't know what you guys are going to do for working on it or what plan is but very cool all right awesome everyone everyone give a big clap to the developers in the chat yeah and everyone download it before i mean who knows maybe they won't take it down you know maybe they won't all right
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 127,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, prime, metroid prime, prime2d, prime 2d, 2d, metroid prime 2d, demo, speed, mockball, spring jump, boss, platformer, playthrough, artifacts, scan
Id: sAPa5xd9WjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 46sec (6166 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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