Highway2Hell Randomizer | Part 1

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okay so this is a super metroid highway to hell randomizer whoops did i start it okay she's okay wow there's something wrong with the image hold on oh okay that's what it is okay there we go thundercats let's get started there's a little out of order but i'm making up for it i'm even adding some time so this is a highway to hell randomizer it's highway to hell because i bought the little nos uh nikes and um that's where i'll be spending all eternity now it's because it favors um hell runs oh um wait who gave me money oh friday gave me money oh it's thank you for trying my new emote here is payment and then you get banned and i'm like yo nice you deserved it dude hey last night's stream was a ton of fun you guys just yelling at me saying i'm painting wrong but at the end of the day the wall is [ __ ] perfect although i can see uh praise coming through just a tiny bit but that's fine ice craze is eternal my wall does not look like [ __ ] you monster holy [ __ ] how much am i getting right now i guess it does favor hell runs so it's gonna be getting rough here yo she got some [ __ ] never mind i'm not gonna yeah she got some long hair [Music] mom [Music] come on [ __ ] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] gotta press forward at the right time [Music] i got this two more attempts come on you know i'm good for this [Music] okay about two more attempts starting now [Music] it has to i have to actually [Music] wow it is really synced up with the camera surprisingly [Music] that's good because if it was slightly out of sync [Music] you guys would accuse me of cheating somehow [Music] even the slightest out of sync [ __ ] serious all right i'm only one more attempt this is this is starting to piss me off [Music] i'll stay true to my words yeah that was probably varya in gravity somehow oh nice wait why did you what yeah i use a dslr [Music] oh okay they fixed it okay because normally it doesn't activate [Music] uh music silo music [Music] thank you um so this is an area randomizer but it's highway to health settings yeah light i cannot believe you just got that pyramid thank you so much holy cow the madman actually did it no way that's the new meta and he he pulled it off attempt one so highway to hell settings favor um hell runs so that was a hell run right like if i'm taking damage um so suitless suitless heated areas and it's also an area randomizer so during new transitions like the transition to where like elevators are or this that whatever um i'll enter a new area so i kind of have to i kind of have to remember [Music] hey albert what's going on okay yeah the stream loom stream room is looking awesome extreme loom no more heated there is this isn't doing me any favors either to be honest [Music] okay let me uh mark what i have um i have ice and bats and high jump and a morph and speed this is uh metroid one you could play with this skin in metroid one right new home is great i do have spring ball urine okay so uh taurian is tori it is uh orion is a red tower hey hey hey eyes up here goddamn pervs i am softlocked wait a minute what was up here again go down check power bombs um how how do you suppose i do that okay i didn't realize that was a uh dude i bet your wave beam [Music] [ __ ] i bet you anything wave beam is um i'm stuck hey kaku well i'm not entirely well no i am stuck completely that's taurian yeah i softlocked myself whoops i didn't do that i'm stuck step bro hell [Music] oh my god sis you're stuck in the washing machine again wait did he move to alabama's no we are not neighbors all right let's try that again yeah i want to complete the seed it'll only take a minute okay i'm sorry three and a half minutes to get to where i was [Music] roughly um i could because the speed keep could make all the difference yeah i've already gotten this stuff i'm just going going back through just be soft locked [Music] [Music] that soft lock was so lucky yeah i can try colin um i will try this twice [Music] three [Music] that felt good to me man um i tried it twice okay um i mean yeah albert i'm down to like do races and stuff it's just i'm trying to like do a bunch of [ __ ] too and get on a like a good schedule with content so you guys can expect things but um i'll pencil you in dance so um no we'll uh we'll do some we'll do some um every thursday i'm going to start speed earning a new game um so i'm trying to figure out what i want to do with that it's either mega man x2 or um possibly uh another metroid i'm not sure yet okay so let's save with the ship [Music] you know what i'm gonna need well i don't need it let's just save here anyways i've considered uh mario yeah um i'm trying to think um i can't do it anyways oh you know what this could have changed colors let me see this okay good call good call i forget that changes colors yeah we need spacer but yeah so every thursday and then possibly one other day i'm gonna be uh speedrunning a new game um every tuesday from now on okay this is shitty maybe playing through uh resident evil [ __ ] i'm gonna be starting with zero or whatever uh the remake with uh yeah hardest hardest settings that's gonna be every tuesday most broken promises in shortest amount of time is that like is that like one of those um yo dude i bet i could beat you up or like i bet you won't to do this oats lol dude i'm totally smart because now he'll feel like he has to do it kind of thing is that like one of those big brain plays chad now he feels obligated like to prove me wrong and stuff so that means he'll do it it's not big brain when i realize what he's doing that's how it works yeah i know that's how it works um [Music] um no i'm not paying flying the ps1 i'm going i'm going hold on [Music] i want to see what gauntlet is okay [Music] actually i can't see what gauntlet is maybe i can man i don't know i have an idea i guess i'm gonna try to man this is hard so i get my charge and then can i make this jump can i like do that or is that impossible let's say i do that can i make the jump like that right there that's that's the only way i could do it this better be worth it well first of all it's not gonna be worth it because unless it's power bombs or bombs i'm stuck but we're going forward anyways um i don't know i don't think that's gonna work yeah i can check the top right dorm good all right two attempts two attempts come on samus you can do it i don't i don't think we can actually good don't forget to charge right here um this is gonna be too tough because no there's there's no way there's no way yeah i can't even i can't get this short charge not even me the god you know all right not happening all right folks pack it up pack her up fellers you do it in the tunnel before the drop no yeah it's just not possible dork charge on the ship what would that do for me okay let's just get out of here um let me check this nope our charge on the ship would be a flex really would it be a flex actually hold on is that a flux [Music] okay what are my options no way that is possible i just did the impossible i was trying to get slope spark right there um what was this again meridia hot okay [Music] we already went to bob frieza's high jump why sam is naked she's not naked okay she's just preparing for her irl debut and i'm just kidding she is in her sports attire okay this is bad do i need to like do this oh no man hmm i mean i can spring ball jump in meridian so with that i could run to the right and refill and then make the climb through croc and try to make it to norfair that's that's pretty tough but possible ow there's two ways to meridium juan matrix [Music] thanks for the tier one jack spacer i guess that's a door randomizer i should be checking the doors please nice nice okay okay well i mean that makes it a little bit easier um let's let's try the original plan because this run is designed to favor hell runs so okay pog it worked yes okay let's see what we got in these areas actually no let's not see what we got in these areas because i can't even get through it technically i wonder what kind of shoes samus has on right now makes someone wonder yeezys oh god dude let me save probably a bad idea actually oh god this could be another soft lock lord have mercy see what this item is that's good how the hell am i supposed to get to that back that actually opens up all of the right side here let me see what's up [Music] you can check eyes no i can't no missiles no supers no missiles come on guys come on get with it no make us i can't make you do anything it's up to you to make that change in your life don't hurt me [ __ ] it's over doesn't matter anyways is everyone watching this stream blind yes that's how they read they got a they got a braille monitor they touched the monitor mm-hmm [Music] let's go get those bombs shall we [ __ ] did i softlock yeah guess what hmm [Music] not technically not technically there could be another area down here that i can weasel my way to it's a it's a new warp zone uh going into laura norfair lava dive area yes [Music] clean okay yeah we got sort of a problem here kind of [Music] [Music] so lucky [Music] no i'm just good what was down here again uh it was like a wave door i believe ow dude might be meridian uh what do we just get that could help us i could spring ball job i suppose the thing is i have is i have enough health now i don't really want to i don't want to sit here forever trying to spring ball jump my way through meridia just to find out that it's not where i'm supposed to go yeah i can do gauntlet all that i can at least see what's that gauntlet the thing is i know where bombs is bombs is the the croc missiles or whatever or the like escape how can you return you don't you can return with a short charge as long as i have enough health which i really don't you uh wait did i even open the door [ __ ] that's fine [Music] you um you reset you save and you're reset that's a secret success [Music] oh man that's really nice to have [Music] okay now what oh dude holy [ __ ] i need help from these things [Music] saving reload of the ship no because i want charge okay that could have been bad dude [Music] wait a minute what how am i supposed to [ __ ] do this wait no you're right i can't i can't do this i need bombs first yo i didn't realize you could hold charge and then keep it if you don't have bombs yo what i guess i've never i've never had charge no i believe it's always been like that but i've never had charge um without bombs right you never do in that original game yeah i don't know what i was thinking i was like okay i'm gonna open the door then i'm gonna go into the other room and then go through the door i opened it doesn't work like that [Music] [Music] taurian entrance is lauren orr for escape remember that thank you that is meridia crabs map area i think oh that would give you six hundred thousand dollars to stop screaming to quit streaming dude i would spit in his face and go are you serious and then i get offline and be like bro i'm so sorry i just wanted to look like i was super honorable and you know that i love what i do in front of all my fans can i have that money dude please can you make it 700k i'll just come up with some story oh [ __ ] that's what that is wait i missed it wait a minute yeah god damn sons of [ __ ] frickin went the wrong way any uh prime 2d hype uh i played it i loved it it was great wait we already went to spazer there's an e-tank want to save cause i can always escape even if i like get myself stuck with a save yeah we played it for a couple hours oh [ __ ] dude yeah that's that's really bad that's too bad nice death pose okay i need to jump a little bit um it's doable but quite difficult [Music] how much would it take you to retire at your age um i wouldn't retire for anything less than a million serious dude [Music] [Music] oh the crouch locked [Music] it cost you more than a million to the retire at this age no one i can retire with a million easily because i would invest a million is just 100k per year yeah if you just only have a million it's not like i'm just gonna put it in the bank and let it [ __ ] appreciate that's what old people do lip is kind of annoying right there [Music] no no investment talk okay we got it we got it we got it so we can go get charged now tractors cost upwards of half a million dollars who said anything about a tractor oh oh someone did that's a lot of tractors you could buy okay so now i kind of want to save but there's really nowhere to save um so over there well no i got bombs now i can't soft lock let's just go this way bombs opens up a lot of possibilities i could get charge which without getting charged that might kind of lead to some potential danger because what if i come across um you know a boss or something and i literally have nothing otherwise he thinks my tractor sexy everything is random um quite a bit as random yes [Music] okay so this allows us what was what was above again let me mark bombs before you guys start having a hissy fit um bombs yeah i mean i could do gauntlet but i'm just gonna get that on the way back um [Music] yeah i'm gonna go to the green bubble area [Music] what was this again [Music] dude it's so hard to remember no no it's so hard to remember what's happening half the time oats and goats quit speed running to become a country singer my true calling [Music] why did i save again when i already saved when i was down here i didn't do anything yes i do do another copenhagen wrap i should i should come up with my copenhagen [Music] album first album dipping my lip second album album hole in my lip [Music] let's say cac attack if i do all that work and then you [ __ ] me well wait a minute what is that okay what is this i gotta save anyways well i don't have to but i'm right here [ __ ] it [Music] dude okay can't do it what if we get a boss before charge or missiles yes unless it's uh dragon well even dragon no i couldn't you know he's soft good evening bearbot [Music] yeah i really can't do much well charge won't even do anything for me there um i'm gonna go ahead and just see what's over here [Music] maybe i mean if i don't die in the process jesus man yeah i don't think i can make it there i did that thing dude i [ __ ] did that thing man [Music] dude you're at the house man i am at the house i was here yesterday too when you're in here the thing to where i pause the frame i die [Music] did you plan a crt tv it's a pbm tv a professional video monitor it looks um amazing i never want to play on anything else and i know that it's not realistic because these will crap out eventually just like all hardware but um it's just the scan scan lines are the best you know all right let's save so that when i don't get anything here inevitably i can reset and go back to where i started but if there's missiles here and i can make it out somehow uh just the scan lines are amazing oh that's right i can't do anything here [ __ ] yeah correct i gotta go the other way fantastic whatever moms you could do sex master yes let's go to sex master the pipes burst on streams oats hiring the plumber he met on the side of the road no the plumber actually got done today completely he's like you got the finest pipes i've seen so where the [ __ ] does this lead me if i go all the way around this is that's pointless so i have to go up there and then i can escape through the back how's the fiber working so far you tell me how does the stream look i'm streaming at like 8 000 or whatever the highest is i haven't dropped a single frame yet so okay i can't get that okay let's um let's go i gotta go this way i am dead i am so dead [Music] unless this is an e-tank i'm screwed you [ __ ] it's right there dude what i tried i tried ball bouncing i tried ball bouncing and it didn't work so i just hit it like a [ __ ] rock and just slowly started creeping how embarrassing oh can you check wave via the bottom door i doubt it i think those are both locked to the same because i mean it doesn't really make sense the same it's the same room two doors i mean maybe you could but yeah it seems kind of weird to me if you could a large health this time is good i go a little bit faster why [Music] oh i [ __ ] made you bloody [ __ ] let's chat become too weebish for you oh my god you guys are so you guys are like youtube when there's like the one anime picture of me that one dude freaked the [ __ ] out in the comments stop trying to cater to the weebs this is like pathetic and it's so obvious what you're doing dude hey bro you serious [ __ ] relax dude come on why yeah oats you did a painting stream stop trying to cater to the painters bro it's so obvious it's painful man [ __ ] you dude okay well sorry i guess that's good all right this is free this time oh my god it's so freezing funny oh what i meant was free was the e-tank grab okay before you guys say anything the e-tank grab was free all right for those that are hard of hearing how sloppy bro i took two hits because they take like four hits instead of three i'm sorry that i only have ice as my primary weapon really didn't this is i don't like this at all stop apologizing bro that's really cringe shut the [ __ ] up sauce boss oh no okay well that's that need a large health large are you serious dude i did what the [ __ ] man yo 2131 bits thank you so much or the 2100 thank you oh it's you've died a couple times in a hell run that's really hard to do what the hell is wrong with you bro no more angry outburst oh my god you guys are gonna use that against me now well this is bad [Music] just kidding easy peasy fellas you guys are gonna use that against me when you're just [ __ ] and then i say hey stop being a jerk wow alex you said no more angry outbursts yeah okay man that's how gaslighting works yeah i know that's what the chat does 24 7. they're just gas lighters okay [Music] gaslighting isn't a real thing you're crazy ass just made it up wait really [Music] it's true it's true you're out of your mind dude all right now where the hell am i supposed to go speaking of which i think game of thrones season 8 is the best writing okay that's not gas lighting dude that's just your dumb ass opinion trying to get a rise out of me oats just went around in the circle yeah to get that e tank but she didn't mark on the tracker oh my god dude um you can do gauntlet okay so chat chat what was um what was at the entrance again um of lauren warfare because i still can't escape can i you should be a bitcoin miner to make more income shut the hell up bitcoin mining dude just sucking up every resource on earth hey mom mom made five dollars today in my pool that's nice son have you seen our electric bill it's three thousand dollars this month oh not saving i don't need to save says who with utilities covered there's probably utilities to a certain degree okay [Music] what the [ __ ] kind of question is this is season 8 the season of game of thrones what is season eight is season eight the season of game of thrones why are you reading me chad are you misreading it are you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay charge first person to tell me to market is banned for five minutes all right dad i see you [Music] i can't even i can't even let you guys know as a warning not to start spamming oh you gotta mark it on the trucker bro because and everyone just tries to get banned first [Music] oh you know you know i'm grabbing x-ray oh yeah yeah i know i'm so so lucky do i need like a six-leaf clover emote or some [ __ ] [Music] okay um that is um what was that again we already went here earlier um this is the this norfair we're not going back there oh my god you're so dramatic no he's banning people who tell him to update it i just said for the one time okay out of the 30 times you guys said heyo update tracker okay 30 is extremely conservative um 300 times you guys have told me to update my tracker i think i'm good now um [Music] okay chat what was up here again um taurian and the missile doors i still can't go there i'm not going to this is still a soft lock some [ __ ] how i don't have anything um you have to go in you have to change your uh your settings uh your quality settings that should fix it oh joe was up there joe who yeah it's all randomized like uh areas joe mama's dick [Music] yeah i don't know anyone named joe with mama's dick sorry [Music] oh yeah we can do all that stuff [Music] [Music] wearing the bell delphine suit [Music] all right caleb i get it easy [Music] this is missiles wrong [Music] why am i just like screwing okay what was this i mean that would have certainly helped but not a big deal okay what haven't i done wait there was a green door somewhere billy mays you can't do billy mays without power bombs we already did sex master wreck ship beach i mean yeah we could [Music] all right i'll update the tracker [Music] i mean yeah i'll check this [Music] are you [ __ ] kidding me man [Music] i can't get anything dude was it green over here was it the transition on top of wave yo that might have been it okay that is a green door but that's not what i mean [ __ ] you were right i can't get mad you were right okay let's um mama turtle yeah i mean i could was that against spazer spazor [Music] okay meridia it is [Music] right [Music] [Music] you tank [Music] because some items just don't exist but take some stuff away with harder um you know how do you clean the wall i just paint it over with a nicer color because i don't really like the green okay so that was an e-tank um [Music] um it's like a bluish tint but um yeah there's a there's just a cool temperature to it it's not flat white flat white is quite a bit different there's a huge contrast between that and the ceiling which is flat white okay so we can do i mean it looks white but it's not it's pretty close to white though you do mama turtle maybe maybe [Music] whoops dizzy so see what it is roof we don't do the crab climb around these parts brother beam it thanks for the hosts [Music] i don't know if it works oh samurai with the gifts it's up to nitro thank you [Music] i do oh my god you guys are so needy what the hell's going on here with this i gotta like pause at the same time gotta jump that'll work [Music] this should work i don't think i got that let me get rid of that first first and foremost yeah this should work i [ __ ] up my order of operations there [Music] this will work now [Music] [ __ ] i gotta do it this way hold on [Music] oh i think i got this [Music] oh oh god it's so annoying why is this even a thing i don't know [Music] okay barely got it on the fade out i'll save right here then chad are you complaining [Music] said chad not chat sorry okay i can't i'll just i'll just go this way [Music] wax [Music] [Music] [Music] you try to do that in a rando and you're like [ __ ] this missiles oh my goodness we found so oh my you guys were waiting so long to say that [ __ ] are you kidding me oh that was so lucky noon that needs to be a little closer to me for like instant access [Music] just waiting forever to say that yeah double luck this is this is double lucky dude how much would you charge to narrate a book for me in a snowflake voice dude that would just that would wreck my vocal chords so probably quite a bit check plasma can't check plasma i need to kill uh you need to kill dragon first chat i can't believe oats got so lucky can you [Music] or do you generally yes all right blue croc [Music] serious even luckier [Music] that's when croc knew he [ __ ] up [Music] hey crack my hot springs ah good one oh yeah that was funny dude [Music] blue bones uh thanks for 300 heyots two cowboys were out in the wilderness when they came across a tree in the middle of a valley with meat growing from the limbs the one cowboy said look a bacon tree the word tree was barely out of his mouth when they were both shot from all directions the other cowboy turned as he lay dying and said it wasn't a bacon dream it was a hambush y'all colorblind chad okay let's uh let's do a little analysis here so you say it's not blue but then everyone else in the chat says it is blue and then you go hey chat are you all color blind okay so if everyone agrees that it looked blue and then you're the one person that doesn't think it does look blue all i'm saying missiles galore now holy [Music] cow wow oats was that even randomized i remember getting those power bombs in the original game there dude definitely not blue i mean sure dude fine you know what color croc was right there bla white and gold [Music] nah oh it's croc was black and blue dude if i had to put an actual color on that that's that's definitely like a um that's a that's a that's a blue tint with uh leaning towards purple oh let me look at my display okay look at my look at my screen okay you see that this is cool temperatures my tv you guys are seeing a different color range it looks blue on mine if you look over here that looks really purple absolutely that is purple on the screen yes [Music] i was saving that [ __ ] oh dude [Music] how many do i have now 25 oh my god i'm loaded that's so much luck it's not even funny dude [Music] oh you got to change the lighting in the room why i love this color man this is like the best color i've found so far okay so i'm trying to think [Music] this is a little bit rough because i can i want to try to see what is in this door transition up here because this is a new area but in order to do that i need to uh do kind of a tricky thing here i can't make that jump what am i doing [ __ ] this door up here is not normal it's a transition i'm pretty sure music box thanks for the 10 viewers appreciate that i pressed it come on man oh it's mama turtle was a missile door papaya i still want to see what's up here [Music] papaya [Music] okay [Music] [Music] it's not worth it fellas it's not worth it just kidding it's worth it hold on i gotta jump from down here because i get way too much height otherwise [Music] you [ __ ] kidding me [Music] what that easy folks see some rough [ __ ] man some rough [ __ ] did i need him i don't think we should all right so this i believe is a uh yeah you needed him as i'm like already up okay let's see what this is this could be worth it i'm calling it now i'm calling it out gravity [Music] all right everyone place your bets place your bets what's it gonna be i'm calling gravity yeah nevermind oh we go do this now even luckier than gravity to be honest according to the chat missiles is [Music] luckier [Music] [Music] all right what do we got here oh it's already worth it [Music] [Music] first notes you want missiles [Music] and now you have 30. dude what the [ __ ] goats check supers i can't mama turtle yeah let's go back to mama turtle mama girdle there's nothing i can do there what the [ __ ] was that sneeze that was a dad sneeze [Music] all right i ain't about to blow my eyes out of their sockets okay oh it's that door needs missiles yeah and missiles we have wait didn't mama turtle need i thought mama turtle needed wave [Music] i haven't gotten vaccinated yet but um i am going too soon oh my god what a waste of my time [Music] i had to beat your ass dude um okay oh i can get through that stuff now yes i did check below oats don't you know about them [ __ ] micro chips they're about to put in your arms etc etc yeah i heard brother i heard about them [Music] goddamn people don't listen and they're about to be wit they're about to be uh tracked everywhere they go hold on i got a call you see my new cell phone brother it's a it's a pixel uh xl4 hell yeah i love this thing technology's awesome anyways then microchips they put putting you they're gonna track your every movement brother hey my phone said i i i need a refill on uh on a chabon chabony yogurt my wife loves that we were talking about that earlier how did it know anyways brother then microchips are about to [ __ ] track your every goddamn movement i'll tell you anyways i got this new app it says it needs to activate my location [ __ ] it i don't care i want to play some candy crush
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 33,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, randomizer, rando, h2h, highway, hell, highway2hell, highway 2 hell, highway to hell, highway2hell randomizer, croc, crocomire, purple, blue, pvm, item, door, area
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 18sec (5598 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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