High Risk Coin Pusher in my Moms Basement!? Debunking the Myth! | Joshua Bartley

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why don't you pain your camera around today for the first time I'm going to do that Quinn push your coin pusher slot machine slot machine slot machine [Music] alright guys so I have a huge huge surprise for everybody but before I get to the surprise I'm actually gonna do something that I've actually done before already however for some reason I keep getting this same question over and over and basically it's why don't you pay in your camera around so today for the first time I'm gonna do that actually it's not the first time I've already done that before but this time I'm going to make it very obvious what I'm doing so this is the old trusty and before we go too much further let me hop over to one and look here we've got a new coin pusher brand new how about that so if you all remember I have been talking about this thing for a little bit but skill stop it's got the slot just like that one does this does have a few different as you can see it's loaded up pretty good today it has a few different features with this one so you'll see this and this is in bonus hole which is funny because the first time I seen it I thought it's a glory hole also completely confuses but what this thing was kidding to put bonus hole so what it is is at certain times right around where that stack is they have it covered up right now but that will be open so as you play quarters will fall in it fall down into that open spot once it gets to a certain amount of weight all of your winnings will come out there so and they'll have like extra prizes however they're not going to do it right now but they'll let you know I guess when that's happening that's an extra really cool thing like a little bonus to have but this is what we're gonna be playing today so let me keep on painting over so you got point push your coin pusher slot machine slot machine slot machine as you could tell it did I don't know why that was such a big deal all like by me doing that it's going to show something I guess maybe my mother's basement or something like that but anyways so that pretty much all they have in here and the wall behind me alright guys so let's go ahead and jump in playing this and that's going to get started alright alright guys so dead dog don't buy in have no idea this is going to be extremely interesting to see how this one is set off I know with the other one as you're moving it around I cut up a little left sometimes it moves to the right so let's see if this one's different but outside of that let's I'm excited to have another option for once and I'm gonna hopefully you are excited to see something different now skill stuff a little bit quicker I still in the same thing the other one it just it hits that deliver them or whatever that is and so the bit Queen will be going off this weekend I'll do video on it but as always my main objective outside of getting my money back is to try to get some entries into the Bitcoin which I honestly don't see that many in here there's a couple hiding under there one there one up there and then of course the 104 playing field [Music] I don't know if you own anything just flip I don't know if you all remember oh that should be a good one probably about six seven videos ago they did the thing where they had this whole thing stacked full of hundreds and I thought I was going to do so well that actually it was just the opposite at the terrible and this one has the paper clips on it so I don't know if that's when the help but I kind of want a scene that I was thinking man it I don't know if that's going to help me out or not also something else oh man real on top you all can keep an eye out remember we had the other coin pusher figured out that the left side was the most prominent so if you think about this one or maybe this one doesn't have a good side maybe both of them are just as equal kind of hard for me to stack this up see how it bounces and rolls it's kind of hard to stack up [Music] [Music] so I'm pretty excited about this weekend's competition all the one on top [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh wow right on top and I think this one's actually a little bit harder but I've got one this held its in there I'm Stan well there's in a while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah honestly a lot of the reason why I don't make it a practice and I've said this before that I don't make a practice to get up and paying around this because kind of gives just with the whole respect thing I've said it many times they're not one of those people and most of you all know and I hope you know trusted that it wasn't doing this in my basement so I described that I was white too sometimes there's rumors and negative actually works out to be good for your channel when people say things like that like when they say there's no bad publicity is good publicity kind of thing but with this one being here now off their nose give you a peek around really small room it's not much in here the main one has the video slots that has multiple games on it like I played before all right so we're down to about a dollar 50 things kind of pushing kind of weird I'm not sure what I think about it yet there's a big stack right there getting close last 50 cents [Music] do it alright that helped me out well I think I got more than what I started with I didn't see that much come off definitely not gonna complain oh man once I get stuck and it did knock it off [Music] trying everything good knock it off there we go that was pretty cool good push huh [Music] [Music] [Music] so even when I owned the Family Center I always thought use arcade games I never bought anything new because it's almost like buying a vehicle you know it's $60,000 which you can buy it used for 20 and that's how arcade games are as well this one being brand new it was like $4,000 I can't believe how expensive these things are and then everybody used to comment with other little maze but no wonder hey also if you I'm still getting a lot of orders in for the good luck charm package and the donation is poor in Australia the gentleman that I was telling about that did the second round the pain of the quarters I don't know what happened man he's from Long Island New York I found him found even more than Etsy and the order came in and when I pick the envelope up didn't seem right like it is it seemed really light it was still sealed nothing was open when I opened the package up and there was something in it not one thing so I immediately get a hold of him he's telling me that they had to been open and stall him which I couldn't see where it was opened at so he's resent he Ries sent out another package so if you ordered I'm waiting it's supposed to be in by Friday up this week I'm not sure if that's probably when this videos going to go out so if everything's ok I already have backup quarters if not painted ones but I think just dangling there but I'm just want to give it a little bit longer for that we have never had that happen for and I thought unless I came if you want to take us to the post office took a bunch of pictures of it I was like I'm going to get your money back and he's just like really weird about it but man has quarters least about the pictures look awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a good one good push [Applause] a telling of the changes coming off what these aren't really a combo in that corner hey so for those of you all that read my comment section and there's the thing with a bunch of misspelled words that's totally my fault alright there's about four or five o'clock good morning before I go to bed and that don't recruit for anything it gets on Glenda's last nerve that I do that and then later when I come back and reread it like oh my gosh man sometimes under comments you'll see that I've just like spill out spaghetti it makes no sense at all but I put a thing up YouTube is doing a beta testing on a membership YouTube channel and I was part of the people that was picked to do it they only pick certain channels to do it and how this is going to work you can join my channel there would be different tiers like three dollars a month five dollars a month and when you join as a member you get a whole bunch of different perks like you get to see videos that doesn't go up on the main channel some behind-the-scenes stuff you get like certain emojis that way every time you push the comment your emoji lets everyone there that's your part of the membership free stuff like you'll get some of the prizes that I went out these queenfishers you'll get get to win some of those so it's cheap enough and I definitely like this show you know going there since YouTube picked my channel and you know hopefully get some members for it so I'm working on getting that up and going so if you're interested in it like I said it shouldn't be much at all to pay apparently can cancel it at any time it's not something that keeps on going if you want to give it a chance it's not and hopefully we can make it a pretty cool little feature [Music] I still haven't gotten paint that big so I put that thing up last video about Brady's channel him receiving hate and I got to tell you I was so taking back you all just floored me with the amount of support you showed my son I cannot tell you I mean I'm not a crier I guess it's a lot of it you know working in EMS I got to try to I guess block whose emotions deep down inside but if I was I would have because you made brace so happy you make Glenda so happy you made me even raised grandparents or it was making that was so nice but you all to do for my son he's ever 600 subscribers now and that just means the world to me it truly truly does I appreciate you more than what you could even imagine I'll leave a link to his channel again if you haven't subscribed you just want to go there and support supporting that that's just amazing I mean if you got over a thousand subscribers he would just be forward he's floored now I mean in completely fluid he got two hundred and thought he was big big times and that's something I want to do for this channel - I'm really trying to get over a hundred thousand subscribers and it's been a goal when I started YouTube long time ago there's been certain things in my life that really set my mind to and did one of them was when I was in the Air Force it was actually the Air National Guard there was the military side knowing the eastern side of it was a civilian base and got to know a lot of people are there that were flight instructors you know for private pilot's license and I said to myself man that's something I really want to do so I got to new to get people start taking lessons took me a few years but I got my private pilot's license I'm always super proud of that super proud of that accomplishment just a few things like that and being a father is my biggest accomplishment whatsoever obviously it's my son but getting a hundred thousand subscribers is something that all that is a big one just I guess you'd have to have a channel to understand it but you get a plaque from YouTube and just what a milestone so say that I'm not trying to sound cheesy but if you're not subscribed to the channel if you could just hit that subscription button that would mean so much I'm getting some like 40-some thousand thirty eight thousand away from 100 thousand and I know it can be done I appreciate everybody's support the videos are getting watched I mean I just again if I could reach out and hug everyone everybody and this for some people that might sound weird but this is such a big thank you for those that watch so Gazza I've been you ever my dolls but this thing's really kind of hard to win like I haven't won anything big yet [Music] there things are closed but that was all that the other one man it was a lot easier to win I have a feeling what they're gonna do is they're gonna find out and they're probably going to put like high dollar stuff on this one so people play more money but it's harder to win and the other thing this thing's got a huge lift that the cool pusher of there it doesn't but this one's got a huge lip so things got to really go up in the air before they can fall what I won every video there's always a few things that I want to catch you all ones trying to get done quickly Wyatt still remember it so I apologize for them that was dumb [Music] and keeps going on top all right so I'm gonna try to get this right side it has a bunch of stuff dangling off let me actually see if I can move this over a little bit so you can see see all the stuff dangling off right there get that $50 chip oh that should be a good one hahaha so the same issue I had with the other coin pusher that just does not go where you want it to and really it's hard to stack this up - there's a good push [Music] listen [Music] Wow Oh [Music] oh sorry [Music] okay father phone all right as well as a pornography [Music] all right a little harder [Music] ah [Music] [Music] I'm on top rock right huh Oh alright I'm gonna do a $50 buy-in and that's it but we'll put this video up no matter what even if it's not a big winner just because it's new but I'm gonna figure something out if we can all put our heads together and think of think about way we can conquer this thing alright let's go get some money alright so I did a little bit more I did $100 buy-in just because the $50 by and there's absolutely nothing man it seems like they've really just got outrageous with these by ends I know you all were kind of upset those videos that I was doing sponsorships but hey I need it you pay for this thing all the way like the chair I only get paid if somebody buys the chair they just sent me the chair for free and same thing with the wallet that the video game was the only one that I actually got like it I paid for [Music] hey I also see some of my t-shirts for starting to sell I love it I'm gonna go work on their makes them a lot of awesome cool ones that just the everyday person wouldn't mind wearing I've got a lot of your all suggestions with the put on there and definitely do that and when you give them in check out how comfortable the shirts are they're mad like when I sleep at night I sleep in a shirt on I always have but I like real comfortable shirts and man those are super comfy [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a good one I'm already I'm gonna stab with that and buy it [Music] come on I think something big fell I'll have to check but [Music] how that is not falling I have no idea [Music] and that was pretty much it for that $100 buy-in all right let's see what big Phil Oh want to ripped well there's freaking dollar gold coins so for those of you all that joined the channel these are things that I'll be sending out to you things like this and got that I won't try to win the stack of 50s or that right there there's 100 over there but I don't know where decide to go to [Music] throw a little off all right cross [Music] huh Carl not moving [Music] come on baby please push celebration for 50 bucks which absolutely means nothing $50 coin so that puts me down 50 plus one so I am down four hundred and forty-nine dollars I'm almost there man y'all know that Beach Boys song I don't even know what the word Kokomo it's called be me with all those winnings everybody back at Jamaica room I want to thank you ladies man come on give me a good push that needs to come off [Music] last quarter I have no idea how that's not moving I really do got to do something about that because this thing is impossible to win and I'm definitely a good old reliable over there it might be not the best looking coin pusher but me at least you can make Bank off of it and yes they are keeping it they're not getting rid of it [Music] 50 cents well yep well that's that's it so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this 50 up you'll get 50 more dollars and if not this is going to be my biggest loss video ever all right let's cross your fingers cuz this is it okay before death and drop well top there we go very anti-climatic and going it there's nothing here hey think I got another 50 sweet well that was pretty to know don't fault the wrong time please beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] last quarter [Music] [Music] geez well I got my exact same investor back all right well I've got the 50 back so I'm at the exact same position that it was earlier and got that [Music] I gotta be honest with you at this point I just want to try to win as much in fun 20 attack as possible I know I'm not gonna come ahead I would bet you that they put the quarters in here and they didn't even test this thing out because they're pretty fair people obviously learn it to make a buck but I can't imagine that I'm gonna talk to Mike the manager and ask him to play this and see the dilemma that I ran into [Music] [Music] that's my problem [Music] oh great Oh Roscoe Wow maybe not oh man all right let me double check all right everybody hate to do this but look I'm down four hundred and forty nine dollars so I'm not to call it a night welcome to the new coin pusher I'm going to what little power I have up here which I know I'm the main person that comes up here in place I am going to say something see if they can lower that lip a little bit because this I just lost one was $500 so to recap on today's winnings I won the gold dollar and also won the $50 chip I had a 400 dollar additional pay in and then I was gonna do another 50 fan but I decided to do $100 and I was able to get what am I saying that right yeah no I did $100 pay in gosh I hope I got that right I hope I'm not down $549 [Music] you know what I could be down $549 I have to check on that submit off man that just makes me sick to my stomach I'm not gonna do any more buy-ins on this until they get this thing fixed because although it looks like everything's right on the edge that's where everything's been just about the entire time I played here wait a minute I were to sell this is gonna be my lucky quarter and that's really not what I wanted that to go to you Oh stupid all right that was the God saying end it so guys I hope you enjoyed today's video I hope you enjoyed the new video or the new coin pusher the bonus hold probably if they don't get that fixed the next time I'll play this one is when they have the bonus round going I hope you also got to enjoy the look around again thank you so much for supporting my son and his channel put a link to his stuff down in subscription I want to thank each and every one of you all I wait stand here talk more quarters fall [Music] alright come we'll do something good [Music] alright so even after I'm done I'll go stand here and just to see if anything help and else happens and then I'll turn on the camera but if you enjoyed today's video you can show me by hitting that bike button that like button does so much for the Creator number one if other people has never been to my channel and they come breeze through the video they look at the likes they see if there's a bunch of likes on it they're more apt to watch it if there's a bunch of Loeb likes a lot of dislikes people will skip over it said that is a huge way plus with YouTube's algorithm second thing you can do to help me out stream Lee is hit that subscription button we try to put out a video once a week now that this thing is up here I might do twice a week maybe even three times a week next video coming out will be the Bitcoin competition winner fingers crossed for the good luck for me and I will be recording that so hopefully we can win if not the major prize one of the minor prizes so thank you so much I hope you have a fantastic weekend thanks for stopping by and let me know down in the comments what you think of the new coin pusher and also if there's any strategy that I should adopt alright guys thank you so much and have a great day talk to you soon
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 85,027
Rating: 4.7579112 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, high risk, high limit, vegas, bitcoin, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: 3oyjMDjNvzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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