What's in the Golden Egg?? High Limit Coin Pusher..Part 2 | Joshua Bartley

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all that is super close [Music] hey everybody so by popular demand I had put it up on the channel to vote what the next video should be and overwhelming you all voted to see part two of this Easter Egg video which honestly I was kind of glad that you did because it was already set up this way so today's objective is we're gonna try to finish it off and did another $400 Buy in we're gonna see obviously there's the hundreds that's right there these stacks now the only issue with today's gonna be and as you all know that have watched for a while this playing field is getting heavy a lot of quarters are here at the end so that's gonna make a little bit more difficult however it I mean there's some things your clothes I'm really anxious to see what's inside to say because if you all remember from the video before and if you haven't seen it I encourage you to go back to the previous video and watch these journeys where they started that and this one was super heavy the other one was really light and remember they got the teepee things in here still but outside of that $400 buy-in and let's go ahead and get started and see what we can do you all like the be putting that up there I've done it before where I get you all to vote on which video you want to see next because it kind of keeps me post is what you're all thinking what you want to see and nice see how long do what it took me if I would have kept playing the other day to get that hundred off and also this video should be out I'm thinking Friday Friday night so keep an eye out Saturday I put an announcement and if you don't if you don't keep up to it number one if you go subscribe to the channel you can see any time I put a message up and leave me a message but I'll leave messages up on the channel all the time and just confirmed this Saturday at 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time all Jeff's children want to be here and we're going to go ahead and complete this the carolina reaper challenge and the reason why there's a lot of reasons why I didn't do it already and one of the biggest was the recording room that me and Jeff recorded that's really small and with isolation precautions that were under right now so I'm going to go ahead and use my garage now have it nice and open so we can keep the 60 the part should be really good and I know they're excited if I come on here and saying thank you to everybody and if you all get time to come you know me and it's not always start exactly on time but it should be three in the marker from around three o'clock so I'd love to see y'all there give them some support and let them give you a chance to say thank you to you all that was a good push see if I would have done just to fix our buying by now I would have dumped it out of money so I'm so glad I decided just to make us apart - Tanya winnette Plainfield gets heavy like that it's a [Music] pain - but I went ahead went back to my wireless mic I did not like the sound quality of the last video with using that shoe mount I need to get a nicer stock going south of those that were stuck over here I bet you did see it I hope you did boot doesn't came off at the same time that is amazing I have no idea how much was in there but that's truly helps because I was really worried about if I'm gonna have enough to make my money back so that helps me out alright someone will start working the right side a little bit more see if I get this egg come off alright this is what we have left come on big push one of those is gonna fill a gap but that's okay all right down to down to a dollar [Music] and last quarter see how good this does ah man second wave alright let's go down here alright guys so check this out 120 stack 60 stack 120 so we aren't a hundred and eighty dollars five point or 400 in 180 back just that quick so that is awesome oh ho that is getting super close I'm really excited to see what's in that now if y'all remember last video I was down and actually the Bluebird 200 bucks but I'm gonna did it [Music] oh man that's getting so close big Bush [Music] get Mike to turn this right here down because it's it's really loud I know it's gonna be showing up on the mic Hey [Music] the only reason why I went to the left side there for a little bit as I'm trying to even out the playing field so it doesn't get too happy but hopefully this thing will be coming off you're seeing that ownership still hasn't felt all that's why you can't can't always go back if you think something's right there because you know how this game operates especially once it gets really heavy all right need some change take it come one that should be a good one oh so close all right second wave get it whoa that thing is just dangling right this is what I have left of that last pool but sounds like we're doing really well I know one thing it is freezing cold in here I don't know what it's like all over the country but on here we had some pretty days in the man it's like winter just came back and my last quarter yeah alright let's go see where we're at so again that was a good pool so close to getting off that egg so let's go ahead and drop this down like this [Music] alright come on baby knock it off oh come one pretty excited definitely next video I'd like to show the new coin pusher I hadn't even played it yet so that will be the next video for sure outside of the video of Jeff's kids and by the way just so you know ahead of time Jeff's oldest son his name is Jeffrey name better is dad then the second oldest daughter's name is merica then Kordell and Chelsea and that's just four kids and I'm pretty short at least three of them will be here Saturday so I've said it many times but he's got just an amazing children come on come little baby me nothing is dangling right on the edge what's happened I think is it's leaning in the going against the glass but once that bottom falls out it'll come off they say who that just like fell off and came back going that hundred this is dangling with all that stuff on it all right this is my last quarter come one all right knock that off maybe not alright well alright so I got this I'm gonna do something real quick I hate taking this thing off but I want you to see look how can you see that I think is dangling look look that ends a hundred just dangling off the edge and that crazy alright so this last pull was not the best we got to get this thing off here [Music] come with one eye good push I need to go a little bit farther oh it is leaning it against the glass now that's gonna take it off maybe not I say it all the time I'm the weather man my predictions just don't come true I've got 50 cents left I [Music] ask colder I hope that does something I don't even know if anything's fell yet it hasn't and there's no quarters unreal just that quick I'm gonna have to do another buy in because I can't leave it like that we got the hundred and eighty back alright let me go do it by and I'll be right back all right one hundred and fifty dollar buy and that puts our new total at five hundred and fifty dollars in got that who this worth it I'm definitely glad I don't know what I'm glad about I don't know if I'm glad because I would have lost it then just lost it now but we have 180 back so far so I just hope this is worth it really want to get that hundred ship come off get that those stacks come off alright that should hopefully do something maybe not all right come on baby man alright it's getting closer [Music] oh there's another hundred ship under there don't know if you can see that or not but underneath that stack so that would be good any kind of money would be good come one alright well guess it's better for the video itself to make it a little more challenging a little more interesting of a video but for me personally it calls stress I guess anytime you're gambling with your money all right so this is what's the left of that one hundred and fifty dollar buy-in come one please stay on the left side here a little bit and we're down to a quarter see all right that's going backwards there we go we got that need to on the left side here [Music] come on baby yes yes it's very nice so there's that hunger chip finally look how long it took me to get it all when your gut tells you sometimes to do something you really got to listen to it [Music] alright we're down to 50 cents last quarter all right come on [Music] hundred dollar chip which that 550 involved 280 back so we're slowly getting there and we have this I'm going to continue to work on this putter chip right here these really hope them that I can win that egg but I don't want to win it put all my effort into it at this point and find out it's just says tool paper in oh that was a good push I needed that level that playing field off some [Music] [Music] there we go so I just personally word my favorite shirt that I've came up with I can't wait to get it to show you all thousand elastic water by the way hey real quick I did not even see that in there there's a Bitcoin so I want a Bitcoin no idea where it came from I'm not complaining wait for Goodwin T Springs website you'll see a shirt that I've designed and actually it was just favorite shirt of mine too but it's the second wave shirt because I say second wave all the time it's got a big wave on it I'm surprised I've always sold two of them I'm surprised I haven't sold one I thought pretty cool-looking shirt but hopefully when I get it maybe it'd be something you're all interested in that was not good come one big push tell me that playing feels so heavy oh and that's not good too coming on top like that alright come wall and push it all oh man that one there all three across the floor down $0.50 already and that one on top that half spot got it [Music] alright let's continue on the journey trying to get our money back all that is super close yes also man very much needed [Music] great what makes me feel better all right work the right side just a little bit see if we can get this egg to come off [Music] oh man seriously though last quarter ah so we got 40 and 100 so another 140 I see we were at oh maybe maybe maybe maybe wait a minute Oh No so surprising that this thing is not I [Music] don't get it because I've learned how to change I definitely don't think don't know the buy-in would be worth it whatsoever all right come one shoot [Music] come one get it off Oh soup the place all right come on all right we're getting more quarters back so that's good last quarter Act so that one was definitely a lot better pool [Music] come one mice even push nice ball all that one on top that's not where I wanted you to go number one hate the right side just in case you didn't know that come when it's getting around it [Music] there we go knock that thing off oh that's alright I needed those quarters so I'll take that that's my last quarter by the way a lot better [Music] knock it off [Music] whoa stayin in the game I'll take that [Music] off on top negative come one that thing is so close we'll get it this time no another great pool [Music] all right get that thing off there or not filling that go oh look at this please thank you that's already gave me some quarters back and coming up on the last quarter that was it big push oh that's going to fall off all right [Music] come on baby since that morning stock is the closest focus than that oh great fantastic when it gets close like this I cannot afford for the quarters to go on top like that there we go sweet alright helps me out now let me just get one of these eggs to come off last quarter so I'm getting low I need to try to get one of these eggs to come off and then I'm gonna call it a night right there how is that possible [Music] come on baby look it's literally just walking this place like walk the dog it's walking its way across the playing field hey I'll take that um that is awesome it's alright egg you don't want to come off I've got plenty of other things to come off point on I'm just gonna leave it a mystery to the end sorry [Music] tomboy [Music] unreal oh forget it all say look did you see that look I knew it I knew that's what was holding that thing up so I got to get that bottom to come out of it we're just worried about this one there we go is that not coming off well that one's going to come off before the other one does and remember these things don't fit down in the gap so they stay there so I got to get Mike to take it off all right that's my last quarter [Music] oh that is getting so close how are you not falling all that access that went on top all that extra weight it's finally starting to come off now this quarter is just dangling sheeps unreal seriously man [Music] I think it's just stuck I think it's like fell but it's stuck and if it's off there but you might give that thing to me I'm glass ears to think that's all the issue is because you can see it's down [Music] see aha seriously man [Music] [Music] that was not the timing that unwanted all right come on knock it off oh all right well I do yes yes so that thing is open let me see if I can get the rest of the way down but I see why it's so heavy see that's why it's so heavy look what's in there chips all right let's finish this out I'll let Mike get that for me and see if we actually broke even or Oh big push oh yes all right baby come on [Music] [Music] alright I'm gonna pull the last couple quarters here shoot last quarter [Music] all right last quarter [Music] man all right that's all right let me get my cup here we'll see where we are at currently and we'll go from there all right guys so today hands down is the craziest results that I've ever had so let's start off with the golden egg and inside the golden egg is 250 chips so that's $100 so I'll definitely take that over the TP unless I really need TP I guess so we've got that and to make this easier we'll just for chips wise I have two hundred three hundred dollars in chips so we'll just count that three hundred and chips what you didn't see is another stack fill which was a 60 stack so this is what we've gotten stacks and all together our grand total for today not all wait for this five hundred and sixty dollars five hundred and sixty dollars of what we made today Plus this Bitcoin so five hundred and sixty dollars however we were in the hole five hundred and fifty minutes technically today we won ten bucks technically we lost and now when I say this part of it I'm referring to the hundred dollar tip that I get Mike what she always tries to refuse it but technically I'm down ninety dollars after I give him the 100 so back-to-back these Easter things almost great however both days I lost a total of like 300 bucks counting the last video in this video so I'm ready to kind of get this thing recycled and start over again because once it gets like this gets really hard to win but like I said I promise you all I told you last video since everything was closed to talk to Mikey and their problem doing that so we're able to come up here and play again so I'm not I'm not disappointed you know again you win have good days that you win I've had a lot of them you all see that but I have a lot of days that I'll lose and that's the only way we can keep on making these videos because if they had to pay out every time I was up here believe me I wouldn't be allowed up here anymore or this machine wouldn't be up here so guys I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did enjoy today's video you can do me a huge favor and hit that like button that shows YouTube shows me and so anybody else that's interested in watching this video that it's a good video that like button means a lot more than what you can think also we're getting so close to I think I look like 6,000 away 5,000 away from 100,000 subscribers once we get a hundred thousand subscribers I'm gonna give away a small coin pusher I'm getting to give give one person the chance to come out here and play with me I don't know how the details the details of that how that will work out but that's going to be one of the prizes is come out here and play with the high risk coin pusher and the first buy-in will be on me I'll pay for it and also some other things so the only way you're going to be able to win and that is if you're subscribed to the channel and it's a way thank you to you all we're definitely gonna do a huge video again I greatly appreciate it beside that there's a little belt notification if you click that bill that will let you know you're the first one to know when I upload a video also this Saturday at 3 o'clock do not miss out if you don't mind we got Jeff's children here we're going to do the Carolina Reaper challenge I'm not excited about that but I'm definitely excited to have his children here sure do miss my friend and it would be good to have connection of me but outside that thank you so much for watching and hope you enjoy today's video alright guys and ladies thank you so much for watching and I'll talk to you soon see you saturday good bye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 169,542
Rating: 4.8897996 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: 5uGN6SIJPmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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