High limit coin pusher season 4 episode 12

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a 500 buy-in got 50 quarters 10 dollars a piece i got uh four towers in there a whole bunch of gold and some bitcoins got some earbuds oh they got a dice in there too you get that dice that's a multiplier we get to roll that hopefully we'll get that oh yeah that's doing real good it's got an earbud we got five quarters left that was them right there all right let's check it out see what we got all right well we ended up with two earbuds about 150 quarters you're doing good real good oh yeah nice [Music] wow we're making all kinds of money where's bitcoin about to go another earbud fifty dollar bill let's get real close oh two fifties in a 20. nice oh that tower fell off to the side that was most of our money right there going well we got about we got four quarters let's get them in oh yeah that's doing awesome nice all right let's check it out see what we got oh yeah we did real good we got 150 bucks got six of the earbuds and three bitcoins and about 900 quarters we're doing freaking awesome nothing stopping us now let's take it all home with us let's get it all oh yeah there's another earbud a lot of money if we can get that multiplier i got a fifty thousand dollar max payout on this so oh nice you can't weigh any more than fifty thousand i don't know if they got 50 000 in there but they do i want it [Music] it's doing amazing really good oh yeah well then dollar chips on the side we're just ready to go oh the big tire fell uh we lost our multiplier [Music] well i guess there won't be no multiplying going on we'll still make some good money though i think oh yeah all kinds of those butterfingers 100 bucks i want a couple hundred more [Music] we got about 140 quarters let's get a man [Music] oh yeah that's doing real good the loot shoots all overflowing all right well that's lots of recorders right there let's check it out silver gap oh yeah we ended up with 2820 bucks at 10 of the earbuds three bitcoins and two pieces of gold about a thousand quarters doing really good flipping awesome all right let's get to it see if we can get the rest of that i just realized i had copper in there must have been using that to try to prevent that tire from falling over didn't work though did it we got here nice old butterflies there's a whole bunch of hundreds on the left nice we just got a bunch of them [Music] real good oh my goodness that was a big piece of copper you all hear it hit the ground old butterfingers dropping quarters everywhere let me get that one off of there dropped one right there oh wow that other big old piece of copper fail call them 100 chips it's doing really good well loot shoots overflowing again hope you all had a fabulous easter i sure did let's see my family had some good food watched all the kids go and search for easter eggs had a good time oh yeah a whole bunch of them tens are about to go nice got about 30 quarters left oh yeah let's get a man all right that's the last of them right there [Music] all right let's check it out see we got all right all right we got fourteen hundred and twenty dollars we got two of the copper bars and an earbud we got about a thousand quarters also we're doing real good let's get to it let's make the rest of that money come on couple big pushes that's all we need oh yeah [Music] [Music] oh real good oh yeah there it went whole bunch of gonna say we got her loaded up pretty good should get some good pushes here i dropped 100 tip in there wasn't paying attention had it my it was in there with all my quarters we'll get it back no biggie [Music] there's the last of recorders though it's doing real good all right let's check it out see what we got be right back all right all right we got 360 bucks and about 850 quarters it's doing real good let's get the rest of it let's do it [Music] oh there's a hundred dollar chip won't be long down nice [Music] so we better push a little bit on that right side it's a big purses [Music] a hundred dollars the chip's going right down the center afraid it's gonna get stuff oh nice we might be getting some more hundreds they're moving around up there i dropped too many in darn it all right i'm gonna go collect we're running around out of quarters i'm just gonna let that go back and forth it'll break itself up here in a minute all right let's check it out see we got all right well we end up at 40 bucks about 500 quarters we got way too many quarters up there let's just keep on going well that's gonna be a good push couple good pushes probably oh look at that hundred dollar chip it's about to go nice hundred dollar chip made it through that whole machine twice got 40 to make 40 more dollars that's all we need it'll be nice if those hundred dollar chips on the right side would fall in there not looking too promising ooh so close it's wiggling back and forth [Music] we better slow her down on dropping so many quarters [Music] there it is we did it cleared it all out of there i'm gonna tally it all up for you we'll be right back all right all right we ended up with five thousand ninety dollars we got six bitcoins to the golden bars 19 of the earbuds not bad for a 500 buy-in not bad at all all right well if you all enjoy what you've seen do me a favor hit that like button and subscribe we'll see on the next one y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 29,223
Rating: 4.9348149 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, jackpot, Coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, jackpot
Id: uDXSQom1yxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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