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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher so today we're doing a 500 buy-in they gave us 50 quarters and there's a ginormous tower in there i think we'll do pretty good if i if i don't do if i don't get it all i might do another buy-in because there's such amount such a large amount in there so let's see how it goes [Music] oh yeah it's moving there's the last of our quarters come on big fish oh you see that the whole thing moved that was nice so that's not bad we got close to 50 still probably 45 or so a couple big pushes and we'll get that knock baby all right that's the last of it well it hasn't fallen yet but we definitely got some quarters back all right all right look at that probably got 15 55. [Music] so i've had a lot of people asking when am i going to be doing another earbud giveaway and the answer is when i get to 10 000 subscribers so you guys want in the uh drawing for the earbuds we're just just gonna have to wait until we get 10 000 subscribers it shouldn't take long if everybody would just subscribe says 87 of the views are from people who have not yet subscribed so hit that subscribe button and we'll get that video going and get those earbuds out there buddy [Music] come on push that's the last of our quarters right there all right let's check it out see what we got wow we're doing good on quarters [Music] [Music] oh it's getting ready to go nice all right we got it it fell over that's always a good thing looks like we lost we lose 150 bucks 150 bucks fell off by the edge i can deal with that i'm fine with that quarters we're doing a lot better on quarters probably the most we've had probably 60 65. we'll probably stay right a little bit [Music] see if we can't get a bunch of that fall hopefully it don't steal over quarters from us oh yeah we're gonna make a ton of money so close all right that was the last of our quarters right there let's check it out see what we got wow look at that i'd say that's probably close to 90. all those hundreds lined up those yellow yellow chips are a hundred dollars each [Music] oh yeah doing good staying on that right we're kind of pushing that whole thing right where we want it then we'll make it rain push them all off that's the goal anyway [Music] so [Music] yeah we got 10 000 subscribers we'll do a 10 awesome subscriber giveaway probably have some earbuds some silver silver coins and stuff and whatever else we happen to get from now and then look at that that's got to be a hundred quarters now really close to it [Music] oh yeah that's getting real close [Music] it's got to stay right long enough to get that stuff those 50s and 25s kind of pushed then we'll go go for those hundreds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this was a good deal 500 bucks for this that's a really nice deal i think we're easily going to make our money back on this one [Music] four quarters left let's get them in [Music] all right let's see what we got holy moly mackerel all right that's what i got it's pretty good let's say a little more than 100 i can barely hold a hundred i couldn't hold this not with one hand surprised we haven't got any of those chips yet there's a bunch of quarters on that right corner [Music] [Music] so oh goodness it's getting close [Music] [Music] i got three quarters left let's get them in there they are let's see what we got that's what we got i'd say it's still right around 100 mark still want to stay right just a little longer looks like the 50s and the 25s are about to work their way to the edge we're going to get that 25 chip real soon see him oh there we go goes nice just made i think 75 bucks there so stay the right just a little bit longer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh so close [Music] a couple big pushes and we'll be set [Music] we've got three quarters left let's get them in see what happens all right that's good all right let's check it out all right all right we got 75 bucks already of course we're doing good 95 of them or so maybe 100 so let's make it rain a little bit do some nice even pushes all right those 50s are going nice it's moving good oh make it rain make it rain [Applause] all right that's the last of the quarters [Music] all right let's check it out see what we got all right there's another hundred bucks it's pretty sweet quarters almost too many to hold we're still got them close to 100 there it's more than what we started out with [Music] [Music] oh yeah last three quarters all right [Music] come on push something good for me ah all right let's check it out see what we got all right i made another 50 bucks pretty sweet of course oh we lost a few oh maybe 85 but i got about 85 quarters oh butterfingers [Music] come on oh [Music] that might have been too many yeah there we go that was the last of them [Music] let's check it out see what we got all right got about 75 or sorry about 65 quarters probably [Music] run a little well but i've been trying to stack them up kind of kind of deep up there on the top hoping that it'll it'll get us some bigger waves at the bottom once those finally fall through and then it will be taller and better push those chips that's what i'm hoping for that was the last of our quarters let's check it out all right not bad we're probably back down to 50. so we'll stack them up again [Music] and i'm probably on the next hand we'll be ready to thin them back out knock those double stacks down that was the last of them all right let's see what we got all right that's what we got we got about 25 or so so these will just take slow try not to double stack them we'll let them push all those double stacks off and hopefully it'll make some double stacks at the bottom [Applause] [Music] that's the theory i'm going with that's the last of them because otherwise it's just not nothing's really pushing everything's kind of stuck something i'm trying out that's what we got not many 20 probably [Music] we got four left a double stack going on accident [Music] all right let's see see how it does so we got about 10 or so [Music] you might have to do another buy-in we're getting close to running out that's what we got about 15 or so i think if we do it right we don't double stack these i think we'll do all right i could be wrong [Music] here we are getting some some of the stack up right there some double stacked right there that was our last of our quarters [Music] so that's what we got not much i think i'm gonna get it in we'll go do another buying [Music] all right so we're now completely out of quarters but i'm gonna go do another buy-in so we can get some good pushes hopefully make some money all right so we did another another 500 buy-in that gave us 50 quarters so we're up to a thousand dollars now so hopefully this pays out otherwise we're gonna lose we're gonna lose our tails on this one get some big pushes we're trying not to double stack them old butterfingers [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that was the last of them over those hundreds hundreds right there about to go that'd be nice all right i've got some more double stacked up there too right there nice so we got all right that paid out good we still got 50 or 65. oh i just stacked up three four of them i lost some ammo on that one darn it oh yeah those hundreds about to go that's of our quarters let's check it out see what we got all right that's good pretty good on that one probably about 60 or so this started out i thought pretty good but this is probably one of the worst performing games i've ever played oh nice there it goes just made made some money there oh made some more sweet fan out i said just gotta keep the faith brother keep the faith all right let's see what we got all right so we made 300 bucks pretty sweet quarters not bad probably about 50 of them still [Music] so those double stacks must have really worked so that was probably a good strategy [Music] we did have to do that ryan [Applause] hopefully it'll be worth it all right that's the last two recorders let's check it out see what we got all right that's what we got it's not bad probably 45 or 50. there's a 25 chip stuck in there i'm sure it'll fall eventually not even sure when it fell i just happened to see it [Music] [Music] [Applause] we got four quarters left let's get him in [Music] come on big push all right check it out all right so we got that 25 dollar chip finally fail so that's nice oh another quarterfinal grab that too of course not doing so good 35 or 40. i just double stacked that one on [Music] accident [Music] hunters are looking like they're moving again [Music] that's the last several quarters see what we got all right that's what we got probably about 35 or so [Music] last that's the last of the quarters there all right so what we got yeah i didn't do bad i thought about 40 of them i'm 50 45. oh butterfingers let me go pick that out of the quarters up i dropped let's get them in there that's the last of them [Music] let's check it out see what we got this is by far the roughest game i've ever played that's what we got on quarters 25 or 30. i've never had one this difficult [Music] [Applause] that was the last of them what we got that's not bad what about 40 again [Applause] all right that was the last time i got a couple stuck up there but they'll fall out let's check it out hey bad i'm happy [Music] very surprised how everything's just stuck everything's still except for the quarters they're falling i'm slowly losing those too though i hear him falling into the house bay [Music] yeah that's what we got not bad [Applause] that's the last of them trying to get a little bit stacked up hoping for another big push it's all just right there he's a little shove that's what we got i don't know 12 15 somewhere in that range that was the last of them [Music] boy i'm not i don't think i could do another buy-in i mean there's a bunch there plenty enough to pay for it all just not pushing i probably should have quit when i was ahead that's what i got i was never ahead i guess but i probably should have quit before i did that other buy-in but you don't know how it's going to turn out you know we could have all just started going and that's what i thought it's okay made plenty of money off of this game we got five quarters left there they are [Music] all right we got one they gave us one quarter of a little phil hot diggity what can we do with one quarter [Music] ha ha that was nice turned one quarter into like 10. and then i double stack three of them on accident let's check it out four quarters uh-oh [Music] well that was by far the hardest most difficult game i've ever played it looked like it would have been pretty simple it wasn't anyhow we counted up see what we got we ended up at 550 so we're down very sorry we ended up with 550 bucks so we're down 450 bucks [Music] uh it's not really what i go for i tried at least break even but it is what it is we'll play another game hopefully we'll get it back then all right like i said earlier if we get to 10 000 subscribers we'll do a another giveaway so you still got time to hit that subscribe button go ahead and hit that like button for me too all right y'all take care and we'll see in the next video
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 73,997
Rating: 4.8129578 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coinpusher
Id: lKUlhEYlzzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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