She Represents Everything Wrong with the Jedi Order

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hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation Tech my name is Alan you guys know I'm not a huge fan of the Jedi Order as a role when Firearms or blasters are available I find people who use melee weapons to be a bit toxic but still it's never really a good idea to just generalize an entire group of people I have to practice what I preach more often and so today I want to take a look at an individual who I think represents most of the problems that Jedi Order faces this is an institution that became increasingly dogmatic and arrogant during the Golden Age of the Republic this is a really rare period in Galactic history where there weren't any major Wars things were relatively peaceful and the Jedi's hated rival the Sith were in hiding it's that piece that most likely turned the Jedi from a moral authority to a cold bloated and bureaucratic organization that no longer understood what its role in the Galaxy was anymore it's not necessarily their fault any group of people any organization that isn't challenged on a regular basis generally stagnates and becomes useless you you always have to exercise your brains and your muscle and an organization like the Jedi without the Sith well they just became fat and lazy Jedi Master luminar and Dooley is a product that the Jedi Order of this period of time according to the Lord master luminar and Dooley is described as a wise protector an individual with great patience discipline bravery and compassion in some ways that is who Master luminara is but when she takes the fan we get to see another side of her her flaws before we continue though a quick word from our sponsor for today's video they are the premier manufacturers of lightsabers that feature anti-dismemberment technology and from July 3rd to July 31st the entire store is going to be 30 off with free shipping plus Now is offering you guys the option to engrave their Hilt The Wraith Bearer with any phrase or name that's up to 10 characters long all you have to do is add the rate Bearer special bundle into your carts and then type in the notes section at check out what you want to be written on the saber Hills remember guys you have to select The Wraith Bearer bundle for this to work if you just select the reef error from the Padawan saber category you will not get the engraving I'll link everything down in the description below if you guys are interested in this offer and once again thank you so much for your patience it's sponsors like that keeps our team going through the slower months of the year the Jedi Order does not treat all of its members the same way certain species get special treatment for instance you have Kia di Mundi he's a Syrian potato a species with such a low birth rate that the Jedi actually gave an exemption to him from their ban on marriage kimundi and legends actually had not one life but five wives and seven children kitty Mundy claims that he was able to love his kids and not be attached to them potato Master luminar also received special treatment within the Jedi Order you see she didn't just paint her face green and get those cool Maori lift hats to be different she's actually not a human she's a near human species known as the Mary Allens Mary Allen's then just have different shades of skin they actually typically were Force sensitive and had a very spiritual culture which harbored a close connection to Nature the tattoos on their face were inspired by the Maori tradition of tamoko which were historically Associated to people with high status and to the idea of Mana another Supernatural energy that permeates the Galaxy and also gives individuals super powers like being really good at rugby now when the mirror Islands joined the Jedi Order they actually negotiated this deal to olamire Allen's only to train other mirror Islands some Stars fans have pointed out that the Morales were probably a bit xenophobic or at least viewed themselves as different if not Superior the fact that the Jedi actually allowed this special treatment for the muralans completely goes against their ideology if you think about it the entire idea of recruiting only infants to the Jedi Order is based on this idea that new job recruits needed to be blank slates that could be easily molded by the Jedi's philosophy and belief system this should mean in theory it doesn't really matter which planet or which species a Jedi youngling is they're all going to be treated the same way the mirror Islands also had a primitive belief system surrounding the force which I assume was different from what the Jedi taught and surprisingly the Jedi were I guess accommodating of this more primitive view of the force on a lot of the Morales to continue practicing kind of like their spiritual way of dealing with the force this is not something that is very typical with the Jedi Order they do not like other Force organizations now I honestly think it's fine for New Jedi recruits to bring their culture and beliefs into the order but if you are going to have rules about not introducing different ideologies to the Jedi then having the miralins having exception is not only bad for the institution it's also bad for the Morales it kind of makes them seem different it separates them from the group and I think that can cause a lot of problems either the others will look at the Morales with jealousy or suspicion which is exactly what happens to Anakin when he joins the order at a later date just because they're Jedi doesn't mean that they can also be teenagers it's also possible that the Morales develop their own census superiority because of this either way it really isolates the muralen members of the Jedi Order and you can see a lot of these toxic traits being developed within Mass luminara so generate master luminar was known as one of the most powerful Jedi within the order but what does that mean exactly I don't really know I mean we have to remember the Jedi were at peace for almost a thousand years there were no Sith to duel against no marauding armies of Barbarians threatening the Peace of the Galaxy the Jedi mostly dealt with pirates and your occasional regional conflict Mesa luminar was reportedly very skilled with both form three and form five of lightsaber combat form three is excellent for fighting multiple opponents and was also terrific for deflecting Blaster fire which is probably why she was one of the 33 individuals who survived the battle on petrnaki Arena the initial Jedi task force had 212 Jedi including many children not that that would bother luminar that much it was a complete company woman similar mindset to the likes of Mace Windu and kiyadi Mundi she was 100 committed to whatever the Jedi Council wanted and said and we see that her meticulous adherence of the rules also shaped how she would teach her Padawan Baris ophi Master luminar believes heavily in rote memorization this is a learning technique where you read something enough times that it just becomes ingrained in your brain it's not necessarily the best form of learning because there's actually a limited amount of critical thinking you use when doing something like this now during the Second Battle of Geonosis master luminar has Baris of he memorized an intricate geonosian tunnel system beneath an important weapons Factory it's really an impressive feat for her to be able to do this luminara and offie have paired themselves in his mission with Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano who were the complete opposite in temperament and personality again Master let's just say that they have a penchant for playing loose with regulations and rules of command listen to me well if you don't trust me then maybe you should send me back don't right away we see two different styles of parenting whereas the marylands were completely prepared for the mission and more traditional master and Padawan relationships Skywalker antenno acted like equals and were more about improvisation neither mentality is actually right I mean both groups exhibit kind of extreme behaviors but the beauty of this is that they kind of balance each other out when they work together well Barris introduce yourself at your service [Music] now Anakin really wants to do a frontal assault because it's Anakin but Master luminar suggests that they send two individuals into this tunnel system below the weapons Factory and infiltrate it there meanwhile the Masters would lead the bulk of their forces in a frontal attack distracting the separatist droids guarding the factory Anakin is worried right away he doesn't really think that Ahsoka Tano is ready to handle this type of mission and again Anakin's A Pretty Reckless individual so I tend to side with them in this situation I also think like he's right the Jedi Master should be the one going in the tunnels and basically going behind lines and risking their lives I think being on the surface and leading the faint is a lot safer if anything the Clones were capable of carrying out a faint all by themselves they weren't dumb it's almost as if luminara has given herself an easier task and saved the more difficult tasks for her underlings bear Sophie is able to lead Ahsoka Tano into the weapons Factory properly she's a bit of a know-it-all probably inherited from her mother but I think Bears have is generally competent and skilled but once they get into the weapons Factory they're forced to retreat inside of a separate Super Tank because they are discovered it's at this point Barris Opie runs out of ideas the bugs took the bombs what are we gonna do now I don't know what to do without the bombs I have to say uh it's really not bear Sophie's fault for not having ideas she's hardly older than Ahsoka here the problem is that massilluminara believes that with enough preparation a battlefield plan will succeed when in reality all plans begin to fall apart the moment you make contact the real issue here isn't Barris Opie's lack of improvisation it's the fact that she was sent on this mission in the first place I mean luckily Ahsoka is there and she's really good at improvising and I think without her bear selfie would have surely died well tank could destroy the power generator a choice the two panel one heroically agreed to sacrifice their own lives for the mission Ahsoka calms Anakin who of course tries to stop the Padawan from bringing the factory down on top of her own head now just a side note this episode of the Clone Wars was really designed to highlight Anakin's attachment to Ahsoka and how that's a problem but to me Anakin's Devotion to Ahsoka is admirable especially because she is his responsibility and technically still a child a society that does not protect its young its future is going to be completely in chaos and so what stands out to me is not Anakin's emotions but Master luminar's lack of emotions over bear Sophie Ahsoka can you hear me come in thank you Master luminara don't worry be at ease Skywalker at ease we need to act now Ahsoka embarrass may still be alive down there there's not enough time Anakin is emotional here but he hasn't let those emotions completely take over his judgment if anything his emotions are pushing him to act as fast as possible logically speaking what he's doing is correct here he has no idea whether the Padawan have survived or not and until he can get confirmation the best thing he can do is actively search the runes for them Mass illuminara instead of focusing on freeing her Padawan is more focused on teaching Anakin a lesson about Jedi philosophy we cannot abandon our padawans you misjudge me I too care for my Apprentice but if their time has come I refuse to let Ahsoka die she's so arrogant that she's not willing to let go of what she sees as a problem with Anakin she's even ignoring the fact that her Padawan is missing the fact that luminar continues having this philosophical debate instead of I don't know lifting some debris up with the force shows is just how out of touch Jedi Masters like luminara are I mean here is a woman who spent most of her life trapped within the confines of the Jedi Temple she was surrounded by like-minded and arrogant Jedi Masters who believe that they had figured out everything in the galaxy and so when crisis strikes Master luminar doesn't act like a human being she acts like a rigid dogmatic individual who truly believes in the Jedi Order to make matters worse when Anakin finds ahsoko what does luminar do well she doesn't run to barasophy and embrace her as he should the poor girl just survived a very hairy situation and knew they were still alive I told you we shouldn't give up on them it's not that I gave up Skywalker but unlike you when the time comes I am prepared to let my student go can you say the same still trying to prove people right they ego on this woman and here's the thing a universal later bear Sophie would actually frame Ahsoka Tano for bombing the Jedi Temple at the time the entire Republic the Jedi Order all turned against Ahsoka you know who didn't Anakin you've already made your decision haven't you this meeting is just a formality reach the decision we have if there's one time in your life when you can become extreme it's when you're looking out for your loved ones your friends I mean if you don't go all out for them then what are you saving it for now Barris Opie's turn to the dark side is one of the biggest signs of luminar's failure as a Jedi bear Sophie was a quiet type far more mature than she lets on but I believe from the very beginning she was never made for the battlefield I mean some Jedi were just too sensitive or too empathetic and they just couldn't handle the rigors of war and that's fine War isn't a natural state and it definitely shouldn't be the natural state of a Jedi actually before the Second Battle of Geonosis Bears of he chose to stay on Coruscant and try to avoid the battlefield as much as she could instead she found solace in volunteering in the Jedi Medical Clinic where she could help heal the wounded while the rest of the Jedi were being all gung-ho about the war and feeding their troops into the wood chipper that was the Clone Wars bear Sophie was actually doing positive things he was healing the wounded saving lives I think it's very admirable that she chose this route I think she ultimately was a really gentle soul and the war broke her she was pulled out of her Comfort Zone by her demanding Master whose only words to berezothy after she survived that wreck on Geonosis was this Padawan you did well it's not that luminara is evil or a bad person I actually think she's a pretty decent human being but a lot of times what we see is evil is just a result of incompetence luminara like many of the Imperials I have profiled on this channel recently is another blind follower a belief system like the one created by the Jedi Order can be really problematic especially if you adopt those beliefs the journey believe that emotions led to fear which leads to the dark side but the truth is trillions of people in the Galaxy have emotions and they have fear and they have anger and they don't all turn into psychotic people instead of banning one of the most basic things that makes us human the Jedi could have taught its members how to deal with the dark side how to deal with the emotions we all have and learn how to control it but the Jedi as an institution by this point in time were really rigid and they weren't willing to accept outside point of views in an earlier Mission during the Clone Wars Master luminar is paired with Ahsoka while they transport Vice for a new gun right to Corsa on board a star destroy during the mission Assad's Adventures breaches their vessel and launches a rescue mission for the nemodian criminal now sokotano actually manages the fight off Assad's Ventures by herself in the prison cell area but when Master luminar shows up she basically takes over the entire operation I'll confront her myself master all due respect but Ventress is too powerful for any one Jedi to fight alone let me help you sokotano actually is prior experience fighting inside Adventures who she likes to call the hairless Banshee that's a terrific burn the master illuminara is far too arrogant to listen and she turns down ahsoka's offer to help her I am more than capable of dealing with limiting skills form three is not so good at stopping steam is it [Music] foreign who saves the day by disobeying luminara's order and coming to her Aid at the last second but here's the thing just like how I can't be Mana bear so if you're turning to the dark side because of what her master made or do I still can't be mad at Master luminar for being such a shitty Jedi Master and that's because she was just doing her job following the behavior of her own master and the other Jedi that came before her somewhere along the lines the Jedi forgot how to be simple Heroes and turned into an organization that became burdened by politics bureaucracy and rules that completely muddled what it meant to be a Jedi in the first place so there you have it guys that is my breakdown of Jedi Master luminara unduli she was never my favorite Julie's pissed me off when I saw in the Clone Wars and I'm kind of happy I did this video finally well guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is Alan reminding you that my allegiance is to The Republic to democracy
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 596,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, master luminara unduli, jedi order, jedi temple, bariss offee, anakin skywalker, yoda, high jedi council, Galactic empire, galactic republic, the clone wars
Id: tfpnNVCKL3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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