Could the Forerunner Defeat a Unified Star Wars Galaxy? Halo vs Star Wars: Galactic Versus

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hey guys Eckhart slaughter hello and welcome to today's Daily Star Wars upload and I know I know I said no more galactic vs. episodes for at least a couple of days but yesterday's video blew up so I figured I would do at least one more I'm thinking in the next couple of days I might do a video on the strongest sci-fi civilizations because that would kind of tie in nicely with what I'm doing now and trust me there are some civilizations that make the forerunner in this video look like absolute babies I am kind of curious though would you guys rather see that or would you like to see a Star Wars lore video or like a Star Wars top 5 my more traditional content let me know that down in the comments and of course also let me know if you liked this video and future match ups that you would like to see and if you see a matchup that you like that someone else has suggested make sure to give them a thumbs up and a support and comment there's not going to be a formal dock box comm update in this video just because I've done updates in the past few videos but I will put the current leaderboard down in the bottom right corner if you guys want to get on the leaderboard while also tipping me and supporting the channel for free visit Gok box comm slash at karts ladder on your mobile device so today we are once again doing a halo Star Wars matchup I keep thinking that surely I are you guys are gonna run at a fun matchup soon but I don't really think that that's on the horizon cuz we keep coming up with fun video ideas and these videos seem to be really popular specifically today we're looking at how a United Star Wars galaxy would fare against a full-scale forerunner invasion if you guys don't know who the forerunner are or how powerful they are don't worry I'll get to that in just a minute but there are a few rules for today's matchups so on the halo side we're taking the forerunner at the height of their power so I guess somewhere at the beginning stages of the forerunner flood war on the Star Wars side we're taking the galaxy as it existed at the height of the Empire arguably a few months before the Battle of Endor helping the Empire will be the United Star Wars galaxy including the Rebel Alliance and any independent planet or sector fleets the Star Wars universe will have access to force users and an incomplete but fully functioning Death Star to the forerunner will be invading the galaxy and they'll take with them their entire Navy but only one of their megastructures I'll get to this in just a second the forerunner are free to build new mega structures but main use any halo array style weapons besides that we just have a couple of minor rules the first is that slipspace is presumed to work in the Star Wars galaxy finally the forerunner our blood lusted and not at all concerned with upholding the mantle of responsibility just to set the scenario the forerunner will be appearing in the unknown regions with their capital of may thrill e'en the Star Wars galaxy can repel the invasion by either destroying a majority of the forerunner fleet or by destroying the mather iliyan itself one more thing that I should add because the forerunner bring with them they may thrill e'en they will also have access to the domain all right so let's start the actual analysis and step one is to take a deep look at the forerunner because I haven't really featured the forerunner very heavily in this series so far I'm gonna go pretty in-depth on the race the forerunner were a race of extraordinarily advanced aliens who inhabited much of the Milky Way galaxy over 100 thousand years before the events of the Halo franchise the forerunner Empire which was often referred to as the Akuma knee was spread over three thousand plus worlds it's hard to say exactly how many forerunner there were there's one terminal in Halo 3 which kind of suggests that one planet may have had a population in the hundreds of billions and with three million planets that's a lot but I'm not really sure if that was the intention there the forerunner had extremely impressive building and Astro engineering skills they built several halo arrays various Dyson spheres various structures that were hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size and probably most notably a shield with an interior slip space bubble that expanded to have an interior space stretching out in the hundreds of millions of kilometers forerunner were able to move planets and stars at will and may have even been able to shift the galaxy's axial tilt notably the forerunner also visited several other dimensions which which in my mind really shows that level of power and scientific sophistication let's talk about the forerunner military though and the first thing you should know is that the forerunner operated through a caste system and they had a specific caste which was used for military actions these Warriors servants most likely numbered in the trillions and I say that because we know that at least that many were lost during the forerunners war against the flood for ground-based combat the forerunner would typically use combat skins these would vary in strength from a class 1 to a class 18 Master Chief's armor at the time of Halo 1 was obviously immensely powerful but by forerunner standards would have only been a class to combat skin that gives us again kind of an idea of how powerful this species truly was however in my mind one of the most remarkable parts of the forerunner is their Navy a single dreadnought not even a dedicated warship was able to power the Covenant city of High Charity for many many years and again that's a single key ship not a warship we also saw a key ship on earth and the events of Halo 3 survived being shot by multiple Mac rounds again pretty impressive the forerunner Navy would have had millions if not tens of millions of ships and that's a very conservative estimate we saw for example at the battle for the Maginot Sphere and this was at the end of the forerunner flood war when most of the Navy had been completely destroyed that they still managed to field 11,000 ships however not only were these ships numerous they were also very very powerful one of the most well known forerunner ships is the fortress class and these were over 100 kilometers long often a dozen or more of these would be used in a single battle there were obviously smaller ships like the Pickett class and other cruisers but they also got larger to the mantles approach for example which was the Didact flagship as seen in Halo 4 was over 350 kilometers tall notably the halo for visual guide actually makes it clear that well the ship is obviously very large it is not the largest in the forerunner Navy however the mantles approach and ships like it we're extremely powerful in Halo 4 we see that it's able to tank basically all of Earth's orbital defense fleet firing Supermax at it even the Infinity is only able to pierce a small hole in the shell of the ship the ships were also very well earned and the mantles approach had a weapon called the composer which could actually digitize living beings turning them from physical objects into what's essentially code however even the great might of their starships is not what truly makes the forerunner military terrifying the forerunner used artificial intelligence but not just any artificial intelligence but extraordinarily advanced AI and I mean this is well-crafted very advanced artificial intelligence and certainly the most powerful constructs made even a I like Cortana or the Covenant AI look quite rudimentary in comparison because we're taking the forerunner at the beginning of the war they won't have their most advanced militarized AI offensive bias however they will have mendicant bias and likely several other AI of his class I mentioned that forerunner used their AI extensively and they certainly did in warfare often a single AI would be controlling the actions of an entire fleet the forerunner also used quasi artificial intelligence in the use of sentinels and other machines I think the forerunner probably would have had an overwhelming amount of sentinels I mean we see that the shield world of Trevelyan had trillions alone besides for the aspects of foreign or military that I've already mentioned they also use techniques like stellar manipulation including the collapse of stars other things like guardians and really the forerunner just had a lot of militarized assets that they could throw at you alright so let's look at the Star Wars universe and I'm only gonna do so very very briefly because it's been featured in almost every one of these galactic verses episodes so on a very basic level at the time of the Star Wars galaxy that we're using the main force would have been the Galactic Empire the Empire would have most likely had millions if not billions of ships and trillions of warriors at their disposal in addition the galaxy also has access to powerful force users including Darth Vader Emperor Palpatine Yoda although he would have been very old at this point and the Skywalker twins although Luke was still only training as a Jedi Knight at this point and Leia had no real conscious use of the force in addition the Star Wars galaxy also has use of the Rebel Alliance and billions of systems many of which would have had their own dedicated defense forces with this basic understanding let's now move to the actual battle I truly think that it's pretty clear what's gonna happen here when you have an understanding of the forerunner I think it's pretty clear that the Star Wars a galaxy has no chance to succeed at least by conventional means the production capabilities of the forerunner and their scientific achievements are just totally out of control when the forerunners settle in the unknown they'll most likely start forming their own Maginot Line this will offer them some good defensive capabilities and I mean in Halo we see that Maginot Line installations can even take ships out from slipspace perhaps it can do the same through hyperspace I'm not really sure but regardless I don't think it's super important because the forerunner are gonna very quickly go on the offensive I want to very briefly compare the slipspace abilities of the forerunner and the hyperspace abilities of factions within the Star Wars Empire in Halo 4 we see that forerunners slipspace is nearly instantaneous arguably they're at a disadvantage because they don't have the Star Wars galaxy mapped out yet but I'm fairly sure that the trillions and trillions of sentinels that they have should be able to help map the galaxy fairly quickly with their Navy now on the offensive you've got hundreds if not thousands of weapons each as massive or more so than the first Death Star being escorted by thousands of capital ships and millions and billions of sentinels and not only are these ships numerous but they're also powerful and probably worse than that they're highly coordinated by very advanced artificial intelligence Star Wars really doesn't use AI I mean individual ships are captained by people and even guns on those ships are usually manned soldering the thron trilogy in Star Wars legends just how much difference a well-coordinated fleet can actually make however instead of Jorah Savi off the floor Runner have very advanced artificial intelligence and their coordination will probably be about 100 if not thousands of times more efficient really the Star Wars universe has no chance conventionally the ships are just too powerful too numerous to efficient and the forerunner are just too advanced as a species I don't think force users will even be able to save the galaxy here they may be able to see what the forerunner are doing in advance but they won't be able to stop them I mean even Palpatine's most powerful move is the force storm and that might be effective but really it's nothing against the firepower of the forerunner really the only chance the Star Wars universe has is if some sort of esoteric power gets involved I think if a below or perhaps one of the ones or some other celestial got involved then maybe they could do some serious damage but I'm not really gonna analyze that just because of how weird it is and how hard it is to compare a creature which focuses on real warping against a very powerful Empire additionally maybe interdimensional beings like warrior the now now might be able to do some serious damage but realistically I don't see how it's also possible that the machine race of the silentium could reproduce quickly and make large enough battleships to actually be a threat but again that seems pretty unlikely so yeah I'm gonna give this one to the forerunner and I'm gonna give it to them nine point nine five times out of ten again the only chance the Star Wars universe has is for some esoteric involvement and I don't think that that's likely and even if it does happen I still think they're screwed that however is just one man's opinion take a second right now to vote on who you think would win in the upper right hand corner I'll reveal the poll results at the end of the next galactic verses video as I mentioned earlier make sure to leave your thoughts on this video and your future suggestions down in the comments and if you haven't already please subscribe and if you want to get further involved follow me on Twitter anyway thank you so much for watching guys as always may the force be with you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 456,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, halo, star wars vs halo, halo vs star wars, starwars, vs, versus, forerunner vs star wars, empire vs forerunner, halo forerunner, forerunner, halo game, halo array, the ark halo, the maethrillian, forerunner flood war, star wars legends, forerunner navy, mantle's approach, maginot, artificial intelligence, Galactic Empire, rebel alliance, star wars galaxy, star wars space battle, space battle, star wars galactic versus, star wars who would win, who would win
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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