8 Most Competent Imperial Officers

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in our recent video about the most incompetent officers within the Empire we talked about how for every one competent officer there is there are roughly three more sabotaging the Empire with their stupidity greed and ambition in today's video we'll be covering those competent individuals hopefully this will give you a glimpse of what the Empire could have been if it wasn't run by a mad Evil wizard and his paranoid sycophantic backstabbing underwear General Maximilian beers was a towering man at six foot four he had risen to the ranks of the Imperial Army through skill cunning determination and also a bit of luck he had been assigned on the Death Star Battle station but was absent when it was destroyed this event also took out many of his superiors Max Million viewers would prove himself in more than a dozen different battles in the earlier years of the Galactic Civil War it was a brilliant ground Warfare tactician and would not hesitate to put himself on the front lines now for blind Glory but to better see the battlefield and lead the Vanguard through weaker positions in the enemy's front lines one could argue that General viewers was the Eman Rommel of the Imperial armories armored Corps General veers would eventually be assigned to Darth Vader's death Squadron and would personally lead the Sith Lord's Ground Forces on one occasion Admiral Kendall Ozil and general viewers were invited to Vader's Castle on Mustafar they found the dark lord standing and a viewing platform looking over for the molten Planet also who lack patience intact as usual blurt out how the rebels were Vermin an ass Vader how he would eliminate them viewers would interrupt and tell Ozil that he was mistaken and that the rebels were weeds and that the empire was like a storm powerful but incapable of rooting out their enemies what veers was proposing was massive reforms through the Imperial military a bold request to a Sith Lord who was known to kill officers for just the slightest transgressions but Vader instead tells viewers that he had made an interesting point which is a win in itself who knows how different the Imperial ground forces would have looked like if someone like veers was in charge perhaps you would see smaller Commando units that were better suited for finding the asymmetrical Warfare that the rebel gorillas like to use [Music] Mithra nerodo or thrawn was probably one of the most brilliant military commanders the Galaxy had ever seen his analytical abilities are so heightened it makes me wonder if he's a savant of some type even amongst his own people the chiss who were brilliant in calculating thrawn clearly stood out just his territory was located in the unknown region exceptionally chaotic area of the Galaxy where normal hyperspace travel is extremely dangerous because of the high concentration of gravitational anomalies only the toughest and craftiest species could survive in this area of space and not even the mighty chess knew what exactly was waiting for them just a few jumps away from their own territory and so young commanders like thrawn had to be prepared to encounter all sorts of unknown species with unknown military capabilities and intent which is why the Tris expansionary Defense Forces first Contact protocol usually involved officers observing new species from the safety of their cloaked ship this was a rule that thrawn oftentimes ignored though not because he was arrogant or seeking Glory but because he was able to read combat situations with such Clarity they often knew how exactly to act and he always trusted in his own intuition rather than follow the rules created by the chiss hierarchy thrawn was a student of culture and a firm belief that he could perceive the Tactical and strategic intentions of new alien species solely by observing their culture therefore thrawn had a massive collection of alien artifact manuscripts and other cultural items that he would decipher in order to predict the movements of his enemies and so in most battles against uh new alien species thrawn was a few steps ahead he was able to translate those cultural Tendencies into Battlefield tactics somehow but like all savants thrawn didn't have deficiencies elsewhere including his inability to understand politics and politics unfortunately in the ascendancy meant a lot especially amongst the bickering ruling families that basically controlled everything thrawn's successes eventually Drew too much ire from the more conservative elements of society and so the talented Commander would have to go into Exile on a decades-long mission to learn more about lesser space or what everyone else knows as the rest of the Star Wars Galaxy luckily for Emperor about Teen thrawn would choose to become an officer in his mighty Imperial Navy even the extremely human-centric officer Corps in the Empire had to tolerate thrawn's presence thrawn's two most important contributions to the Empire would be the design of the advanced High Defender program this Elite Starfighter would have turned the tide against the Rebel Alliance unfortunately once again thrawn did not have the political skills to get gather enough resources or political support for that program and instead a lot of the funding That was supposed to go to his program went to the Death Star thrawn's second contribution would be his vicious campaign against the lothal rubble movement he was able to destroy a good portion of the Rebel Fleet of the battle of batalon and managed to almost destroy the entire lothal resistance but was waylaid by a gigantic Fleet of space whales not even thrawn could overcome the most powerful force in the entire galaxy and that is of course plotted [Music] Casio tag was born into an extremely wealthy family owners of tag corporations when Emperor Palpatine transitioned the Republican to the Galactic Empire he didn't just do it through force with his Clone Army there were plenty of powerful individuals and families in the Galaxy then he still had to do backroom deals with to ensure that the transition was as peaceful as possible see even the most autocratic dictators have to answer to other people Casio tag was the chief of the Imperial Army and a member of The Joint Chiefs he basically ran the day-to-day operations of the Imperial Army and only answered the Palpatine himself but as a member of The Joint Chiefs Advisory board he also advised the emperor on military-related matters Casio tag was a thick and Powerful individual he was perceived to be quite unimaginative by his enemies in the Navy in a way he was considered the stereotypical Army commander in a Galaxy where ground forces were becoming more and more obsolete thanks to the Imperial Navy's Growing Power and ability to basically bombard everyone into submission a lot of the Elites in the Imperial Navy which basically had zero battle experience believed that the Army grunt was no longer necessary and their battleships could basically defeat enemies from orbit using the turbo lasers sounds kind of Familiar of course they were wrong the reality was Castro attack was actually a very pragmatic and modern military officer he knew the importance of gathering data analyzing that data and applying it to reform within the military he was one of the only individuals on the joint Chief Advisory Board smart enough or brave enough to announce that he believed the Rebel Alliance was a dangerous threat to the Empire and more importantly the death star Castro tag hated the Death Star he would call it tarkin's Folly and he would constantly butt heads with the grand moth and also the leader of the Navy who was Admiral Conan Modi Cassio attack would be rewarded by Emperor Palpatine for his accurate prediction of what would happen to the Death Star the major general would be promoted to Grand General and supreme commander of the Imperial Armed Forces he would have control over the grand strategy for pursuing the rebels as the second death star was being constructed the grand General however had to work very closely with Darth Vader which proved to be his ultimate downfall Garrick Rose hero was the main architect behind the plan to make his home planet vardos a part of the Empire it was one of the many worlds in the coral regions of the Galaxy that enjoyed a great deal of success and economic growth because of Emperor Palpatine's Empire prior to joining the empire bardos was an extremely poor backwards planet with very little access and security elements based onto it after I joined the Empire it would eventually become known as a utopian Imperial world it was basically an example for the rest of the Galaxy to see Eric versio would rise to the ranks of the Imperial Security Bureau and reach the rank of Admiral in the late stages of the war he was an extremely ruthless and capable Commander you would be sent by Emperor Palpatine to chase down some of the most dangerous Rebel cells in the Galaxy Emerald versio would also be the Mastermind behind the establishment of Inferno Squad a direct action Special Forces Unit that was designed specifically to counter the type of asymmetrical threat that the empire was facing at Admiral verse had been given more resources to train more of these units which specialize not only in Commando tactics but also going D deep undercover and infiltrating Rebel cells the war could have gone very differently unfortunately for Admiral versio Inferno Squad would defect after witnessing Palpatine's horrendous operation Cinder plan this is a part of Emperor Palpatine's larger contingency plan which included a Scorch Earth policy that targeted several loyal Imperial worlds including vardos the Death Star program in many ways was sort of like the operation Barbosa of the Empire it was completely unnecessary it consumed far too many resources and it used too many of the Empire's finest soldiers and officers but from a construction point of view the Death Star was perhaps one of the most ambitious and extraordinary projects ever carried out by any faction in the Galaxy the sheer amount of moving Parts resources different factions and corporations that were involved in this project are simply mind-blowing the Empire essentially built a moon a moon that housed the massive City inside of it that was surrounding one of the most powerful weapons ever built and all of this had to be done without anyone else in the wider Galaxy knowing about it and so the Death Star in its early stages was built in small pieces with individual research teams and departments developing a portion of the larger station many of these scientists and Engineers had no idea what they were working on many of the shipping companies who were moving supplies for the construction sites had no idea what the materials are for and in charge of everything was the Brilliance director Orson chronic not only did he manage to get the Death Star built without most of the Galaxy knowing most weapon the Planet Killer he also managed to meet most of the different deadlines set before him most in any other faction or Corporation outside of the Galactic Empire someone like director Orson krennic would be highly sought after for his project managing abilities he's a focused and organized individual who has enough technical knowledge to hire the right specialist and he was also a psychopath who was willing to use any tool possible to manipulate and coerce people into getting the job done right because you know if he doesn't meet that deadline he gets choked not in like an enjoyable or essential way even if the individual doing the choking is wearing a mask and covered in a leather bodysuit Orson chronic ultimately gets destroyed by his own creation which was stolen by him by one of the most ambitious and probably idiotic Imperials of all time muff will have Tarkin [Music] as a young Imperial Cadet Ray Sloan actually saves the Empire by accident Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader had arrived on the Defiance Flight Training Institute for inspection over the planet of christophos commandant pal Balo and Old Republic naval officer who ran that Institute was secretly plotting an assassination of Palpatine once they arrived onto his school he would jump the entire ship straight into a star unfortunately for him Cadet Ray Sloan was sitting at the navigation desk when he put in those hyperspace jump coordinates Sloan double checked the bearings and noticed that if she had followed through with the order the Defiance would have jumped straight into Christopher's sword Denon pelbalo would be retired by Vader permanently for his treacherous actions see rice slowing like a lot of good Imperials was born on a planet that was extremely Lawless and basically run by spice gangs and slavers she sought through Escape poverty in danger by joining the Empire and she truly believed in its motto of bringing peace and stability to The Wider Galaxy at the age of 30 Rey Sloan would become the captain of her own Imperial class Star Destroyer a rarity for such a young officer and this is before the Death Star wiped out more than a million Imperial Personnel but we'll really make sure remarkable was that she never really had to be cruel in her position of command and perhaps that's because uh her ability and skill gave her a little bit more flexibility her service of the empire was exemplary later on in her career she would throw it to another major conspiracy against the empire being carried out by one of the Empire's efficiency experts known as count denaturis Vivian should also take part in many of the major battles of the Galactic Civil War so it wasn't surprising that Ray Sloan would eventually be chosen by Emperor Palpatine's to contingency plan to lead the remnants of the Imperial Navy post-endor it was beneath her steady guiding hand that the imperial Remnant would survive its initial foray into the dangerous unknown region of the Galaxy [Music] Shannon Marie came from an extremely poor and rural area located on the planet of jaluken which was located in the outer rim she found opportunity and purpose in getting entrance into the Imperial Academy which was no mean feat for a girl with zero prospects the Imperial military generally recruited more individuals from the core regions of the Galaxy there are simply more slots for them still cienre was an exceptionally talented pilot and an excellent student she would rise to the ranks of the Imperial Academy Pipeline and eventually be appointed to Darth Vader's personal Flagship as a TIE fighter pilot and so began her career in the Empire she would witness many important moments in Star Wars history from the capture of the 10-4 to the destruction of the Death Star at Yavin Sierra had many friends on board the battle station and vowed to hunt down the rebels who so violently killed her friends Darth Vader would keep a close eye on sonori and even transferred the young officer to his executive class Superstar Destroyer by the time the Battle of haunt had started scenery was already a part of his Bridge crew during the Battle of Endor Siena would lead a squadron of Thai interceptors against the rebels she scored many victories that day but ultimately was unable to prevent an out of control a wing from flying into the bridge of the executor which eventually led to a series of events that destroyed the entire ship generally would survive Endor but her ship was caught in the shock wave of the destruction of the second death star which would be severely injured by the incident but the loss of the executor and most of her Shipmates made her only more furious at the Rebellion during the Battle of jakku Sienna re would actually be promoted to the rank of Captain and then be given command of her own Star Destroyer but during that battle her ship would be boarded by Rebel Commandos Captain Reed would attempt to evacuate her ship and aim to destroy the ship with all the Rebels on it shaver would be thwarted by an old friend from her home planets who had defected to the rebellion and she would eventually be arrested by the new Republic sheenery in many ways was the perfect Imperial officer and she was also a very kind-hearted individual who cared a lot about the people she served with she understood that the Empire had grown increasingly evil and hostile especially after the destruction of Alderaan but the losses she had suffered during the war ultimately blinded her with hatred for the Rebels [Music] the Next Generation Alexander callus's loyalty to the Empire was hardened early on in his career when his unit was ambushed by a lasat mercenary working with Sagar Air's partisans he saw his brothers in arms get executed by by the partisans one by one this only made him more loyal to the Empire a native corusanti and graduate of the prestigious Royal Imperial Academy agent kalas had the intelligence and attitude to be enlisted into the Imperial Security Bureau the young man was actually personally mentored by Wolf Dr Lauren the Clone Wars hero kallus excelled at using the vast resources of the Empire to hunt down various Rebel threats and individual combat he was also quite proficient not only with a blaster mind you he also became quite good at wielding a lasat bow rifle and he even managed to disarm the Fearsome assat Rebels that borrelios in melee combat which is no mean feat given the strength of the lasat species but like many competent intelligent Imperial officers agent callus eventually became disillusioned by the Empire especially once he began to understand what they truly represented agent Gallos would turn his skills against the empire and serve as the rebel agent fulcrum kallus was placed in a perfect position to spy on high-ranking individuals like Grand prawn and moth will have Tarkin it was because our calluses Intel that the Rebellion managed to survive several Imperial operations so as you can see the list for competent Imperial officers is a lot shorter and a lot of these individuals actually end up defecting to the Rebellion or they ran afoul of moth will have Tarkin or Vader or Emperor Palpatine himself which kind of shows you just what kind of Direction the empire was heading especially after the destruction of Alderaan they basically lost the ability to make rational decisions on the grand campaign well guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is Alan I am really hot right now it's like 100 degrees and my allegiance is the Republic to democracy
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 382,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: hwX3BoFBW3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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