Star Wars: How to Capture a Star Destroyer | Battle Plan - Spacedock Short

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[Music] it's too BBY in the new Canon timeline and Mon Mothma has just formally declared the Rebel Alliance what if the first thing they wanted to do was to capture an imperial star destroyer how would they go about doing that well I feel like first I should point out the obvious this is a terrible idea the capture of an imperial class Star Destroyer would be an immensely costly endeavor and it would only ever result in the rebellion capturing a ship that is completely incompatible with their style of warfare if the rebellion had that ISD it would be an enormous target dozens more isds would be sent to take it down and even just having the huge ship present would stop the rebels from being able to use the fast attack tactics that they're best at not to mention the huge number of rebels that would have to be aboard the ship to keep it running people that the Alliance cannot afford to lose in the same way the Empire could with all that aside let's put a plan together first we'll need to assemble a fleet for the job using what the rebellion had at the time the biggest and most powerful warship they had available was home 1 but the Alliance never risk deploying that even when Athlon came under siege so let's assume that keep that at Yavin but the thing the Alliance do best is star fighters better than anyone else and in this instance we want to stop a ship disable it and board it not destroy it so the precision afforded by fighter and bomber attacks is ideal with this in mind let's deploy commander Jun Sato and the Phoenix home the second largest ship the rebels have right now and the dedicated carrier if we use legend sources because in this case we have no alternative we come 248 strike craft aboard a quasar fire class carrier and at this point in the Canon timeline they would probably be a wings or Y wings now at this time the Empire totally dominates the galaxy so it would be impossible to catch an ISD on its own they would always be traveling with at least a light cruiser or a Corvette to provide a point defense screen or be close enough to a military installation to be able to call for reinforcements let's be generous and say alliance intelligence has located an ISD protected by a single Raider class Corvette and a single architects class light cruiser near a backwater Imperial facility way out on the rim say in the polis Master System now the rebels are gonna need some smaller ships to protect their carrier and engage the Star Destroyers escort but they're gonna want to keep their bases back in rebel space defended and they don't want this force to be too large and difficult to manage so let's give them two Nebulon B frigates and 2 CR 90 Corvettes plus a couple of gr 75 s to carry the necessary boarding force now if you remember the rebels captured a ghazan c-class cruiser back in the battle of Mustafar it's time to put that to use we'll smash the ship around a bit to make it appear as though it's been in a battle then leave a distress beacon aboard and dump it in the Star Destroyers patrol path plus we've rigged up explosives for remote detonation and hide them inside the cruiser it's worth pointing out that in the rebels episode warhead we see a single proton warhead explode aboard a Star Destroyer and it completely cripples the ship we don't want to do that so the best option here would be to remove the ghazan T's reactor and fuel cylinders and pack the ship with only moderate strength explosives so the Star Destroyer and the test quartz show up to investigate and begin to tractor because auntie into the Star Destroyers ventral bay as soon as the ship is secured in their bay we jump in our fleet at some distance on the Imperials flank and send the signal to detonate the charges this hopefully won't do an enormous amount of damage to the whole ship but it will certainly knock out their capacity to sortie fighter squadrons which gives us a huge advantage at this point we can safely assume the Imperials have called for help so speed is of the essence an ISD has very few aft and ventral weapon positions so we'll have our ships approach at about 500 meters down the z axis so it's dorsal ion cannons and turbo lasers can't get a shot the escorts are still a problem though we can't launch y-wings until that Raider Corvette is eliminated otherwise they'll be torn to ribbons so we'll send both Nebulon bees to try and take that down as quickly as possible while the CR 90s run interference they can't realistically attack the arc attends or the ISD but they can draw their fire for a short time by now the ISD will be trying to come about and we can't use ion torpedoes or destroy its engines because we need to be able to escape with it once it's captured again the best option here is to stay low keep firing up at the Raider and reorienting our fleet to try and stay behind the ISD as soon as the Raider is destroyed we launch all of our y-wings and their fighter escorts and start moving them in along with the GR 75s when they arrive they're gonna target this a large waste disposal door that we see used in the Empire Strikes Back this seems like the best entry points for an assault team because as we here in lost stars the three points you need to seize to take control of an ISD are the bridge auxiliary bridge an engine room all of which are in relative proximity to this entry point certainly far closer than if we tried to board through the ventral hangar bay it's quite possible that the alliance may now lose some warships and a lot of Fighters combating the light cruiser whilst under the Destroyers guns but once the wide wings are close enough they'll be able to blast the doors through with torpedoes with that done we're gonna pilot the GR 75 s right over the door and just dump commandos in spacesuits out of the bays and into space so they can navigate themselves into the ship through the waste disposal door we can fit 180 troops into two gr 75 s and for this we should use Pathfinder commandos for their extreme skill and as many Imperial defectors as the Rebel Alliance has got since they'll have inside knowledge of the Star Destroyer layout if he's available Captain Rex would be a good candidate to lead this attack as he is an extremely talented veteran with extensive experience in boarding actions and in small unit tactics at this point the rebel fleet should just flee at sublight as fast as possible we can't disable the ISD or destroy it so we're just gonna have to outrange it and lead it by the nose while the boarding action goes on taking advantage of the speed of the smaller Alliance warships to be honest I don't fancy the chances of the 2gr 75s at this stage and there will probably be further losses beyond them the Nebulon bees and white wings should have taken down the light cruiser by now though so once they're out of range they'll be in relative safety now the boarding team will have to split up to hit all three critical locations at once but the best troops and the commander should be sent immediately to main engineering so that they can disable the ship self-destruct once the bridge auxiliary bridge and engine room are all secured the three teams should seal themselves inside their respective rooms while the team on the main bridge begins systematically venting every other compartment on the ship into space and disabling the life support standard stormtrooper armor does not carry an air supply but it's possible that some Imperials would survive by finding suits or other sources of oxygen but at this point there are most likely a dozen sealed blasters between them and the rebels so they'll just be left to be dealt with later once the ship is back in rebel space after moving in a holding pattern for a while and staying out of range the fleet should eventually receive word that the boarding parties have secured the Star Destroyer thankfully the Alliance has managed to keep the destroyer in good condition so it's only a matter of forming up and escaping into hyperspace I'll be honest there's no way the rebels wouldn't suffer casualties in this plan or really any plan with this objective I'd say the GR 75s are almost certainly doomed after deploying their troops and there would probably be some warships and a lot of fighters lost as well the boarding action is also extremely risky and if even one of the teams were eliminated the Imperials might be able to either activate the self-destruct or vent the rebels into space but overall I feel like this plan represents the best chance the rebels would have to pull this off at this point in history if you feel like you could improve upon this plan or develop an entirely different strategy please lay it out in the comments below I'd love to read it and if you've got any suggestions for other sci-fi scenarios you'd like to see me develop tactics for please go ahead and comment those as well I'd also be really grateful if you would consider pledging $1 a month on the Spacedock patreon it really helps to develop more content like this video and you'll get access to the space dog timetable every month as well as some other perks [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Spacedock
Views: 599,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spacedock, spacedock, space dock, star wars, sw, star destroyer, imperial class, isd, isd2, isd1, isd-1, imperial-1, gr75, nebulon b, battle analysis, battle plan, capture, rex, pathfinder, rebels, imperials, rebellion, alliance, empire, y-wings, bombers, short, analysis, breakdown, summary, review, history, retrospective, specifications, news, opinions, last jedi, episode 8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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