Every Human Ship in Halo (Except the Shortsword)

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hey people markk here with a video I cannot believe it took me this long to come up with back in July I came out with a video explaining the ship making practices of the alien races of Halo and every known pattern of them that we've seen or heard go ahead and middle Mouse click that corner if you're interested in that but I'll have to redo it eventually including a couple I missed and add a more accurate title and thumbnail not to mention the fact that this video ended up a lot more organized than that one but for whatever reason I I never thought to do the same for Humanity it seems like a no-brainer in hindsight but whatever we're doing it now I'll mention dozens of ships in this that I haven't done extended breakdowns for but don't worry as I said in the Corvettes video If a ship exists in the Halo Cannon I will get to it and give it the uh well not the most detailed breakdown treatment I'm not that smart but I'll give it my best while I Tred to include every named class I did Skip all the named ships we have no class or visuals for just something to keep in mind oh also no aircraft in this one a plane isn't a ship but a spacecraft is even if it looks like a plane and can also fly in atmosphere got all my nonsensical and arbit rules down great the manufacturing process for human ships is both more and less straightforward than it is for the Covenant human Starship Manufacturing in Halo is much closer to what we can expect to see out of humanity if we ever make it out of this blue trap bubble the pieces are put together separately and assembled in shipyards like the ones found orbiting Mars or luna formerly known as the moon we got to start calling it that guys we're getting there the UNC doesn't design or assemble ships in house like the Covenant did instead Contracting the owners of said shipyards and other ship component Manu manufacturers to piece together the entirety of the UNC Navy those manufacturers most notably include Soviet heavy machinery who appear to be the United Earth government's favorite vendor others include Aero fabri Reyes mccc's shipyards kusan shipyards Martian metal shipyards the oros trading company Al Anderson shipyards rehea station tansek AB Halifax spaceworks vosper engineering something called duden sky and more all warships would be managed and operated either by the colonial military Authority or the UN NC under the direction of the colonial administrative Authority or the United Earth government respectively but we'll start with civilian ships to switch it up a bit there actually a fair amount of these in Halo and I think I may be in the minority here but I love learning more about these sparsely discussed things even more than the military stuff the Sci-Fi geek in me is vibrating to hear more about the space trucks now the civilian ships of Halo are glossed over quite often so I might miss a few and there are definitely going to be some gaps in our knowledge about them the most obvious use of Space Crafter ions is transportation as everyone isn't going to be working in space most of the time they'd be traveling from planet to planet if they leave their world at all but before that they'd have to leave Earth to get the process going after a planet has been scouted and its solar system mapped out by Scout ships like the hyan class survey ship or the unidentified class that the CMA Argo belong to the Colony ships roll in the colony ships are somewhat standardized across the board that is to say there's not that many different types the original Phoenix class Colony ship being the most famous I did a video on these and the most famous of the class the spirit of fire you can find it in the top right these and the Euphrates class Colony ships are known to land on a planet and become the seed for an entire civilization being taken apart for supplies and power generation once they land many of these were built at the same time as the Odyssey the largest Colony ship Humanity ever made and the first to colonize any world that being Epsilon aidonis 2 which would come to be known as Planet reach the bant class Colony ship or Fair is nowadays used for normal transport fing people and cargo through space my second favorite has to be the star Charter class colony support ship which I also talk about in my spirit of fire video there is one class of colony ship we have no name for but most of you have actually seen the ship appears in 2589 in the epilogue of Halo Reach which takes place 29 years after Halo infinite to this day it's most likely the most advanced human ship that has ever been shown in Halo just looks like a 4Runner ship honestly as for dedicated transport vessels meant for moving between already established colonies none are more ubiquitous than the erret space liner essentially a flying space coach capable of carrying hundreds of passengers and tons of cargo the same can likely be said about the bumel class Mast which we get no visual or description for orbital taxis are unmanned transports that take passengers from orbital stations to the surface the hrb flint lock was a Securities transport ship owned by the Harris romner Bank so basically a space armored car on the more luxurious side of things you have the Hades class and the Rado class Schooners civilian transports built with the comfort of their wealthy passengers in mind we don't have any visuals for these so here's a a really cool like space boat from Star Citizen or something the 890 jump that's what it's called yeah that's my favorite star citizenship I don't care come at me I know it's a big boat in space it looks awesome the Hades class Yachts were apparently the basis for the UNC Schooner which we know very little about moving on from Personnel transports to Cargo haulers you have many options to choose from the Mariner class transport which I have done a video on is a Sleek highly sought-after transport with plenty of cargo space and the ability to be operated with a small crew the Ace of Spades captained by the daughter of Sergeant Forge was a heavily modified variant of the Mariner the mulzac class transport is noted for being economic adaptable easy to maintain easy to modify after purchase and coming in a number of configurations Freighters are ships that serve the sole purpose of transporting cargo from place to place most of them being operated by the UNC Department of commercial shipping as a part of the UNC commercial Fleet the most commonly seen freighter is the creatively named DCS light freighter and its variations built solely to carry stuff from star to star many of these are totally automated and piloted by navigation computers so dumb AIS the parabola class freighter had Hydroponics facilities and could carry enough food and water to supply a small City the UNSC nered was a freighter that looks strangely like some kind of frig or something the back trean class freighter is a tug and interplanetary transport vessel that only needs needs two crew members to operate Laden class Freighters were also tugs albeit probably a bit longer they were used by the aidonis rebels most likely modified for combat as well as the keepers of the one Freedom who had one of these things that's pretty weird there's this unnamed tug that looks like a human tried to build a spirit drop ship as well as the Behemoth class tug we never get to see the Ibis class freighter which is commonly mistaken for an albatross but we'll get to that one later the Mona Lisa Oni prison ship was also formerly a freighter the Brahman CL light freighter and the maror heavy lifter were both mules which are rugged cargo haulers built for work in harsh environments like Meridian which was a partially terraformed uh planet after it had been glassed not a great place to live the Genet class inro system hauler is what it sounds like it moves between planets at sublight speeds to retrieve and deliver cargo derel ships and asteroids and Pilgrim's Pride was a freighter of unknown class that was in service to the new Colonial Alliance after the human Covenant War the industrial sector in the Halo Universe has as it likely will in real life if we get there no shortage of spaceships that perform various duties the Spring Hill class mining ships are probably the most well-known thanks to sins of the prophets they're primarily used for mining and transporting resources Between Worlds but were sometimes used during the war as ordinance transports the newer esum class mining ship which we have no visual for apparently dominates Interstellar travel Lanes as one of the most commonly seen ships in human space the bustler class freighter took part in the construction of new ships and two assisted the float out of this particular Autumn class cruiser with this many ships going in and out of orbits and Pirates and rebels of Plenty a great deal of coordination is needed between solar systems for things to run smoothly that's what couriers are for either having their own slip space drive or hitching a ride on Navy or civilian ships capable of housing them couriers were used before the mid 2500s to manually deliver Communications from system to system using a large data storage Bank the Vancouver class Courier is considered the most prominent and probably largest due to its ability to carry 40 passengers including the pilot and co-pilot the gypsum class Courier has no visual representation but it and the Zeno class are considered capable and efficient compared to other couriers once a human ship arrives in a human system it needs protection from the dastardly Pirates and insurrectionists in search of booty y police Cutters are the most basic idea of these protections most likely similar to the Coast Guard or those police boats you see and wonder how exactly do they catch the guy when they're all on boats and then you never Google it with a similar size and usage the minitar class Patrol vessel is one of my favorite small UNC ship designs it does the same thing as you'd expect a police cutter to do basically these things I I just I love how different these things look and now moving on finally to what you've all been really waiting for the wet Navy what there ships anyway the Cris class super carrier is a Seaborn warship that the UNC Army uses for surface operations okay on to actual warships now sort of many non-combat vessel supported UNC fleets ammunition ships like this one seen crash landed on the planet chorus I mean partition they supplied fleets with Munitions and other material most likely where ships would go to restock on Mac rounds or coil gun slugs that kind of thing UNC refit station served a similar Purpose with the bonus of including areas where ships can be repaired or modified the anchor stations around reach were examples of these as well as the Cradle variation I just did a video talking extensively on all the Corvettes top right corner if you haven't seen it but we'll cover them all quickly here the sharp fin class Corvette which we never see is one of the oldest and considered outdated but is still used for escort services it's popular with pirates as well same story with the Mao class yes that's how I say Mao class all right because it's not like I say oh look outside there's a there's a MAO walking down the street yeah it's not a word people say often that's how I pronounced it I watched The Legend of Kora when I was younger and his name's moo spelled like moo and his name's moo The Mao class has no visual representation but it has been given a new non-canon look by chokepoint games you know the creators of sins of the prophets and various other Halo based games and personally that means the look is Cannon until proven otherwise but you didn't hear that from me the scult class missile Corvette was introduced as a frigate but over time became underpowered for that role now punching higher than its weight class due to its plentiful missile Armament for its size the Gladius class heavy Corvette has more Point defense than any other Corvette as well as being the most well armored and having some missiles to boot although not as much much as the previously mentioned vessel obviously and the Lancer class fast attack Corvette was the fastest ship Humanity ever had when it was introduced sometime after the 249s and it excels at coordinated hit and runs behaving like a large fighter and the gal Patrol Corvette which we have no visual for is a very unique ship being the only human ship to utilize plasma Weaponry uh the famed Prowlers I have yet to talk about these extensively but don't worry we'll get there I'll hit you with Prowlers of the UNC one of these days Prowlers are the unc's stealth ships and boy do they come in a lot of flavors sub Prowlers are an umbrella term applied to many small craft be they troop carriers or some other such vessel that were usually but not always deployed by larger Prowlers for covert Ops okay I cannot read all these at once for whatever reason I can't read this line at one go so here we go black cat class sub Prowlers chiropter class sub Prowlers and u81 Condors are all stealth exfiltration craft that are so good at their job even the audience can't see them take a look at the official designs so cool the d102 owl insertion craft aren't considered sub Prowlers but they are a cross between them and more traditional drop ships like the Pelican and the like UNC sloops were also stealth capable small ships described as a cross between a Corvette and a Prowler there are no visuals of them so this is just a Sloop on Earth as for the fullon Prowlers the smallest of the bunch is the winter class Prowler or the winter class stealth Corvette it's also used as a VIP transport vessel and for deep space reconnaissance the UNC last gleaming was a weird little Prowler we once saw that we don't know what class it was but it doesn't look like any of the others this weird stealth ship was in a mission of Halo 5 this unidentified class appears in the Mona Lisa and it basically does what you'd expect from a Prowler it has been suggested that this is a visual representation of the eclipse Prowler which like the Razer class Prowler has no visual representation this heavy Prowler has appeared on a book cover in the form of the UNC Tado we don't know much about these either the most commonly shown and featured Prowler though is easily the Sahara class heavy Prowler it's considered the largest and most well-armed fitted with nuke delivery devices as well as nuke mines this thing is cool and has me excited to do the prowler video sometime but cooler than that is the next entry the point blank class Prowler and I got to be honest probably the coolest looking ship in the entire UNC straight up like wow like hello what this is the only Prowler considered a stealth Cruiser rather than a Corvette not only because it's the biggest Prowler but it has the most extensive Armament as well ah the most viewed video on my channel I mean the most commonly seen UNC warships seriously I think a frig appears in every single Halo game except Combat Evolved and there's literally one human ship throughout that whole game Halo 2's frig the first one ever shown is the stalwart class light frig one of the smallest built for planetary defense and Troop and Munitions deployment but having a well-rounded Naval Armament Halo 3's frot was the kin class light frot or Karen class however you want to say it with even more Focus placed on troop and material deployment with a huge Landing Bay on its Underside Halo reaches was the Paris class heavy frig more suited to the rigors of space combat than either of its other previous relatives with a larger Armament than the two tooot Halo fors was the strident class heavy frig with the most tonnage heaviest Armament and longest profile of any frig to date Halo fives is the strange phenomenon of the ANL class light frig the only UNC ship to have an Armament completely made up of energy weapons specifically laser not plasma while also being the smallest frig the UNC ever put out and Halo infinites was the Mulan class light frig or msan armed with instead of a mac its spinal mounted bright Lance Capital scale laser I think the molan is pretty cool even if the model isn't really meant to be looked that too closely one of my favorites honestly now the scol class Corvette we talked about earlier was originally built to be a frig and at the time we know it replaced the Osa and aita class now we never get to see those but we can extrapolate from this that those two were probably also frigs from like the 2300s or so yet another compilation video I've got to get around to remaking at some point the Destroyers of the UNC are powerful Frontline warships that hit harder than a frigate but typically lack the tonnage or Fleet coordination capability of a cruiser or Carrier these have powerful armaments and are meant to drive that nail into the coffin of enemy vessels there are various unknown classes of Destroyer like the light Destroyer that took part in the Kalisto incident which set off the bulk of the Insurrection at the same time the Hillsboro class destroyer and the able class heavy Destroyer came to the Forefront as some of the first ships to have ship mounted Max that weren't carriers the diligence class light Destroyer which was originally introduced as a cruiser was also refitted to have two Max as a part of its Armament finally and most recently as it was commissioned in 2508 everyone's favorite the Halbert class light Destroyer is the most longlasting of the category as it had more viable usage cases against the Covenant than it's bulkier slower generally less versatile relative the AEL and Hillsboro the spinny pillar boys the first ships we ever did see in Halo the Cruisers are the unc's preferred capital ship or at least they grew into that role as the carriers were built for a war against enies that would be mostly groundbased however the carriers proved to be very costly in Manpower and monies when the Covenant rolled around so we see an increased focus on Cruisers as the war goes on the houseon class light Cruiser is known for its honeycomb structure granting it the ability to tank damage and keep functioning beyond what was possible of other Cruisers and and smaller ships but this was only the case for 11 of the 50 houseon that were built in 2525 some of these ships were refit with an expanded Armament including the most famous of the line the pillar of autumn the marathon class Heavy Cruiser has a modular design allowing it to work as a command ship light carrier and troop transport they're considered one of the most powerful warships Humanity has I've yet to go in depth on these things the Valiant class super Heavy Cruiser was made to command fleets led by Admirals and nothing less with a huge and complex flag bridge at their disposal this was the chosen command vessel of the lauded vice admiral Preston Cole which speaks volumes about its worth and finally the Autumn class Heavy Cruiser named in honor of the vessel captained by the legendary Captain Keys it incorporates the positives of all the previous designs with the super structure of the Autumn the modular design features of the marathon the state-of-the-art Battle Network relays for Valiant like Fleet coordination as well as the advancements made possible by reverse engineering Covenant and Forerunner Tech like reactive Shield plating I did a video on this one many months back but it should still be an all right video I might I might have to get around to redoing that there is only one UNC Battleship we know of the Vindication class light Battleship which I've done a video on you know the drill by now created postwar these are among the most advanced and Powerful ships Humanity has able to down large Covenant ships with relative ease this thing is shielded and has one of if not the most powerful Mac we know of I said this before in that video but I think the designation light to battle ship it at least to me it implies that there are heavier battleships or normal battleships there's at least some other kind of Battleship for them to need the designation light and the fact that this is lighter than that one Ah that's something the biggest boys the command and control centers of most fleets packing the largest guns and thickest armor the carriers of the UNC are Titans the second smallest of the bunch the Orion class assault carrier excels at Ground assaults and was prior to the human Covenant War the signature ship of the entire Navy the epoch class heavy carrier on the other hand formed the core of UNC fleets and could take extreme punishment making it one of Soviet heavy machinery's most lauded Creations the refit Phoenix Class support ship is one of the most well-known ships in the Halo Universe unlike in its former life as a colony ship the spirit and other refit phoenixes like her sport War factories that churn out an Army's worth of arms armor ammunition vehicles and fortifications able to support an entire assault on its own so long as it has the resources to do so there's this unidentified class that is non-canonically referred to as the Aon class light carrier the poseiden class light carrier has gotten some Flack for one not having a highres model the one here was never meant to be gazed upon so closely and two having a generally underpowered Armament when compared not just to other carriers but to all other UNC ships lacking a spinal Mac and a significant amount of missiles while being much smaller than the rest of the carriers the Punic class super carrier was for a long time the largest UNC warship period and it's noted as being one of the few actually effective at killing Covenant warships most likely thanks to its two Series 6 Macs that are longer than many UNC ships in their entirety and of course there's the ultimate UNC capital ship the greatest ship that Humanity has ever built argue about that all you want in the comments and whether you actually like this ship or not I know it's divisive but that statement is true and if it were used in conjunction with a well-rounded Fleet it would be nearly unbeatable the infinity class super carrier the largest ship in the Navy complete with four of the largest ship mounted Maxs ever constructed an entire City's worth of crew and compliment shielding the newly manufactured titanium A3 armor and hundreds of Spartans living on it the thing is a beast of a ship and I promise I will eventually stop putting off the breakdown for it but what do these carriers actually carry well aside from entire frigs in the Punic and infiniti's cases mostly Fighters drop ships and ground forces the most most commonly seen drop ships are of course the iconic Pelican line these are exoatmospheric troop carriers that you can expect to see on any UNC Battlefield the d75 TC d75 TC Recon and the d75 TC gunship have no visual representation but are noted to have a larger Armament than the typical Pelican with two belly mounted turrets and two wing-mounted chain guns The d77 Troop Carrier is the unc's standard pelicant variant used from the Insurrection to the Battle of insulation 04 to the Battle of Zeta Halo even civilians have made use of the d77 Pelican with the d77 c nmpd variant being used to deploy law enforcement across the sprawling Metropolis that was new Mombasa the d77 HTC is largely similar to the original d77 but shorter with greater power generation and a less extensive Armament Isabelle and the engineers on the spirit of Fire have upgraded their own d77 pelicans and created the g77 S Troop Carrier these are very similar to the d77 H with a slightly improved Armament and likely other alterations the d78 TC has reduced armor and weaponry than the previous variants but improved avionics and new thrusters it also has no visuals the d79 heavy Troop Carrier is the variant created after the end of the war swapping the wedge design for a more bulbous rounded look in places it has more hard points for weapons and despite looking larger than some previous Pelicans is actually shorter than the original d77 by 5 m the gunship 79h variant of the d79 has a larger Armament than the original and more space for weaponry and ammunition to resupply ground forces the leang Dortmund Corporation also makes use of d79 these were the company supplying the recolonization efforts on Meridian they also supplied them with the star Charter Colony ships we looked at earlier the drop ship 80 or the d80 Condor was the first ever Condor built from the frame of a d77 pelican these are longer and can carry more troops but most notably are equipped with with a slip space Drive making these drop ships one of the smallest in Halo to have one of those the d81 long range transports are much the same but instead of a d77 pelican frame being used as a foundation a d79 was used the d81 wp variant is a condor sold by mria Armory with an increased Armament and the g81 Condor is a custom heavy gunship variant and the guns on this thing are just ridiculous looking but I love it the d82 EST Darter is the smallest UNSC drop ship we know of these transports deliver resources Munitions and rations to and from forward operating bases to whatever Command Center is in the area in the spirits case the darters are vital as they deliver the resources and materials that the spirits factories use to create new vehicles and replenish ammunition stores the d96 tce albatross is a heavy lift drop ship with no Armament but High maneuverability as well as the expansive cargo bay capable of transporting Vehicles equipment and up to 50 passengers and the D20 Heron heavy lift vehicle featured prominently on the spirit of fire is a super heavy drop ship capable of deploying entire forward operating bases it's my personal theory that something like this would be what deploys a mammoth from the infinity before we move on from the bird named ships there is also something called a stor that is mentioned and appears in a book once and that is literally all we know is that it's called a stor there's also a UNC command shuttle we never get to see that just you know fairies VIPs but here's a covenant command shuttle to tide you over I guess when one thinks of a UNC fighter they usually think of one of two things a long sword or a saber we'll start with the long sword now ignoring the fact that the long sword is wider than it is long the Gat tl1 Interceptor Strike Fighter is an umbrella term consisting of every variant of long sword we know of the c78 long sword is mentioned but never shown the c79 long sword excels at bombing runs on ground targets and can engage enemy ships in a vacuum can deploy mines and has a missile delivery system capable of deploying nukes like shivas the c712 long sword is smaller and faster than the C7 9 but largely has the same function and specializes in short range strike runs the c718 long sword is a Cutting Edge stealth fighter and has quite a different structure to other long swords with six large engines on the back and a way bigger Armament as for the FSS 1000 anti-ship space plane we're going to ignore that name the saber is more of a traditional idea of a Sci-Fi Space Fighter it specializes in intercepting enemy Fighters and bombers and it's probably one of the smallest shielded ships in the entire Halo Universe which is doubly impressive as it would be one of the first to get the shielding treatment being introduced in 2547 the s930 Strike Fighter aka the Pegasus was created as an entry for the Emergency defense fighter initiative which was a competition put out by the UNC where ship building companies were challenged to reverse engineer Covenant Fighters into something more suited to human use for defense against the alien threat the Pegasus participated in the Battle of tribute shown here and all nine combat ready prototypes were destroyed the uh the Sabers won that competition the f41 exoatmospheric multi-roll broadword was one of the most common strike Fighters seen during the human Covenant war with tens of thousands of them being produced at the time later variants would also include energy shielding S14 Bas lards are far smaller and quite old requiring two pilots when manned but could be remotely piloted if needed these have space for two entire m42 Archer missiles and two rotary cannons that's not Archer missile pots that's that's just two missiles they're considered very outdated although in their Heyday against the insurrection were unmatched against any Rebel anti-air measures the f-29 Nando Strike Fighter is apparently so powerful that a covenant frig should avoid facing a squadron of them deployed in large numbers these Fighters can reach Mach 12 like holy and are used to overwhelm and neutralize Covenant forces before they can respond the s77 crow is a Space Fighter we never get to see because book and since one of its few mentions is intended to be embellishment we know next to nothing about them unusually for a fighter it's named after a bird like a drop ship where as Fighters are usually named after types of swords one of the stranger Fighters is the o92 booster frame often deployed from prowers and are meant to be used exclusively by individuals wearing Muir so you know Spartans these are interesting and I am getting more and more excited to talk about the fighters of the UNC at a later date and that is all of the UNC or modern human ships that are in Halo but the title of this video wasn't all UNC ships in Halo or anything like that there are a couple more human ships you may not have heard of and two you definitely have not seen because well they've never been [Music] shown about 10 12,500 years before Halo Combat Evolved Humanity was was a space fairing civilization before the halo rings reset them to square one they were on the same level as the forerunners Apparently going tit fortat in battles Prime Cruisers were apparently a main stay in their fleets as well as tuned platforms which sound more like some kind of orbital defense thing there are also these ships here that we don't really get a clarification on what they are they could be those Prime Cruisers they mentioned but we just we don't know but that's about it I believe I've covered every known class but what do you think did I miss any what's your favorite I know I said a lot of them I've got another Channel and a Discord server if you're into that I definitely don't have anything particularly wellmade coming up on Mark the crawler definitely [Applause] [Applause] not
Channel: GammaCompanyMark
Views: 128,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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