Hidden words in Genesis 1:1

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here is genesis 1 1 in hebrew bereshit elohim in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the middle word in this sentence this two-letter word spelled alef tov is not translated it's an untranslatable word in hebrew grammar it indicates the direct object is made up of the first and last letters of the hebrew alphabet it is a hint of jesus in the first chapter and again in the last chapter of the book of revelation we have a record of jesus declaring that he is the alpha and the omega the first and the last the beginning and the end that is in greek in the new testament but jesus would have spoken in hebrew which was the mother tongue of the jewish people alpha and omega the first and last letters of the greek alphabet aleph and tav the first and last letters of the hebrew alphabet this word here vet is the sixth word in this seven word sentence once again the aleph and tav are on view untranslatable but we do translate this word and because of the valve at the beginning vav is a connecting letter and we see here how it connects the heavens and the earth and we see that the spelling of this word aleftav are the same letters that make up the word ot ot means a sign a sign from god also means a letter of the hebrew alphabet it is no accident that this sixth word in genesis 1 1 in hebrew is made up of the same three letters as the word for a sign a sign pointing to jesus the next word i'd like to look at is the third of the seven words in this hebrew sentence it is the word for god elohim the word is plural in form but singular in meaning there are many places in the old testament where this word elohim means gods with a small g plural but in this case it is the word for god because the verb that precedes it bara indicates here that is meant to be understood as singular however the form surely hints to us of the three-in-one nature of the godhead now let's talk about this word bereshit in the beginning and the word next to it created the first three letters of bereshit are the same as those of the second word bara bet resh alef bara means created but five times in the old testament the word bara means cut down and these three letters at the end of better sheet if they were separated and stood alone as a word would mean set in place clearly this verse is saying in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but we could see a subtext in these first two words something just out of plain sight that reads created set in place cut down in other words god created the heavens and the earth god set them in place and god has determined to cut them down and that is not a new revelation scripture says that is what god intends to do he's not going to fix up this fallen world he's going to destroy it and replace it with a new heavens and a new earth and how is god going to destroy the heavens and the earth by fire now look at this word better sheet again the middle two letters spell esh alefsh ash means fire in hebrew and the four letters on either side but resh yud tav together spell brit which means covenant in hebrew do you see that as a subtext below the surface a covenant of fire for centuries rabbis have asked the question amongst themselves when god gave the torah why didn't he make the word for god the first word of the bible this word elohim starts with an aleph the first letter of the alphabet but elohim is the third word of the bible it would have worked grammatically to have made the first sentence of the bible start with the hebrew word for god but god gave the torah starting with the second letter of the hebrew alphabet bet as a prefix on a word bet means in these five letters rashid mean what is first they also mean the choice part the finest or first fruits as in first fruits of a harvest and the new testament presents jesus as the first fruits christ has been raised from the dead the first fruits and christ the first fruits so we could also read as a subtext in the first fruits god the aleph jesus created the heavens and the earth again that is not a new revelation because the gospel of john tells us all things came into being through jesus and in colossians by him all things were created there is more the letter bet as a pictogram means a house or household we examine this in session 5. in this first word in the bible the first letter and the last two letters of the first word spell bite bet you'd tav bite means house or household and the remaining three letters in the middle of the word spell rosh alef shin and rosh in hebrew means head so we have head in the house the head in the household of god is jesus in the book of hebrews we read christ is faithful as a son over god's household and in one peter we learn that as believers in jesus we are being built into a spiritual house for god jesus being the head finally in this session there are two hebrew words for son one word is ben betnun and the other both these words for sun are in view in psalm 2. in verse 7 it tells us the decree of the lord he said to me you are my son son in this verse is ben betnun in verse 12 of psalm 2 we read do homage to the son lest he be angry with you and son in this verse is bar beth now back to berashit the first word of the bible bet is the second letter of the alphabet but bet is the first letter in the bible the last letter in the bible in greek in the new testament is me it is the last letter of the last word in the book of revelation now i know that hebrew and greek are different alphabets but in both alphabets this sound is unique noon in hebrew nei in greek so we can say that the first and last letters of the bible spell ben son in hebrew but the first two letters of the bible also spell sun the first two letters of the word bereshit are betresh barmain son ben means son jesus is the son of god all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him he is the first and in him all things hold together
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 33,558
Rating: 4.8731341 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew language, Torah, Book of Genesis, Messiah, Genesis 1:1
Id: I-5U8o47uBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2015
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