October 2, 2010-El Shaddai Ministries-Saturday Sabbath Service: B'reisheet - In the Beginning

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just some very quick announcements here in pastor mark is anxious to get up here since we're starting a new Torah portion today actually a new series we're gonna link together Torah and the Gospels and the epistles also I want to mention that this Monday evening will be the beginning of our new series and how many of you have come to tour our club on Monday nights okay okay well like a dry erase board erase that from your mind I want you to say this word you ready cornerstone what are you doing Monday night you're coming too because Yeshua is our cornerstone and that's our new series and what we need to do today those of you that are interested I have right here the notes there's ten pages of notes that are made especially for this series it has a place to write notes it has a glossary of terms it has a bibliography and these are all prepared for us particularly for this series now if you would like to have this would this bless you to have this well you can't see it until Monday night but if you'd like to have it and pass the Morison a wave that around he's gonna talk about that in a minute on how to take care of that if you want these notes for a Monday evening because we have lots of people that quite frankly that are calling us from around the world and around the country saying we need these notes so Pastor Mark will tell you how to get those also want to mention as we have the children here isn't it a blessing to see that this many children go into class and learning Torah what we actually will be doing today is some of those children in those classes will be graduating to another class now why is that important they begin to learn Hebrew words and then the next class they learn Hebrew phrases by the time they get to be teens they're also beginning to put together sentences in recognizing Hebrew letters and recognizing the Torah portions the feasts they're learning about Israel they're learning about the holidays why is that a good thing for you parents because when you go home with them they have something that they can share with you but also when they come in here as an adult they'll probably know more Hebrew and the Torah than you did when you first walked in here is that a good thing okay well without any further ado past a mark is just itching to get up here I know because this is going to be a great day as we begin again a man thank you thank you Pastor art I'll probably say this again after the break when the little kids come up but you're gonna find out this morning why it's so important to learn the Hebrew letter recognition and their meanings and when they're done you'll be asking the question am i smarter than the kindergartner but you're gonna be really proud of your kids I know I'm really proud of the kids the other thing is on that back table to the right we want everyone to sign up if you plan on coming Monday nights and you want the notes on that back table after the break if you would sign up if you want a set for you and if it's a spouse's are coming and you want two sets that's fine just let us know so I make sure on Monday night when everyone comes I have enough copies all right okay are you ready to begin I mean this is this is so exciting and I'm telling you it's gonna be like remember we had shared in the Torah portion a few weeks ago how blessings will chase you can you imagine having blessings chase you and what I'm gonna be doing today it's gonna be kind of overwhelming you're gonna have waves and waves and waves of God it's just gonna be knocking you off your socks and I'm bringing you too much information because god is so great and so you're you're not to be able to take it all in but I'm telling you you can get the CD you got the notes you can print it for free off line the powerpoints are free online and so right now even if you feel like you can't keep up go ahead and just sit back and enjoy and let the revelation of God just kind of bull you over all righty okay let's see let's go to our first clip here we're going back in time this is Genesis so you're ready to go all the way back in time to Genesis one one in the very beginning and we know in the very beginning as we go back all of a sudden what did God do he spoke did he put his hands to work or did he just speak he just spoken boom there it was and all of a sudden we have the light of the world and who is the light of the world Yeshua was that light before the Sun and the moon was created he was that first light of creation now when you see this Yeshua is the living Torah now when you look at this do you think of Yeshua how many of you when you look at this think of Yeshua I mean from a Greek mindset here so we think he look like okay believe me that's not what he looked like okay Yeshua probably wore to fill in Yeshua would have handled the Torah school Yeshua would have weren't a tallit matter of fact the woman that had the the issue of blood grabbed the corner of his tallit and so one of the things we'll be doing this year is getting you back to a Hebrew mindset of what Yeshua is all about and who he really is now let's take a look here at the Aleph bed this is why it's important for you guys also to learn Hebrew and we'll be teaching Hebrew about the first 12 weeks on Monday nights we will be teaching necessarily though the words as much as letter recognition letter pronunciation like our kindergartners are okay but the reason why I have that in a circle is because in our Greek mindset like well a to z we see everything linear and the Hebrew mindset everything is circular goes round and round okay and that's important what do we find here the very first word of Genesis is what Bray sheet now this means in the beginning and what is the first letter of Bray sheet it is the bait we see that right here here's the first letter of the word Bray sheet which means in the beginning okay now if you can read Hebrew I don't want you to answer this but what is the last word of the Torah does can anyone know the last word in Deuteronomy what's the very last word Israel and that is the Hebrew word for Israel so when you think of the Torah as going circular the last letter of the Torah is dalamud and because it is circular and it hooks together and like we are today starting a new Torah cycle do you know the last letter of the Torah hooked to the first letter of the Torah forms a word Lev is a word in Hebrew and what is that word heart and so what do we find from beginning to end the Torah reveals the heart of God who spoke the world into existence and what do we know from Matthew chapter 12 verse 34 out of the abundance of the heart what and what did God do he spoke out of the abundance of his heart now you're also going to learn when you come here what the each Hebrew letter used to be a picture rather than just a letter and most of that has been lost I want you to know the Lama D was a shepherd staff and it meant to control or have authority okay the bait in Hebrew many of you may know means house okay that's what it means like Bethlehem they like them so here you have the word house well when you look at the word heart made up of the llama and the bait we know the heart is what controls your house we're a house we're the house of God and that's why God says I want you to love me with all of your heart because where your heart goes is where you go now let's look at this I want you to think of the entire Bible as a house how many you know what arted said is Yeshua is what the cornerstone is the cornerstone in the roof or in the foundation okay so what I want you to get in mind is this the Torah think as the foundation and the walls the Brit hadashah or the New Testament is the roof that goes on top of the walls so the foundation you're going to see was laid in Genesis 1:1 and so too many people like to separate the New Testament from the Torah but what happens you have a roof sitting on the ground like after a tornado okay no guys the Torah is the foundation the Torah is the walls the structure the New Testament is the roof you need both okay but I want you to combine the two together rather than always seeing the Old Testament New Testament is two different things we don't even use those terms because it's it's bad translations and it's also a total misunderstanding of what it really is all about I'm going to give you a quick example I'm gonna do a quick overview of some of the things I love in Genesis before I get into showing you how you choose the cornerstone but I want to start here see the problem in English we don't translate we transliterate for example Adam in Hebrew means mankind do you remember when Cain killed Abel Seth was appointed to take Abel's place that's why they named him Seth because Seth and Hebrew means to be appointed to so his mama was saying he appointed to come here that's what but we missed that because we're transliterating we're not translating then you see Seth gave birth to Enoch which means feeble frail mortal he gave birth to Canaan which is a fixed well in place like a house compared to a tent Mahalaleel means God who was praised yard means to come down or descent does everyone remember Enoch the guy that walked with God you know the first train up a child in the way you should go in Hebrew the word train or instruct is Enoch so actually his mom saying hey mister instructor come here okay Methuselah means a man sent forth lay MEK means to be beaten and tortured what a name for a kid maybe it was a hard pregnancy okay then Lamech was father to Noah or Nowak and you know what Noah's name means to bring rest or a quiet peace so I want you to realize if we translate instead of transliterate the ten generations from Adam to Noah what you're saying is mankind is appointed to people from mortality a fixed well in place God to us praise comes down to instruct as a man sent for to be beaten and tortured bringing rest a quiet peace that is why you want to learn Hebrew and the meanings of these words okay now there's something else look at this right here is the 20 generations from Adam to Noah and here they're written out in Hebrew this is the Aleph the dahle at the mem Adam you know what an acronym is where they take the first letter of different words like in the military and form a new word well we're gonna do that with the 20 generations from Adam to Abraham if you take these first letters of how you spell their name in Hebrew and I had the line here because this forms ode another word this forms a word this forms a word this forms a word this forms the word and this forms a word and you line them up all across here do you know what you're actually saying when you take the first letter of each of these Hebrew names you're saying let's go here I will forgive my enemies showing compassion forgiving those made of dust a second time now we have this for you for free on our work table that this is one of our seats that we have passed out where you can take it home you can have it it's got the strongest concordance references so you can look them up but these are one of the handouts we have a fantastic handout table with all kinds of phenomenal things back there that I just wanted to mention to you guys now I don't have time to go really into all of this so I'm just gonna kind of just bring you some highlights now here is Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 2:19 look at your notes I want to want you to read this here here it says in Genesis 2:7 where the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life man became a living being okay now if remember many of you remember so many of you don't know but let me just mention this this letter yud right here in hebrew do you see how it's shaped it's shaped like a hand if you look at my hand like this you'd in hebrew means hand okay so here we have God forming man and what is it what did he do he says he formed them of the dust of the ground what that means God did not he spoke the world into existence but he didn't speak mankind into existence he got down on his hands and knees and he made man and you see here two hands you'd in Hebrew means hand so here God formed man of the dust and he comes down and he but uses both his hands now here's the problem with English in Genesis 219 on your notes it says out of the ground the Lord God also formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them but I want you to notice there's a letter missing see there's so many jots and tittles in the torah that you don't see when you get English because they don't all they don't all uh said leave out a letter in English but they do all the time in the Hebrew there's all kinds of things you'll be learning over this year small letters big letters upside-down letters backward letters and they all have phenomenal meaning well here you see in Genesis 219 just one yo'd instead of two and that's very significant it also shows that the dual nature of man versus the single nature of a beast okay we are made up of soul and spirit and the beasts or not now what do we see in Genesis 4 let's look at verse 1 and 2 it says Adam Newey's Eve his wife she conceived and bare Cain and said I've gotten a man from the Lord and she again bare his brother Abel Abel was a keeper of the sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground can you believe this here when Eve gave birth to Cain she thought Cain was going to be the one to crush the Serpent's head because that was the promise right so when she gave birth to Abel she named him Abel and in the Hebrew that means not needed unnecessary you get it's on your note Strong's 1892 cabal emptiness vanity something transitory or unsatisfactory so Abel was rejected how'd you like to have your name your parents named you when needed hey I'm necessary come here and the problem is Cain probably felt he was unnecessary as well but this is the significance of names in the Hebrew now look at this many of you let me say this too after Seth was born remember Seth means to be appointed to okay so Eve was thinking of King Messiah when Seth was born she knew Cain wasn't going to be the Messiah so now she's thinking the one who was appointed to is going to be the Messiah and so the name Seth means to be placed and it speaks of several things in messiahs ministry the Messiah would take the place of the man who had died did you catch that Abel dies Seth takes Abel's place here the first Adam dies the second Adam takes the first Adam's place and so the Messiah would take the place of the man who had died faith in the Messiah's substitutionary death and resurrection is hidden in what Eve uttered now in Genesis 426 a lot of people misunderstand this verse it says and to Seth to him also there was born a son and he called his name Enoch remember that means feeble frail mortal and then it says then began men to call upon the name of the Lord now there's several significant things here what I'm gonna touch on later but I'll just bring it up right now briefly in Genesis 1 when God created heavens in the earth the Hebrew name for God is Elohim and that means creator king judge okay but now it says call upon the name of the Lord this is the yo-dee-hey Vevey this is Yahweh okay and Yahweh that name for God symbolizes mercy compassion alright and what's amazing here when you look up this word 2490 where it says began to call upon the name of the Lord the word actually means to wound to dissolve to profane so what this is really saying is that's when men began to curse the name of the Lord so it's not when they begin to call upon the name of the Lord o Yahweh save us they are cursing the name of God here this is what the Hebrew is saying it's a completely different thought okay now do you remember Noah now that's next week's Torah portion I have a whole lot I'll bring in on next week's portion but Noah the distortion ends we're basically Noah begins and you know they have the flood and was not happy with the condition of the world at that time Genesis 6:9 says he was grieved in his heart that he'd even made man he was so upset let's take a look at this here is the word Elohim in Hebrew modern Hebrew but when Moses wrote the Torah every letter like I said was a picture and so here we have the picture of Elohim in the picture letters the aleph represents God himself because he is the Alpha and Omega the beginning in the end well The Aleph in Hebrew was the picture of an ox that's how Moses drew it because the Ox is strong the ox goes first it pulls the cart it carries the load the llama de I mentioned was the shepherd staff well here you know one of the name of God is l4 Elohim well here is the word el so we see the name of God he is the first authority or a strong authority now we know in Genesis 1:1 when God moved upon the face of the waters we know in Genesis 6 7 8 when God also his hand was upon the waters correct well in the Hebrew believe it or not oftentimes Christians will argue over the meaning of a word or a verse not realizing they both could be right in Judaism there are 70 levels of interpretation of each one of these things 70 so we're gonna kind of go scuba diving okay rather than just swimming or snorkeling and I'm gonna show you some things but it even gets deeper I'm just gonna almost really be scratching the surface here but when you look at the picture language of what God's name means the hey this hey here is here it was like a window and a window reveals what's in the house it means to reveal hears that you'd which is the hand okay here this is how Moses drew it like a hand the mem represented crashing waves of water symbolizing chaos okay when you hear the word ma'am think water but don't think like the gentle rain but massive rain like Hurricane Katrina so what do we see God's name Elohim one definition is the strong authority revealing his hand over the waters okay and you see that even when you she will watch on the water okay so there's a lot of deep meaning but here's another name another level of interpretation of the name Elohim we always already saw it mean strong Authority we also see from the picture language that it means God's revealing God's hand upon the waters of chaos but here's another way of looking at this you have L which is God God's name how it's spelled then you have the mem and what's fascinating is in Hebrew the word Aleph Lama DM forms a word aleem in an Isaiah 53 where talks about the Messiah and it says he was dumb he could not speak remember that everyone from there that verse this in Hebrew means to be silent not to speak now how many have ever heard of this word Oy Vey oy oy is Hebrew for grief so we also see in the word Elohim that God is the one who keeps his grief in silence God is the one who suffers in silence and carries his grief inside - just like in Genesis 6 there's there's all kinds of ways of looking at the Hebrew language layer upon layer upon layer but let's look at this okay let's go on I told you the Aleph Alpha Omega get rid of that out of your mind think I left top all up table is Hebrew it's the first letter to the last letter D all left when you see the letter Aleph I want you to think this is God okay because he's the beginning as a matter of fact almost all the names for God begin with the letter LS offer ABBA begins with Aleph Elohim begins with L left got us a consuming fire and the Hebrew word for fire is ash which begins within our left God is light which is or begins with the left we know God is love Ohama begins with the left God is one God begins with all that so when you see that a lot are all left what do you think of God okay now watch this here we have building stones the first word of Genesis is Bray sheet that was in the beginning so that means that word Bray sheet is the cornerstone I once you think of every word of the Hebrew Bible as being a building block now when you think of it that way we see father is the word of Allah fate okay which also could be the leader of the house because Beit in Hebrew means house but now look at this the word for son is been here you have the bait and noon we're throwing the life of the house okay so here is father here is son well guess what the Hebrew word for stone is Evan which is the Aleph bait and the bait noon and so what do we know about this word stone remember the stone that the builders rejected that's become the head stone of the corner the stone that was rejected is the one that's made up of the father and the son is one stone this is the stone the builders rejected man I'm not gonna get this all done but here we see the word brace sheet something else you have to notice is this here's one of the anomalies in the Bible the first letter is real big compared to the other letters like our capital letters at the beginning of a word okay that is not normal in Hebrew they're all supposed to be the same when you see anything different that means there's great significance in this I also want you to notice there are seven words in Genesis 1:1 in the beginning created Elohim the heavens and the earth well look here's a word that didn't get translated to your English Bible and how many of you knew with your English Bible there was a Hebrew word they didn't get translated that's not fair okay they could have put that in your Bible it just as the Allah left off like the Alpha an Omega the beginning in the end here's the olive table we're gonna come back to this but I also want you to notice the second word bara which means created is also brah in the word beginning you have words within words do you see that I also want you to notice let evolve the letter Bob is very significant here bob is the number six because bob is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and father is at the beginning of the sixth word now wait wait do you see the significance that this has a little bit okay here we have the sixth letter the Bob is think of a hook or a nail okay man was created on what day the sixth day so when you see the letter Bob I want you to think of man all right you got that okay now here is Genesis 2:4 okay when you saw that first volved which was the sixth word it was for the word and if you caught that where it says even God created the heavens and the earth let me go back I'm gonna go back you don't want to show you this okay do you see right there here's the Bob it's attached to the Aleph table see that I'll have Tom all of Tom Bob sixth word the word and okay so let me go back all right now the first use of the letter Bob is used to connect heaven and earth because Bob is a connector Bob is the nail like nails two boards together when you see the vows I want you to think of the number six I want you to think of man I want you to think of something that connects things and here you see it was used in the phrase and and Vava literally is the conjunction in english in it I mean in Hebrew it means an here it's connecting heaven and earth okay well so when you hear the out left what do you think of God when you hear the vows or see Bob what do you think of man okay in Genesis 2:4 it says these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created this is before Adam and Eve sinned and I want you to notice here here's the word told a dote and I want you to notice it has 2 vols but then in Genesis 5:1 after Adam has sinned all of a sudden the word for generations is chained changed this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day God created man that second love is missing do you see that let me make it more plain here you have Genesis 2:4 and that Bob is missing okay so here's another misspelling in Hebrew that has fantastic significance you're not going to know unless you know the Hebrew and it all pertains to the Messiah here you have a word that is purposely misspelled through the entire Torah it spelled first correct and then it's spelled wrong okay well let me see one of the other things I wanted to mention is that in Genesis one is he's just referred to as Elohim but how do you know if God judged us by strict justice we'd all fail that's why in Genesis 2 when he creates man he's called Lord God he's the merciful judge okay this is where justice and mercy come together and kiss each other and so what do we see here in do you know throughout the entire Torah this word is misspelled 95 times until we come to the Book of Ruth and The Book of Ruth this misspelling is finally corrected and I want you to see this here the Bob is a connection one for heaven one for earth when Adam sinned the Bob connecting heaven to earth was broken that was the second Bob so the Bob was also the number six it's the first letter of the sixth word but look at this in the Book of Ruth chapter 4 18 through 22 it says now these are the generations of pets and it goes down to David and so here we see the Bob is now all of a sudden corrected and what do we know about David that is Yeshua's father so here when it's presenting the lineage of Yeshua HaMashiach the one who's going to restore the missing Bob he's the missing man and so now here when it talks about King David and Yeshua coming through David's lying now you see the generation restored okay and what do we see in Matthew 1:1 which will cover the second half is where the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the Son of David the son of Abraham that has phenomenal significance here and so I want you to see bait in Hebrew means house we also know Beit also refers to the son because like the word Ben begins with the bait the word Bar begins with the bait like in Bar Mitzvah okay so when you think of the word bait I want you to think of the son and what do we see here bara in in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth that's the word bara but when he made woman it uses a different word it's Bona which means to build okay you have bara and you have been aa member in Hebrews it says Abraham was looking for a house whose builder and maker is God two different words these are those two different words and who was the creator and builder of all things both times bara the son of God but not the son of God was the builder and maker you see that in the Hebrew so the enlarged bait what is that all about how come it's big the enlarged bait means this is the story of how God is gonna build a house that's how it all began to start a house you need a family and it so a man takes a bride so in the beginning Genesis 1:1 it has been God's plan to build a house by taking a bride and bring forth his children that is another way of looking at Genesis 1 we're gonna have to I I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to present the rest of this Monday night Monday night there I have man I've got I've got there's just not enough time so you're gonna have to come Monday night I it is just incredible if you like this so far you like this so far if you're coming Monday night bring these notes let's dance and let's pray and if you are coming Monday night be sure to take a moment and sign that sheet so that we know how many notes to make father we just thank you so much for your torah we thank you so much for your word it truly is alive and we're you we want to mine it god you you have such depth you're so wise we know so little all we can do is just sit on your lap and learn from you well we just thank you that you love us so much we thank you that you sent your son father we pray for any ties or offerings that are coming in that will enable us to take your torah all around the world father that we can bless others that you can bless others but above all with these tithers offerings we want to bless you and just thank you for allowing us to spread your word together blessed are You Lord our God Creator and king of the universe you have blessed us with your Torah of truth you have blessed us with the whole counsel of your Living Word by the power of your Holy Spirit through the completed work of Messiah Yeshua you alone have planted among us life eternal blessed are You Lord our Thank You father we do want to listen to your still small voice your voice that spoke all of creation into existence and all of creation obeyed the Sun the moon and the stars all came according to your word your word is powerful it shakes the earth the earth trembles the mountains skip and yet father you want to speak to our hearts so often we say no God I pray they as you speak to our hearts this morning we would yield we would submit ourselves to you father you came to set us free you came to give us liver liberty you came to comfort those who mourn father this is your Saban the windows of heaven are opened you said you inhabit the praises of your people so you are here now and now we lift our cares and our needs to you father we lift our hands Father we present our needs to you be they physical needs for people's health we pray for healing for financial needs we pray for wealth father emotional needs spiritual needs father we just pray right now while the windows of heaven are open your spirit your ruach ha'qodesh would move through the congregation and begin to meet those needs you love your people father at this time we also lift up the nation of Israel yes sure il father they are your people we're grafted into that and father we live in times when the nation's want to come together and destroy your land destroy your people so we asked for a hedge of protection around them we pray that you would give their military leaders wisdom you give their political leaders of wisdom father that they would not try to divide your land it's not theirs to divide it's your land so father I pray that you would protect your people give them wisdom that they would be as men of Issachar that knew what to do the times they were living and we just thank you for them in Yeshua's name Amen hey man thank you you can be seated it's so good to have all of you here one of the things we like to do at this time is to welcome who has come the farthest and we also like to greet visitors one of the things that's so important you'll learn this year is how important it is to be on the biblical calendar we have art pagan secular calendar is based totally on the Sun the Muslim calendar is based totally on the moon God said I want you on my calendar which is based on the Sun and the moon and the biblical calendar just started a few weeks ago and we want to give to you as a free gift a biblical calendar for this next year so if you're visiting here for the first time hold up your hands and we are going to be passing out for you a calendar so as you follow along thank you for coming now I also like to ask kind of where you came from maybe how did you hear about us where did you come from over here what city are you from Tumwater all right who else were you from Puyallup yes Puyallup Los Angeles all right we're getting a little bit further and how about you sir were you from Tacoma okay right there Renton getting out there Bothell wow that's great are you from over there in the corner Auburn e - were you from where Kent all right we're getting a lot from the North End were you from Tacoma Montana now we're getting a little bit further anyone further okay yes Auburn all right we got Auburn in Los Angeles okay now where are you from Israel all right I think she's come the farthest that's halfway around the world if we have that book you can give her that book yeah give her the we have a book called I think it's stand with Israel by Aaron Klein well we have anybody else that I miss well we just want to think oh there's one more where are you from Linwood Wow yeah we have another gentleman who - every week from Arlington yeah and Monday nights a lot but we just want you guys to know we appreciate you we're so glad that all here but what I want to do right now is I'm going to go ahead and finish up this morning's lesson real quick so if you can bring my powerpoints back to where I left off and I'm just gonna make it quick let's see because this is just crazy God is just so overwhelming thank you for the PowerPoint okay what you see here is a menorah correct all right I want you to look at revelation 1 12 and 13 there it says I turned to see the voice that spake with me this is the Apostle John and he says being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks in the midst of the seven candlesticks was one lakh into the Son of Man okay so I want you to imagine this is what he was seeing in Revelation right seven golden candlesticks and then the midst was one lakh into the Son of Man so he's seeing you schewe right there good now let's look at job 38 4 through 7 on your notes and God says to job and he says to us and where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth declare if you have understanding who has laid the measures thereof if you know or who has stretched the line upon it whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened it wasn't too long ago they thought it was for elephants or a turtle okay but the Bible a long time ago knew that that was not true then it says this who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy look at Isaiah 28:16 it says therefore so says the Lord Jehovah behold I place in Zion a stone for a foundation a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation and we find in Ephesians who that cornerstone is chapter 2 verse 19 through 20 it says now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the Saints and of the household of God and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone Monday nights lesson is called cornerstone but I'm going to kind of kick it off this morning a little bit for tomorrow night and I'm going to show you how you shuo was the cornerstone from Genesis 1:1 not from Matthew 1:1 look at Isaiah 46:10 it says I declared the end from where do you notice the word the beginning there is the Hebrew word race sheet which is the first word of the Bible but it has this and have debate in front Beit is in letter B means in so Bray sheet is in the beginning reishi is the beginning and he said from ancient times I declared the things that are not yet done do you realize if you want to understand revelation you're gonna find all of Revelation in Genesis you just got done saying I declared the end from the beginning so a lot of people trying to study endtime events but they don't study Genesis that's all in Genesis that's what you're gonna find when you study your Hebrew roots okay I want you to look at this okay here are the first seven Hebrew words of the Bible but I want you to think of the menorah Yeshua is in the Battle of the menorah and I want you to think of each word as a branch of the menorah and remember he's the Alpha and Omega in Hebrew it's The Aleph Tov right here is your untranslated word in your English Bible and it's the fourth word which is the fourth branch which is Yeshua now watch so here what do we have Brigitte bara Elohim and there it is the allah tov hashem ayam viet ha arrests okay so I want you to think of each one of these Hebrew words as a branch of the menorah that John is looking at in Revelation this is what he's seen you have seven words there's also seven days of creation we also know that the sages say we have seven thousand years in the plan of God the first six thousand years represent the end of man in the seventh thousand years of millennial reign the reign of peace where Messiah is here so I also want you to think of each one of these as a thousand-year day now I'm gonna start unfolding things here for you I hope you can keep up but it's not else get the CD in Hebrew when Moses wrote the Torah every letter used to be a picture and I want you to notice the olive table is the leader nailed to the cross that's how Moses wrote the letter aleph table in Genesis 1:1 when he first wrote it The Aleph was an ox the table means of the sign so that's how he wrote and notice it's the fourth word and he came the four thousand year from Adam is when he died which was two thousand years ago so here I want you to see again here it is you have the words all if Tov is in the middle now remember he was talking about the cornerstone okay so here is the cornerstone it starts with a brace sheet - bara in the beginning created okay and you're gonna see Yeshua is the corners in Revelation how many you know God spoke creation into existence and John 1:1 it says in beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God how many you know words are made up of letters the Hebrew alphabet is made up of 22 letters from I left to Tov so the term Aleph Tov is generally taken to represent all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet okay so let me go back let's go back here well we would say in English a to Z which means all the words of the dictionary in Hebrew they'd say I left off he's the beginning and the end and so the term all at table represents all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet so the sages interpreted this untranslated word all at table in this verse to include everything that was created within heaven and earth so everything that was created has a word and it's all encompassed within that word the olive Tov now since there's how many letters of Hebrew alphabet do you know the Vaught a count is the 22nd letter this the first time the letter Vava peers it's attached to the sixth word and so the vows to connecting force of God it's the divine hook that binds heaven and earth together and so you see it being used to combine heaven and earth there it is now in Revelation 13 verse 8 and 9 is where it says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world If any man have an ear let him hear so right here it says Yeshua was slain the Messiah was slain from the foundation of the world if that is true and the word break sheet is the foundation the cornerstone we should be able to see that Messiah died in the word brace sheet now logical well let's take a look and see what we find okay here we have the first word brace sheet and bara we're going to see if we can find you shoe a slave from the foundation of the world and this is the foundation stone the word brace sheet okay Rasheed is the chief cornerstone of creation it's the first building block if you think of the each Hebrew word as a building block now how many of you know here's the little key often we find out that the key is often hidden at the entrance of the house the word brace sheet is the entrance to the house there's a key in the word brace sheet to find the entrance to the rest of the Torah here you have the word brace sheet the first this swart letter here and this letter here forms the word bait which means house okay and here we have the not only the house of God but we also have all of creation is considered a house the letter Beit by itself means house but here is the word Beit spelled now I want to point something out here let me go to the next one here you have the word race sheet which is means first fruits in Leviticus 23:10 when it talks about the feast of first fruits what do we have here and you'll notice on your notes or a sheet means the first in place or time or order or rank the first fruit the beginning the chiefest the foremost well how many of us know in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 20 through 23 Messiah is risen from the dead and he has become what the firstfruits and then it goes on to say is an Adam all die even so in Messiah shall all be made alive but every man is own order Messiah is the reishi t' so when you see this word Rasheed think Messiah you following me because he is the first of the firstfruits we also see in John 1:1 through three again he was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God and everything was made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so I want you to see there's an intimate relationship between Messiah and the word raised sheet right here he is the first of the firstfruits now the the Hebrew prefix the bait which is right here has different meanings it can mean in like in the beginning it can mean through it can mean because of or with thought of or with the purpose of etc therefore you can also translate Genesis one as this for race sheet God created the heavens and the earth in other words for the Messiah is why God created the heavens in the earth now since the first letter of Torah is debate which means house it can also be translated this way a house for Rishi created God the heavens in the earth and why do we see that this teaches us that the heavens in the earth are ray sheets house Rashid is the Messiah a house in clothing or principally the same things creation is messiahs clothing as it is written in psalms 102 verse 25 and 26 of old have you laid the foundation of the earth the heavens are the work of your hands they shall perish but you shall endure all of them shall wax old like a garment as a Wester you shall change them and they shall be changed so all of creation is a house for a sheet okay now I'm gonna run fast in the word bray sheet we have the word bar bar is and bar mitzvah means son bar also in genesis forty one forty nine means grain and so here we have the the grain of the firstfruits offering also okay now let's go to the next one here we have that word bara which means to create which is the second word then we have rosh rosh in the word bread sheet means head it can also mean King Genesis 49 26 I don't have these where you can write them down and look it up and you'll see that rose means head row skimming prints roast coming king the leader now when you add the letter yode it's my head so now you have my head in the word bread sheet did you know sheet machine yo Tov also means thorns in Isaiah 10:17 broche debate Racine means tree you see that second Kings 1923 so when you add the letter Y ode again it becomes my tree so what do you have you have the Aleph representing God hung in the middle of the tree so what do we see here you have the son of God upon his head a crown of thorns hung in the middle of the tree all in the word brace sheet in the beginning he was truly slain from the foundation of the world and this is just one level of this stuff this is this is what's so incredible I mean I could speak for an hour on one letter what else the word chai and Hebrew means gift Psalm 68 29 so here we see this was the gift John 3:16 what did the father do he freely gave this gift this is still in the word brace sheet brit genesis 17 was all about the covenant god made in the word brace sheet you have the word brit which is covenant you also have h which in hebrew means fire and when you add again the letter yo it's my fire you remember laid a panda boy who brought strange fire into the house of God and they were crispy critters God says only my fire belongs in my house will hear the word Bray sheet you have the bait yo table at the end which means everything but then is in my house and he only wants his fire in his house he doesn't want strange fire coming in and if you'll notice in deuteronomy 33:2 it says from here the yard if you remember the Yoda's hand and from deuteronomy 33:2 says from his right hand came a fiery law so we can look at this as Bray sheet here the son of God bringing the gift of salvation you also can look at it as the son who is the olive table is the one who gave the gift okay so let me go back this for a second so in the word brace sheet we have the letter Beit which means house we have the letter R H which means king by itself which forms the word bar which is son then we have the Aleph which means the head of the chief okay then that forms the word bara which means to create then by itself you have machine which stands for Shaddai the mighty God in its three pronged representing his omnipotence his omniscience and his omnipresence then you have the yo'd which means his right hand and the table because it's the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet also refers to the end of days or redemption so right here if you put this above word altogether you have in the house of the king is the son for whom and by whom all things were created he is the firstfruits of creation appointed to fulfill the covenant el shaddai the omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent one from his right hand he gave us the gift of the Torah and will bring salvation in the end of days that's just part of what you can get I haven't got into some of the other stuff just what the word brace sheet that's I want to share with you before the right so now we're gonna go into the next lesson and I got about 10 minutes so hold on look at Isaiah 40:31 it says but now that says the Lord who created you O Jacob and he who formed you O Israel fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine so who does Israel belong to when God says you are mine that means they are his and so who do the Jews belong to okay who is it gonna be able to take the Jews out of God's hand it ain't happening so forget this replacement theology if you don't think anyone can pluck you out of God's hand what makes you think anyone can the Jews out of God's hand just as in Genesis where the fall of man is described and a redeemer as promised here in the haftorah which is isaiah 40:3 one i wanted to give one verse out of the hopper we find the fall of israel and a redeemer also promised adam as a created being was created for god's glory and to be his servant but he disobeyed just as Israel was created and formed to bring God's glory to the nation's and they disobeyed now let me ask you this what was Moses sister's name okay and what was Jesus's mother's name Miriam okay let people think was married no it was Miriam she was named after Moses and sister and so what do we find in Matthew 1:1 it says the book of the generation remember during the Torah portion we're talking about how important that word generation is and it's linking the it's trying to link us to the birth of the Messiah well here in Matthew 1:1 the book of the generation of Jesus Christ and he's known as the son of who very first he's known as the son of David and then it says the son of Abraham look at Matthew 12 23 all the people were amazed and said it's not this vast son of David notice it doesn't say a son of David it says the son of David this was a messianic term Matthew 22 41 while the Pharisees were gathered together yushua asked them saying you know what do you think of the Messiah whose son is he and they all said to him he is the son of David well we're look at the Goss of Matthew this year and Mark and Luke and John and acts from the Hebrew perspective I'm gonna be showing you things you more than likely haven't seen before but let's look at Matthew 1:17 it says so all the generations here's that word generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations from David to the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations from the captivity in Babylon to the Christ or the Messiah are fourteen generations well here's what's significant about David and the word fourteen and Hebrew every letters a number the dollar is the number four the Bob we saw was six The Da Lat four so what do we see fourteen you could be reading this as basically it's saying David David David all through this part here in the Gospels we're talking about the fourteen generations did you see it and they see David David David because they know that's the numerical value of David's name referring to him as the son of David now the kingly throne of Israel had to be occupied by a son of David but what happened how many of you know the temple was destroyed not only in 70 AD but around 586 587 BC remember the Babylonian captivity where Nebuchadnezzar takes all the Jews over to Babylon and so what happened there was no line of David on the kingly throne anymore then what happened several hundred years later how many of you heard of the Maccabees that's the whole story of Hanukkah the problem is the Maccabees were Levites and they decided to take the throne of Israel they had no right to the throne so here you have these Levites on the trying to assume the throne and then what happens all of a sudden you've got these two brothers fighting and they decide we need to get Rome involved to intervene and that's how Rome came to Israel because two Jews were arguing and fighting over who's the king and neither one of them had the right to the throne in case you didn't know history I'll also be talking to you a lot about history and so along comes Herod the Great and you know Herod was a descendant of Esau he marries into the Maccabee family of the Levites to presume upon the throne of David I don't know if you knew this but Herod tried to come across himself as Jewish because he had married into the family and there's a verse in the Torah Deuteronomy 17 that says you sellin anyy said him king over you whom the Lord your God will choose one among your brothers how you said king over you you may not set a stranger over you which is not your brother so Herod went to the sages and said tell me what this verse means and they said not anything then that means even though you think you're King you're can't be king so guess what Herod did he killed all of them but one his name was bosib and buta and then what Herod did little later on after he had done that he presumes to be a different person and he he poked out Bava been Buddha's ice he did not kill him but he made him blind and so here ba Baba duda Buddha is one of the only sages survived he's totally blind and Herod comes up and tries to disguise his voice and he goes to Baba Buddha and he says wait knit hair just a rascal isn't he horrible boy he's a monster and bhava Ben Buddha and his wisdom did not respond or put Herod down or anything like that and because he responded that way Haran Herod was amazed with his wisdom and his candor and have we responded and he then said I regret that I've killed all the sages now that I know how wise they are what can I do to get forgiveness and bhava Ben Buddha said you can build the temple rebuild it and so Herod that's how come Herod rebuilt the temple it was because of that incident well obviously during the reign of Herod was a bad time to claim to be the rightful heir matter of fact he killed his wife he killed his kids anyone who threatened his throne and so if remember David's tribe lived in the Jerusalem area which is why many of Davis lineage moved from Jerusalem north to Nazareth they said oh my gosh he may think any of us are gonna be king so let's all move so that's why most of the David's line packed up and moved to Nazareth in Isaiah 11 1 & 2 it says there so come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse that's one of the songs we sing and a branch shall grow out of his roots the Hebrew word for branches Nets air and that says the spirit Lord will rest upon him so the Spirit of the Lord is gonna rest upon a branch well in Genesis 1 1 & 2 we see the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters the sages say this the Spirit of God is going to move over the Messiah just like in Genesis 1:1 and they see the branch that sare as being the Messiah this will be a good time to stop and we will pick up with the rest of it I will cover all of this next week because we're still gonna be in Mathew anyway and I will show you some some things that are incredible we'll just make this part of next week's notes so I'm not gonna copy it so we may hold on to your notes and bring them next week so we can save paper and let father we just thank you so much for your tour and for your word and we pray Lord that you would speak mildly to each one of our hearts that we would begin to see your son from a Hebrew perspective one of the greatest crimes today is stolen identity and your son's identity has almost been stolen we need to get it back and I pray Lord that your spirit would move upon us that we would truly love one another that you would hover over each one of us and Yeshua's name Amen God told Moses to tell Aaron I want to bless my kids I want to bless my children not only that I want to place my name upon them we know in the book of Revelation the Antichrist wants to put his mark upon you well we know God from the Torah wants to put his name upon you and he said Aaron here's I want you to do it I want you to say this prayer over them and it's so doing not only will I bless them but I will place my name upon them and this is what he said to say Eva Rekha Yahweh by ish yah err Yahweh pon of alayka vu naica ye saw Yahweh Pandava lekha the SM Luck ha Shalom may Yahweh bless you and keep you may yo way make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you may Yahweh lift his countenance upon you and give you peace but Shem yeshua hamashiach may you all go in the name of our lord jesus christ and be blessed thank you for coming amen you
Channel: thomascohaver
Views: 8,353
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Keywords: El, Shaddai, Roots+Road, to, Emmaus
Id: DqFLvYptH0U
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Length: 63min 37sec (3817 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2012
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