Jesus in Genesis: 1. The First Word of the Bible

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hey Shalom from your Dutch uncle John listen we haven't talked for a while and you know we talked on the phone I can explain certain things or I can write letters and explain certain things but unless you see it sometimes it's just you just can't get it so I thought I'd film it and then send it to you and you'll get it is it really cool stuff anyway Shalom Shalom peace I just ate a now and later candy and let me tell you why I'm going to suggest you find something sweet to eat as well when the Jews teach their babies the Torah they spread honey on the verses so when they read them and then they lick the honey off and they associate the word of the Lord is being sweet which is a nice that's a nice picture the you see today I mean everybody's afraid like Oh thou shalt not and God you know that's this is not this is not God it is Satan's interpretation he's trying to get us to think that's God it ain't anyway remember the Hebrew alphabet we've we've talked about it a little bit but you only see it here we just want to cover one one little bit of it today it'll just amaze you if you've got an atheist friend show them this it will keep them up at night it's just so cool how Hebrew works but you can I know you probably don't know one bit of Hebrew except for what a little baby we've talked about don't worry it all comes together quickly here's their alphabet they're all F is the first letter their bait olive bait alphabet that's where we get it from and the gimel dalet hey vod's i mean pet pet you'd cough la med mem noon some ik ayan pay saudi cool fresh shame tah 22 letters Hebrew reads from right to left that's difficult to get your head wrapped around I don't want to say it reads backwards because this is God's first language this is God's language it reads forward we II write backwards everything we do Satan has twisted things around there now we're doing it backwards he tells us the God tells us to use the moon to tell time and what do we do Satan switches it around we're all telling time by the Sun and now our calendars are so off from God's Hebrew calendar that all the the special feasts and appointed times they mean nothing to us we miss we miss all of this so we've got to get back to doing it the way God originally wanted us to do it and he originally put it in Hebrew so let's learn it in Hebrew anyway so there's your olive bait their alphabet and here is Genesis 1:1 I figured we should going to start reading the Bible these people say oh I've read the Bible when it doesn't make sense yeah let's see if you do what if you miss this I'm going to read it through once remember they read from right to left it's better sheet bara Elohim at Hashem I'm Viet Haaretz that a sheet is in beginning bara means created or fattened Elohim God el anytime you hear el god you'll hear it in people's names like Daniel my judge is God or Nathaniel a gift of God or sometimes begins with el Eleazar God is my helper Adele is God Elohim at this is an untranslatable word we'll deal with it another time talk that's another whole video Hashem I mean the heavens but this is another app just like this one and whatever it is and how that's the earth but Bereshit let's just look at this one and let me show you something really cool about Hebrew and how it works here's your first Hebrew word Aleph bate notice it's the first two letters of their alphabet the olive bait okay every Hebrew has a picture associated with it so an Aleph it's picture is the head of an ox you can see the snout you can see ears you can see horns it's the head of an ox and it represents strength and power abate its picture is a tent and the letter Beit is also the word bait it means house tent house by the way on letter A comes from olive and our letter B comes from Beit God God is always first always on everything so if olive is strength and bait is house tent you have olive bait the strength of the tent the strength of the tent is the father the Abba ABBA you can pronounce it phonetically and you can figure out its meaning that's unbelievable that every word in Hebrew does this so what you need to learn is you've learned your 22 letters and then learn their pictures and what is associated with them and you're figuring out Hebrew words here's one more bait well we already know bait it's a house it's a tent by the way you've heard the word bait before even if you spoke no Hebrew you know bait this is in bait welcome welcome is bred bait his house Bethlehem is house of bread Jesus says I am the bread of life and he's born in baked Letham the house of bread funny and here we have resh a rich it's it's picture is a head if you turn a rush around and read this way it would be our letter our so now here you have bait resh you sounded out bar and what is it it's the head of the tent well who's the head of the tent well in God's thinking it's the Sun and isn't that how it worked didn't God give authority to the Sun he gave all authority to Jesus that's unbelievably cool so the head of the tent is the Sun the strength of the tent is the Abba bar by the way you've heard the word bar bar mitzva when you are bar mitzvah you are son of the law mitzvah you have to follow all of those 613 laws that God gave Moses on Mount Sinai so now that you know how Hebrew works let's look at this first word of Genesis 1:1 Bereshit I've written it big here but it's the same here it means in beginning okay well each one of these has a picture associated with it by the way notice that each of these also have a number associated with it God deals on levels on levels and levels and levels and they all intertwine and connecting their sub themes and themes and they all interconnect and everything everything nice to Jesus don't believe me watch better sheet the first word remember we're reading from right to left you can sound that out bait but rash or olive they actually say it's a silent letter and you don't it sort of gives the a sound I don't know why they call it a silent letter it does it is interesting that olive is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet yet God does not begin the a bet or begin the Bible was an olive he begins it with a bait in Bereshit interesting so and even the shape of Bereshit notice it's closed to heaven above it's closed to earth below and it's closed to infinity past but it's open to the future in the direction that God reads pretty cool huh anyway this is Bereshit and all is rock resh all of our machine is a sure sound good yeah and the top is the T sound so you sound without Vanraj sheet and if we look at their ancient pictures remember you learn 22 letters you learn 22 pictures and you can figure it out a bait we already said was a tenth and a rush this was the head oh oh not bad and bait resh we already know this much that's a word we've already learned it's bar bar his son oh my goodness he starts the Bible bar I told you everything points to Jesus he sees the first two letters are pointing to the Sun then you have olive what's olive olive we're going to put it in blue because blue would be at the color of God because this is God's letter it's the one it's he's out in front he doesn't he doesn't take all of everything he gives all authority and everything to the Sun he starts the Bible with the Sun so this is God he's the head of it's the strength God's letter olive so what are we having the first three letters of better sheet the first word the Bible better sheet which means in beginning it's not in the beginning by the way there's no thought in here when we learn more Hebrew you'll see it's not there it's just in beginning um and believe me I know so little Hebrew but I'm learning and whatever I figure out I'm going to pass on to you okay so the first three letters is VAR son of God oh my goodness that's pretty cool we come to the sheen it has an ancient picture also associated with it it's picture is I'm doing it in black hair teeth it looks like a W in fact since the Hebrew letter looks cool like a W but it's actually teeth you see devouring teeth and any time you see a sheen it represents destruction and devouring okay teeth destroying interesting okay in fact look at this if you just take these two letters right here all F machine that is a word and Hebrew on up on its own that word is Aleph strength strong powerful Sheen destruction teeth ultimate destruction it's ash fire in fact H whenever whenever Moses was up on Mount Sinai and and who is he he the burning bush it's the it's the H Sinai the ashes fire son I is bush the H star I the fire in the bush and it's just a cool picture of God he's the fire he's he's the judge he can destroy he didn't he's the fire but the bush isn't consumed because he's also merciful unbelievably cool picture but here he's got his H that it uses this name on that Sinai but you can see how Hebrew works you get these you can figure out what the words are and they sort of define what they are I heard the hood its picture is a hand and we'll do the hand here they actually draw it sort of like this it's an arm okay you can see an arm coming down and coming out in the hand and it represents work or or a hand doing something good it's the smallest Hebrew letter when Jesus in the New Testament he talked about not one jot or tittle will pass in the law before our fulfilled he didn't say John he said Yad he said not not even the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet will pass from the law so that's the yard very cool it said this is the tenth number ten he begins his name's with yad which is very very god that's a god thing he's his name yahweh begins with the yard or yeshua begins with the yard his city yerushalayim jerusalem begins with the hood his almighty unbelievable almighty god and he uses the smallest letter - for his name because he can and then we come to the talk and the talk its picture is it's the letter T Tom here so your teeth oh it's a cross which you if you put your mark you're tall that's what that's what it is so the word Bereshit if you sound it out you have bar the son olive of God is destroyed by his own hand willingly on the cross and the atheist say there's no dog and that man wrote the Bible he does this with every word people every word anyway that's is really cool and remember this is the word in beginning better sheet and what really cool if you go to the Isaiah the prophet major prophet Isaiah Isaiah 46:10 he says I am God there is no other and declaring the end from you ready are you waiting for it are you waiting are you waiting for it he declares the end from the beginning that's how you know he that's how you know who a god is a God if he can if he didn't say it before it happens he's God and here he's spelling out the end that the Son of God will be destroyed by his own willingly hand but unwilling you know named ina cross willingly on the cross yes that's declaring the end from the beginning from the better sheet anyway pretty cool stuff um well what do you think I try to write some other stuff here for you and you know when you try to type in Hebrew things go all crazy on your computer because this one right to left if you put something in there in Hebrew it throws everything to the right margin makes it very very difficult but um I think if if you like how this turned out we'll make another one and uh because there's some other stuff that you need this to see to get it so anyway god bless we'll talk soon bye Shalom
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 1,220,430
Rating: 4.7930727 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Yeshua, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1, Bereshit, In the beginning, Messiah, Mashiach, Jesus in the Old Testament, Jesus Old Testament
Id: RmnUkNT55gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2013
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