Jesus in Genesis: 2. The 2nd and 3rd Words of the Bible

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hey Shalom Shalom it's your Dutch Uncle John here how we were talking about last time finding Jesus in Genesis and we had shown you that he was a very much so in the first word Bereshit and today we're going to cover two more words figure we're going to do one word per episode however get through Genesis but the new word today is bra and Elohim this is Genesis 1:1 it starts out better sheet in beginning bara it's a means to create created or fattened or filled it's used three times in Genesis 1 it's used in Genesis 1:1 where God creates the heavens in the earth it's also used the better it's also used when God creates the fish and the sea creatures and it's also used when God creates man what's interesting about the this verb bra is God is the only one who bras in the Bible so that's interesting that it's a verb that only he does let's take a closer look at it I've got it written here on the on the big board and here's our other word we're going to do today is Elohim the third word of the Bible but looking at the bra we see it starts out Bait and we've talked about bait last time bait was the tent rash rashes the head and olive olive is that strength the head of the ox all--if is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet it's the one that's it's silently out front yet he begins the Bible with a bait pointing to the Sun in fact where have we seen this before this word bara well if you notice it's the same first three let as Bereshit that's what we covered last time he's repeating he's repeating bait rush Olaf bait rest the head of the tent that son Aleph God son of God if you happen to miss it in very chic he repeats it in the second word created is bait WESH Olive son of God so I think we know what this book is about it's about the Son of God it says in the Gospel of John John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and he said all things came into being through him and apart from him nothing that came into being came into being he's saying it right here the word created is son of God he's letting you know that Jesus the Son of God is the creator and all things were created by him for him in Colossians 1 it says for by him all things were created both in heaven hashemian and on earth Haaretz visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him so he's letting you know right here brah the Son of God created very clever okay so this is bara so so far we have Bereshit bara for those who missed the Bereshit let's just review real quick better sheet bait resh is son Aleph is God son of God shin by the way I was pronouncing this Sheen but I'm finding out I was pronouncing well I'm not sure I've heard it both ways but since last time I filmed Shin I think is the preferred pronunciation and that's how we're going to pronounce it so the son of God shin is teeth destruction devoured the Son of God is destroyed your smallest letter is a hand your works your hand handy works so the Son of God is destroyed by his own hand willingly and tall it's mark you're tall you're T Todd you can hear it it's a cross and it represents the Covenant an agreement you make an agreement you put your X you put your mark so that's the symbol for a covenant if that's interesting that's that's that's huge if you can read this you can read Bereshit this way as well you can see bay trashes Sun all of his God the word here's a Hebrew word Sheen shin Yad the word shy there it is shy means gift in Hebrew so you have the son of God's gift the cross that's nice we've only scratched the surface anyway so now we've got the Bereshit we've got ba son of God created and now we're moving to the third word of the Bible is Elohim and this word is God now there are so many names of God in the Hebrew that we miss all of them in English I think in English we refer to him as God it refers to him as Lord capital L Ord and then it sometimes refers to him is capital L capital o capital R capital D you'll see this in your Bibles but that's it that's the three times the three ways we refer to him yet in Hebrew it's I don't know how many names but well over fifty I could name so maybe there's something special about learning it in Hebrew that will tip us off to something about him and the first mention of his name is in Genesis 1 on Elohim so if we look at it and we can go with our pictures well let's sound that out first The Aleph which is usually an a sound I know I said a silent letter but it it's maybe he's referring to as a silent letter because it's the one that's out front before the bait in Genesis 1:1 he's silent out there we don't he doesn't start the book with him perhaps that's what they mean it that would that would fit logically so you have an ah sound you have la med la el the H sound here's a new letter we've got today and the lamb is a new and also but hey it's an H sound the you'd we've already covered it's a hand I've already drawn it in and the olive is that head of the Ox the strength and we have the final letter here in his name mm and it's the M sound so it's L ah heem elohim there's a little type of thing about Hebrew that this is how they do it I don't know why but when you polarize a word in Hebrew you put the M on the end you've heard it before if you go to church and you see a little cherub is one but when you see all that you're a BIM that's all the heavenly angels or a seraph and a Seraphim or the other one is a is a non Jew a Gentile and the are the Gentiles so it's interesting that God has chosen his name to end in M the I am plural ending he's letting us know he's more than one he's one God but this is a Trinity he sees talking about here is the word Aloha is the word for Pharaoh one Pharaoh but he didn't choose that he chose a form of that but putting the M plural on it Elohim and let's see what it represents on the pictures okay we have Aleph is the head of the ox strength power la med its picture is a shepherd's crook close enough okay so sorry a shepherd's crook and together you have the strength power and you have of the shepherd the strength of the shepherd or the strong shepherd this is El God that's his that's that's one of his names as well Oh God and we've talked about that you heard it in Emmanuelle Jesus the prophecy was that a baby would be born he would be called Emmanuelle with us is God el God um and uh in the Book of Ruth a Ruth Naomi's husband was a limerick there you hear l god Malak king god is my king Elimelech and these names are then prophetic in the story for what's coming so here you have L now we do a hey oh hey that's an interesting letter of their alphabet it's the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and in the number five I'm gonna go ahead and draw here and an explainer I think that's good yeah I did it in red because it's represent it's a man and the word for man in Hebrew is a Dom read so um and notice his hands are up in the air and he's he's surprised and the word the letter hey it looks like an open window and so the picture represents behold you're going to see God revealed he's going to reveal something and and it's always it's always involves hey and five it's very cool how how it all fits together like this but you'll see um see the fifth time Noah's name is mentioned in the Bible and it says Noah found favor or found grace with God it's in fact the name the word Noah backwards is Grace in Hebrew there's two were those two are connected anyway so we have hay represents behold or something's revealed Europe is a hand we've talked about that before mem here's a new one the mem it's picture is zigzag lines you can see we we get the letter M from there mem there ancient men but it represents water and you can see I guess water and so now let's look at his name and why he chose these five letters well this one's easy the first two and I put them in the blue why do I associate the light blue with God heavens it is this is about the biggest infinity I can picture and so that's his color so here's the strong Shepherd that's God L and here he reveals himself he reveals and he reveals his hand on the waters what he's saying is he controls the seas and this name Elohim of all his different names this one represents power and strength God it's he has other names the Lord our righteousness and the Lord our healer and the Lord our provider Adonai Yahweh Yahweh you know you always said canoe youth you hear all these other Hebrew names but this one Elohim represents his power and he's saying he's the strong Shepherd who reveals his hand upon the waters you can also look at it like this because he's very clever he does feel spelled out more than once for you this is a Hebrew word yad mem it's the word y'all and the word y'all means the sea like the arm sooth the sea of reeds so here you've got see here you have ah another thing that Hebrew does is if the hey it's also used for word that you'll see it in Genesis 1:1 here when you come through Bereshit bara Elohim at Hashem I'm that the hay in front of Hashem I'm is the Shamim sky waters here you see it again in the earth that hey is the Arnett's is the land so the land the sky waters and it becomes part of that you'll hear it in when you say Rosh Hashanah you're putting that the H that is the head rush Rosh fresh head Hashanah of the year it all fits together very clever very clever this God we have so if y'all mem if that's yum Yad mem that means C and this hey in front of it means the C so this is L is god of the sea he's throwing it out another way very clever hey and what's very words really neat about this is this God the name that he chose for to represent himself here with meaning power look what else it it shows because he's got other sides to him and he can remember I told you like these have themes and sub-themes and plots and subplots and they all twist and tie together and Arenal connected we haven't even gotten into the numbers yet you see all these little numbers underneath each Hebrew later has a number associated with it I put in here though the Aleph is one here's all F one I put him in red so you can spot him he puts out of six times there's no coincidence to anything he's done and anything he does notice he puts the olive third and third then he puts the olive first and first then he puts his olive second and second pointing to the three persons of the Trinity he's first person second person a third person and he's all God and he's in the heavens anyway let's go back to Elohim and this last translation or another translation the other thing you can get out of it we have olive this is the strong powerful Shepherd okay all I remember this is God's letter this is God the Lord right here so you can say the Lord is my shepherd and hey this is his outpouring of grace he out he's revealing something look the guy's surprised big stuff is coming blessings it does enema tech and money I'm talking peace joy eternal life and who knows what else but he's revealing something here the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he leadeth me beside the still waters Psalm 23 he's hidden it in his name anyway praise God praise God thanks so much for watching we're going to move on next time - I think we're going to skip it for right now and buy it we're going to go onto Hashem I am and Haaretz and then we'll do a whole episode on ech and it will blow you away yep at god bless and Shalom
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 276,885
Rating: 4.9071379 out of 5
Keywords: genesis 1:1, in the beginning, Jesus, messiah, yeshua, bereshit, bereshit 1:1, Bereshit 1, genesis 1, hebrew word pictures, elohim
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2013
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