HIDDEN INSIDE! We Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found This!

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hmm [Music] my [Music] because we are going to start this video here at the house some of y'all like blown away right now y'all was like whose house is that where did y'all put justin's trash at i've been working very hard trying to get this place in order we're gonna take our time guys looking for the perfect house because next time we move is gonna be like our old person house where we like retire waiting for jesus to come back so basically what i'm doing so kind of like what i'm doing over here like these are things that are gonna be single lots in the auction there's some of the thrift store finds the sealed vhs sets i'm putting all those in one lot y'all there's like all these old animal books everyone's about a different animal but they're in really good shape there's a whole set of them remember the quilts like with the uh the sailors on them and stuff oh yeah those are cool look at this old ashtray that's pretty sick this is a bronze look at that it's a bronze statue oh that's cool pretty cool it's like all the china this is all the really expensive noritaki this is all going to be moved i'm covering this in leather and i'm going to cover this rolling table this is going to be gina's new photo booth i'm also going to mount lighting all this stuff's going to come off and go in tubs go to adrian but look there's one of these where is it 89 d double die y'all look that up do your research on those but i've checked them with a loop and sure enough they're all double dozed so these are all 89 d double dies looked us up i'm gonna put the whole thing in the auction that's all gonna be one lot there's a hot wheels we just found that unit and i'm gonna put a more shelving in here that matches still gotta go through this stuff i gotta unwrap all this so this is just a mess let me just show you all this stuff because we never unwrapped this box from that unit remember had the big uh the wood like uh pilgrim statue there's some cool ones yeah like that's wood i don't know that you know there's any really chick angels i don't know that's biblical i don't think it is i like this one do you like this for the house yeah that's kind of cool that's kind of sick got that old school feel yeah i feel like that didn't go with this you don't think so no look at that that just looks cheesy we're gonna give him like a prison shank or something [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys so we are here we've already started loading up so today is sunday it's kind of well we don't have an off day but it's kind of like supposed to be our off day so we're going to hurry and get this loaded and we're going to show you some of the stuff that we know you have not seen so come in here first of all we found this i do have the tail piece to it i have all of the parts to it this is the old barbie thing y'all come check this out see look here's the tail that's so cool look it's got the little what is that a cart yeah the little uh the push cart for the stewardess so check it out so we have a barbie plane uh we're gonna sit so what i'm doing is i'm taking like all the stuff i know there's like one really good uh option all right am i putting all that stuff over here okay uh putting personal stuff right here uh we did just have a conversation with the nice gentleman that works here he said the ex-wife of the person called and said they want some pictures i need to tell him that he should probably not give him to her if this storage unit is in his name true that would be illegal to give that stuff to her so let's make sure we stop by there and let him know that he might want to be cautious of whose name was on here so anyway check it out this whole thing is full of vintage barbies not gonna take it out right now but look tons of oh yeah remember when i popped this box open when brian was here yeah i found moesha y'all y'all don't even know about malicia look down here this is like all mini barbies all kinds of fun stuff down here thanks all right so this is all uh i'm gonna guess this oh here she is there she is look y'all it's brandy it's milisha y'all know about my alicia i used to i just love watching movies all right so check it out so box barbies so check it out i'm going through the personal boxes here because i don't want to take all that stuff back but look what i'm finding y'all show them that look at that huge one over there so what these are y'all so these were in a personal box full of like cards and stuff these are all like insert posters for like rock records and so well that's why because they're i mean the perfect size of records but look there and you can tell they had them taped up to the wall at some point but um let's see oh that's kind of cool uh so anyway so these are record posters uh that we're all in here uh so there's several of these in here and so now i'm going through there and i'm like this is the old timers game sandy koufax i wonder if this is that one they had in uh in greenville where the yankees came and played maybe not okay so but look that's still that's the 1975 old-timers game program and so that's kind of cool in itself uh so anyway that's why it's important to go through this stuff and that's why i get an empty box and call it like a transfer box and then i'm finding like the manual for like some of the equipment here um y'all i'm finding tons of these look at these old these are like wartime photos there's a lot of military stuff in here too um oh man hold on yeah see look there was a guy in military these are just pretty pictures aren't they just such gorgeous like man just such a different time but anyway so look at this all of these are full of like albums from like way way back in the day and so these um photographs look at these in this killer these are from the 30s y'all here's the thing y'all for real you can go to these pictures and you can find old pictures like celebrities presidents things like that so always make sure to flip through those but the old ones wartime photos stuff like that sell keep them all right uh so check this out this was oh whoa i didn't see those guys y'all remember the little hot wheel tabs we found thanks for all the comments y'all we got look at these old uh uh coke bottle caps or these milk toppers but look at these y'all that's sick so we'll go through these and uh we'll see what the top most collectible ones are these but so look like that like just that bag right there that might be 100 bones but this looks like just a bunch of old games that's kind of killer tax-free business you two can operate that's funny um something is that's what's that's a prostitution joke is it tax free business complete kitten clothes yeah red light oh red red light district is that what that is yeah all right i just put that that just all right what's it say something fishy sardine can puzzle it's kind of fun i don't know how it opens i don't oh hey guys i don't want to break it uh so look just a bunch of fun old games look oh that's kind of fun it smells like a box too drive you nuts what year is that from i don't know 1970. y'all that's killer it's in good condition um everybody knows the triangle game so this is just a bunch of fun little games oh look golden nuggets i found gold gold nut gambling hall house oh so i guess these came from the golden yeah they did las vegas golden nugget so i guess these were used on the floor like vintage gold nugget cars that were used in the casino hey guys we're back all right y'all check it i gotta show y'all what i'm talking about so this looks like personal right you're just gonna throw it in there but y'all don't know there could be like two or three hundred bucks in there look at these these are some old like um it's one of 24. i'm gonna assume i wish they weren't folded uh but look it looks like he's got all 24 of them some kind of flyers so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put these in a book and press them you know back out as far as i can and we're going to throw these in the auction we'll put all those as one lot but just look in here what is this see i look at these some of the stuff i've never seen before you know what i mean look this is 10 of 32. oh pinups so these are uh football pinups okay did these in the middle are like in really good condition bart starr look here's a whole nother set of them y'all look down here see this just looked like paper didn't it yep all right so i'm pulling all these out i told her i said it might be funny we might find a 1952 freaking rookie rookie mickey mantle rookie so look look here's more folded up so we're keeping those um it's kind of cute there's one right there so i was flipping through here i wasn't gonna film it and then i got to something i didn't pull them out yet but hold on over here so look at these pete rose right off the bat what year are these look at these those are cool yeah look there's reggie jackson look at that so these are kind of cool pete rose these are those cardboard cards i can't remember what year these are from y'all let me know what year these are from if you know off the top of your head if not i'll look them up ticket stub jaw i found a ticket stub one time no joke i bought a used sports car collection i was going through all ticket subs i found a actual ticket sub i can't remember all the info but it was when hank aaron broke the home run record or something and uh but it was the ticket sub to that thing and i think i ain't how much time selling that thing for i don't remember like 700 bucks or something it was something ridiculous y'all but it was one ticket stub down in there so san francisco giants uh san diego padres so i wonder if that's to like a championship game maybe so i'm gonna set that aside uh but look y'all so that's what i'm talking about you gotta go through this stuff easy and you're like i don't know it ain't worth it man sometimes it is all right y'all no joke so check this out it's off it's off centered obviously and it's not in the best condition but it's actually in really good condition other than being off uh off cut it's off cut see how the borders not even around but y'all this is a 1958 ernie banks card uh i mean it's probably like a three maybe or three off cut maybe something like that but um here's an off cut one too you know look at these 1958 they're asking 125 for it but that six graded they're asking for 150 so good luck getting that 125 but still y'all this is like easily probably like a 20 to 40 card all right guys look we're uncovering the top so all the hidden treasures are on that wall underneath all the way to here lots of treasures to find but i want to show you one of the things i'm keeping real quick one it's not i might i could sell it locally um and i don't know i might throw it up but i'm gonna keep it sean got all the knobs all the push buttons work like that's a what do you call that make light uh like buttons but look at that isn't that beautiful all right y'all so i'm gonna touch it up i'm gonna uh maybe i might do a light sand to it and redo this uh maybe the stain on the top but i like that so we'll keep it up i'm putting more syllables over there some kind of little village thing there's like a pirate ship that hasn't been put together yet um so we are getting to the more records so let's kind of just browse throughs real quick you're probably sick of finding records but i'm not y'all because it's like they had the best all right look so we got a little casey in the sunshine band uh so we're looking for these hype stickers contains the hit singles shake your booty that's nice y'all there's so much elvis in here in there yeah so here we'll just go through this real fast the fix sam harris i'm looking for some of that oh i didn't tell you what i found what soundtrack i found in the garage yesterday in excess um pretty in pink i don't know the vinyl it's just it was nostalgic so i kept so anyway look at that gold records award um y'all it's like tommy james who's a jefferson's airplane y'all and also check to make sure they're autographed i hate when people write on them like this john oates okay look elvis elvis i think there was a lot of elvis all right y'all look so more elvis more elvis heart um oh that's old school elk john that he looks young there y'all look elton john elton john look at this there's a whole so what i'm doing y'all already i already lighted all the the records for the next auction basically what i'm doing is i know that some of these are definitely worth just putting by themselves but i mean i'm gonna go big on this auction so we're gonna do all the elton john's in one lot starting at one dollar no reserve yeah i'm not gonna bore you with the rest record but look at all these these are all elton john elton elton elton they're really good condition elton john elton john elton john elton john y'all there's elvis elvis there's so much elvis y'all so like if you want to like get an insta collection of your favorite person like for and there's some good some of these are valuable i'm not saying these are all two three dollars there could be 200 actually in one of the lots i know that there's 150 record in one of them i'm not going to tell you which one it was but it's one that allowed yesterday all right guys so hey this said christmas already ripped the tape off of it haven't opened it but his christmas stuff's been good normally i don't like doing christmas boxes so but we are personally looking for vintage christmas stuff because we're going to start christmas decorating now y'all it is april first time oh babe look at these we should keep these they're stocking hangers but you know we don't have them oh look at the snowman one so it looks like there's several of each but those are really nice they're silver plated but i don't see a brand on them but those are really nice we might keep those oh look at my led christmas lights they're two so after christmas these work for halloween too oh do they yeah cool you know how madonna he's silly all right y'all check it out we were gonna do this box but then i accidentally peeked in this box i found something else we're keeping i didn't show jimmy yeah this is christmas this is all like christmas villages and stuff look it's the moose uh you know uh wally world i'm not well yeah was that what what was it called and the first one vacation no where they were going wally world wallet yeah so that's wally isn't it the moose remember he punches the moose y'all check that out we're definitely we'll probably should we keep this yeah i feel like we should keep this all right so look i open this up y'all first thing off the bat rattle snake skin i say rattle snake that looks like the color rattle snake yeah i don't see a rattle on there though all right y'all so some of this stuff might be personal oh this is autographed uh autographed ken okay okay i see this this was from 81 so this is probably like a sports camp who would be 81 golden and blue color workers athletes for educational programs hey y'all look at that autograph i can figure that out basically what i would do is i'd say whose name starts with ko and was number 81 but we'll figure that out but that is an autographed t-shirt we'll keep all these look these are all their hot wheel back cards that's cool for all the hot wheels oh look he saved all his cards babe oh here's actually one with the mercedes benz in it look at these this is all so we'll put these all in one lot yeah i'm sure somebody collects these okay so there's a ton of these and this is just a knick-knack box that i love oh that's a back scratcher her nose is missing i don't know that's sick though i'm keeping that i mean i'm not personally keeping it but i feel like if her nose is in here that's worth fixing oh look is that boy scouts little boy scout belt that's interesting yeah with all your little accomplishments let's see what we got in here i found one okay guys i think we might have to go back through this oh whoa hey guys well we know this is the year we found sterling and this is probably a silver plate stuff yeah that's rodgers rodgers this looks like it's all silver plate but some of this stuff comes off like military ships stuff like that old hotels that makes it collectible um so we'll just double check that's all plated so look just that's a weird thing to have in there that's kind of neat look at all these little trains and stuff little trains look all this stuff adds up y'all uh pro button oh this is a lot of buttons y'all look a lot was it monday night football watch it look all these little collectibles oh the lemmings you remember the lemon game do you remember that i think what all right y'all check this out so we'll have to go through this all when we get back because there's a lot of little lucy gooseys it says trains and hot wheels i can't imagine we're gonna find any more hot wheels with i mean we've already found like so many people oh yeah oh wait hold on this ain't hot wheels i thought this was heavy oh wait hold on maybe this is okay this is personal we're gonna start another personal box okay so ho 2009 hoe train oh is he in here oh it's a little thomas training plane or puzzle okay so all this stuff i'm gonna deem personal because it looks like it's a mix and i'm not gonna sit here and go through it this definitely well let's get to the bottom flyer master guide of your flyer optimizing your flyers all right y'all i think we got full first box that we got for all right that's all personal all right guys we're making some progress so look at this old uh motor oil all-state can of film little five gallon one i might keep that just because i do like old cans anyway grab the camera it says baseball cards and train stuff i'm hoping for more 60 stuff y'all that's what we were looking for okay so look nice trains all right looks like he kept everything together really well well what if these were okay so he's opened these which is not bad okay what year is this these are 80s for sure huh early 80s 70s let's see i don't know i don't it once it's 84. okay so look these are 1984. yeah what if there was a box like 60s like with the box like how sick would that be okay so look these look like they're mixed down here or these might have been smaller cards that came with this series okay i've never found them this this back in the 80s uh still like with their boxes and everything so look i don't want to open these up uh just because they're all gonna fall out look so oh no there might be a mix in there yeah i'm gonna have to go through all these y'all so when i get back to the house i'll thumb through these but this is a good sign though we need something a little bit early 70s back all right guys uh show them over there so we are we're to the wall uh we've had a lot of great stuff y'all we're just trying to get here i want to enjoy the rest of sunday so anyway check out let me show you some stuff we found y'all y'all remember who remembers betamax i've never even heard of betamax so i just blew her world with these but look i kind of e.t ferris bueller too actually two of my favorite movies uh look at this blonde glass elephant y'all that's so pretty that's sick so that'll be an auction i found this cool little church lighthouse i don't know why i just dug it oh look this is a glass chess set this is a monopoly and this is a marble it's got the marble pieces in there and everything but i'm not going to take it out but that's a nice chess set we might keep that one all right y'all check this out so this is brand new in the box it's an art 117 movie tripod and on amazon and stuff they're 409 and i actually i think we have two all right y'all so i think we have two of these actually and we have um some other uh stuff from this company so that's 400 bucks right there all right a few quick things real quick here's another box of trains look at that texas little uh engine there all right come on guys firecase uh let's see let me focus this all right i'll check this out so there's all these like special sets in here the master railroad series uh bachmann heritage photo 2000 let's open this up let's see what it looks like looks like it was 50 no 175 bucks when he bought it all right y'all so look it's all in here all the certificates oh that's pretty sweet all right that's still taped together so i'm not gonna take that off uh but look we have this one it was originally 175 and it looks like those might be a couple little special editions there so we got a box of trains oh look at this whole cookie jar i think this might be mccoy i'm not sure i dig that i might keep that y'all that is sick looks like the lid's in here down there okay that is freaking awesome i absolutely dig that
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,615
Rating: 4.9432626 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, abandoned, discovery, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds wife, hidden, hidden inside, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, jeana grimes, jebus, justin grimes, locker nuts, mike the scavenger, secret compartment, secret inside, secrets inside, storage unit auctions, storage wars clips, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, storage wars full episode, what the hales
Id: hkBSaJSHkTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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