Steak House Dinner on the Griddle - Incredible scallop potato side dish

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[Music] hey guys welcome to flat talk king today it's all about steakhouse dinner it's saturday night the wife won the steaks and i'm about to unleash the best potato side dish we've ever put on the flat top grill you guys stay tuned all right really quick before we get to any of that stuff right there i have noticed that my flat top grill back on the camp chef today has had almost like an uneven cooking surface i don't know if it's hard to see in the video maybe she could shine the light or the video but when you're it's pre-heating right now so i'm not touching it but i have noticed that my when i rub it down i was getting the lint from the paper towels i typically don't get that so without breaking down i had a conversation back and forth with somebody that wanted a sandblaster flat top grill and i was like golly that's not like aggressive plus most people don't have that option i don't even know that option so i got uh basically 320 sandpaper i warmed it up added some water cleaned off really good get as much oil off as possible you guys can still see there's some oil on there and then i just finally went over it and just knocked off the tops and the edges and i'm telling you what i cleaned it up then uh with water again paper towels and then re-oiled it now we're just preheating it up it is ten times better i'm so i'm highly recommended this i don't even know what the outcome is but i know i can get it back to tip top shape in a hurry and all this did was just basically just knock down the uneven edges and make a little bit more smooth all right so let me tell you about this idea you ready we got our steaks here we got asparagus traditional steakhouse dinner right well what is probably the number one sold out of mistake besides like a steamed vegetable or sauteed vegetable potatoes so i didn't want to come out here and do like some crappy you know i'm not saying they're crappy i shouldn't say that trying to just up my game a little bit for you guys that's basically what i'm trying to do so i've been recipe testing we did a long time ago and i said if you guys see these potatoes on the griddle you know that i'm up to a recipe testing so now's the day look i've taken these potatoes sliced them on a mandolin and basically just had them soak in the water when you drain the water out of them i see a little bit more just to try to rinse the starch off of them okay so this is the idea i've got my cast iron skillet preheating on the flat top grill as well we're going to cook these potatoes i can start doing that right now a little bit of oil not a lot you don't want this too oily and basically what you're trying to do is cook the potatoes about halfway through okay and start layering it with cream cheese and everything else and we're gonna cook it right in our cast iron pan right on the flat top grill and then we're gonna finish it on flat top grill i swear i've got one for you right now it's probably time to start our cream sauce so this is my idea okay give or take about i don't know that much butter maybe a little bit more maybe a good tablespoon take about that much garlic remember i'm only going to make enough for this one dish right here okay we spread out a whole potato right here this is actually a whole potato that's been sliced and just enough cream to cover it just like that just take a little bit of rosemary this is very pungent it's very powerful so a little goes a long ways you can add as much or little as you like some salt we can salt it later and some fresh cracked pepper so this right here is basically our quick sauce for the scalloped potatoes we're just going to let that go let all that butter and garlic steep in the cream once it starts bubbling we know that we're pretty close [Music] as some of you know i've been working on my steak seasoning i'm still fine-tuning it so this is just my house steak seasoning no recipe provided because eventually we want to bottle it we're close just not close enough for me all right remember you're only trying to cook these potatoes about halfway it happens very quick i probably let them go a hair too long on one side that's fine we can make up the difference on the other side plus when some of them tear you can set those aside and use those for later you definitely want some good nice perfect pieces on the bottom to protect your cast iron and the sauce just a very very very slight crunch left over that's what i'm looking for right there i'm gonna take these off because it looks like it happened just about the right perfect time look at this right here let me show you see how we're starting to cr to boil right here see that that's just what i want [Music] you guys to see that black pepper in there taste it for season you get that rosemary right away and garlic absolutely perfect that's exactly what i'm looking for let's let that go for a second let's clean our flat top up and get ready now that our cream is done i'm just going to pour it right in the bowl just be please be careful anytime you're taking something off your flat top that you've got a hot pad a bowl a towel something it gets hot just like everything else does [Music] no really reason to uh clean it out we're going back to the flat top didn't mean that good thing about it right here let's start our process i'm turn this out up to medium all right got some cheese right here we got our cream we got our spoon so this is how i this is how i did it this is one of those recipes where i've actually done it before so at least i have an idea butter goes down i don't want to get those sides as well come in here with the potatoes that look really good there's no holes in them and you're just going to bring them right up the side look when i'm doing this i don't know if i need to say it or not but i'm sure i do be careful because this crap's hot and put a good base right there okay maybe one more at the bottom just for extra protection a couple more maybe just like that okay now we're going to come back in here with this cheese layer it come back in here with this cream sauce get about half of it in there okay there you go repeat the other step the other half of that cream sauce you guys can add different cheeses you guys can add blue cheese goat cheese smoked gouda anything come back in a little cheese and then finish off with that top layer all right so that's a whole potato right there so this is the idea this is going to boil i'm going to actually i'm going to dome it fits perfect see that i'm going to dome it and just set this to the side it's going to create a convection it's going to start boiling rapidly the one thing i'll say is you got to be careful about the bottom the bottom since it is the heat and this potato is going to get done faster than the top okay what you're traditionally used to is seeing that golden brown on top with the flat top there's no way to do that but i've got a secret for you once that bottom gets a little bit darker than what you would like that's the time to pull it okay not burnt a little bit darker because it's got to cook all the way through once that happens we're going to move it off flip it over on the flat top on the new side of the potatoes and cook it for a couple minutes to crisp up those sides let it cool and i'm telling you guys you guys have got a winner to go with that steak just want to show you guys a quick peek just a couple minutes in see i'm talking about see how we're bubbling that's all that butter and stuff in the background or in the bottom of it and now what happened is that heat is trying to penetrate through the potatoes and it's creating that sauce you guys make fun of me for my spatulas i should have bring this out for my spatula video so we get a sneak peek see if we can start talking about browning first okay no browning yet it's pretty light colored that means we're good we're just going to keep letting it cook put the dome on it and just let that baby go all right i just took the dome off i just moved it back i'm starting to get some browning exactly the way i like it it's been about 10 minutes to give you an idea okay so now we're going to start starting the steaks let those rest we'll get the vegetables going and i'll show you guys how to finish these potatoes you obviously are going to cook your steaks whatever temperature you like i have noticed on these flat top grills flip often because they can i'm telling you for some reason if you're new to cooking you don't cook steaks a lot it seems like they can cook in a hurry i know you want to get the crust but i'd much rather have medium rare than a deep crust and what we're going to do today what's my philosophy i always try to teach you something remember we bought our meat smasher bacon press whatever it's called i'm going to put it let's just stay on this steak right here for the whole time no matter if we flip it or not i'm just going to see if it helps out with a crust is it worth it to get one of those just for this reason because i personally would buy it if i knew that that crust was banging right that's just personally me but obviously you can use it for other things all right potatoes are probably a hair longer than what i wanted so what we're going to do just you just want to work it out see how there's not a lot of moisture in there as much anymore that's the potatoes absorbing all that liquid that cream that cheese so find your strides start prying it out because you're going to flip it you ready seems pretty loose you ready right there on the flat grill oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i thought oh i love what oh man i'm excited food just makes me happy i like when something turns out you guys will see it when it don't i throw crap everywhere it always turns out honey we always eat it it might not be the prettiest thing but we always eat it it's always delicious how about that it's time to put the steaks look how big that number jammer is all right so this is the one that's had the meat press on it the whole time we're in the sun a little that's a crust let this side warm up a little bit i mean that's a good test too so it doesn't seem like it made that much of a difference [Music] they look the same all right with your potatoes all you're trying to do is cook the bottom it's cooked pretty much about 75 85 percent through now remember your potatoes were cooked previously as well so all you're trying to do is get that color on the bottom once this is done i'm actually going to move it over here and keep it warm oh where's our meat i'm going to go on the big one to help it out some okay we're done already all right let's see what we got going on here that was real time too no editing yeah you want that cream and that cheese to set up it helps to set up the potato i'm telling you oh man that came out fresh cracked pepper salt we're just going to cook these until basically almost like the word al dente we like our vegetables just the hair crisp so we're trying not to overcook them i told my dang wife today i was not going to do this and she's like well then you're not cooking my steak i said yes ma'am sometimes she lays the letter of the wall down how i finish my steak a pad of butter on each side we like to w sauce not a lot and what happens is when you take that steak off it's super hot so while it's resting it's literally creating its own pan juices right there so it'll melt the butter and everything it's the only way to do it she loves it sometimes i like it sometimes we do other things all right oh my goat cheese you'll live i don't have goat cheese you'll live off camera all right the star of the show i know you think it's the rib but i'm so proud and happy that this came out i do a lot of recipe testing but look how much crispy we got if you had this side by side with one of the oven i just don't think you can tell the difference and that's what i love about exploring that's what i love about griddle cooking no matter what brand it is just taking it to the next level all right so my idea to layer it even more it was like that look like cheese crispy on the bottom i bet that's better than an oven scalloped potato well it's dang good look look at all the name oh party fail we'll keep that in the video they say i never mess up i don't laugh at them they have no clue look how many layers with layers and cream and cheese and all that stuff all right guys so this is the idea steakhouse dinner on the griddle is it as good as going to steakhouse you guys know how much steakhouses cost and when the inflation on the raws we got these bad boys for like 850 a pound we could not pass them up let's see what we got plus these cow potatoes come on now and asparagus was 87 cents a pound which is crazy it's a good sale oh yeah to me perfect it might be a hair and i mean a hair on the rare but i'd rather have hair on the on the raw rare side than medium rare i think that's perfect well [Music] i love my thanksgiving season oh man that's so good that's damn good all right here we go something i'm extremely excited about going for like this is like the middle of a hamburger like you only get one bite you know [Music] look at all that [Music] i love the touch of rosemary that is that is so dangerous somebody please for the love of god try this and tell me how good it is matter of fact and then somebody else do it exactly the same way i did it and then somebody else say hey i got you i'm gonna put a different type of cheese in it because i'm telling you if we could do this i've got some crazy ideas down the pipeline thanks for watching don't forget to press that subscribe button pound them don't forget to put share it with your friends
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 87,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak house dinner, steakhouse dinner at home, steak house dinner on the griddle, scalloped potatoes, steakhouse dinner, steak and potatoes on the griddle, how to make scalloped potatoes, easy scalloped potatoes, griddle steak, ribeye steak on griddle, side dishes for steak, scallop potatoes on the griddle, flat top king, griddle cooking, steak house dinner on the blackstone griddle, camp chef steak house dinner, ribeye steak on the blackstone, steak dinner recipes for two
Id: otxcUs_Barw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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