Blackstone Products & Accessories | Grydlmat | Easy Kabob Maker | Griddle Food Network

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what's up everybody nick here on the griddle food network where we take backyard barbecuing to the next level if this is your first time here thanks for checking out the channel consider hitting that subscribe button so you get all the notifications of all the great cooks we do on the network now on today's episode we are not going to be doing a cook i'm going to be going over different accessories i use that help me when i'm on the griddle whether it's cooking whether it's clean up whether it's preserving my griddle top i'll share with you the accessories where i get them and some bargain finds so let's just dive right into it griddle up so we're going to get right into it with our blackstone accessories a lot of these items you can find at walmart i'll have a description in the link below so you guys can check that out so let's just get started first thing is stainless steel the blackstone taco rack this is great one of the early episodes i did with the mahi mahi tacos used this it worked out great i used corn tortillas put a little nonstick on here but it is stainless so didn't really need to it's just an extra but warmed them up and actually they hardened right into a taco shell because i used the soft corn tortillas with the heat hardened right up so i had nice crunchy tacos that worked out great for the mahi-mahi tacos but then again you can use this for whatever type of tacos you want easy to clean stainless steel dishwasher safe so this taco the blackstone taco rack i probably will get another one right now i'm just rolling with one next is the blackstone press now this press cast iron one thing i noticed um in the cleaning of this i used it and i put it in the dishwasher i do not have a water softener i probably should here in florida with the hard water we have but i didn't and i noticed it it started to rust a little bit so now i just hand wash this with soap and then dry it but if you leave it out you will notice it will start to orange up a little bit of rust so watch this keep it clean obviously before each use since you're using food but they make one that's twice the size of this they're extra large pressed that is at walmart ii they also are offering this size press you can get with more of a square handle that you can find at lowe's i've been noticing more newer blackstone product accessories you can start to find now at lowe's so but nice press here i use this a lot whether i use this for making smash burgers bacon putting it on top of different meats that i'm cooking up but always good to have it is nice and heavy spatulas everyone needs spatulas blackstone puts out really good spatulas they are very good quality so we've got the hamburger hamburger spatula nice all of them have church keys on the back side church key bottle opener for some of you didn't know that but yeah so we've got the hamburger spatula obviously when you're doing smash burgers nice and wide big flat burgers good sturdy spatula all the spatulas stainless steel dishwasher safe handle great in the dishwasher come out and ready to go for your next use so we've got that then i got a thin one a nice thin one normally when i'm cooking and i'm stirring it up like when i was doing the um philly cheese steak episode and i'm sitting there doing the veggies and get them going or when i was same thing when cooking up the fart pockets the guts of the fart pockets in that episode i would always have one wide and one thin really great spatulas to have one good thing about walmart is these two they're the same size they're a two pack comes like this two pack again church keys on the back that you can get at walmart that's great that you can have two spatulas i just wanted to have a thin one and a wide one so i got the individual thin one you can see here much different a little bit longer as well but that way you have some more play but that's what i i like that i prefer that so that works so this is a spatulas i use a nice silicone pad got the griddle more blackstone logo on there normally when you guys see me and i'm cooking up i usually have it sitting right there i'll set my tongs down there or a scraper or if i'm done using these it's got grease all over it i'll just set it down here very easy clean wipe it off soap it is dishwasher safe i have put it in the dishwasher so uh that helps a great deal another great product um i really like this fillet knife i got this at walmart too it's a black stone fillet knife nice handle firm good sheath very good and i try to sharpen it you know before every use and this thing's it is already sharp so you add a sharpener to it sharpen this blade up uh it cuts very well i've never had a problem with it really enjoy using this is you know for uh for blackstone this is this is a pretty nice fillet knife for not being one of your top-of-the-line fellaini knifes that are you know hundreds of dollars but very good i even used it filleting a fish and uh man it cut beautifully see what else we got hold on there beer excuse me no blackstone doesn't provide beer you have to provide that yourself so seasoning and re-seasoning cast iron conditioner you can find these at walmart uh you can also find them at lowe's the only difference is uh it's just a black and white label where black white and orange the traditional black stone colors at walmart great stuff to use for re-seasoning and after clean or to start off with a brand new griddle top and a seasoning this stuff works great i really i really like the stuff it's it's a good product it works follow the directions and no bueno we've got our warm rack the blackstone warming rack this is great it has two different heights you can stand up here use it mainly for warming at this but it can still cook at this level but you won't be able to put the basting dome on it you lower it now it sits if you guys can see that the difference here it sits almost just off the griddle top so you can actually cook on there do like a reverse sear the legs out it is adjustable so you can use this again warming rack a lot of times you guys see me i'll have it like so but what's nice is you go here lower level and we'll segue right into the basting dome the basting dome boom right there so this is the extra large basting dome you guys have seen me use this a great deal and a lot of the videos but this will fit right over here so if you're doing a reverse here you're doing chicken you don't want direct heat from the griddle top you want it just close enough to pull that heat trap it under here throw a little water create steam uh basting dome this is great this is the extra large basting dome and we go right into the smaller basting dome this is the round one nice size again stainless both of these dishwasher safe let's move this right over here so sits like so again you guys have seen me use the smaller one in past cooks past videos that uh that i put out i've noticed too if you go to lowe's they have one that's just a little bit smaller than this but it's almost in a square like a dome square kind of like this but smaller more condensed that one you can't find at walmart but you can at least down here in the tampa bay area uh st p clearwater but uh you can find it at lowe's this round one obviously always available at walmart along with the extra large basting dome see here so those are the products that i have picked up and purchased from walmart along with well let me go over this scouring pads these are great i use these for clean up all the time on my griddle top after it's cooled down a little bit i give it a little bit of water from our good friend we man over here a little water from wee man and get that water off of there then i take it and i use my scouring pad give the griddle top go over evenly give it a really nice clean give it a good scrub and then re-coat it so it's ready to go for my next cook these also available at walmart all right now i want to go over some items that i have found on amazon that i have found to be very useful whether you you do youtube videos you just you just love to to cook you love to entertain you got a lot of people one thing i have found that has been a life saver for me is this tray pack so these nice cafeteria style trays i just got the ones in different colors but we got one two three four five six six i believe was under uh under thirty dollars probably a little bit less than that but the description is below on with the amazon link um these are great um you'll you'll see in a lot of cooks that i do when i'm when i'm dumping the veggies or i've got meat that i'm rolling out you'll see these trays they work fantastic they're very easy to clean normally i have a piece of parchment paper down then i have the food on them unless it's clean veggies then i just boom dump it right out they store away nicely but these are great highly recommend these especially for bringing out different types of food you can also stack them up in the refrigerator if you want to get stuff ready keep them cold just put a piece of parchment paper over the food and then you can do a nice stack up another thing i got to thank a buddy of mine um show love to the channel the fsh dude big fan of the channel this channel and uh he sent me this and at first i'm like well what is this but i realized it's a scotch brite and the description is below and what i do is i take that scouring pad i showed you a minute ago and it just the little teeth get right in here so now even though if this is still warm it's extended at an angle so i can come over i don't have to be that much close that close to the griddle top when it's warm so i don't worry about burning myself but i can extend out over it's got a nice angle hit everything really works well once it you don't have to do much once the teeth get into it it's there scrape it and then you can turn around boom flip it over clean your griddle top so this thing works great very inexpensive the link is below a scotch brite handle for a scouring pad it works out great appreciate that dino thank you dino is the fsh dude so if you've got a yamaha jet boat you probably want to check out his channel one thing i've used in the last couple episodes i have really enjoyed this great company great product this is the easy kebab you saw where i made the homemade corn dogs except i didn't use a hot dog i did chicken i did pork and beef three different types of beef pushed the stick through and we had corn dogs they were great also use this for pushing cheese through filling up the armadillo armadillo eggs that we did which they came out phenomenal but um it's a great product link below on in for you can also go to their website but out of the package three pieces like so so just and then also if you buy the sticks or skewers whatever you want to call them they're sold separately but you can store them right in here so that's handy dandy but to put this together locks in pack your meat in and just as you push you hear that air gap once it boom you push your stick through this end the meat comes out break that off boom you've got meat sticks it's a wonderful thing who doesn't like meat sticks and uh you're good to go they also have accessories that go on the end here you can actually do your own sausage casings as well so i'm going to be purchasing that because i want to try that out and make sausage from scratch case it and then cook it up on the griddle top so easy kebab available and on amazon link is in the description below so really enjoy this this is great another thing i know everyone has seen the egg rings and um i haven't purchased the blackstone one that's the six ring um silicone uh six ring device duda whatever you wanna call it uh for you can do uh people do small silver dollar pancakes or eggs or ground sausage is packed and then they just put it in the in the ring and cook it up i got this and you guys saw when i did the potatoes and eggs episode it's a three pack so you've got you can do much bigger much bigger cooks using rings so if you want to do some type of like i did potatoes and eggs i used this size put my potatoes in poured the eggs already scrambled up let it cook in there was able to flip it and i got this on amazon it worked out great and again four inch six inch eight inch and was around 14 bucks on amazon that's below but i have used these a couple times i really like them just spray them down with some non-stick even though they are coated but they do work and i've been happy with them i also have the regular smaller rings just a little bit smaller than this that you can buy um i will be purchasing the uh the six tray one uh silicone one that blackstone puts out for whatever reason now walmart has re shuffling items in their store and everything is out for christmas so for whatever reason they cut down on blackstone products so not good for me but you know they will be back on the shelf so i'll pick them up some of the items i have from amazon now i want to dive in and show you where you can find some bargain blackstone accessories at different stores and share some pricing with you that'll really surprise you so if you are looking for bargains you're a bargain shopper you want to be very frugal you can check out for some older blackstone models or accessories excuse older model accessories online i recommend uh just go there in the search do blackstone that's all you have to do or you can even go as far as blackstone griddle but you put in blackstone and you'll see very older blackstone accessories will come up one thing i found i believe it's discontinued but i found this cast iron three tray dish that comes with this nice wood bottom for presentation but if you guys remember from the cheesiest pepperoni pizza episode i had after i got the pepperonis all warmed up i moved them into here you can keep this right on your griddle top it will stay very nice and warm obviously then use gloves to protect your hands when you're moving it off it's very heavy cast iron steel three different trays but it works out great so if you can find this again i don't believe carries this anymore but if you can find this highly recommend it it's great too because you can also put this up on the warming rack keeps warm because if you keep it right down on your griddle top and you're cooking and you forget about it because this is cast iron it'll get just as hot and and whatever you put in here that's cooked it will continue to cook even further um so just uh something so you guys know that but they also have uh footed blackstone salsa bowls different sizes there you can find but they have a variety of blackstone older accessories and maybe something that you are specifically looking for and you can get it a really good deal so that's uh one thing i found in stores and uh my girlfriend turned me on to this she came home she's like hey i got you all this blackstone stuff i'm like what do you mean you know what are you crazy that's a lot of money and she goes no no look at the prices so i saved some of this just specifically for this so down here in uh in florida and the tampa bay area we have a store called tuesday morning i had never heard of it before i'd never gone in there but she was in there so this is the blackstone blackstone puts it out it's the rib rack you can see this on blackstone you can see the price i believe the price is over well over 20 dollars plus shipping and they're hard to come by so she found this rib rack the blackstone rib rack at tuesday morning and there's the price right there 16.99 so huge huge find i've used this it works great you can also lay out a prime rib set it right here and it works great in fact we we were using this in the video for the uh the big fourth of july bash we had here i had racks of ribs all cut up through here and it really worked out great but yeah so tuesday morning head of this for 16.99 here's another product that i haven't even used this yet but uh this is a hamburger spatula made by blackstone blackstone product 6.99 right there 6.99 that's a great deal considering most of these items are twenty dollars at uh twenty sixteen dollars at the walmart for a single spatula or a double pack so again 6.99 for the hamburger spatula this has to be one of the best finds there that i found at uh at tuesday morning was this is the blackstone cutting board now everywhere i've seen this online it's 34.99 hard to find at walmart at least down here sometimes it'll say you can get it online at home depot 34.99 tuesday morning i picked this up for under 20 dollars so this that itself finding this the footed uh cutting board coated it with some coconut oil got it ready you can see the uh shadowed blackstone insignia it's 34.99 online on tuesday morning picked this up for under 20 dollars another blackstone product she found i found this one after she told me about this store tuesday morning it was in there uh i believe they have the tongs in there the blackstone the latest and greatest blackstone tongs in there for i think uh i think like 8.99 so under 10 bucks so i'll probably go back there for those but she found these these are the uh the blackstone gloves silicone good you guys saw me use these in the fourth of july episode when i was using the orion smoker we had ribs in there we had ribs on the black stone all kinds of things going on how to protect the hands and these were 6.99 at tuesday morning so great deals can be found i didn't even know about it luckily she found she found these items here turned me onto it and then i found the cutting board so you can find the latest and greatest blackstone accessories at certain stores that'll just kind of be there and you'll look at the price and go just buy it you know it's cheap enough to where you look anywhere else walmart you were thinking about it online you were thinking about it uh you're not going to find the latest and greatest on amazon with blackstone so boom if you can see it grab it especially if you can get it discounted 15 20 less than what you see at walmart or on blackstone's website so uh those are the specialty items that you can find at a really great price last thing i want to share with you guys are actually two things is what i use to protect my griddle top and how i move and cart out my oils food all that kind of stuff and where i discard my spatulas and dishes when i'm done one of the things that i have a product that i bought that i really really like is the griddle mat now because i have the 36 inch black stone i didn't have to trim this up because you can trim this but i got the griddle mat made for the 36 inch blackstone this is a great product to cover your griddle top and as you can see right down here i also have the rack so the griddle mat covers your griddle keeps it safe i know you see in a lot of forums different pages on facebook people talk about sometimes the little critters at night that want to crawl on here or find their way onto your griddle top late at night after when you're sleeping it's clean and gone to bed nobody wants that um extra protection especially and for the uh cast iron is your griddle mat check it out i'm at g-r-y-d-l-m-a-t and here's the rack i got the combo it was 85 bucks great company to work with um very quick ships from illinois and then this just sits like so so it's there while you're cooking i do recommend if you're going to get a cover for your griddle top and use the rack and put it right there like i did make sure that the cover and length is at least is over 64 inches long so it's not too tight and it's not pulling you don't want to rip your cover but some of the pro series covers for blackstone covers are i think around 69 inches so that won't be a problem but this works out great and then obviously from the dollar store just a little chopper nothing special about it i'll use this put it right there when i'm cooking so i don't have to worry anything about vegetables shooting off when i'm got the spatulas going and one goes into the drip tray but this also too nothing can climb through there or crawl through there to get on there i'll just leave that right there after it's cooled down or if i have to clean it if it's you know greasy or whatever i'll clean them put it back on there but this uh this griddle mat works out great now i've had it for about four months four or five months and i've been very happy with it not dishwasher safe this has to be hand washed and then here i siliconed inside the holes before i put my bolts in and they're stainless so that works out good and then a little bit of silicone back on the uh on the nuts so but nice griddle mat logo right here so far it's good all i ever do is once it's done this comes back on here and i'm done with my cooks i just take a nice rag with some kaboom on or whatever and make sure i get all the grease off of this give it a nice clean so it's put away nicely and then one of the other items i really like to use that i get all my stuff out here when i'm bringing the food outside rolling it out instead of bringing carrying all these trays is i love my handy dandy cart if you guys can see this it's a three-tier cart i picked this up at restaurant depot i went out and got a nice little regular cutting board i got this at sam's club if you guys can see it here so now i have i always have a cutting board on here if i have to quick move food off or do a cut on some meat or something like that i've always got a cutting board here and down below sometimes you guys will see me i'll be doing i'll be cooking or whatever i'll done and i'll i'll reach down here and i'll lean down and i'll throw i'll discard one of my spatulas or whatever i picked up a nice bust pan for a 3.99 at restaurant depot so i figured put that at the bottom discard my dishes so they're not going everywhere creating mess and grease stains all over where the cart alone going back to the cart the cart here was uh 66 at restaurant depot and uh when i'm done with this this comes back inside i always keep my oils on here um i got the containers the squirt bottles they're not blackstone um because i got a six pack at restaurant depot for much cheaper than the two uh blackstone uh squirt bottles which they are very cool but just knowing that i was gonna use different oils instead of buying the expensive name brand ones i got these just put a label on it so i keep this quart bottle stay on here at all times the cutting board stays on here and down below is the bust pan but it works out really well and most time when you guys see me cooking it'll be right here and i'll always have it between the bar the griddle and i'll have the cart right here i'll have stuff that way i can move my bottles right here i don't have to worry about the melting i don't have them down below they're right here where i need them and i can do what i need to do when i'm preparing food and have all my necessary stuff on trays will be stacked right here ready to go and then if i need to have my cutting board ready to go i'll have it cleared have my my handy dandy fillet knife ready to go right here that way if i have to go from here to the cutting board or vice versa back it's all in a very it's it's a good process that i like i go from here to here i don't have to do a full turnaround so if i got food here and i'm doing something here i can kind of keep my eye on it but again different accessories from cleaning to protecting your griddle top to using for cooking there's obviously way more out there than what i've gone over but i'll make sure everything i've gone over today there will be a link in the description below as far as the cart and the bus pan i'll see if there's something similar to this on amazon and if there is i'll put a link on there they don't provide those links for restaurant depot plus that's a membership deal to go into there so if it's on amazon i'll post the link down there but uh i always appreciate you all watching thanks for checking out the channel i hope you enjoyed this episode and look forward to you at the next episode we do griddle up
Channel: Griddle Food Network
Views: 58,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 36'' blackstone griddle culinary series, griddle food network, 36'' blackstone griddle culinary model, blackstone griddle, griddle food network recipes, blackstone griddle recipes, outdoor cooking, blackstone griddle cooking, blackstone products, blackstone, blackstone cooking, 36'' blackstone griddle, blackstone griddle review, blackstone griddle at lowes, easy kabob maker, grydlmat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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