BIG BREAKFAST on the New Blackstone Griddle Culinary Series - FIRST COOK on the New Omnivore Top!

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good morning good evening good afternoon hey guys welcome to Flat Top King hey today is all about the initial Voyage on the new Blackstone griddle we got it from Lowe's it's that new griddle plates called the omnivore griddle plate there's supposed to be a lot of technology behind it some Goods uh we're gonna put it to the test today so what better way to put it to the test Lumberjack breakfast big breakfast everything that I want into breakfast plus it's going to teach us some things of how the griddle reacts in certain spots you guys sit back and let's make a big breakfast on the new Blackstone griddle there's always a method behind the madness today is no different I have my muffin mix pancakes that I swear by I have a cup of milk an egg a little bit of vanilla a pack of any type of flavor that you want our kids love chocolate chips they're in their testing phase for school right now so I promised them I would make them pancakes in the morning so they got a big full belly just like Daddy and then we got a cup of basically pre-made biscuit mix I mean not biscuit pancake mix we've tried all brands not one has been better than the other one so we're going to get this started because it needs a couple minutes to set up very easy I'm gonna cut egg all right first things first we mentioned it when we did our review and seasoning on the black stone and although I got a little bit of frustrated I wanted to make sure that I had a brand new day The Griddle will come down completely it's been on low maybe about 15 minutes because I just want to see what low means and this is a response that I'm getting the same thing I got the other day 390 on low 450 415-ish and 335 so the same thing's holding true it's not a true low I know we all can agree with like cooler spots on The Griddle but when everything's on low let's keep it off of 450 let's keep it around 350. so our pancakes and our hash browns are gonna be a Telltale sign of your hot spot so anytime you get a new griddle it's a good idea to learn your hot spots immediately so you're not you know worried about what you're cooking or whether or not you messed up sometimes is the temperature of the griddle so you guys want to see that through this cook first things up sausage and bacon just about as easy as it gets if you guys can freeze your sausages for a couple minutes maybe about 30 minutes from the refrigerator maybe 45 it's just a lot easier to cut it doesn't gum up on you as much so I'm going to come over here I'm gonna do the same thing with the idea with a sausage okay we want to put it in certain spots to be able to see the Browning and the equal cooking zones that this thing is supposed to have we're just going to place our bacon on there same idea all right I'm just prepping some onions and some jalapenos for me and my hash browns there's so many times in this videos I'm always focused on what's the best angle for you guys and a lot of times I forget about me so today this is how I'm going to make my hash browns for me so there we go it's a little jalapeno a little onion and that's going to go on our hash browns all right you're starting to see the rawness which is basically falling that straight line about how the griddle itself has hot spots it's going to be a lot hotter on the end like about maybe yep about maybe the width of the uh your bench scraper all the way along that edge you can tell the difference between how this Bacon's front here versus your bacon up here this one barely has heat on it and you can see the difference okay so even Browning that is because it's in The Sweet Spot okay let me show you the sausage real quick okay we put the sausage up on top up on the bottom and on the sod a there's no Browning see the difference look at the difference in your temperature zones all this matters when you're new to griddle cooking see the light color because it's not edge to edge Heating so to help with the sides being cooler one thing people could do is they could turn their outer burners on medium which is why we do these videos you know more or less it's about getting people to cook faster better right better faster what I'll say faster better close enough there's so many times that we get comments on why they messed up and you see the responses below especially on the Gerber group and stuff like that and I cringe although people have their own opinion you just gotta balance your experience with what's reality sometimes it's not the person's fault at all sometimes it's literally the griddle's fault or the technology in The Griddle that doesn't allow them to do what they want to do or they don't know how to adjust to it so when you do videos like this this is just hoping to get the beginners out there that's got this brand new griddle some insight on how to correct some of the mistakes that we're going to bond and that's basically all it is we're we're helping with the learning curve yes all right so now that we've showed you the cold and hot spots now it's time to you know you have to adjust your food this one's still raw we've got some that are already you know pretty close to done because of where it was on The Griddle so that's important when we talk about um uh instant rate thermometers that's probably my number one advice for anybody starting on griddles is Gribble cooking or any type of cooking it's just a simple answering thermometer because you just never know so now I'm gonna start moving the bacon around the sauces around and trying to get it off The Griddle so we can keep moving on you can still see here that this bacon is still pretty much I mean it's nowhere near the inside like these so we're gonna just move these to the good side and put the ones that have already cooked a little bit into the non-cooked zone if you're new around here you know we like our bacon extra crispy hashtag bacon dust now that we fried our bacon to a pulp which is kind of like a personal preference matter of fact it's not it's my wife's preference and any person out there on the griddle knows that if you don't make it the way your wife likes it then might as well not cook at all I spend of the year 17 years in a row all right we're just getting the griddle cleaned up for the next phase the next phase is pancakes I didn't really want a lot of that residual um bacon or sausage grease you can definitely save it for your hash browns you can save it for your cooking I just wanted more of a true accurate reading when I do this because I think it's extremely important that when you get a new griddle that the more you learn about it before you even start the better off you're going to be the better the happier you're going to be all part of it okay all right we're selling low so you're pushing 388 what does that say 434 377 382 3 77 and over here it drops to about 330. okay so I just want to reiterate a little bit so you made the comment or the question or you asked the question why wouldn't you just turn the side burners on more well the problem with that is you're having more b2us heat up the griddle therefore if this heats up this is bound to heat up because it's all one unit so now you're taking something you're not going to be able just to heat this up only so this being 425 to 450 is going to heat up to 450 475 while this heats up so you're just compounding the problem I'd much rather keep it on low we can adjust the knobs as we cook on it that's not about today today we're using all burners the most important thing is is learning your hot spots truly then you can adjust your knobs based on the information that you're given okay so just because you turn on your right and left burner higher that does mean that your middle is going to build up all right by doing these pancakes I'm doing the same exact thing it's not about filling up the griddle as much it is I always feel like pancakes can find a true color coordination color combination of hot and cool zones this is exactly why we do these breakfasts there's a lot of information that can come out when you're new to griddling for the first time or you just bought a new griddle and you want to check the hot and cold zones before you even start all right here we go so what you're looking for is color obviously you need to pay attention to when your pancakes are ready to flip [Music] [Music] all right so here's what it tells us you can see the tops of these are lighter color when you flip them over which is what we kind of expected because that top Zone doesn't get near as hot you can even tell by how it doesn't season so the bottoms of these should be darker okay over here you can definitely tell that the hot spots right in through here this was one of the very last ones that you put on The Griddle but they're flipped just about basically the same time and you can tell that this one's hotter than this one but this one's the first one down so it's little tips like that that's going to help you to be a better Griddler faster and this is why we do it all right I'm just going to start the vegetables a little bit to get ready for a hash browns all right with the hash browns today I'm using beef tallow you don't have to I'm just trying to get rid of it you could also use what your favorite cooking oil avocado oil you use a little butter I'll probably put a little butter down once we flip them this is the same thing I'm looking basically for like four patties and I'm looking for even Browning all right what's the deal with with hash browns we still get all kinds of comments that their hash browns were gummy and not brown or crispy so what do we tell them takes two things patience and oil that's right you gotta have plenty of oil you're deep you're almost like the idea of like shallow frying a hash brown or potato and you gotta have patience you gotta let it have time to do its thing okay this isn't like a three minute thing and then flip it it's like 10 minutes and then flip it and then another 10 minutes yeah depending on the temperature of your griddle all right here we go the very first introduction of shake that I swear about all-purpose seasonings through the process we got a chance to blend our own spices uh if you guys haven't noticed the other video we have smashed that for your burgers and steaks and stuff like that absolutely 100 stand by this it's one of those things where I always felt like if you could uh grab one thing out of your cabinet what would it be and so hopefully this will make it into your guys pantry if you guys are interested you guys can check out we'll have our shop listed there along with shake that and the hats so that goes on there three eggs we're gonna scramble them and we'll make an omelet out of it this is one of those things where we talk about the Browning on the eggs how low can your griddle get how fast do you need to move um we've obviously been able to tell the last few griddles we've had between the Weber and the Traeger that depend on how low your low is depending on what your eggs can look like and or how fast you have to move a little Telltale sound about hash browns you notice how there's Browning all the way around when you get here we don't have the Browning around I'm gonna guess that these two from here over are not ready because of like we said the temperature's up but this one's ready to flip so we'll flip them all at the same time [Music] not bad on the Browning you can tell it's a little white there this was a little bit better it's actually more even than what I expected yeah to be honest of course they've been down there a long time too so you were talking about 10 to 12 minutes just on one side all right you notice I've moved my hash browns right to the inside that is a part of cooking that's using your hot zones to your advantage right you want to be able to fry the hash browns um and to do that you need to get in the hottest part of the griddle which obviously is right here in the middle okay there's my onions and jalapenos and set those aside [Music] foreign [Music] we'll make a three cheese omelette with a little bit of Canadian bacon I'm gonna use our colder zones I'm going to cut off the middle part of the grill and just keep this eye on completely so everything's cut off except this burner right here which is on low yes it's been all over the whole time we just got a mix of American white and American yellow cheese get back to Navy and bacon warmed up [Music] foreign just let that finish cooking right off on the side we still got that residual heat left over the griddle's off to give you an idea that the griddles calmed down about 100 degrees the reason why that's important 425 to 450 is just an entirely way too hot to be cooking eggs so you're talking about maybe 285 to 310 315 sometimes 325 thank you all right guys there you go that's the big breakfast on the new Blackstone griddle uh definitely learned a lot today and that's what's the most important is getting those hot zones dialed in so you're more confident when you start cooking I can't say this I think I mentioned it on the very first time that we season it I'm very impressed the way it's seasoned not many times I feel that confident even as many griddles as I do that the seasoning is going to be um that great to start off the first cook this is the first cook we didn't do a cheesecake for the first one I wanted to get right to the temperature zones because that was top of mind to me with that being said we used grape seed oil on our Traeger and we use grapeseed oil on this one I'll just be interested to see who else is using it what kind of success have you had I've always steered in the direction of avocado oil and crisco but between my last two seasoning projects impeccable results absolutely just outstanding so pretty excited about it um feels very very very smooth you guys saw how the eggs reacted so I'm happy with that so if you guys are interested we have a join button down below it's a membership program we thank each and every one of you for taking time for doing so uh check us out on the girl group on Facebook it's where comments like this are made all the time has anybody tried it out what about this what about that what about the new griddle and that's what we're here to do thanks for watching don't forget to press that subscribe button pound the notification button share with your friends peace is this for me the whole thing kids will be happy
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 49,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BIG BREAKFAST on the New Blackstone Griddle Culinary Series, breakfast on the blackstone griddle, new blackstone omnivore griddle, flat top king, blackstone griddle review, griddle recipes, griddle breakfast, how to cook breakfast on a flat top grill, big breakfast on blackstone griddle, blackstone griddle culinary series, blackstone griddle big breakfast, how to cook eggs on blackstone griddle, how to cook on blackstone griddle for the first time, breakfast ideas on blackstone
Id: sZkEorKI62U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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