These 3 Griddle Recipes will Change Your Life Forever!!!!

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browsing around the interwebs facebook groups my emails uh dms facebook instagram etc there's so many questions about how to do these three popular recipes on the griddle the people want instructions so here i am recognizing that folks need help in these three categories so i decided to dedicate a video to cooking all three of these recipes in one video it's like a one-stop shop what do you think about that it could very well be life-changing what i'm going to show you today is how to make these three popular recipes on the blackstone griddle to perfection your family your friends people that don't even like you is going to think you are some kind of stud on that griddle or maybe even like a griddle pimp or something i don't know but anywho we're gonna do this [Music] our first dish is going to be epic fried rice my in-laws whenever they come down to visit they request fried rice and it's not anything extravagant i just fix vegetable fried rice no meat sometimes we'll do meat do a little chicken steak whatever shrimp but most of the time it is vegetable fried rice and i like to keep it kind of simple too and not put a lot of stuff in my fried rice first things first we got to get the rice got to get it going got to get it ready for the cook so it does take a little bit of preparation so here's how i do the rice all right first thing i want to do is take a rice you want to wash your rice you want to get some of that starch off i generally make two cups of rice at a time that's a good number for us i'll just take come here let's kind of wash it we're going to take a little bit of this uh dawn dishwasher uh right here and it's not not really i'm not gonna do that so you just want this water to start running clean you kind of see it's kind of cloudy right here i'm not too much of a stickler i'll probably do this i don't know about a minute or so just to get some of it off two and a half quart saucepan this is like my rice pan here it's what i like and a lot of people ask too about water to rice i like to do about a little about two and a quarter so just a hair over one to one one cup of rice one cup of water and i do just a smidge over not much more and you can also what they call a knuckle test see that comes up to about the right there my first knuckle right there and that's a good indicator too so stove what i like to do is i like to bring it up to a boil so i put it up on about a seven or so all right i do like to flavor my rice with a little bit of this nor this is chicken powder i call it chicken powder all the time chicken flavor bouillon you can get this at most of your supermarkets it's also in my amazon link if you're interested just come in here it just gives the rice a little bit of extra something okay so it's been i don't know a couple minutes again i don't like to start this on on high because i don't want it to just be a rolling bowl i wanted to come up to kind of like a softball so i know everything is kind of at the same temperature the lid on and then i put it on my right there under that two if you can see it or not now it'll be different for your oven it works for me um maybe you can kind of use it as a basis we're going to want to start my little time stick here 15. in 15 minutes i'll see you back all right so what i'll do now let's come over here cut it off nice slider back there and just let it set until it kind of it's cool and i'll transfer that to a to like a baking sheet and then i'll put that in the refrigerator all right so let's talk about ingredients this is the rice here uh again i only only refrigerated this for three about three and a half hours uh i like bean sprouts they're awesome not traditional uh typically it's just with some uh like some red peppers even could be like a chili but i use just a sweet red pepper some green onions i like to make those tops like i put those into the fried rice use the greens for garnish i got a little bit of a yellow onion butter and this is just uh low sodium soy sauce i like to put it in a squirt bottle got a few other things also that we're going to add just here and there but hey overall fried rice is super simple don't let it fret you out follow my instructions if you want to add something add something if you want to delete something delete something just make it your own all right red pepper again if you want some some chilies you could do chili's but here we don't we don't like the spice too much but yeah so just your red pepper you just want to go around the core it's kind of a circle it kind of flattens everything out i like to lop it off like that i do use these but to make um make everything is kind of uniform i like to clean it up just a little bit never know when you got company coming over and they're going to critique your fried rice you know how karen is just like that just like that and they're going to be all relatively uniform there we go easy peasy some of these little rogue ones here just come in here and just rough chop them all right come in here you want these pieces to be relatively similar to your um to the way your your red pepper is uh you don't want them to be different you don't want to do like half moons and then you do just little cubes so you want to be kind of kind of the same okay so let's come in here just keep that in mind there we go just like that bam and green onions i like to kind of i like to leave the rubber band on these because it helps keep everything together for when you're chopping them so i like to save these whites and put them with the the sauteed uh vegetables then i like to come over here and i like to use the tops in here make sure you take that rubber band out you want somebody to you know eat it and there's our garnish now if you haven't already pre-warm your blackstone we're gonna get it up to about 400 425 degrees we got our blackstone up and running we're looking at 400 it's pretty hot [Music] right in the middle yeah it's 450 460. so that's good i actually turned it down because it was on uh i had to do some other stuff and get some get away from you that's okay you can turn it off come in here this is avocado oil okay and we'll come in here with our vegetables i like to make keep my ratio more rice you know but but this right here is going to make a good little ratio stirring around a little bit [Music] i like to start my vegetables first it kind of flavors the griddle i got the onions the peppers that kind of stuff come in with a little bit of butter i'll do a little salt and i know what you're going to say a little pepper i know what folks are going to say they're going to say hussy your sodium you got all kinds of sodium in there from the soy sauce chill out yo chill out probably asking about the bean sprouts i add the bean sprouts kind of kind of to the end they will get mushy on you i like the bean sprouts it's got a little crunch to it but if you cook it really long it'll start getting a little mushy on you now i'll add some more butter i'll add a little bit more avocado oil i'll come here got a rice a little trick i sprayed this with a little bit of oil so it'll release i got my griddle on low 300 300 340 degrees number one your your rice will burn you don't want that that's nasty you kind of want it just at a slow pace where it kind of browns the rice a little bit so let's see what we got hey see there's some some browning right there there we go i just like to come here and stir that up get that butter incorporated we'll come in here with our vegetables want to put our bean sprouts down get them kind of warmed up i get these fresh bean sprouts from from harris teeter come in a little almost like a blueberry package i love them so for our rice salt pepper i like to use some garlic powder last but not least the king of all flavors msg like that about a teaspoon about a half a teaspoon quarter teaspoon this is where you kind of look at your ratio like i got a little fleck of red pepper got some onion got some bean sprouts that's pretty good and we're just gonna come in here put a good squirt on there i love that flavor i love that smell all right we're gonna put this over here now a little bit of that avocado a little bit of butter got this right here you ready [Laughter] you see that we'll do it again ready hey i'll be here all night just kind of work that egg around some people don't like the eggs that's okay all right put those eggs in there beautiful let's give us a try just so we kind of know our seasonings right needs just a hair more soy sauce i'm very confident that's going to be a winner right there winner winner chicken dinner there you have it though our fried rice is done all we need to do now make it rain a little green a little greenery all right guys let's give us a try come right here in the center cheers [Music] it just tastes it hits hard it's got that salty it's got a little sweetness from those sauteed vegetables you get that crunch from those bean sprouts brighten this from the onions i like to add a little bit of sriracha i love this texas peach chop it's called cha cha i might get a little hate from this but i like it better than the hui phone i like hui phong don't get me wrong this is the first video of three these are absolute bangers y'all next up hey the smash burgers do not want to miss that recipe y'all so sit tight let's get ready for some smash burgers all right let's go since the griddle movement has happened one recipe kind of stands above all i would think a lot of questions it seems like to me maybe not i don't have the you know raw data or anything like that but the smash burger the smash burger is always a hot topic smash burgers are really quick really simple however with a little preparation you will crush these things like it owes you money so first things first i like to start with my meat all right beautiful 80 20 ground chuck and i like to make two and a half ounce balls i got a little handy dandy scale everybody should probably own one of these get you a little pinch kind of roll it around let's see how good i am calibrated arm calibrated hand 1.65 i'm an ounce off two and a half 2.55 take that yeah and just like i said just roll them all out all right all right we got our balls ready ready to go now seasoning the seasoning we use uh i just like to make my homemade seasoning i like it better than you know anything i buy this is my personal preference use whatever seasoning you like what i like to do is about a one and a half teaspoon of salt about a quarter teaspoon of pepper one big teaspoon of garlic powder one teaspoon onion powder and i like to use one big teaspoon of nor beef powder and give that a little juice around and there you have it that's the that is your seasoning for your smash burgers use whatever toppings you like i like to do mayonnaise ketchup pickle and of course cheese i like to take whole dill pickles and slice them just my personal preference so i just like to come i just take two pickles and then come in and slice them you can do lengthwise as well however you feel i was actually kind of debating on whether to go lengthwise or the circles let's talk about buns hun i like to use these martin potato rolls i just they're soft they're pillowy they're just awesome i like to use those cheese my cheese of choice american cheese craft deluxe american cheese is what i like i find it to be the best you can use whatever cheese you like don't hate me for america cheese okay all right next phase get your griddle going now comes the fun part you want to warm your griddle up you want to get a hot griddle smash burgers need a very hot griddle because you're smashing that sucker down and you want to make sure that thing is sizzling all right i've had this on low for a while and i'm going to probably bump it up to about medium whenever i start cooking let's see where our griddle temperature is so we're at 400 some degrees that's where you want to be you want to be up in that big boy temperature i don't know 450 degrees 425 450 all right another tip is you want to have everything ready because this thing goes fast and before you know it you're going to be done and or you'll be behind or you'll burn something it goes fast alright first things first i'm going to lay down our buns you can butter or mayonnaise these however you like if you want to do it i'm not i'm just going to go kind of dry perfect toast i'll do that on both sides all right take these off put them over here so i like to take the balls put a little seasoning on them this is what i like to do all right so we're going to come here one two three four i got this cool little burger smasher i might take a piece of parchment paper come here 10 seconds see that steam that's what you want you want that hot hot hot hot you'll see why in a minute all right now like to take a little bit more of our seasoning coming right there now let's flip these dudes look at that that's that mylar reaction beautiful there we go cheese i need cheese one two three four they're pretty much done now bring these over here like i said we're going to make a double a little mayonnaise one and two do a little ketchup ketchup and a little pickle that's it y'all well hey there you go our double smash burgers they're done like i said don't take long at all lovely lovely lovely look at that beautiful beautiful burger let's give this a slice [Music] oh man truly boy that looks amazing let's give it a try man it's just like nothing better in this world it's not dry people always think they're dry it's not that cheese cheese is lovely okay again use this as a basis do whatever you like to yours okay there's no right or wrong there's just a few simple little steps i showed you and the rest make it your own now time for some cheese steaks this might be the most requested question or the most requested item that everybody needs help with cheesesteak man i love a cheesesteak notice i said cheesesteak not philly cheese tape because if you put philly cheesesteak on your description or say you're doing a philly cheesesteak you're asking for trouble if you do one thing wrong that doesn't agree with what they like on their philly cheesesteak because they all differ from what is a true philly they will be on you faster than a new york minute like a hobo on a hot pocket i mean crazy but anywho this is a cheesesteak make it your own cheese steak this is going to be my cheese steak it's going to be awesome lovely cheesesteak the basis of my cheesesteak today the ups guy maggie loves the ups guy so the basis of my philly cheesesteak today is good bread got a nice martin's hoagie rolls and i'm using this because this is available at all supermarkets pretty much so i just got some shaved beef steak i want to do a little bit of chopped onion and i got a little bit of white american cheese and then my seasoning i dropped this a little bit and so it mixed all up so this is basically my smash burger seasoning y'all i got about one teaspoon of salt actually about one and a half teaspoon salt about a quarter teaspoon black pepper one teaspoon of onion powder one teaspoon garlic powder and one teaspoon of beef powder and then last but not least there's going to be some mayonnaise on mine because i like mayonnaise i like duke's mayonnaise and i think duke's mayonnaise loves me too deep down all the folks from philly watching this cheesesteak video just threw their remote by the way all right so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna get my i'm gonna get some diced onions i want some diced onions in this i'm just to come in here and i'm going to dice me a few onions heel in right here that's kind of everything's kind of connected and i like to come in here and just just make this cut down and if you want them really fine you can come in here like that just like that perfect i want to show you this uh this steak now i've never used this before i've normally just get mine but i thought the people would probably like this better than buying that whole big old piece of chunk of of beef and having to slice it you got to freeze it a little bit so you can slice it really thin or if you got a meat slicer this right here is done for you and why not so this is called shaved beef and man look at this [Music] oh there you go maggie so this is perfect this is absolutely perfect so we got everything prepped you want to make sure you have everything pretty much ready i think i'm going to need at least two rolls so i got two rolls prepped so i can just grab it because this goes fast all right just want to make sure everything is ready to go we'll do a little avocado oil i'll get my onions down first see that caramelization that's what you're looking for take some of your seasoning that you mix up [Music] i want to show those onions some love too all right i'll move these up here and now it's time for our beef i think i tell everybody this on every video sometimes you have to cycle these black stones because they do get so hot okay and it's okay to do that all right temperature let's see where our temperature is oh look at that nice temperature 450 degrees perfect now let's get down a little bit of oil we don't need a whole lot because this this uh this steak has quite a bit of marbling so i just think you don't need a whole lot so like i said they are i think this is like a couple pieces right here i just want to come in here kind of hard to separate these things but i want to get some good char i want to get that mylard reaction on some of this all right i got the black stone on about a medium right here this medium is hot okay if you don't see some smoke or something like that rolling you might want to bump it up okay so i'll come in here shred this up gotta have quick hands too it's hot [Music] now i'm going to take these onions i'm gonna run in there just like that seasoning season these well there you go everything's pretty much cooked through so i'm going to put the blackstone actually i'm just going to cut these two outside ones off the middle on okay boy that is good that's perfect perfect perfect [Music] this is ready it is time for the cheese time for the bread all right so let's go come in here and get your steak i was thinking this was gonna make about three i mean you could do half pound per that's eight ounces you should be able to get two but i think i could get three out of this there we go it's about your bun length right there some more over here you know you can take your bun just kind of eyeball it okay okay cheese is up to you actually i'll put a little bit more of this seasoning on top there we go it's up to you for cheese i like white american my wife she likes provolone you can do the whiz which is like a cheese sauce kind of like traditional philly um but i like white american it just american cheese is just the king of melty okay now for mine this is mine not yours i'm going to do some mayonnaise just like that sometimes it's good just to come in here incorporate that cheese all throughout i think we do a little bit of steam here too help it melt there we go this one right here is going to be mine i'll make two others just kind of no mayonnaise this right here helps create uh it steams the bun a little bit too uh don't get it crusty just makes it nice and lovely all right now let's get these things off take your hand put it over here just like that and come look at that beautiful beautiful brown meat kylie boy all right y'all hey it is time to give this a try let's see what uh i think this one was mine right here look at that beaut the bread is nice and soft cheese nice and gooey oh man the brownness of that meat along those onions onions are nice and sweet then you get that cheese it's a cheerwine that's fantastic right there i really hope you give us a try again make it your own you want mushrooms add mushrooms you want peppers add peppers hot peppers banana peppers whatever make your own cheesesteak and make it your own follow this leaf i mean you're going to be golden telling you hey i hope this video inspires you i hope i hope you can make one or all three of these recipes but most of all make it your own again don't let those philly people steal your thunder by putting mushrooms on your cheesesteak so hey just do what you like have fun make memories all good hey i love you appreciate you until next time folks hungry hussy is out bye y'all
Channel: The Hungry Hussey
Views: 904,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hungry Hussey, Hungry Hussey, Blackstone Griddle, how to make cheesesteak, how to make cheesesteak at home, how to make smash burgers, how to make smash burgers on blackstone, how to make smash burgers on grill, how to make fried rice at home, how to make fried rice with egg, how to make fried rice on blackstone griddle, fried rice, how to make cheesesteaks on a griddle, how to make cheesesteaks on a Blackstone, cheesesteak recipe, how to make fried rice, burgers
Id: fs5iw_pMJ00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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