The Biggest Smash Burger Mistakes Beginners Make - And how to fix them!

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hey guys welcome to Flat Top King hey today is all about Smashburger mistakes how can you make a better Smash Burger watch this here's the idea right A lot of people are getting new griddles at this time of year right griddles are getting sold like crazy one of the first things that you want to try is a famous Smash Burger and famous Infamous there we go Infamous Infamous Smash Burger but there's mistakes that I've seen people make and they keep reaching out say hey my Smashburger did this hey my Smashburger did that so we made a video with my wife smashed burgers for beginners right and we gave you five tips to be a better smash burglar burglar burger maker burger maker there we go but today is all about the common mistakes that we see um happening regularly so we're gonna try to replicate those mistakes and give you guys ways to fix them coming at you at number one because you put them on the griddle when the griddle's too cold right you want that instant sear factor that heat so that's what we'll replicate right now all right here we go I've got common 80 20 ground beef okay a little side tip little side note if you just got your griddle and you're just starting this journey you might not have all the tools and accessories and all the gadgets that you can have there are a plethora I love using that word when it's used correctly a standard one-third cup measuring cup is going to get you extremely close without having to worry about measuring out your ground beef balls to size okay so that's what we're going to do right now how do I know if my griddle is even hot enough that's a whole different video in itself okay what I'm going to try to show you if you don't have an infrared thermometer is the way your meat reacts by using common ingredients that you already have okay you don't have to have every single tool to the trade the very first day you get your griddle now that you got all your balls measured out just ignore this one obviously you can see the size of that we're gonna get to that one later just try to roll them out Loosely pack right you don't want to over pack them too much because you want that lace effect the harder you pack on the tighter your beef is going to be and the more or less tender that your ground beef is going to be mistake number one your griddle's not hot enough you're not used to it you're not used to how much BTUs how much force it takes to heat up your griddle whether it be a one two three four or even six burner right so mistake number one foreign is not having your griddle hauled enough what happens is it's going to take a lot longer and we just mentioned this a lot of things Circle each other back right it's going to take a lot longer for your crust to build if it takes that long then you're overcooking your burger these burgers are fast and quick okay you want to make sure that your griddle is heated up or heated appropriately to handle the coldness of the burger all right now that your Burger's cooked about 50 the way through which is this traditional standard Burger Philosophy we're going to flip it now for the newbies out there you notice how there's really no dark color now the Burger's moist so you guys can see it right there that is a lot of moisture left in the burgers when they say you cannot get a juicy Smash Burger it's just not true okay all right but there's no color there's no mild reaction and that is what everybody craves when they're talking about a burger okay all right just to recap you guys can see the difference keep this in your back pocket what it looks like okay see how this grayish it is just keep that in mind as we keep cooking so this is your griddle being too cold not hot enough number two on the list the proper technique is kind of like it's not a scientific technique but it's definitely out there the idea of Smashing and holding your burger on The Griddle all areas to get that great contact that you need to create the my yard reaction okay so what we're going to do is put on the griddle we're going to smash it and leave it right away okay so we are making the mistakes absolutely on purpose yes one thing too I see a lot of people do and you notice how we have a lip here okay people smash it but they're not rocking it back and forth down when you do that you have uneven lips depending on how wide your um meat presses or your spatula okay so not only is it not holding it it's not rotating it around to make sure you have even smashage culinary term of the day all right you see how we're Lacy inside that's a Telltale sign we're going to flip see how we don't have even coverage so you're so close that it could be a little bit better right now you start seeing the darkening that we're talking about when you're talking about Smash Burgers that's one two since we didn't get the even Smash Burger begin with you notice how our Burgers a little bit raw up here that's not necessarily a problem but it's not perfect when you're talking about the perfect Smash Burger for beginners it's the little things that matter number three on the list flipping too soon not allowing that reaction to happen okay you've done everything right so far you've got your correct measurements you got the correct temperature on The Griddle you're going to smash it correctly but what if you're in a rush or you're not confident and you're scared that you're going to overcook it okay I'm gonna have a link in the description with these if you guys are serious about making your Burgers uh we've had their griddle for two years and ever since then I've just used the long sheet of parchment paper and how to cut out in triangles or squares or circles myself we found these little doohickeys online and they have been incredible definitely takes the guesswork out of it all right you ready you want to smash it the right way work around with it right even once we get it to where we like it we're gonna hold it for 10 seconds and then we're going to flip it too soon yep you guys ready see the difference see how we don't have that deep golden brown all the way across because we're too worried about letting the burger do what it's supposed to do you got to let the burger Fry on this juices um that's what makes the Smash Burger okay you can have a Smash Burger without the my yard reaction but once you conquer this method and taste the difference of what it makes do you believe it makes a difference yes way to really Hammer I love Smash Burgers made by you not made by me there is a big difference number four the correct way could be many different ways I'm not saying I'm always the perfect way but there is a rhyme reason to the madness right you have to get the crust off the griddle you cannot assume that just because you've done the perfect flat top seasoning the perfect griddle seasoning that your spatula is not going to do the job itself you have to help it which is why we love these spatulas okay press hold 10 seconds even press we're doing everything right okay I would say right now we're shooting slow 400s okay maybe middle 400s these burgers do not take long to cook we have not stopped filming and notice how ours are starting to get Browning you want to go just a little bit longer right has it been on the flat top that long and this is what happens that burger is adhered itself to The Griddle okay even though there's a lot of grease it's pushing the grease out what you want to do is come in on a side motion okay and you want to be able to get in that angle that doesn't hurt your flat top but also helps the crust off The Griddle okay so are you going to do it wrong to show them yes okay what you don't want to do is come at it like this see the difference okay we can still get that off the griddle with with correct technique of your spatula that's why if you guys will notice in a lot of my videos we have best grilled spatula we have the spatula length we have everything you need to do to be a better Griddler faster than most it's because the spatula that you use okay see how I'm digging the crust up now you can see Head to Head the difference in the color that you look for okay that's important that color is what it's all about number five on the list over cooking your burger it's easy to do we just talked about the difference between um having a juicy burger because you smashed it or like my wife did with her five um Smash Burgers for beginners we threw my Smash Burger in the yard it was way overcooked right but I let her do her thing right I want to see how she reacts so we're going to simulate that right now and show you guys what to look for when you're making your Smash Burgers foreign why this was going I would just like to make a public announcement when you're new to the Smashburger game or the Gribble game completely okay the speed of these things for most people is super fast you have to have your prep work done you got to have a game plan of if you want your buns toasted uh what kind of condiments do you want are you feeding a large group of people are you going to have them come through line there's a lot of things go into it a Smash Burger is thin you've got a small window to create the greatest Burger of all time okay because the longer it does sit the longer it's going to dry out like any meat right but you have a smaller window because your Burger's so thin when you're new to it don't be scared to come out don't don't have 40 people over and expect to make Smashburger Heaven on your first trial okay once you have your griddle ready and you're ready yourself try one burger at a time not a double Smash Burger nothing you can have it and save it for ground beef you can do it for spaghetti you can eat it on the side we haven't even talked about seasoning what you want to do is put your burger on there you want to naturally feel what it's like to smash the burger because one that's very important once you get that you're going to notice how long it takes how hard to press because you'll be amazed how many people just take something and they'll smash it right through the flat top or they won't smash enough because they're scared that they want they have a dry burger right one burger at a time until you feel comfortable practice right practice makes perfect all that has made this burger extremely overcooked which is what happened to my wife right yes it happens extremely fast okay so we're gonna flip it we're gonna get that crust off right so let's think about the beginning the griddle's hot enough They smash it through a liking we're getting the crust off but we let it cook too long now you're starting to see in that crust right now you're venturing into the part of an overcooked Burger you've done everything right until this point you dissed it and do it fast enough flipping it you didn't flip it fast enough right which is what happened to me and it was an Airy Drive most people aren't going to know it the first time we've got tons of feedback after we did the Smash Burgers for beginners especially when you did it yeah that said thank you so much for putting it in a different perspective me behind the camera you here so we can see what it's like for beginner and I think that was key to resonate with a lot of people number six too large of a Patty I know it's easy to think that like you want the biggest Patty you want it to be meaty and juicy just like when you season your griddle you're gonna hear it often thinner coats of oil are better than thicker coats okay the perfect Patty thickness is thinner than most when it comes to a Smash Burger so what you want to create is two patties if you want a bigger Patty or a bigger Burger than one patty okay two smaller ones versus one big one to smash it correctly your burger just gets too big or it's too thick and to do a Smash Burger it's not the correct I wouldn't say correct this it's not the most appetiteable optimal it's not the optimal thank you so this is too big yes mistake number seven this is basically two-thirds or six six which one we on 78 that's what they feel like thanks for staying with me just for us okay foreign this is a six inch parchment paper round okay just to show you guys I've been using the same one since we started if you think of the idea of a standard Burger unless you got one of those big old burger buns your Burgers is too big you notice how big that is I mean you can't pick that up I mean everybody'd want to but that's not the real realization of the actual burger bun size that you get the grocery store right do we have a bun to show comparison no today I'm doing something old school I've been wanting to do it for a long time so I hope the people that stayed with me this whole time like it it's a playoff of it now your burger can react the same right you can smash it you can hold it you can get it off The Griddle and you can flip it faster notice how not everything is completely well done we still got some nice medium rare in there it's a nice red that's a Telltale sign to flip it right notice the lace that's good that's a good burger right there it's too big right but not a lot of many buns that can hold it okay now that we've talked about all the mistakes that are common that we see that you could be making let's make one right okay I'm gonna throw a little twist in it today just because I feel like it's about that time for me we are using white bread oh when I grew up let me tell you something when I grew up this bad boy is a hot dog bun a hamburger bun a sandwich would put butter over it and have it with um any type of Country Dinner that was our dinner roll when my grandmother make fried chicken we didn't have anything else like biscuits or anything cut this bad boy up you have biscuits and gravy or we call it toast and gravy to be honest with you we didn't even toast it we just ripped it up the world's greatest invention sliced bread I'm gonna put it on the griddle to start toasting because that's what we're using today you can use a hamburger bun of course bring them back at Old School we've got our two favorite seasonings I think this combination on beef right now is probably my go-to would you say yeah and we tasted a bunch of them but these two together and we will have the description of the links below are probably the best combination one-two punch I found in cooking okay that's one we got a little yellow mustard which there's not much in there I hope we get some out a little mayonnaise lightly toasted one side just move that off the heat because then the other side we're going to dab in that beef fat that comes off on the flat top all right let's go plenty of space when you smash okay you got to remember you're looking about a six inch Burger plenty of space when you're doing your burgers and you're doing multiple burgers at a time once you get them done allow your flat top to come back up to temperature okay we talk about that in a ton of videos foreign ERS are so thin typically it only takes one sod of seasons of seasoning too much we have our cheese ready in hand we're still medium rare on top you gotta dig for that crust and there it is all that dark even color edge to edge same thing over here same thing edge to edge coverage all that Browning take the other side of those buns get them toasted in that grease I will tell you at the speed that I'm comfortable with to making the best product possible it would be extremely hard for me on a 36 inch griddle to do more than four Smash Burgers at a time the pace of it really happens and you want to be able to create a great burger okay let's move it off the side of here [Music] you're going to learn your cool and hot zones one side's gonna get mayonnaise for us see how much extra Grease come off of us right there right on top throw on some pickles because that's what we like all right guys there you go super easy quick we learned a lot I've been craving that white bread type of burger because I use what I like but it's the method behind the madness that helps create the best Smash Burger using the ingredients that you like but just learn a little techniques here and there to help you become a better smash burglar I like that burglar Hamburglar smash burglar cut that bad boy oh look at all that dang juice in there when they say you can't have a juicy Smash Burger look at dripping out my dang fingers that's grease that is that is phenomenal give me a bite now that you've made Seven Burgers wrong um oh Ma'am I mean that is a gorgeous bite that is perfect that's everything you want in a burger even the what do you think about the bread you thought I was nuts actually like the red without making what you like right it brings back memories matter of fact the bread's not bad sometimes good Bread's better than a bad hamburger buns if you guys are interested with a join button down below to membership program it's where you guys can help out the channel and we appreciate each and every one of you for doing so check us out on The Griddle group on Facebook it's where we talk about griddles talk about food a lot of new people come on and say hey I've got this problem I've got this idea and so many of us chime in to help you guys out thanks for watching don't forget to press subscribe button pound enough cash button share it with your friends oh somebody cut it here I'll let you have that one oh look at that I just it's so pretty God so tasty too that's a good burger that's what you call a Smash Burger Done Right I'd eat that any day of the week
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 469,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biggest Smash Burger Mistakes Beginners Make, smash burger, how to make smash burgers, how to make a smash burger, smashburger mistakes, how to make a better smash burger, flat top king, better smash burgers, smash burgers for, smash burgers for beginners, griddle temperature for smash burgers, best seasoning for smash burgers, best spatula for smash burgers, tips for smash burgers, flat top king smash burgers, how to make a good smashburger, smash burgers on the blackstone
Id: skMN5hXWeco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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