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Hello, everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Hello Neighbor. Now this game is an early Alpha which means that if it glitches out and dies.... AND it's FUNNY...? HECK YEAH, keep it in the game. But if it's bad, don't blame it. Don't blame me, don't blame-- *cricket chirping* .....Hi..... That is the LOUDEST ambiance I've ever heard in my life. And I grew up in the Midwest! Oh! Am I? Ohhh shit, am I supposed to go over there? Or am I supposed to turn out the lights so they don't see me? ~Hello??~ Also, why is my bed on display for the ENTIRE neighborhood to see? Okay... OH! My house is TINY! OH! WAIT A MINUTE. How do I get to the REST of my house?! HELLOOOOOO? Okay... Alright, this is nothing--- OH.MY.GOD. The grasshoppers are, like, digging needles into my ears! Can I get out of this? I mean, NO WONDER I go to my neighbor's house! I don't want to hear this SHIT! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. HELLOOOOOOO? *doorbell rings* Jesus... Well I mean, that's better ambiance than what I was having to deal with over there! Oooh.. Something tells me this ain't gonna be too friendly a visit. Oh. Wow. Uhhh. NEIGHBOR? NEIGHBORINO?! Neighbor-weighbor, wibble wooo what the heck is this-or? Why do you have cameras in here? *BEEP* HEY. THE FUCK WAS THAT?! Okay... Well I'm a little confuzzled... I don't know WHAT the hell is going on. Hi~ -- IDONT---FUCK YOU! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED? WHO THE HELL WAS THAT? Okay, fine then! *mark throws himself out the window* I'm bolting over there, ~fuck you! You think you can stop me? At least, the... the fricking things aren't chirping anymore. Okay... Alrighty, then... *radio static and chatter* *doorbell ring* AH! FUCKING.... FUCKER... FUCK! YOU NEED TO STOP THAT. I'm just trying to get into this BITCH. I don't know why I called it a BITCH. It's a lovely, lovely game. Oh GOD, AH, gotta get out of here! Gotta RUN, gotta run for it, gotta run for it. Okey-dokey, then! *radio static and chatter* HELLO~ Where the HECK are you? *more radio static and chatter* Do I have a flashlight? Do I have ANY MEANS of defense? Can I grab, like, these old used food boxes and bash him upside the head? A broom? ...okay... Alrighty then. Well, that's nice! Okay. Oh, I thought they were kissing. They're just staring... Alrighty, then... Oh, oh, that's lovely I can't see shiiiiit. Okay.. All the doors are locked. Except the front one. *BEEP* HEY. OH GOD. THE CAMERA. OOOHHHHH! THE CAMERA... THAT'S what beeped. He can FREAKING SEEEEEE MEEEEE. Ohhh, boy... Oh god, it's a bright sunshiny day! MAYBE, I shouldn't go over to my neighbor's house. Maybe I should--- Oh, hey. Hi! Is that you? No, that's a potted plant. I'm a goddamn FOOL! daswhyimmagoinhere BING BONG. *doorbell rings* Okay, nevermind then! Ooooohh. He smarted up! He actually locked his damn door! *radio static and chatter* Okay. Alrighty then. I have no idea... I'm very confused. Oh, this doesn't seem right. WHY is that upside down?? *door closes* I DIDN'T DO THAT. WHY IS THAT UPSIDE--- Who's doing that?? HI~~~ NEIGHBOR? MAY I COME IN?? OKAY... Can I get over here? Maybe? Ohhh, just a little bit of "yessss". OH. Side door! NOOPE. Okay, that's not gonna work. NEIGHBOR. DING-DAMN IT. *radio static and chatter* OH. Ah, hey! Well, that seems a little less than friendly! Ahhkay. AAAAAHHHHH. Fucking FUCK. I'm not ready for this! OH GOD. It's so shiny out! Oh, what a lovely, beautiful day! Okay. I'm sure glad there's still the wood-stepping sound effects as I go through the door. *clamp* Owwww..... Why'd you put it on your front door? I... Hi... Geez. Okay. Hello~ Neighbor. I know you want your privacy and everything and I think I saw you moving around in your window there, but I'm gonna... stare at ya WHA. I didn't! WHAT?! Okay, that's a-- ai-ai-aye NEIGHBOR. Come on! WHAT. WHAT-OW. HELP! POLICE! HELP! HEEEEEELP! HEEEEEELP! HEEEEEELP! HEE~LP. HALP. HELP. HELP. Oh god. HELP. HELP! Me thinks me got away~ By just the skin of my balls~ I suppose--- That seems like pretty frantic steps towards me~ Oh. NO. Oh, he's upstairs, okay. Well, at least I think he is! I hope he is. He better not be coming for ~meh~ WHATDE OH GOD DAMN IT. I need to stop hittin' those! I-I hit the "use" button on it because I think it's gonna like-- You know... ...Okay... Uh-oh. Ah. Well... Now this is open. I guess that's good... question mark?? Oh, so WHAT is with THAT? What kind of rival-- WAAAAAAAAAAAH FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh........... hah what goeing oen I don't know whats happening to me :( AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIII jajajaja ok I didn't know what was going on with me! But, uh... Aaalrighty, then. I see him walking around in there! How did I get to the upstairs?! Can I get to the upstairs? WHAT'S THE POINT OF ME GOING OVER THERE?! WHAT KIND OF... ...BASTARD of a neighbor am I? What kind of a douche-nozzle neighbor goes over and just barges into his friend's house? Not even say an "hello" or "hi"? God, I gotta-- Let me in! I'm being driven insane by the sounds. I GOTTA COME IN. LET ME IN!!! Please?? Sir? *doorbell rings* *rings again* Oh. Hi. WHA? I SAID HI! I RANG THE DOORBELL LIKE A POLITE PERSON. You're just gonna straight-up ~murder~ me~?? Oh, neighbor~ Hi-dee-ho, neighbor! NEIGHBORINO? *doorbell rings* HEEHEEHEEHEE A-hahahaha~ You'll never know that it was actually me, ding-dong-ditching ya. Oh. Oh-ho-ho-ho! OH-HAH-HAH-HAH. A-HAH-HAH. Whaat an idiot~ what a doofus guy! What a-- *clang* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAH!!! I can't move! Fuck! What the hell was that? --OH HEY WO..! HI! WHY?! AND HOW? AND HOW?! Holy shit! What the fuck, man... Hi! Waddaya doin'? AH-HEYHEYHEY! Okay, alrighty then... Why--hi! You're outside your house now! Hello!~ AH!~ GUTEN MORGEN! NEIGHBORINO! Uhh--I didn't know you can do that! Neighbor? What's happened-- AAAH--I DIDN'T DO IT! Wasn't me! Come on, man! Okay,--aaaagh fuck you! Well he threw it at-- HWOT?! Oh, so he's laying out the traps, okay, that explains it, okay-- so he's...he's actually laying out traps.. I mean after a while, wouldn't you get so paranoid that... your neighbor constantly endlessly just starts barging in to your house? You- you might set up counter measures as well! Okay yeah, you go in there, while I'm gonna go in here. Yeah, that's more I like it. Mkay... Okay, so I gotta figure out how to open this? *rattle*...ooh... ..I mean I don't know the number *glass breaks* *mumble* Oh--well that's not good. Oh. Hi. AAAAAAH... ah god damn it! I don't know what I expected. I-I walked up behind him. HHHAAAAAIIIIIII!!! Okay, that doesn't make sense! But you do whatever you wanna do! I'm having a barbecue this weekend, maybe you should come over.. Okay, see you around the neighborhood! ...okay... AH! WHAT DID I DO?! HEY I'M IN MY HOUSE! Hey! HEY! No..! NO! Yeah.. What are you throw-- WHAT ARE YOU THROWING AT ME?! Hey! What are you throwin' at me?! HEY! ASSHOLE! What are you doin'? Wha-- hey?! Ooh FUCK YOU! Oooh really?! Oh FUCK YOU! Oh ASSHOLE, you throwin' tomatoes at my house?! Fuck you! Oh yeah, you're real mature. Oh, REAL mature- EEEY!! WHAT THE FUCK?! Wha... Ah! I can't see! myurh! Hey--HEY! Ye-yeah. Re-real mature. Okay, real mature, neighborhood. Ne-neighbor-- Neighborino! Ain't this game just a bag of dicks? And AIN'T YOU JUST A BAG OF DICKS?! EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS A BAG OF DICKS! Ohh, this is bad.. This is bad. What is that? Ah? I-it doesn't work-- OH IT DOES WORK! I-it does! I DON'T KNOW WHY THAT WORKS. That worked! Okay! What did that accomplish me?! I don't know what's with this upside down room, but uh, it exists. Alright... Where is this? Does this has anything to do with how to get... ..past this douche? No it does not! Th-there's no reason to be in here! This doesn't work. Okay goodbye! There's another door over there. Ugh that didn't help anybody! That's the opposite of good! I don't think there's any way to WIN this! *mumble* Where is he...? He-he-hey buddy... Hey neighbor! Howdy-ho, neighborino? Hey diddly ho, go fuck yourself, huh? How 'bout that? Ho-shit! I shouldn't be in here! Ohh, this is not good! There's nothing in here! OH, there's nothing! It's literally a broom closet with a trap in it! Hah! He could come in here at any moment! What the hell are these? Light bulbs?! Oh boy! I'm fucked! Maybe I could trap him by one of his own traps! Is that a thing that could happen? I don't think so! I am fucked..! HEUH- AARAAHAHAHAHEIHEIHEIHIHIHI *sigh* Oh fuck! Alright, okay. I--uh... I'm--uh-- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! *fart/splat noises* Okay. With a big ol' hug in the middle of the road! Okay, but anyway, that is "Hello Neighbor"! This is in very early access so there's almost no fully fleshed out features left, but this game does look promising! It's actually legitimately scary... *chuckle* when you're in there, and I have no idea where he is! So, I like it a lot, being stalked around someone else's house, and not knowing why you're in THEIR house- ALSO why was he big? I have no idea, but either way, this is a fun game. Uh, you can't play it just yet; This is an early access demo that was given to me by the developer ...so... HOPEFULLY Very soon, there would be something that you guys can play THANK YOU again everybody for watching, let me know what you guys thought down below-- and as always, I will see you... ...in the next video. BAH-BYEEEEEEEEEEEE-AAAAAHHHH --Ow! God dammit, you dick! Buh-bye!~ *outro plays*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,257,648
Rating: 4.9507594 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, hello neighbor, hello neighbor game, hello neighbor gameplay, hello neighbor funny moments, funny game, funny videos, funny gameplay, markiplier funny moments, alpha, early access, silly, glitches, game glitches, funny game glitches, funniest, hilarious, laughing, facecam, lets play, lets play hello neighbor, markiplier hello neighbor, flanders
Id: iTe0fstiYWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2016
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