The Most Delusional Man on The Internet (TRIGGER WARNING)

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two one [Music] i don't support the lgbt community you know we have a constitution and i think global warming is a an infringement on those rights the same issues of the black community affect all communities whether you're white or black or brown or green oh that's not very nice because the black runs and he fights back oh no there'll be other bears though polar bears go extinct so what okay so i had been watching some jubilee videos in the midst of it all i see this guy his name was keith and he had some of the strangest theories on that episode i thought nothing offered and then autoplay hit and moved on to climate change there he was again with some very disturbing ideas so i searched a little further i found another video with keith and one more and through those four videos i discovered one thing he's the absolute worst person and it's not even close please let me show you hi i'm 16 leo and i have a doozy today i don't think there is a video on this guy i don't think you'll find a video on keith anywhere else on youtube i saw this man four different videos talk about some of the most reckless in the world and the worst part about all this is that keith is a teacher he's teaching people these weird things i realize that you may not understand what i'm talking about so i helped compile a list for you today it's called keith's plan did i misspell the word keith and then last second i have to shoehorn a h there yeah i don't know what face that was i'm gonna write down all the theories that he says and wants to live by today i also need you to know something keith loves the constitution in fact he loves it so much every time he says it i'm going to drink what am i going to drink raspberry juice youtube raspberry juice so by the end of this video there is a good chance i won't remember it and if you liked the video by the end of it do subscribe all right strap in you big babies so this video is called do all trump supporters think the same and it's from late december 2018. so there he is in the background just waiting me i'm a skateboarder in an industry that is pretty much skateboarder he's a skateboarder he's john ethan what the hell is that spelling appearance of john nathan come on but let's move on to the real stuff issues are not important i somewhat agree that they're not important because the same issues of the black community affect all communities my issues are no different from his issue or his issues whether you're white or black or brown or green i'm sorry did keitha really just say that shrek has some [ __ ] up issues bro you live in a swamp that's not okay here's a gingerbread man is his friend that came to life what if you get hungry and you eat him how do you tell his wife that but seriously he thinks all issues are the same i don't know if anyone told him yet but he's also non-white white height i'm gonna say i strongly disagree because there are different issues in the black community than are in other communities there's higher crime rates there's higher abortion rates there's crime and violence within this community there's a lot of hatred and those are specific to the black community joy is right we as americans whether you're black brown or white or green and let's not forget about the green people shrek and other people who are about to throw up those are them so i have the obligation to stop when the police officer says stop where abuse has followed because the black runs and he fights back because the black runs and he fights back i'm not sure i've ever heard that in my life before bill black are you serious oh what though i'ma write that down keith's first plan is to obey the law because the black usually doesn't who cares about all those times when that wasn't even remotely true keith knows you know why because he is also the black we just started are you seeing what i'm seeing yet this man is like a dave chappelle's kid he just doesn't know who he is america should build a wall i strongly agree that we need the wall i'm sorry i know this episode is about keith but joe nathan over here can't stop laughing every time i hear him talk because he's like the most aggressive talker ever he sounds like dane cook when he did stand up first off every one out of every three illegals comes with a federal crime whether it's murder or even drug cartel everyone's a drug cartel one in three people suck i'm a skateboarder i know the facts think with your head not your mind you know what it is i'm joe nathan what about the illegal immigrants that come that are dreamers what about the american black dreamer his dreams to be a lawyer his dream is to go to college and his dreams to become something and get out the hood why do you think every black person from the why do you think that bro who the hell gave this man this information i don't even know if he understands how stupid that sounds as my friend over there said the black needs to come out of the hood i'm joe nathan i'm joe nathan and my skateboard has training wheels on it but the real issue is what can we do to make our country have an easier system for people to come in in a legal fashion it is very very backwards when the man making the most sense is wearing ebola hat and looks like he's definitely from the 1780s i thought he was an english woman this whole time and he just went there and he's like oh my god sorry about that this guy's making sense which proves two things one don't judge people by how they look two look at keith don't judge people by how they look i support the lgbt community three two one look how progressive we're becoming guys even the trump supporters shown here all support the lgbt community except truth if it's contrary to natural law which it is in my view then i don't agree with it however i can like you as a person so they fight for rights that are outside of the natural rights of the declaration of independence now that's not the constitution but it's close and you know what the only person that can dispute this is the man himself nick cage who i would love to hear talk to keith because i think the world will explode at that point no keith that is stupid life liberty and the pursuit of happiness within the boundaries of natural law so that's why i don't support the lgbt community so i'll tell you my biggest problem with keith right now it has nothing to do with how he looks or what he talks like it's the fact that this man is a high school teacher no this is not okay like you could believe what you want but i have a feeling this man is not teaching curriculum he's just reading the bill of rights to people 24 7. no extra rights no extra right to marry same-sex but the same right as i have i'ma write that one down so keith says that the lgbt should not be allowed to marry even though they deserve the same rights as us except marriage again i don't want to get into this too much but i just have one question why does it bother you what two people who are not affecting your life too why don't you do why don't you work on your own life bro keith every time you and your wife do foreplay you ask her to dress up as the bull of rights that's not sexy but you but your rights say you can marry whoever you want right oh very good okay good point he he didn't even disagree with that she was just like we all have equal rights he's like oh yes okay keith is so easily persuaded what the hell keith is one of the most dangerous people there is because he talks in a manner that you could believe him like if you compare to him to joe nathan joe nathan just screams at people with his mouth and it's very easy to be put off and be like oh my god this guy again if you saw a guy papa ollie then give you life advice unless his name was tony hawk you probably wouldn't take it but if keith came and stood next to you and he was like so you know what you need to do is uh go back to the country you came from because he says it's so calmly you think he's saying the right thing but until you actually hear what he's saying it's all just terrible trump is a good role model for our children hell yeah the reason why someone agrees because i don't think any president should be a role model for children i think they should be a role model for america i don't think you should be a role model for children children don't need role models they're stupid babies my little brother is a little baby he doesn't even understand the implications of society my name is joe nathan and i don't think children's are american they're all idiots oh man my dude just sounds mad dumb these days is making america great again all right he's only there temporarily i mean this guy is only going to be here for what another four or five years it's not the end of the world it's getting there but not yet sorry i needed a second to process that bull keith over here on a video about trump's supporters it sounds like he doesn't even like trump this is the first video this next one is from late july 2019 and it's about climate change activists verse climate change skeptics guess who is spearheading the anti-climate change my name is don i'm a professor of skateboarder my name is andrew i studied skateboarder my name is natalie i'm a local skateboarder my name is michael i'm the vice president of skateboarder my name is dr james enstrom i'm a physicist and epidemiologist and i'm passionate about skateboarder my name is keith hardine i'm a constitutional rights uh activist god damn it he started with the constitution stuff huh oh that wasn't too bad oh okay i can feel it um it is a thing and it's gonna affect the future generations but a lot of these people are old enough to not care no matter what the united states does it's not going to make an impact on the worldwide greenhouse gas emissions the united states seems to be the most held in responsible for the global warming for for doing something about it and that's what bothers me you know we have a constitution [Music] river dirty [Music] and nobody ever considers that constitution it's [ __ ] hell [Music] but this is crazy the importance of protecting the natural rights of the individual and i think global warming is a an infringement on those rights uh when i say global warming at least the uh the agenda of the political aspect of it he sounds like a high school kid who smoked a little too much pot dude green is like my favorite color so no i like it and like if the teacher says like where's your homework i'm just gonna tell him i didn't do it change is our biggest problem because i don't believe that man has anything to do with it climate has changed since before man existed on the planet and will continue when man is gone remember when dinosaurs had cars and factories and everything else michael the woman yeah as a professional climate scientist who's done this for 50 years i'm afraid you're not correct and that this evidence is real no i'm not a climate scientist but i know a lot of them and i've heard um exactly the opposite oh god i think i'm having a heart attack are you a doctor can you help me no i'm not a doctor but i have many doctor friends so what you need to do is just get mouth-to-mouth from like a frog how you gonna tell someone whose job it is to research this that they're wrong because you heard it man you the one drinking many of the people who own homes they're not allowed to water their lawns why because of environmental regulation laws which are suppressing again suppressing it does that condescending teacher thing where they like say the word again slower just in case you didn't know a big word so i'm talking about science again science your pea-sized brain won't get that he's talking to like environmentalists he's like you stupid dumbass i water my lawn people don't get to water their lawn if i want to pee on my lawn i do it that's constitutional baby the natural right to use water water water damn he even gave him the eye pop at the end water can't fire someone who's already been fired i'm keith just to point out a lot of holes in the story uh water's not a natural right i come from africa it is a goddamn privilege secondly what the [ __ ] are you talking about chi the world is gonna go to [ __ ] who cares about your stupid lawn that's his right keith literally prioritized his own lawn over global climate issues i worry about our future the constitution preamble keith oh yeah keith i'm going to get juice poisoning if you don't lit up with this constitution talk bro i almost went sober for like five minutes [Music] oh okay some people think that we don't have the right to choose you know how we should live i mean because you want to enforce your way of life on others keith nobody's forcing the way of life on you if anything you have been forcing your way of life on other people keith where did they find this man did they just find him at a museum reading the constitution he was like oh man can i find another version of the constitution and the museum guy's like no bro this is a wendy's it's in your constitution to get the [ __ ] out of my store if you don't order okay so we're done with the second video two things i am feeling and secondly i am seeing double six trump supporters verse one secret hater and for whatever reason in my head i thought that one of these people would think oh keith maybe it's keith not one of these [ __ ] people in this whole episode think even for a second that keith is not a trump supporter it's amazing so i think we should say why we support him since assuming we all do okay um so did you want to start sure i'm supporting him because i'm a dad the qualification mike is the type of dude who's like boys like blue and girls like green duh uh i support him because um the only president in history that's quicker because we have like six people okay i support him because he follows the constitution [Music] you know i saw this beautiful lady she was reading the constitution out aloud and i said will you marry me and she said yes she didn't know i was talking to the constitution but i guess i married her anyway i'm keith and i don't care about anything ah bet you didn't know you're gonna watch man drink himself to death today [Music] so i don't know if you looked at the voting not one person voted for keith not one part he's all he said was constitution they're like ah raise your hand if you have any doubt and you would like to continue the game keith didn't even have any doubts he was like that's a that's it we're done everyone had keith doesn't even agree let me write that down what is your guys's stance on immigration i've seen the demographics change not often for the good we spend tons of taxpayer money to support illegal immigration you know we have a constitution [Music] why do you do this to me bro constitution said you shouldn't rape this much before i asked very truth [Music] uh uh uh what was i saying keith you know he was a trump supporter it flowed see even mike knows what's up he's like it flowed it's not even that it makes no sense whatsoever the one thing that these people can agree on is they know who is the trump supporter and it's keith [Music] and nobody voted for keith yet again so like what would you say to the people who are going to think negatively of you as a trump supporter i think it's really divine and you know jesus christ round four and nobody has voted for [ __ ] keith yeah i have a question though i'm curious how do you define conservatism my dad i didn't want to put anybody out i just felt like everyone was honest and so i was just like i don't even think mike is still in the game but i wrote his name down are you two i'm sorry do you understand what just happened there's four people obviously she's not gonna vote for herself so there's three people now there's keith and the two [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is mike that dude left ages ago are you telling me you would rather make up a name than vote for keith even like thinking about voting for keith is wrong or you have to vote for someone who was here days ago if this dude ran for president he would lose so badly because no one would know how to vote for him that was a great episode of keith doesn't even try to lie because everybody knows exactly where his position on anything is now before i end this video i did actually find keith one more time on jubilee do all climate change skeptics think the same and we have keith at his finest i hope this is not too much foreshadowing but i would never bear hug keith well i just wanted to be here just to possibly inform people may i just direct your attention to something very quickly not only is keith now a teacher once again he is also a martial arts instructor what has happened in the seven or eight months since we last saw keith did he decide to start kicking he rose the ranks but he's not a black belt because he would never associate with that he's he's a white belt about a more constitutional aspect of this whole argument if i wasn't drunk i am [Music] oh god i care about the environment it's hypocritical for many people to argue that they care about the environment and yet we see homelessness and we see trash all over the place and you see that to me is the environment i mean i guess it would be nice to give the homeless people homes i don't know if he was dissing people or being nice keith is that type of dude he's like oh you look so good compared to when i saw you last you have to answer that in that way where you also give them some backlash you're like thank you [ __ ] i distrust mainstream media three two one go i've never seen keith laugh like that before he's like the media is so corrupt and i can't get out and i'm well informed on this topic [Music] at least keith agrees that he doesn't know everything that's kind of nice i honestly i'm going to give you some respect bro that does take a lot of strength to say that you don't know everything unless you're the smartest person on the planet so yeah i don't understand it completely and he [ __ ] moved all the way to the right amen keith knows everything about everything although i'm not a scientist i do believe that i am informed from the perspective of constitutional you know [Music] hey we should not be giving away our sovereignty to an international body okay that's very important and that's what i see being done keith climate change is not just a problem in america it's a problem in the world yes it's is international problem do you think america is not part of the international world it's our problem keith we're all in this together high school musical that's just constitutional climate change activists are often hypocrites i'm so glad that keith took a stand for once and he's disagreeing a lot of people are just trying to see everyone get to the future we're trying to put our kids in the right place but for the ones that succeed us i'm so glad that keith hardine is finally seeing my point do you see where this is going do you see where this bit is going yes well while al gore comes and speaks to people about global warming he has an entire um about five or six suvs that are running the entire time he's speaking there it is there it is he [ __ ] did it again he jukes people out he's like ahaha they're not hypocrites they're super hypocrites i agree with climate change anti-climate change ah i'm a black person psych i'm white oh for me i guess it depends on the activists activists you're talking about i think that most people are hypocritical in one way or another and so i just feel kind of bad i guess saying yeah you're hypocrites jerks because i'm sure i'm hypocritical in some ways with that said i think that most of i believe mostly activists i think they're advocates i think that they're genuine i think they believe what they're doing and if they could get rid of every car and every plane robert knocks down now for the heir to the constant empire i just want to point out the fact that jeremy is the truth in this episode hitman over here looks like he is going to take him out after the show so someone better keep an eye on mr hitman we as a human should try to stop the polar ice caps from melting i'm gonna need everyone to agree on this one not even one they melt and re-freeze all the time how much of the planet is water compared to uh land mass 71 okay uh so polar ice caps melting yeah yeah yeah what even was that that was his argument so the earth is made up mostly of water so pull the ice cap melting i'm sorry so was that your argument uh can you repeat that of course polar ice caps melting all right so i'll just write that down that was his argument i mean i think it's quite clear that uh you know we don't need to try and stop that from happening i mean it's you know it's impossible he said it's impossible to stop ice from melting is it possible global warming is that's it it's over well we're doomed thanks keith love your the phrasing optimism you know the idea or the thought of the polar ice caps melting upsets me i mean catastrophic i mean once again language what is a catastrophe exactly your hairline no i'm sorry if i rephrase this to if the polar bears went extinct i would be sad where would you go this is the only question i've seen on jubilee where the guy's like um okay if i rephrase the [ __ ] do you care about the environment at all he's like getting so annoyed from like the back he's like bro would you not care if the animals died rephrase this to if the polar bears went extinct i would be sad where would you go what a question bro imagine having to say that to someone if polar bears went extinct would you be sad if an animal because of humans went extinct would you feel sad would you feel any guilt that you contributed to the extinction of this animal oh i polar is my favorite animal but so i would go here if it was just that but how could anyone not feel a little some is keith i would say that the best chance of polar bears not going extinct is for human beings to have low-cost energy everybody even michael the woman with a man's name who is so staunch on anti-climate change even she was like they are fluffy oh no yeah well no i don't hate polar bears i love polar bears but i think that we have all kinds of bears so there'll be other bears polar bears go extinct so what i'm just gonna write that down he legitimately said if polar bears went extinct there are plenty of other bears so what this man is a teacher who doesn't understand the ecosystem that was stupid to the point that it's offensive and even though i've been drinking guava juice of course um i feel horrendous that people like this not only exist but express their opinions so avidly keith is the type of guy to watch madagascar and be like wow i just watched the most amazing documentary no keith every little natural disaster that happens like fires in australia or fires in northern california they blame it on global warming fluffs hold me back hold me back keith you old [ __ ] skateboarder how dare you say that [ __ ] about australia we raise money for the victims keith this [ __ ] is unnatural keith you old mother of skateboarders caused by [ __ ] global warming keith that definitely contributes you stupid if you don't know that you old mother skateboarder i'm sorry i have to go mini bobini on your ass they blame it on climate change and that causes people because again the media pushes that narrative and then people of course believe it i'm willing to change my mind on this talk three two although keith and i don't see eye to eye on anything i think that is always good that if someone can change their mind uh you have to give them respect i don't want to spoil it for you but keith's going to go over to the right because he understands that anybody's mind can be changed so thank you keith well i said i was willing to listen to um arguments um psych [ __ ] yeah i will not change my mind i'm pretty much set my my personal faith i believe in the inerrancy i believe the immutable laws of nature apply and cannot be changed because i believe in the scriptures the bible and basically in genesis as long as it says that the earth abides as long as the earth abides four seasons will not cease that is how it ends constitutional keeps let's do it for old times sake constitutional key [Music] to constitutional keith and the fact that this man will never ever ever not be constitutional ah oh god let's do it guys he thinks the black shouldn't run from cops lgbt shouldn't be allowed to marry trump won't be here forever keith prioritizes his lawn over global climate change he also defended his anti-climate change status by saying and i quote if polar bears go extinct so what i've never seen a man like keith before just everything he says contradicts what human society is i mean besides literally reading the constitution what do you care about what do you stand for one of the most dangerous things in life is when people aren't open to changing because if someone can show you a better way of how to do things then why wouldn't you just accept that or go along with it keith is uh one of the worst people i've seen that was the video do hit that subscribe button and if you want to follow me on instagram i think i'm 16 leo underscore there's a word that rhymes with skunk and i think i'm it i'm going to go drink some coffee now and i shall see you guys later all right guys take care fluff
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 167,442
Rating: 4.9302201 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee odd man out, jubilee trump supporter, jubilee trump, jubilee clip, jubilee climate, anti climate, trump supporters funny, delusional, cringey, cringe, commentary, sixteenleo
Id: wcGPHl_yx9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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