He's Got The Whole World In His Hands | The Wondrous Hand of God

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today I want to begin a new series of messages and I want to deal with that he has the whole world in his hands that's what the series of messages for the next few weeks will be on Wednesdays that the Lord he has the whole world in his hands that's a song they used to teach us when I was a youngster growing up in church in Sunday school at the church to help us to understand that God is in control they didn't come into our classroom with five-year-olds and talk about his omnipotence and his omniscience and his omnipresence no they came here to taught us a song about God's love and his wisdom and his power and they would teach us he's got the whole world in his hands he's got the little bitty babies in his hands he's got you and me brother in his hands he's got you and me sister in his hands to teach us about the love the wisdom the power and the control of God and so I want to as a revelation to some who don't know the Lord and as a reminder to others in this tragic situation we're in to remind us that the Lord has the whole world in his hands in his hands you know Jesus said that God is a spirit and we we don't quite understand what that it's hard to get a grasp on that God is a spirit his ways are not our ways it's thoughts are not our thoughts higher than ours as they have as our brother how do we understand God as spirit and so what the writers of Scripture do they do something that is anthropomorphic in their expression of God they give God human features the the eyes of God are watching you God inclined his ear to me the heart of God and God stretched forth his arm under us and the mouth of God so they give these human features under God anthropomorphic expressions to help you and I graphs God a little better and they talk about his eyes at his ears and in his arm and his and I don't want to look at those today I want to look at the hands of God and with the hands of God he's got the whole world in his hand and I want to look at that against the backdrop of Exodus chapter 3 in Exodus chapter 3 verse 20 listen to what God's Word says verse 20 Exodus 3 so I will stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in his mists and after that he will let you go God says I want to stretch forth my hand and with my hand I'm gonna perform all of these wonders the wondrous hand of God that's it right there he's got the whole world at his hand and these are some wondrous hands of God it was 12 year-old Howell Donaldson and Howell at 12 years old had three younger siblings his father was a pastor of his church and his mom and his dad they were on their way to a church meeting leaving 12:00 your house and his younger siblings at home and on the way to the church meeting his parents were in a car accident at a drunken driver ran head-on into them his father died on the scene and 12 year-old house mom spent months in the hospital trying to be restored and come recover from this accident and they went into deep poverty in that experience and how talks about how church members would come over to the house and bring food to them as a relief during this season of economic downturn and the tragedy that they were in and how sad at 12 he was trying to understand God and figure this thing out how could God let something like this happen to us and he said that his father's friends who were preachers and ministers would say to him that the hand of the Lord is in this situation can you imagine that that kind of trauma father dying because of a drunken driver mom in the high middle church members having to bring over food to deal with the deep poverty they had entered into and then the hero preacher say in that trauma the hand of the Lord is in this situation as some of you do know what that's like in your own trauma your own crisis in your own calamity and your own confusion in your own job loss in your own economic downturn in your own poverty and here God has instructed me to tell you that the hand of the Lord is in this situation the hand of the Lord yeah the maneuvering of God the manipulating of situations of God that the hand of the Lord is at this and in Exodus chapter 3 now this is when the children of Israel had been in bondage for 430 years Hebrew people were in bondage for 430 years to the Egyptians 430 years of oppression and slavery and bondage and then God tells Moses to go until Pharaoh and the elders of the Hebrews and the Hebrew people that they're going to be free tell Pharaoh the head of state of Egypt I said let my people go and God says that I'm going to make it happen Exodus 3 and 20 with my wondrous hand but that's not the only hand that's mentioned it's actually three sets of hands mentioned in Exodus 3 in Exodus 3 and 19 that talks about the mighty hand of Pharaoh in exodus of three and 21 it talks about the empty hand of the Hebrew people but in verse 20 it talks about the wondrous hand of God and so many of us have focused in on the mighty hand of a head of state that is evil and oppressive and many of us have focused in on the empty hand of ourselves and our community but what we fail to see in the middle of this mighty hand of a head of state that is oppressive and evil and in the empty hand of the Hebrew people there is the wondrous hand of God and God says and with that wondrous hand I'm going to set you free I'm going to bring liberation I'm going to bring emancipation you've been in bondage all of these years but don't worry Moses said God is getting ready to set you free you know how hard that is to hear for people that been oppressed for 430 years they're in bondage to the same thing their parents were in bondage to and their grandparents and their great-grandparents and their ancestors were in bondage to this same oppression and now here comes this preacher talking about the hand of God is getting ready to bring you freedom it's hard to grasp that and understand that even now we look at the racism and social injustice we look at poverty we look at the oppression that comes in this nation for people who are black and brown and now here I come a man of God telling you God says no guys getting ready set you free and so many people are thinking it'll never happen this the same oppression our grandparents had and grandparents and great-grandparents and ancestors in this nation someone suggested whose original sin is racism and now here comes this preacher saying that the wondrous hand of God is going to set you free I know it's hard to get because here's what's going on Moses got the message from God but the people had to get the message from the from the man of God is one thing getting a message directly from God it's a whole nother thing trying to get the message from the man of God or the woman of God that's because here's what people think well if God is really saying this thing while God tell me himself and God is telling you himself is just that he told the man of God to tell the people of God and the people of God got to receive it from the man of God who received it from God I know there's not easy to do because Moses he got it from the immortal but the people had to get it from the mortal molded Moses he got it from the infinite but the people had to get it from the finite Moses he got it from someone with no beginning but the people had to get it from somebody with a messed up pass are you willing with the power of God's Holy Spirit that came into your life were you accepted Jesus by faith to be open from the message of God that comes from the men of God and the women of God matter of fact your spirit ought to bear witness with my spirit that this is of God and the message is that God is going to use his wondrous hands to set you free but you got to hear it from the man of God the woman of God that is speaking it I was on a zoom meeting and there was I guess it was about 75 Christian leaders on his own meeting and five of us were on the panel to speech and the host of the zoom meeting had everybody on mute and the only way you could speak is if the hosts would unmute you then you have to unmute yourself and then you're able to speak so the host muted everybody didn't want all that background noise and didn't want all those distractions and and folk talking thinking nobody can hear them so they David so they muted everybody but if you want to talk the host has to unmute you then you got to unmute yourself and and pastor janae Murdock was on and and pastored a Murdoch she's the spirit field woman very insightful creative intelligent finishing up her PhD I've got a great word from the Lord it was her turn to speak and so she was trying to unmute herself but she couldn't speak until the host unmuted her and after the host and it didn't matter how much education she had in training and creativity and insight and ability and gift and skill the host had to unmute her it has the host unmuted her then she unmuted herself and then she began to give insight she had received from her experience with God that's what God did with Moses first he muted Moses for forty years on the back in Midian and Moses you still need to meet God at the burning bush you still need to get commissioned by God and charged by God but when God unmuted him now I'm unmuting you now unmute yourself and go tell Pharaoh and the elders of the Hebrew people and the Hebrew people that I'm bringing them out that's my word to us your God has spoken to us God unmuted believers Jesus did that in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 he said up until then you didn't have my Holy Spirit you don't need to do a whole lot of talking for the kingdom he said but when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you shall be witnesses unto you to me I have unmuted you in the power of the Holy Spirit now unmute yourself and let folk know even in this situation God loves you and nothing shall separate you from the love of God unmute yourself the Spirit is already unmuted you will let people know that that all things work together for good God is already unmuted you in his spirit now unmute your smell itself and let folks know who service shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and God is in control and he's got the whole world in his hand and there they were the hand of God the wondrous hand of God bringing them emancipation and liberate and and that's that's socially but not just socially but personally whatever has you in bondage drugs alcohol nicotine whatever has you in bondage codependency porn sexual immorality whatever has you in bondage I serve a God that wit his wondrous hands offers you freedom and whom the son has set free is free indeed when you put your faith in Jesus Christ and and receive him into your life he sets you free and who the son is set free I don't care what anybody says you're free and be the one-ders hand of God God says I'm gonna stretch forth my hand and when I stretch forth my hand my wonders are going to bring your freedom the wonders of God he's talking about those flags because the mighty hand of the head of state was so oppressive he would not let those people go and God said don't worry about it I'm gonna send my wonders those were plagues remember the ten plagues that the the water turning the blood that contaminated water that nobody could drink or nobody could wash or or nobody could cook with or the lice that came or the boils the sores the pandemic that went through there making everybody sick both on the Gyptian side and the Hebrew side the wonders and the plagues of God came through there the frogs that came through all the swarms of locusts that came through there and then the darkness that was so dark it says that you could feel the darkness or the death angel and when all of those things were happening in Egypt it didn't just hit the Egyptians it affected the Hebrew people too God says I'm gonna have my hand move and my wonders are going to say the wonders of God contaminated water boils sores swarms of Far frog swarms of lice darkness death man the wonders of God sometimes make you wonder the wonders of God make you wonder is God for us or against us well I'll tell you this about the wonders of God that if you are for God the wonders of God are working for you but if you against God the wonders of God work against you and sometime is hard to understand the wonders of God he brings in all of this darkness and all of that death and if you're not careful you think the darkness and the death is the destruction of you know it's not the destruction of you it's the deliverance of you if you're on the Lord's side and on the Gyptian side it was against them but on the Hebrew people side they had to go through it they had to deal with the pandemic they had to deal with the mess but that darkness and death that was not God giving up on them that was the sign deliverance is getting ready to come and perhaps the darkness you're dealing with and perhaps the death that we hear about every day the wonders is not God destroying us but God setting us up to deliver us he says I'm going to have my favor in your the wondrous hands of God it's going to be in favor to you the plagues that are coming that's favor on you that God is going God says I'm gonna use those wonders to bring you out to bring you through and to bring you in to bring you out of 430 years of bondage to bring you through the Red Sea to bring you through the wilderness and to bring you into Canaan the promised land a land flowing with milk and honey I'm so glad that the favor of God and that wondrous hand is working or by behalf to bring us out bring us true and bring us in that favor of God that is going on but some time the wonders of God make you wonder but if you are for God even when you don't see it is working for you but if you against God I've gotta admit it's working against you can you imagine when all of that was happening if in the time of Moses they had the mass communication that we have in the 21st century can you imagine what that would have been like in Egypt with mass communication with social media and the Internet during that time man you would have had all kind of national reporters and international reporters converging on Egypt to report what was going on and the ins and out of what was happening with those wonders of God with those plagues coming through there you would have had doctors showing up there and medical professionals dealing with the boils and the source and that sickness the pandemic of going from one person to another in Egypt both with Egyptians and Hebrew people and they would have been there trying to explain how this is happening and how this is taking place and then of course the meteorologists would have shown up with the hail falling how could it hail in Egypt during this season for this long at this time and they would have been trying to explain that The Economist's would have shown up talking about the economic downturn in Egypt and what was happening to those who are already in bondage and already oppressed in that time so many in that mass communication vote would have been on Twitter and Facebook vote with a bit on Instagram here's what I believe here's what I feel here's what I think doing all of that that was going on and people would have been talking about the echo system being damaged which swarms of locusts and swarms of lice and and the hail coming and the contamination of the water and all of that would have been going on with scientists showing up to explain could water be contaminated you know Santa's are off times trying to give a scientific explanation of the move of the hand of God at His wonders and his plagues and the atheists would have been there on mass communication saying this is why I don't believe there's a god there couldn't be a God look at all hell breaking loose here in Egypt and to his own people and the agnostics would have been on Facebook saying this is why I don't I don't know if there's a god or not how can there be a God in the face of all of this and uninformed preachers it would have been streaming talking about God must be mad at his people and God is so mad at his people look at the water turn to contaminated water and look at the lice and look at the darkness and look at all this death God must be punishing his people but that's not what was happening it was the hand of God with favor that was moving even in the darkness even in the death to bring deliverance say we can say that now because we're looking back on it and as we look back on it will see that God was moving that God was making a way but it's not always easy to see when you're in it I believe even now in a pandemic in catastrophe in darkness in disease and death that the favor of God is at work it's hard to see it when you're in it but I believe that because God said it my hand is going to move the wonders and the favor that I'm going to bring in my people in order to bring this deliverance it is hard to deal with it when you're coming through it but it's the favor of God that's making this work I was in Haiti back in 2010 I went there about 30 days after that earthquake came and that earthquake that brought destruction in the Haiti in hundreds of thousands of depth and an even worse economic downturn they were already one of the poorest nations in the world somebody suggested that when that earthquake hit it was like an earthquake and poverty colliding with one another and I was there to see the half the map of what that looked like and when I got there builders had been collapsed and still where they were dead bodies were still underwear buildings had crumbled and collapsed and they were still trying to work to get the rubble out and to pull bodies out I was there event we had to wear masks then in Haiti to keep all the death and the stench from getting inside your body to contaminate you and they had rubble lined up through the streets of port-au-prince and lined up through the roads leading outside to protest rubble from buildings that had collapsed and then you saw people with sledgehammers showing up and with those sledgehammers they were cracking and beating on those that cement and they were beating that cement and beating it and hitting it and it looked to me like frustration it looked to me like they were angry and mad and what had taken place and now taking it out on the cement and the rubble that was on the side of the road but the driver of the van I was riding I'll say no that's not what's happening with those sledgehammers and that's the beating that's taking place he said no they're not angry and frustrated they're breaking up the cement to get the rebar out the rebar the the the steel that is in there two steel bars that are inside of the cement that are recyclable that are valuable that you can reuse to help rebuild and restore the communities that had fallen but in order to get to that which was valuable and recyclable you had to hammer it you had to beat it you had to crack it and that's what's going on to get that which is a value out to bring restoration in those communities yo God is not forsaken you the beating that we're taking the issues that we're going through is know God is not angry God is seeking to get something to value out of us to bring restoration to communities that have been oppressed for far too long but in order to do that he's got to get something of value out of a and so he breaks us to bring something useful and valuable out of us that's as a mom I have my hand move and it's going to have some favor on it but here's the thing about the guy said I'm gonna deliver you I'm going to bring you out but you know sometimes what God does God will postpone his promise in he will postpone the performance of his truck he made a promise in Exodus 3 I'm bringing you out I'm going to deliver you but then he postponed the deliverance of the promise on to Exodus 12 they didn't get delivered until Exodus 12 because God gave the revelation of the deliverance in Exodus 3 but the manifestation did not come until Exodus 12 God showed it to them in Exodus 3 but no no he told them it in Exodus 3 he didn't show it to him until Exodus 12 what I'm trying to tell you is in the midst of a pandemic God has a word for you and I I'm bringing you out I'm showing favor I'm setting you free that's the revelation right now but this must be Exodus 3 for us but God will postpone the performance of it of that promise until Exodus 12 I'm so glad that the Hebrew people didn't give up in Exodus 3 they waited on their deliverance in Exodus 12 they waited to the after the darkness and after the death that they were set free I'm so glad they didn't give up in Exodus 4 and 5 they hung on in there and they waited until they already got the revelation now the manifestation God already told them now in Chapter 12 he shows it to them and in your Exodus 3 God says I've already prophesied it to you I sent them in and the women of God to tell you I'm bringing you out my Providence is there it's already been predetermined it's already been pre-arranged the steps of a good person that's what the psalmist says the steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord ordered know is pre ordered by the Lord he pre ordered your freedom he pre ordered his favor in your life but you gotta wait to Exodus 12 when he brings you out so if you don't if you don't give up and in chapter 4 if you like if you don't throw in the towel in chapter 5 if you don't commit suicide in chapter 6 if you turned to abuse and drugs in Chapter seven if you don't abuse alcohol in Chapter eight if you don't turn your back on God in Chapter nine of your life if you don't jump off a bridge in Chapter ten of your life if you don't turn and walk away from the church in Chapter eleven of your life and wait on the move of God God will perform - what he promised you in your chapter three yo I once was young but now I'm old but I tell you this I've never seen the righteous forsaken and I've never seen his children their children begging bread and I know that when God makes you a promise all the promises of God are yes and a man in Christ to you he said I'm bringing you out and he says now only am I going to bring you out but when I bring you out with my favor for your freedom I'm gonna give you the finance that you need to get to where I'm taking you I love that Gus says that the mighty hand of this here the state is so oppressive but don't sweat that I know your hands are empty but my hand of wonder is gonna move bring your freedom and your favor and God says I'm gonna finance it I'm gonna eat here's what God told them I'm gonna bring you out with gold and silver and clothes and resources I love that yo when the Hebrew people came out of bondage they came out with resources with money we're gold and silver and I know you trying to figure this thing how could that be they've been in bondage for 430 years they have the same poverty their parents and grandparents and great no because when God says I'm bringing you out he said you don't have to sweat any of that I'm going to finance my purpose in your life I got you I'm going to take care of you somebody you're wondering right now as you come through this crisis this tragedy that you the trauma you're dealing with and you you know you got to make some moves in your life some I thinking I got a I'm have to go get re-educated again I need to go get a degree or I need to get certified there's some things I need to - sure up in my life I just don't know how i'ma pay for that but I got to make a move for my family my community was already jacked up now this is making anymore I gotta get my family somewhere else I need to make a move but I don't know how I'm going to find it how will I pay for that somebody's talking about starting a business you had this idea and in this time this is the perfect season to get it going and you've done your homework and your best practices and you you've got your business plan together you networked and talk to people and try to figure it out but the finance part how all do you get that done that's what God told me to tell you the hand of God is going to move and maneuver the hand of God is going to manipulate the situation that he's going to finance it in your life and I'm not telling you what I heard I'm telling you what I know that God will make it and guys it's not on the hill who got told told Moses tell the people not only am I gonna make it happen I'm gonna make your enemies pay forward I think God says I'm bringing you out of your bondage I'm bringing you out of that oppression I'm gonna bring you out take you through and take you in and I'm going to make your enemies finance my purpose in your life I know God spoke it to me as a man of God and I'm speaking it to you as the people of God God unmuted me i muted myself but you got to be open to what he's telling you he's gonna make your enemies pay y'all when the people the children of Israel came out of bondage they had been in slavery for hundred and thirty years they came out with gold and silver and resources and clothes where did they get him from they got it from the people who had oppressed him they got it from the Egyptians because God financed the move he was making in their life he made their enemies to finance his purpose I saw it happen even in my old life a friend of mine moved to from Florida to Indianapolis that's what interesting move to me most folk moves that I know I moved from Indianapolis where it's cold to Florida where it's warm he moved from warm Florida to cold Indianapolis a few years ago and what he made that move my friend called me out of the blue he said Jeffrey Johnson I didn't know you had haters in Indianapolis I said man what are you talking about he said man I didn't know you had haters in any and I thought you you born and raised here I thought you were one in Indianapolis favorite sons here I didn't know you had haters here I said man I don't know what you're talking about he said man I'm in a restaurant right now and as I'm in this restaurant I'm standing in line and there is a man who's in line in front of me and he's talking to a woman and anybody that would listen and he's dogging you out he's saying Jeffrey Johnson ain't this and Jeffrey Johnson ain't that and Jimmie Johnson ain't nobody and I would never go to this church and I'd never give a dime in that ministry I'd never get anything towards the work he's talking about and he's just dogging you out and then my friend said and I started to say something cuz I like the way he was dealing with that you ain't him here to defend yourself so I started to defend you and we said and I said man you don't have to worry about that he said nah man that's cold May making all that noise and you ain't here team say anything he probably don't even know you at all that hatred coming for time I hear he'll never support your work and never give you your ministry and you ain't about nothing I wanted to say I said man you have to say anything him and here's why you'll have to say anything to him but that restaurant you're in I'm very familiar with that restaurant because two of my members on that restaurant a husband and wife they own that restaurant they're members of our congregation and they're two of the most generous people in this ministry they give a tithe and an offering in it and they're very financially successful and they don't just give a tithe and offering but they also give to when we have our Thanksgiving basket of love and we give away food and resources at Thanksgiving they gives what's that and then during the Christmas season when we give to the poor as a way of giving birthday gifts to Jesus they give to that to their very generous hand heir now they and they break off something for me and my wife - you ain't say nothin to him my he'll never give towards the work I'm doing for God he'll never give towards the ministry and the church God has called me to you don't worry about that cuz the moment he pays for that food in that restaurant my members are gonna take those resources and give it at this ministry and give it to support the work of God and and pool it with other believers so what God is going to do is he's going to take what my hater is giving and use that to finance his purpose in my life that's my word to you don't you give up on God don't turn your back on God because God will take what other folk do against you and God will use it for you I'm gonna have my favor my hand to finance my move in your life and I'm gonna make your enemies pay for it I'm just want you to understand he's got the whole world I know it looks bad I know the wonders of God will make you wonder pandemic disease sickness unemployment economic downturn man you wonder if God is forced our guests as well it just all depends if you're for God no matter how bad it looks God it's for you the hand of the Lord is moving at you against God well it's gonna work against you because the hand of God is moving on behalf of his people he's got the whole world in his hand I opened this message talking about twelve-year-old how well how's not 12 years old anymore I told you about his dad dying because of the drunken driver running into them his mom spending months in the hospital church members showing the love of God bringing food over to him and and then he's struggling with his faith and trying to understand God well he's not held is not a 12 year old child at Ybor Howell is an adult mature Christian man and how Donelson now is the founder and CEO and president of convoy of Hope convoy of Hope is an international global relief program that goes all around the world to feed the hungry and bring relief in crisis in nations all over the world and how is the founder president and CEO convoy hope was the first ones on the scene when the levees broke in New Orleans convoy was the first on the scene in Puerto Rico when the hurricane hit and our own government wouldn't even show up but convoy hope showed up there with food and resources for them time where ho was the first on the scene in Asia when the tsunami hit I believe that was 2009 when the tsunami hit and all that all those problems showed up with the tsunami convoy hope was there with food and relief for people who were hurting and hungry convoy hope was first on the scene in Haiti that's how I got to Haiti they were first on the scene there and there they were feeding the hungry bringing resources to those who were hurting even in the most difficult time and even now in the pandemic convoy hope is going to provide 10 million meals for hurting and hungry families and bring resources to those that are going through difficulty inhale Donaldson is the the founder and president and CEO of that international relief program that is being offered and how did all of this come to be because a drunken driver ran into his father and took his life his mom had to spend months in the hospital but he saw the love of God in that tragedy with church people Christian people bringing food to relieve them in that season of their life and he heard the voice of the men and the women of God saying the hand of the Lord is in this situation and out of that when how I became an adult out of that experience when he got himself together he was trying to figure out how do I do for the poor and how decided here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to the grocery store he goes he testifies he goes to the grocery store he buys a bunch of groceries put him in the back of his pickup truck and he just drives into el he's in LA and he drives to the one of the poorest areas in LA and just starts giving groceries away to strangers who were hungry and as he would give groceries to them he would tell them God loves you and I do too and out of that his work became international and global where he's first responders when people are hurting the most and hungry and even in a pandemic will provide 10 million meals across this nation all because even when you're in it you may not be able to see it but the hand of the Lord is in this yo guys got the whole world in his hand he's got you and me brother in his hands he's got you and me sister in his hand he's got the little bitty babies in his hand and even when you don't understand it even when you don't see it his favor and his freedom and his finances show up to help us with his wondrous hand to address what we're dealing with you know I believe the Lord will make a way somehow when beneath the load I bow he will take away these burdens if you let him have your burdens now sometimes the world the load gets heavy and the weight is shown upon my brow but there's a sweet relief ignore it the Lord will bake away some of the law to make away somehow because he's got the whole world in his hands he's got you and me brother you and me sister in his hand it's time for you to give your life to Jesus I know you don't understand all this going on but God loves you and Jesus wants you to be saved you need to be a Christian and I'm gonna lead you right now the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I'm gonna leave you at a prayer once you'd repeat it out loud after me the moment you believe it you become a Christian you become a part of the family of God you you get saved repeat after me father I repent of my sins and I believe Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sin I believe you raised Jesus from the dead I receive Jesus into my life by faith please fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen since you prayed that prayer you're a Christian you're now on the family of God let me be the first one to welcome you into the family of God I thank God that you've been saved now please let us know here at ease to start church that you made that decision just email us at membership at Eastern star church not org membership at Eastern star church org and we want to get you connected now that you're a Christian you need a church home where you can grow and develop as a child of God and some of you you already a Christian you already say you you've accepted Christ but you didn't have a church over and you didn't know what God was up to now that you can look back on it and now you hear the man of God explaining it to you God's hand is moving in your situation you need a church home where you can grow and develop as a child of God so go ahead email us at membership at Easter star church dot org so we can get you connected amen praise the Lord I'm I'm so glad that the God we serve has so much favor on us that he finances his purpose in our life and God he just pours into our life and he meets all of our needs and now is our opportunity to come alongside those who are hurting who are going through and so this is time it's time for the offering and we want you to give generously our ministry we do so many things there's so many areas that we bless people in especially in the time of the pandemic the needs have gone up and because the needs have gone up what we do have had to go up and so thank you for helping us to provide thousands and thousands and thousands of meals during this pandemic every week that that is happening and helping us we connect it with a homeless shelter so we can provide beds and we can provide personal protection equipment and hand sanitizer and other things in masks for the homeless we don't want to forget about them we want to make sure we're taking care of them you're helping to make that happen we're still helping people in the crisis and with counseling and so many other things the Word of God is still going out across this nation in world as so many things are happening you make it happen when you give so thank you for your generosity and God's promise is this but he's not gonna let you beat him giving that the more you give to him the more he gives to you because when you give he gives back good magistrates pressed down shaken together and running over so you can give by just texting four five seven seven seven and then ESC in the message via four five seven seven seven ESC or you can give through our website Easter star church dot org ethos or Church org there's a tab there just click on that and then you'll be able to give that way or you can do like a few people are doing and they're milling it in the Eastern Star Church 5750 East 30th Street Indianapolis Indiana for six to one eight and so please give so that we can continue to do God's will and God's work let me ask God's blessing on our gifts today Lord in the name of Jesus Christ thank you for the freedom that you've given to us through your son Jesus Christ thank you for the favor and sometimes father your wonders make us wonder but we know you love us and that you're working all things together for good thank you for the financial freedom that you've provided to us the financial stability and the financial success that you've given so many of us and the other god we make these gifts available to you we give a tenth of our increase we give an offering on top of that their God we give to the poor we give to the least of lonely in the left out that's what you have designed for us to do never seen these gifts and bless them and stretch them and use it to get your gospel around the world and to come alongside those so many who've been forgotten in Jesus name we pray amen amen praise the Lord thank you for your generosity towards the work of God again thanks for streaming us please continue to tell your family and friends how to find us and remember every single day there is a daily devotional just something very short to get you through another day of this the craziness that we're dealing with and so we come with a daily devotion to encourage you and inspire you so just go ahead and subscribe to us on YouTube we and so that you can get this every day and be blessed and tell your family and friends about that too and all the other means during this time in which they can get to the gospel and and to the blessings that God has in this ministry let me go ahead and offer this benediction to you and I know God in the blessing business may God bless you and keep you may God have his face to smell upon you and be gracious unto you may God turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace and I pray that the favor of God will move in your life to bring you the delivers that you need in this season and I pray that it happened today and forever more in Jesus name Amen I love you very much god bless you
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 846
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: eastern star church, pastor jeffrey a johnson sr, indianapolis, indy church, indianapolis church, gospel, god, sermon, faith, hope, inspiration, motivation, jesus, love, christianity, He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
Id: U9Vt5CPX-_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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