Mothers Who Make A Difference | Mother's Day Sermon

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[Music] bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name my soul will make us boast of the Lord the Saints were here in me glad o magnify the Lord with me wherever you are less exalt his name together our God indeed is worthy to be praised let me say happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful mothers and grandmothers and those who have been motherly in somebody's life and I klore fat god with you today and I pray you have a wonderful wonderful Mother's Day and let me say happy Mother's Day to my own mother thank you for your love and support for me for my entire life and happy Mother's Day to my wife of our four sons and the grandmother of our grants so happy Mother's Day to you as well and I hope everybody has a blessed blessed Mother's Day on today and for those of you whose mothers your mother's going on to be with the Lord this is not a day to be sad and depressed you can still reflect and recall and remember the relationship you have with your mother and remember that the joy of the Lord is our strength it's time for the word of God and I want to ask us soup ask God's blessing on his word on for us on today Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts let them be acceptable in thy sight Lord you're our strength and Lord your Redeemer in Jesus name we pray amen amen today I want to preach about mothers who make a difference mothers who make a difference in Exodus chapter 2 we meet Moses's mom for the very first time and of course Moses it's probably the greatest person greatest character in the Old Testament Moses was a type of Christ Moses wasn't Christ but he was a type of Christ like Christ he was priest prophet and King like Christ Moses would get off to himself and spend time in the presence of God all and like Christ he fasted 40 days like Christ Moses willfully gave up a life of royalty for the sake of an enslaved people moses is probably the greatest person in the old testament but his mother had so much to do with that she's a mother that certainly makes a difference we meet her in Exodus 2 now you got to understand the context of Exodus chapter 2 the Hebrew people were living in Egypt and everything was going fine until chapter 1 of exodus says there was a pharaoh there was a king of Egypt the head of state in Asia who did not know Joseph Joseph was the son of Jacob that God used him raised him up in Egypt to be the second-in-command only behind that that passed Egyptian King that head of state and and it was Joseph that literally saved Egypt and Joseph that saved the known world and his descendants begin to move into Egypt and everything was fine until Exodus 1 says there was a head of state for that nation who was ignorant he was ignorant of Joseph's ignorant of the people to help make that nation great and out of that ignorance he began to implement policies and laws that really was destroying the Hebrew people the law was this that whenever a Hebrew girl was born then she could live but when a Hebrew boy was born he was supposed to be thrown into the Nile River and destroyed and that was what was going on when Moses was born but when Moses was born his mother didn't had him thrown into the Nile River and we meet her and see what she did in life of her son that made all the difference in him becoming such a great man and that's found in Exodus chapter 2 in verse 1 let me read it to you from the New Living Translation Exodus chapter 2 verse 1 here's what God's Word says up out this time a man and woman from the tribe of Levi got married the woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son she saw that he was a special baby and kept him hidden for three months but when she could no longer hide him she got a basket made of pap histories and waterproofed it with tar and pitch she put the baby in the basket and laid it among the reeds among along the bank of the Nile River it was Harvard University some years ago they did a study and after the study they did they they came to the conclusion that they could predict who the juvenile delinquents could be well Harvard University understood and so do we that if you can predict who the juvenile delinquents are you can pre you can prevent juvenile delinquency and here's what they said the home is so important to that they talked about the supervision of parents that you need parents who supervise their children who don't let their children do whatever they want to do whenever they get ready with whomever they please but parents that provide parameters and boundaries for their children and then the Harvard study said that you need parents who will discipline their children and he Gaudi was saying with us that he disciplines those that he loves discipline is an expression of love so you need parents who will provide some painful consequences to disobedience to teach their children obedience you have to have discipline and then Harvard study said that you have to know where your children are all time that you can't just let your children go with whomever they want whenever they want however they want you have to have you have to have knowledge of the way your children are at all time in Indianapolis where I grew up there was a popular radio station that said every night at 10:00 p.m. they said it's 10:00 p.m. do you know where your children are and then the Harvard study said if we're going to prevent this delinquency in children then there has to be affection there has to be love and of course the Harvard study is just now catching up with the Bible the Bible talks about discipline and supervision of pears the Bible says to bring up your children in the way in the Hat mission of the Lord the Bible says if you discipline your children you hate them because discipline is an expression of love so the Word of God has taught us the importance of home life and so when we meet the mother of Moses the way the reason why Moses could become such a great man and a great deliverer was because of the parental participation in his life his parents didn't just leave him alone and let him do anything but they participated in his life and they made a difference for him and one of the ways they participated was with prayer they they prayed for their son and we know this to be the case because if the text says that they were of the tribe of Levi his father was from the tribe of Levi Moses mom was from the tribe of Levi and we know Levi that's that's the Levitical priesthood and priests are the ones who go to God on behalf of people and so they became the priests in the home so here is Moses mom who's the priest in the home she went to God on behalf of her children she went to God on behalf of her family and that prayer made it there and prayer does make a difference I don't care what the crisis is what the trouble is what the issue is I guarantee you when you pray for your children it's going to make a difference in their life jesus said if you abide in me and my word abiding you you can ask what you will it shall be done unto you the Bible teaches us that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avail of much the prayer is has a positive effect prayer gets much done and that problem that I had I just couldn't seem to solve I prayed and I prayed but I kept getting deeper invited I turned it over to Jesus I stopped wearing about I turned it over to the Lord he worked it out keep on praying for your children I promise it'll make a difference in their life and not only did they pray but the mother of Jesus also the mother of Moses also protected Moses I know that there were laws that were put in place because of the ignorance of the head of state of that nation and those laws not destroying everybody but a certain color a certain culture a certain age a certain gender they didn't go after everybody it was a certain group of people that's how we know it was it was strategic we knew it was a system because it didn't affect everybody only a certain group of people and this boy Moses was a part of that group that was being destroyed all the ones his age they were being thrown into the Nile River all the ones of his culture were being thrown and destroyed in the Nile but his mother had the wherewithal to protect him to hide him for three months in the home because here's a mother that realized that though we are two-parent household and though the two parents both love God both know about prayer both love their family and their children but their child was still an at-risk child let me say to those of you who love the Lord and seeking to live your life right that doesn't mean that your children are not at risk there are some some some ignorant lawmakers and policy makers that are not trying to deliver your children but put in policies that literally lead to the destruction of your children that's why that home life is so important and significant and his mom began to protect him she didn't expose him to any and everything she didn't take him around any and everything she didn't allow everybody and anybody to come around because she's protecting her child no wonder that mom made a difference in his life and she provided for him provided for him here the text says in Exodus 2 that when Moses mom could not hide him anymore after three months he started getting older and bigger and and and she couldn't hide him anymore and so she would have made a basket and then made the basket with pitch and tar waterproof and then she put the baby in the basket and then put it the baby and the basket in the Nile River she she now has to put her son in the same environment taken out others that look like him that same age as he is the same gender same class same ethnic group now she's got to put him in the same environment that those children have been destroyed but but she offers some provisions for him she gave him something that would cause him to be able to make it when she's not around she put him in something that he would be able to sell through what the others were sinking in in the same environment they were in what they were being destroyed her son was being delivered because she gave him something that will float yo I don't care how holy we are and how we try to raise our children properly in the home at some point you got they got to come out of house and they got to get in that same environment of racism and racial division and social injustice and oppression the same environment where people look down upon them because of the color of their skin and no expectations own greatness in their life even in an educational system but in that environment you and I ought to have enough wherewithal as parents to give our children something that'll float that when others are sinking our children will sail when others are being destroyed our children will be delivered you got to give him something that will float and I'm sure that Moses mom put him in signed him up for all the sporting activities I'm sure Moses mom gave him some lessons to learn how to play musical instruments sure Moses mom put him in all kind of camps and bought him and made for him the latest garments and clothes for young people of that day but none of that stuff's gonna float in a pandemic none of that's gonna float in social injustice none of that's gonna float it racism we need she made sure her son had a relationship with God that's where all that prayer came in whatever else going with our children we're gonna give them something that will float we need to help them to get a relationship with Jesus and that'll float help them to get right with God through His Son Jesus Christ now that'll float help them get connected to a church where they can grow and develop as a child of God that will flow help them get in God's Word and to understand the Word of God in the revelation that comes from that that will float connect them with people who love God who love Jesus that will help them to sell when others are sinking and it wasn't just his his parents his mom and dad that helped Moses to make it through that difficult time the reason why Moses made it because he had the support from his sister Moses had a sister that supported him in a major way in Exodus 2 with his mom put him in that basket set him afloat down that Nile River his sister was walking at a distance but keeping her eye on the basket on and the baby she was making sure that that that basket didn't sell on out and into the vastness of the nile river she was making sure of that nothing evil would happen to her brother when he was in that nile river that she was watching out for her brother she was looking out for her brother she was taking care and making sure that her brother would be pulled out of the danger he was in he's in danger does everybody like it under him didn't make it in that environment he's in danger but he had a sister supporting him making sure that he's going to sail through this and get pulled out of it and let me say this about this brother sister she was able to help him to get out of it without her getting in it there's so many sisters with a love for brothers and want to support your brother so bad and one hey you know he's in danger you know he's gotten himself into something he shouldn't have gotten himself into and you thought if I could just get in it with him then I can put on the sister teaches us that you can get a brother out of something without getting in it yourself she's watching out for her brother she want to make sure that he doesn't get carried away she wants to make sure that he doesn't go too far and so she's watching out for her but thank God for the sisters that have kept an eye on the brothers thank God for the sisters that didn't give up on their brother matter of fact every time Moses life was saved a sister did it every time Moses life got in danger he needed to be saved it was a woman that did it first it was his mother that put him in that basket hid him for three months and it helped him to sail through what others were sinking in then it was his sister that watched over him that made sure he didn't get carried away made sure he didn't go under then it wasn't the Pharaoh's son that pulled him out of that that water it was Pharaoh's daughter that was a woman that rescued him then when he became an adult got married and ran into that bloody situation it was his wife Zipporah that delivered him it every time Moses life got saved it was a sister did it and it's not just about Moses I know I got some brothers that can testify with me that if we look back over our life and found ourselves and there's some crazy environments and situations we shouldn't have been in and out ready to get carried away that God navigated the circumstances the light to bring some sisters in to bring some women into our life and that was saved but I don't know where I would be without my mother and her love and support I don't know where I'd be without my biological sister and how she's come alongside me in so many ways I don't know where I'd be without my wife of 33 years and what she is meant to me and what God is doing and I could just continue to call names of sisters to help the brother out and brothers we got to be careful I the sister helps us that we don't get that we don't ignore the sister and we turn around and be a blessing to the sisters where would we be as a people had it not been for sisters so here is a sister supporting this brother and I love this because this sister helped her brother to get in a place at a position that she could never get into she did what was necessary to help this brother get to a place and a position and to live out his purpose one she would never be able to get to but she helped him to get there yeah because when Pharaoh's daughter pulled that baby out of that basket that's when Miriam jumped in - it ran over until you need you're a princess you don't need to raise your baby by yourself that's a beautiful baby that you need somebody there let me go get one of the Hebrew women to help you raise your baby and then that's when Pharaoh's daughter said yeah go find me some help don't get one of the Hebrew women and then she went my friend let me let me slow down let me just tell you the real story what happened with this let me give it to you straight she went back home told her mom mom listen put on your put on your outfit put on your shoes God is getting ready to bless us and the mother said what are you talking about mom I don't have time to explain it to you God is moving and we need to be in the right place at the right time just put your clothes and shoes on I'll tell you on the way and on the way she was telling that that that your son this the the princess pulled him out and she's claimed him as her own and now I'm going to find a Hebrew woman I'm coming to bring you I told her I'd find Hebrew want me to help raise that baby and when they got there that's when Pharaoh's daughter told Moses mom that I want you to help me raise my son the princess said and I'm going to pay you to help raise my son and of course you know what Moses mom was thinking you not paying me to help raise your son you paying me to help raise my son man we serve an awesome god that can make some holy hookups that could make some Christian connections that are able to get us in places that we couldn't have gotten there on our own but it was his sister's support that helped make that happen and now Moses is next in line to be the king of Egypt he's being raised as an Egyptian Prince that never would have happened had it not been for the support of his sister getting him in a place that she never could have gotten herself you talking about a sacrifice of a sister matter of fact what his mother was doing the sacrifices she was making and his sister the second yo we're looking at a mother who was sat facing so that her son couldn't make it has she been caught hiding that baby or putting that baby in that basket but she would have lost her life but she's willing to make a sacrifice so her son could make it I'm bringing that up because unfortunately we live in a time where there are parents who will sacrifice their children so the parent can make it but we need to get back to like Moses mom a mother that makes a difference who's willing to make sacrifices for your children so that your children can make it and so here is his sister they didn't give up on her brother there's a brothers in trouble a brother having to deal with the laws that are against him and the policies that are pulling others like him down but she didn't give up on that brother that's my word to assist her today don't give up on her brother you don't know what God has I know it looks bad now I know it looks crazy now but you don't know what God has in store for them there's a young man by the name of Caleb when Caleb was 18 years old Caleb was a four star football player in Mississippi Yazoo County Mississippi four star football player and he would ride the bus to go to school every day and in Yazoo County Mississippi is such a small community the kindergartners and seniors in high school we ride on same bus and everything in between and on one particular day there was a 14 year old girl - got on that bus and when she got on the bus she had a gun at 21 students on that bus and plus the bus driver and that 14 year old girl pulled out that gun we found out later she had been bullied there those who had harassed or she thought the only way to deal with this bullying was to address it with a gun and she had that weapon on that on that bus making threats and that's when Caleb went into action that that four star football player jumped up trying to talk her out of it but that didn't work and when she turned her head for a moment he tackled her and subdued her and that he was able to gather the gun together and say 21 live 22 lives counting the bus driver 21 children and the bus driver he became a national hero they had on all national programs I heard about it first on The Today Show they had Caitlyn but they were interviewing him on The Today Show is celebrating what he was able to do when you tackled her and you subdued her you got the weapon are you save lives then they asked Caleb this what were you thinking when you saw that 14 year old girl get on that bus with that gun in her hand what what went through your mind he said nothing went through my mind I didn't even I didn't even see her get on the bus I didn't see her come on with a gun in her hand and they said wait a minute you're the hero you saved the day you you subdued her you you saved those lives well you mean you didn't see her get on he says they're going cuz when she got on I was sleep he said I own the bus and I went straight to sleep and when she got on I didn't know she was even there he said but my 14 year old and 16 year old sister on the bus with me and when they saw what was going on my sister nudged me and when my sister nudged me that woke me up and when I woke up and could assess what was going on that's when I went into action that's when I tackled her that's when I said dude her that's when I got the victory when my sister woke me up all I'm trying to tell you sisters don't give up on a brother I know it looks bad I know he's sleeping through a pandemic I know he's sleeping through social injustice I know he's sleeping through the oppression he's sleeping through racism he's sleeping through a crisis I understand all of that but if you could just give him a nudge in the name of Jesus if you could just nudge him in the power of the Holy Spirit once he wakes up you don't know what that brother is gonna tackle you know when when our sons and daughters give their faith to Jesus Christ when anybody gets saved and the Holy Spirit moves in them there's you that the sky is the limit you don't know what God is going to do to use them and it's time for us as mothers and fathers sisters and brothers to give each other nudge in the name of Jesus and then it was the caring community that also helped Moses to make it thank God for his mother they made a difference but if it had not for somebody in that community coming alongside him and we know that was a bad that was racial divide it was oppression we're certain in society were being killed by those who were supposed to protect and serve and we were the ignorance of a head of state and not even having a knowledge of the people who helped make the nation great but in all of that that was a woman in that community that saw what was happening with that little baby and she pulled him out of the danger he was in the very thing that others were sinking in she they were being destroyed but she delivered us she pulled him out and then begin to raise him as her son that's Farrell's daughter this is a person of a different culture different class different color this is a this is a person that had no biological connection to this baby at all but decided I'm gonna have a sociological connection to you that I'm going you're not my son but I'm a raise you ask my son you're not my son but imma treat you as though you are my son you are not my son but I'm gonna pour into you as though you were my son thank God for community both of us of African descent living in America we know what community is all we know that it takes a whole village to raise a child we can't just leave that up to mothers and fathers to rear and raise children it takes a whole village all of us in community need to come alongside these boys and girls and many who are at risk and I tell you this and I know I'm not by myself in this I would not have made it had it not been for people in community that had no biological connection to me but decided imma treat you like my son you're not my child but I'm gonna treat you as though you are my child and I got a laundry list of names of people who came alongside me and now it's time for me to come alongside others in community that's what I'm trying to get across to us it it you don't have to have somebody that look like you act like you would think like you but it's time for us to embrace our sons and daughters in community and do what we need to do to pull them out of what they're in and that's exactly what Pharaoh's daughter did for Moses she drew him out matter of fact she named him drawn out that's what Moses means let me give you one more we're talking about making a difference in the lives of our sons and daughters many who are at risk caused a racism and social injustice because of oppression because of ignorance of so many who don't even realize who helped build the nation but it was the grace of God Moses never would have Marilyn I understand his mother and his sister understand community but had it not been for the grace of God Moses wouldn't become the deliverer we know him to be he wouldn't have become that type of Christ he wouldn't become that kind of man had it not been for the grace of God the grace of God and I know some of you said I don't see anything about no grace of God in Exodus chapter 2 yes you do let me show it to you his mother was she could not hide that baby any longer she made a basket that was waterproof and put it on the water why did she not make that basket the day before why did she make that basket on the next day why was it on that particular day at that moment that she would put that baby in that basket on the Nile River I'm trying to show you the Providence and the grace of God and then the wind why why is it blowing in the direction it was blowing why would it not blow in another direction and the velocity of the wind the speed of the wind that would carry that basket why was if it had gone any faster it would have passed the spot where Farrell's daughter had come down if it had gone any store when Pharaoh's daughter come to take her bath the basket she would have been gone before the basket got there I'm showing you the grace of God the reeds in the water that prevented the basket from going out to the vastness of the Nile River how is it the reeds were not shorter than that or why did they not grow any taller than that because God had them to grow at just right height to not hold up the basket or release the basket but to keep moving that basket in the Rob trying to show you the grace of God and when Farrell's daughter came to take her bat why does she not take a bath an hour ago why didn't she take the bath in the next hour because God was navigating the circumstances of life the Providence of God had moved in the grace of God had begun to move that's what I'm trying to tell you even when you don't see God's grace moving doesn't mean God's grace is not moving yeah that's why Moses mom didn't put that basket out there the day before the day after but it was that that day at that moment she put all that together and put him that's why the velocity of the wind wasn't blowing too fast or too slow but it right at just the right speed in just the right direction that's why those reeds we're not too short or too tall but just the right height to keep things moving in the right direction that's why fails daughter didn't take a bath an hour ago or in the next hour but at that moment that God designed and God was navigating the circumstances of life and putting all that together even without the knowledge of the mother or the sister or the knowledge of Pharaoh's daughter because that's the kind of God I serve a God of grace unmerited faith but God blessing you even when you don't deserve it and God blessing you even when you don't know he's blessing you and that's my word the mother's trying to make a difference in father's trying to make a difference don't give up on your children it may not look like it but God is making some moves you don't even know about this just happened a few days ago there was a woman who was eight months pregnant I think she was in like her 33rd week of pregnancy but then she couldn't catch her breath at home and she was struggling to breathe she was pregnant with twins and she couldn't breathe and then she went into labor she said her labor pains were like two minutes apart and she called her doctor said I can't breathe and my labor pains have set in and the doctor said get to the hospital right now I'll meet you at the hospital she gets to the hospital and they can't the oxygen won't even work to get her to breathe they're trying to pump oxygen in to her nose and through her throat but they can't make it it's not working and they told her we're going to give you a a kovat 19 tests we're taking you to the labor and delivery room she's in she's in labor but we're gonna give you a Kovac 19 tests they test their for Koba 19 minutes later they come back saying you have Kovac 19 that's why you can't breathe and then they induced a coma the anesthesiologist came in and put her in a coma on purpose for the protection of herself and the health of those twins that were still in her womb and then when that woman woke up three days later out of the coma that she was in a different Hospital and she said her belly was gone that's because she had given birth she didn't know if she started to ask where am i baby she's that's the first thing when she came out of her coma three days later in different house where where are my babies and somebody told your babies are just fine because while you were in a coma while you were sleeping while you were out of it what you didn't know what was going on we were able to deliver your babies that's my word to somebody that's the kind of grace that God has in your life and mine I know you worried about your children I know you're concerned about your family but even when you're out of it even when you don't know what's going on even when you're not aware God will breathe deliverance to your son and deliverance to your daughter that's what grace is all about that's why I'm a God for grace Amazing Grace how sweet the sound saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found blind but now I see through many dangers toils and snares I have already come it was grace brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me on and because of the grace of God in my life Amazing Grace will always be my song of praise because it was grace it bought my liberty I don't know why he came to love me so he looked beyond my faults and so money I will forever lift my as to calimary to view the cross where Jesus died for me how marvelous was that grace they caught my falling soul he looked beyond my fault and saw my knees and that grace is available for you right now if you really want to make a difference in the life of your family and community and world it starts with a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ and you can be saved right now a matter of fact I want to lead you to Christ those of you who've never invited Christ into your life with forgiveness of sin the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I'm gonna lead you in this prayer right now as I lead you in the prayer the moment you believe it as you call him on his name you should be saved the Holy Spirit moves inside of you saves you get you right with God come on follow me in prayer pray it out loud with me father I come right now I know what sin I admit I've done wrong I'm sorry for my sins father please forgive me of my sin I believe Jesus died on the cross I believe you raised Jesus from the day I receive Jesus by faith please fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that prayer then let me welcome you first to the family of God I receive you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ believe me we got a lot of people working behind the scene to make sure we can get that gospel to you so we want you to email us and let us know you made that commitment of faith today at membership at Easter starters our membership and decent our church org let us know you made that commitment of faith and let us get you connected to a church you need a place where you can grow and develop as a South dock and those of you who already say you know about that Gracie God you already Christian but you strayed from the church you didn't know what all I was working and then you see even why you wasn't aware God was making some moves and you know you need to reconnect with the church you need a place where you can grow and develop as a child of God email us at membership at Eastern Star Church dot org let us get you
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 7,371
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: eastern star church, pastor jeffrey a johnson sr, indianapolis, indy church, indianapolis church, gospel, god, sermon, faith, hope, inspiration, motivation, jesus, love, christianity, mother's day sermon
Id: REdK9oyWxgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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